Girl arrested on rape charge

Story here.

'Des Moines County Sheriff's detectives on Wednesday have arrested a Yarmouth teen on accusations she had sexual contact with two Mediapolis boys.

Kourtney Joy Babcock, 19, is in jail charged with three counts of third-degree sexual abuse. Each of the counts carry a potential penalty of 10 years in prison upon conviction along with other special sentencing guidelines such as lifetime supervision and sex offender registry requirements.

Authorities said the arrest stemmed from an investigation that started in July. Detectives said their office received a report that Babcock had sexual contact with two 12-year-old boys inside a home in Mediapolis.

Detectives allege Babcock "had performed multiple sex acts" with the two boys.'

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Deputies: Boy was 'stick skinny' in abuse case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A San Tan Valley woman has been charged with child abuse after deputies found her 14-month-old son so malnourished he couldn't hold up his head.

The mother, Rhandi Brown, 22, is free on bail after her Sept. 14 arrest.

According to Lt. Tamatha Villar, Pinal County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman, deputies discovered the baby when they responded on a domestic violence call to the home the woman shares with the child's father.

Brown allegedly stabbed the child's father Dec. 18, and she is charged with aggravated assault in that case.
Villar said the boy weighed only 13 pounds. Deputies at the scene described his arms and legs as "stick skinny," and he couldn't hold up his head.

His diaper was so soiled that the smell of urine was overwhelming.'

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Women plead no contest in boy's abuse

Article here.

'COMPTON, Calif.—Two Los Angeles women accused of burning, starving and beating the 5-year-old son of one of the women have pleaded no contest to causing corporal injury to a child.

The boy's mother, Starkeisha Brown, was sentenced to 15 years in prison after entering the plea on Friday. Her live-in girlfriend Krystal Matthews received a 14-year term.

The two would have faced 25 years to life in prison if convicted. They avoided trial by pleading no contest, and prosecutors said the boy won't have to testify.

The boy was found ill and in the care of a homeless stranger outside a county child services office in Compton in 2008.'

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'Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: The Wage Gap'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now we turn from the mostly meaningless college gap to the mostly nonexistent wage gap. It is quoted ad-nauseum that women make 75 cents for each dollar a man makes for the exact same work (it used to be 59 cents, now it ranges from 75 to 80). In response to this, Nancy Pelosi helped push through congress the Fair Pay Act. Furthermore, April 20th, 2010 not only represents a day we should all get stoned out of our gourds, it’s “Equal Pay Day.” This holiday (of sorts) symbolizes how far into 2010 a woman would have to work to make what a man makes in 2009 alone. Obviously this is a sign of discrimination; as Jessica Valenti, founder of, states rather bluntly, “the wage gap is like a big f*ck you to women.”

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The Great He-Pression: Men fall behind in higher education

Article here. Excerpt:

'What started as a "man-cession" is turning into a "Great He-pression."

The unemployment rate for men is running 2.7 percentage points higher than for women -- a "just unprecedented" spread, according to economist Mark Perry at the University of Michigan at Flint.

One obvious reason: The downturn has hammered manufacturing, construction and other male-dominated sectors, while going easier on female-heavy fields such as health care and education.

But a less-appreciated factor could make an even bigger difference in the long run.

For years now, women have been earning the most college degrees. That trend is accelerating, leaving experts to wonder if men are somehow missing the latest economic wake-up call.'

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Trial date set in recanted rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Dec. 14 trial date has been set for a Thurmont woman who recanted rape allegations after the man she accused had spent two months in jail.

Samantha Carter-drabczyk, 29, faces three counts of making a false statement to police, a crime punishable by as much as six months in jail and a $500 fine for each conviction.

On Friday in Frederick County Circuit Court, Assistant Public Defender Matthew J. Frawley asked Judge Theresa M. Adams to have a prosecutor from another county assigned to the case.
She recanted her allegations in a meeting with four people: Angel, Littleton, Moffatt and Cpl. Jason West, a sheriff's office detective who later obtained the criminal charges based on Carter-drabczyk's March 16 statements, according to court testimony.'

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Pittsburgh police: Van abduction, rape a 'hoax'

Article here.

'PITTSBURGH - Pittsburgh police say a 15-year-old girl made up a story that she was forced by two men into a van then driven to a wooded location where one of the men raped her.

The girl claimed the incident happened just before noon Tuesday in the city's Carrick section, as she got off a bus and was walking toward Carrick High School.

But in a news release Wednesday, police say the girl had argued with her parents earlier that day and fabricated the report to keep from being punished.

