I Don't See Any Reason for Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women have real reasons to fear feminism and we do young women no service if we suggest to them that feminism itself is safe. It is not. To stand opposed to your culture to be critical of.

Institutions, behaviors, discourses when it is so clearly not in your immediate interest to do so. At its best, the feminist challenge of individualism, of narrow notions of freedom, is transformative, exhilarating, empowering.

I feel like I live in a world that is extremely sexist against men. We are living in a society that has become extremely misandry’s and I am becoming increasingly afraid that if I have a son he will grow in a world that ignores his issues and attempts to make him feel guilty because he is a man.

The modern women's movement is derailed -feminists are no longer content with equal rights-now the demand is exclusive special privileges".'

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Debra Winger says #MeToo movement has 'gone ridiculously too far'

Article here. Excerpt:

'"The plates are shifting," she shared. "In some ways, it's pulled ridiculously too far. Part of it is that I'm the mother of three young white males, so I'm looking at things that they're experiencing, and things that my girlfriends of all different backgrounds are experiencing [and] it hasn't quite found its steady point yet where there's room for everybody."'

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AU: Backlash prompts St Kevin’s to ditch respectful relationships project

Article here. Excerpt:

'The survey included statements on wellbeing, such as: overall, I am a failure; I sometimes cheat; and I do not like my parents very much.

Other statements on boys’ attitudes included: acting manly should be the most important goal for guys; getting made fun of helps guys become tough; being thought of as gay makes a guy seem like less of a man; and if a guy has a girlfriend, he deserves to know where she is all the time.

The boys were also asked how often their father took on household responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and parenting.

They were asked if they had been insulted or threatened on social media and had made sexual comments to a girl they did not know, and how often they had been drunk, taken drugs and been in physical fights.'

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Court Awards Full Custody to James Younger’s Mother but Requires Permission for Puberty Blockers, Gender Surgeries

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'A Texas judge has granted full custody of eight-year-old James Younger to his mother, who has fought publicly to transition her son into a girl against the father’s wishes.

Judge Mary Brown granted full custody to Anne Georgulas in an order on Tuesday, awarding the mother exclusive control over James’s primary residence, counseling, medications, education and extracurricular activities. It allows Georgulas to withhold information from Jeff Younger, James’s father, “regarding the children’s extracurricular activities, school functions, school enrollment, counseling, and medical care.”

However, while Georgulas has the exclusive right to consent to James’s medical procedures, the order notes that that power does not extend to hormone-suppression therapy, puberty blockers, or transgender reassignment surgery.'

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Exclusive: Ryan Adams: ‘I Felt Like They Were Asking Me to Die’

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'Self-doubt is a frequent companion these days for the once widely acclaimed recording artist and seven-time Grammy nominee. At 46, Adams’s life and career are shattered, and much of the vibrant circle of trusted friends and musicians he knew is gone. In most cases, they left without a word. Their exit abruptly followed an article published February 13, 2019, in the New York Times under the headline: “Ryan Adams Dangled Success. Women Say They Paid a Price.” The newspaper alleged a pattern of sexual misconduct and emotional abuse, of obsessive and retaliatory behavior with several female artists, including one fast-rising discovery, Phoebe Bridgers.

In the article, Adams’s ex-wife, actress-singer Mandy Moore, accused him of emotional cruelty and sabotaging her music career. And, most damaging, the Times said Adams traded sexually explicit messages online with an underage girl.

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‘Suicide Squad’ Star Joel Kinnaman Gets Restraining Order Against Model Who Accused Him of Rape

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'The Suicide Squad and For All Mankind actor Joel Kinnaman has been granted a restraining order against Bella Davis, the model whom Kinnaman said tried to extort money from him after a brief consensual sexual relationship.

NBC News said a judge granted a temporary restraining order that expires on Aug. 30, the day Kinnaman and Davis are scheduled to have a hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Variety said Davis, who was born Gabriella Magnusson, has accused Kinnaman of raping her while she was intoxicated three years ago in New York.

But Kinnaman said in an Instagram post Friday that he sought a restraining order because Davis has made “daily threats of physical harm” against him and his family, and promised to destroy his reputation “with fabricated, vile rumors unless I agree to a list of demands that includes money, Hollywood connections.”'

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Olympics double down on wokeness, eliminate long standing event in name of gender equity

Article here. Excerpt:

'The sport consists of race-walking your way to victory over a 50 km (~31 miles) stretch, which is much more grueling than it sounds.

