Michael Daly: Five who were wrongly accused of raping Hofstra student have no reason to whine

Article here. Excerpt:

'If these five guys have no sense of shame, they should at least shut up.

No young woman would consent to having sex with five guys in a bathroom unless she was seriously troubled.

Any guy with even a trace of gentleman would have told everyone to leave this 18-year-old Hofstra freshman alone, then walked her to her room and left her in the care of a female friend or roommate.

Instead, the five apparently went ahead and had sex with her, one after another after another after another after another.

One even videotaped it with his cell phone.

Then surprise! She turned out to be as troubled as they should have known her to be in the first place.

She told her boyfriend and then the police that she had been gang-raped. The police locked up four of the guys while the fifth quaked in fear of joining them before he finally came forward with the video that showed the sex was consensual.'

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October is DV Awareness Month - Get Ready

Just a reminder; RADAR release here. Excerpt:

'Have you, or a person you know, ever been falsely accused of domestic violence? Targeted with a restraining order? Put in jail?

Each year over one million Americans are hit with a false or trivial accusation of partner abuse. It's now reached the point that domestic violence laws represent the largest roll-back in Americans' civil rights since the Jim Crow era!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the theme is "Restore Civil Rights to the Violence Against Women Act." DV Awareness Month is our opportunity to get word out that our nation's domestic violence laws have gone too far, harming innocent citizens and diverting scarce resources away from the true victims.'

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Equal Rights For Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have a bone to pick with my female counterparts. Feminism is all about each woman having the right to choose her own path. We should be allowed to do whatever we want in this life and not be judged by society’s arbitrary sex roles, right? Absolutely.

What about men? Do they enjoy this right?

Some examples:

Bob and Jane are a middle class couple. They have two children. They get an amicable divorce. There is a custody hearing. Both of them are good parents. Both of them want to be the primary custody holder. Who gets the children? Seriously, every single time, unless Jane lights up a crack pipe in the courtroom she will get physical custody. Bob is expected by society to be happy with every other weekend and two weeks in the summer. Don’t believe me? What would you think if you heard that a woman only saw her children every other weekend and a few holidays? I PROMISE you would think, “What did she do to lose her kids?” But, with men, that’s just the way it goes, right?

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'Four Things About the Hofstra Rape/Recant Story'

Article here. Excerpt:

'2) Did you notice how I just said "turn out to be false or are recanted"? Let's not confuse the two.

There's a widespread assumption that recanting an accusation means that you're admitting you lied. But in reality, lots of victims recant not because they made it up, but because they come to the unfortunate realization that it will cost them more, emotionally, to pursue justice than to let it go. We'll probably never now what happened in this case, but it's entirely possible that she was threatened by the accused perpetrators or their associates, interrogated by the police about her sexual history or what she might have done to "provoke" the attack, or blamed and slandered by the media or people in her community. All of these things happen all too often to rape victims who speak out. Let's not ignore the possibility that they happened here.'

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RADAR ALERT: Stop the Civil Rights Abuses; Prepare for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Have you, or a person you know, ever been falsely accused of domestic violence? Targeted with a restraining order? Put in jail?

Each year over one million Americans are hit with a false or trivial accusation of partner abuse. It's now reached the point that domestic violence laws represent the largest roll-back in Americans' civil rights since the Jim Crow era!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the theme is "Restore Civil Rights to the Violence Against Women Act." DV Awareness Month is our opportunity to get word out that our nation's domestic violence laws have gone too far, harming innocent citizens and diverting scarce resources away from the true victims.

We are asking each and every person who reads this Alert to participate in DV Awareness Month. You can attend one of the events sponsored by your state domestic violence coalition - see listing of coalitions at http://www.usdoj.gov/ovw/statedomestic.htm.

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UK: Mother guilty of daughter murders

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rekha Kumari-Baker, 41, admitted the killings but had denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Davina Baker, 16, and Jasmine Baker, 13, were killed with a kitchen knife in a frenzied attack in 2007.

A jury at Cambridge Crown Court took about 30 minutes to reach a verdict of guilty on both counts of murder. She will be sentenced on Tuesday.

The court heard Davina was stabbed 39 times at the house in Stretham, on 13 June 2007. There were defence wounds on the girl's body.
Jurors were told one theory was that Ms Kumari-Baker wanted to "wreak havoc" on her ex-husband David Baker by killing the girls.
Psychiatrist Lyle Hamilton - who was called to give evidence by Kumari-Baker's lawyers - said medical literature showed that women had killed children because they were "mentally ill" and because they were a "retaliatory type".'

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Speaker teaches men to avoid abuse, sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has been said that "It's a man's world," but some of us take that way too literally. In fact, sometimes such sexism can turn deadly.

"The foundation of manhood is not all that different for most men," said Tony Porter, co-founder of the group A Call to Men, which deals with issues of domestic abuse and sexual violence against women.

Porter, a nationally recognized public speaker, will be in Milwaukee and Madison this week to hold training sessions sponsored by various groups dealing with the issue.