Police and the Allegheny County District Attorney are discussing whether to charge the girl with making a false report to police, but no charges were filed immediately.'

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Washington Times: Fight campus feminist follies

Article here. Excerpt:

'The ugly face of female oppression is all around us. But the source might surprise you. Females are favored on college campuses for scholarships and sports, so it's not educational opportunity that we lack. In fact, female co-eds now dominate universities in both numbers and in special programs available to them.

With plenty of government grants for businesses run by women, we've got advantages there, too. And innumerable labor laws protect women in the work force from discrimination.

It's obviously not the modern American male that is oppressing women. A growing majority of men are so careful not to offend that many of them don't even open doors or compliment women anymore. Many men are scared to treat women like ladies - let alone deny them opportunity - for fear that the bitter voice of feminism will rise up and call them bigots.'

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Oregon: False rape charges follow man

This is a great story. I came across your website and wanted to share this. Please check the link and story out. Who more to help this innocent man then you.

I’m afraid you may be unaware of a great injustice currently happening in Bend, Oregon. Local prosecutor Jody Vaughan is currently pursuing false rape charges against a local man. Her tactics are less than ethical and has built “evidence” she knows to be based on lies.The evidence against the alleged “victim”, proving SHE is a repeat liar and crier of wolf is incredible and hard to overlook; unfortunately that is exactly what the Deschutes County District Attorney’s office is doing.

As a woman, a mother and a victim of rape and sexual assault, it is extremely important to me for a woman to feel safe to report sexual abuse of any kind. I know firsthand the personal power that is regained when looking an offender in the eye and sending them to prison.

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Karla Homolka Teale's 'pact with the devil'

Essay here. Excerpt:

'As we saw in the aftermath of the Moors Murders, it’s not unknown for gender co-operation between malefactors to break down when they’re threatened with a police enquiry, with the massive sanctions of the law brought to bear. Often an enthusiastic partnership is refuted by the female partner at the last. She hastens to turn Queen’s evidence or People’s evidence and lay the lion’s share of the blame at the feet of her ‘dominant’ colleague. Is it the basically law-abiding nature of women that causes this late change of mind, or is it fear of being faced with the consequence of former actions? Is it rectitude or timidity?

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The Male Brain: What's Really Going On in There

Article here

It was just a matter of time until a (biased) female journalist got her hands on the recent brain science, and then put an anti-male/pro-female spin on it.


'The more science learns about how men are different from us (right down to the structure of their brains), the more we find ourselves hoping it will finally explain some age-old mysteries. For instance:

Why do men keep their cars spotless but live like pigs at home—while for women it's the other way around?'

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'The Breakup' - Bud Light Commercial

Budweiser is already on our boycott list and this new commercial might be their worst. A man and woman are driving in a car and he asks her several times if she's going to break up with him. Eventually she gets so annoyed, she proceeds to open the passenger door and throw the man out of the moving car.

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The Canley Heights Killings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canley Heights is a suburb in Sydney’s southwest. During the first years of the millennium it threatened to become an incubator for Australia’s violent murderesses.

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CDC's response to circumcision emails

After sending the CDC an email (discussed here), I received the following reply:

Thank you for your inquiry to CDC-INFO. We are sorry for the delay in responding to your email. A recent high volume of inquiries has slowed our response time. In response to your comments on CDC's male circumcision recommendations, we are pleased to provide you with the following information.

Some recent reports have speculated about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) upcoming public health recommendations on male circumcision for HIV prevention in the United States.

It is important to note that the recommendations are still in development and CDC has made no determination at this time about the final content. CDC is employing a deliberative, evidence-based process for developing the circumcision recommendations, which allows for both external and internal CDC experts to provide input. CDC will also publish draft recommendations for public comment before the content will be finalized.

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Hofstra update & feminist response: ignore data, blame victims, divert attention‏

From Marc A.: To no surprise, the Hofstra false accuser will not be prosecuted. And, as expected, the feminist response (below) is to: (1) say false rape claims are rare, and ignore empirical research showing otherwise; (2) say the harm is to "real rape victims" while ignoring the harm to the falsely accused who are the "real victims"; (3) say the lesson to boys is to not act like these 5 boys did (i.e., blame the victims with your moral value judgments, as though *they* did something wrong); and, (4) say the lesson to girls is to "respect yourselves" (another personal value judgment about the sex act that ignores the CRIME committed and the HARM done). UNBELIEVABLE. Please respond to this sexist garbage if you have time. And BTW, Cathy Young did a much more fair and objective article at

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