Porter has held similar training sessions for the U.S. military, assorted colleges and universities and even the United Nations. He said his goal is to teach men to avoid the pitfalls of abusive and sexist attitudes toward women.
Porter has gained a national reputation for telling men how to do right by women, but much of his message also is about redefining what it means to be a man. His sessions are designed to show men just how much sexism remains as a barrier for women, but also a barrier for society in general.

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Australia: Elite school to fix gender gap

Story here. Excerpt:

'EXCLUSIVE Adelaide private school Pembroke is about to become even more so - particularly if you're a male.

The Kensington Park school has been granted a three-year exemption to anti-discrimination laws, allowing it to correct a gender imbalance within its junior ranks.

Boys will be turned away from Years 1 and 6, and girls will be turned away from Year 4.

The ruling by the Equal Opportunity Tribunal comes after the recent expiration of a previous similar exemption granted to the school in 2006.

According to evidence provided by the school to the Equal Opportunity Tribunal of SA, 61 per cent of Pembroke's 2010 enrolment for Year 1 and 6 will be boys, while Year 4 will be 60 per cent girls.'

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The Happiness Gap is back is back is back is back

Article here. Excerpt:

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Man faces dismal life after rape accusation, jail time

Story here. Excerpt:

'He was accused of rape and jailed for more than three months before officials realized they couldn't prove their case. The woman, a mental patient, apparently lied, prompting even the prosecutor to call her the most “out-of-touch-with-reality victim he'd ever seen.”

But the accusation did its damage — emotionally and financially. He has nothing left.

“Even being cleared, there is a fog that's quite heavy that hangs over me,” Doke said. “You can't get rid of it.”
Doke was jailed for that incident, but he was acquitted of all charges except one: obstructing a peace officer. While in jail, a female friend, Barbara, wrote to him every day. Then, later, he put a new engine in her truck, but he wouldn't return it to her until she paid him for it. She told police he stole it. He earned a misdemeanor theft by receiving charge, for which he remains on probation today.'

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Official: Charges 'likely' for Hofstra false rape accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

'The woman who falsely accused four men of gang-raping her in a Hofstra University dormitory bathroom is "likely" to face charges this week, a law enforcement official said, as the case became fodder for Nassau District Attorney Kathleen Rice's election opponent.

The woman, an 18-year-old freshman who has not been identified by authorities, probably will be charged "within days," said the official, who spoke Sunday on condition of anonymity because the probe is ongoing.

Nassau police and the district attorney's office are awaiting "a few pieces of corroborating evidence," the official said.
Watson, who was in charge of sex-crime prosecutions under former District Attorney Denis Dillon, said Rice should have charged the young woman "immediately."
While Rice has called the female student "a very troubled young woman in need of some help," Watson said decisions about "leniency" should be made "after charges have been brought."

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More On Plattsburgh's Women's Studies Program

Article here


'The Department of Gender and Women's Studies offers an array of diverse courses that cover a plethora of disciplines.

"We've been seeing a steady increase in students, and a lot of it is because of the Men and Masculinity course," Sharoni said.


The department focus has shifted from just women and their differences to gender and what it means to be male or female in a specific society.


"And the focus on gender allows us to also shift to issues that affect men, while continuing to focus on issues that affect women.

"One challenge is not to stereotype men. We see men in all societies who resist stereotypical, patriarchal models and the new models they present."

Critics claim gender studies is an attempt to take over the feminist agenda with studies on masculinity.'

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UK: 'Ladies only can park Heer!'

Story here


'Bosses at Heerema Hartlepool have cited reasons such as needing to find more spaces because of its growing workforce and trying to bring an end to an ongoing row which alleges that bays had been set up specifically for women.

Company officials spoke to the Mail after an irate worker at the site in Greenland Road sent a photograph to the Mail which had been posted in one of the parking areas and which claimed it was a women's only parking area.

The worker, who did not wish to be named, said it was gender discrimination and added: "The battle over women's parking has been an ongoing thing for over a year when Heerema put up signs stating that a certain area of the car park was reserved.'

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Hofstra Accuser Hiding Out In New York City

Story here


'She's been kicked out of college and is facing possible criminal charges. The woman who wrongly accused five men of rape is hiding out

Hofstra students told CBS 2 HD on Thursday night the case makes them angry.

"Her false accusations hurt a lot of people. Yes, it hurt the gentlemen who spent time it jail. It hurt the university. It hurt the university's reputation and it hurt Nassau County financially," student Zach Parker said.

"I think full charges should be pressed against her because that's just not right," Robert Koulakjian said.'

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Story here


'San Diego Charger's stud linebacker Shawne Merriman was arrested on September 6 for allegedly choking his girlfriend Tila Tequila Nguyen at his home and holding her against her will. Both charges were felonies under California law as according to San Diego County Sheriff's Lieutenant Gary Steadman, Tequila signed an arrest warrant against Merriman. Merriman was released from jail that morning shortly after 11 a.m. According to authorities, Tequila Nguyen did not appear to be hurt, but because she signed a formal complaint the police had no choice but to take Merriman into custody. Merriman contended he was trying to assist an imbibed Tequila Nguyen, to prevent her from driving; while facilitating her desire to get home safely. Clearly, this was a high profile case of he said, she said.'

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