Introduced as an Olympic sport in 1932, the event will make its final appearance at the Games this year — at least, in its original format — after officials deemed the competition unfair because these same officials haven’t created a women’s version of the same competition.

According to the report from News.com.au, "The Olympic committee has decided the race does not fit with its stated mission of gender equality. It is the only event on the Olympic program that has no approximate equivalent for women. Rather than add a women’s race, they will bring in an unspecified mixed-team race walking event."

They came, they saw and they sashayed their way into your hearts. Not anymore. These Olympic athletes will no longer be able to participate in their sport because biological women don’t have a chance … something that the Olympics committee has certainly overlooked in recent memory.'

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Utah universities are changing how they handle female-only scholarships. Here’s why.

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'The branch awards the scholarship to a woman who lives in Salt Lake County and has “had an interruption in her formal education,” according to Amanda Barusch, who runs the group’s scholarship fund. For the past couple of years, the award has been administered through the U.’s scholarship office, she said.

These types of single-sex scholarships — which have largely focused on helping women get into underrepresented fields and assisting single mothers earn college degrees — have come under scrutiny in recent years, though, as some advocates argue that they violate Title IX by favoring one sex over the other.

As of July 2, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights had investigations open at schools in 42 states and Washington, D.C., over complaints about single-sex scholarships.

Five of those investigations are in Utah, at the U., Brigham Young University, Salt Lake Community College, Utah Valley University and Weber State University. All of them were opened last year, between May and August.'

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India: Sex with woman on false promise of marriage is rape: Allahabad high court

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'In a significant decision, the Allahabad high court has said that sexual intercourse with a woman on the false promise of marriage is rape and stressed on the need for making law to deal with such cases.

A single bench comprising justice Pradeep Kumar Srivastava made the observation while denying bail to a man, who is accused of raping a woman on the false promise of marriage and was later arrested after a case was lodged against him in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur town.

''Rape is considered as the most physically and morally reprehensible crime in a society and has a long lasting effect on the mind of victims...sexual intercourse with the victim on the pretext of false promise to marry is, and ought to be an offence of rape under the penal provisions,'' the court said.'

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Government of Canada announces recipients of $100-million Feminist Response and Recovery Fund

Article here. Excerpt:

'Advancing gender equality is a key priority for the Government of Canada. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified systemic and longstanding inequalities, with women and girls disproportionately impacted by the crisis. Women have faced job losses and reduced work hours, shouldered the majority of the additional unpaid care responsibilities at home, and continue to be on the front lines of the pandemic. As Canada moves towards an inclusive recovery, meaningful progress to advance gender equality is needed now more than ever to ensure no one is left behind.

To further support critical recovery efforts led by the women's and equality-seeking movement, today the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, announced 237 projects to receive funding under the $100 million Feminist Response and Recovery Fund call for proposals.

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BYU Study Finds That Boys Who Embrace "Princess Culture" Are Less Likely To Have "Toxic Masculinity" In Possibly The Worst Study Ever

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'Ahh yes, BYU. The school known for progressive thoughts on sexuality and the roles of men and women. Here to teach our young boys how to be through the Disney Princesses. The study says that boys who watch these movies (which the study described as "princess culture" as a means to make their study seem more important than just watching Disney movies) are more likely to express their emotions in relationships in positive ways.
I had feelings. Same thing with Ariel. When she was swimming around shaking her tail I didn't know what was going on, but I knew I had to get to the bottom of the ocean and quick. I mean they fucking told us exactly what to do with Ariel. There's an entire song about what would be considered "toxic masculinity" in Little Mermaid.'

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Young man cleared of multiple false rape accusations at trials this summer

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'A young man who faced multiple rape accusations from three separate girls was cleared of all charges at two separate criminal trials this summer.

Khristian Suthers, now 23-years-old, is attempting to put his life back together after the false accusations placed him behind bars and stripped him of his freedom.

During the first part of 2020, Suthers was living with a relative who happened to be in a romantic relationship with another individual.

That partner had a young daughter who also lived in the residence with them.

The girl, her older half-sister, who sometimes stayed at the home, and a 16-year-old neighbor girl, who was friends with the two sisters, would all claim that Suthers raped them.'

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At America’s best universities, accused students aren’t presumed innocent, report says

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'Top universities have developed three tiers of justice for students accused of sexual misconduct and other offenses, stacking the deck against defendants, according to a new report by an education watchdog.

The report by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) comes as the Biden administration appears poised to push schools back from Title IX regulations adopted last year to establish due process in university investigations and disciplinary proceedings.

FIRE examined 53 top universities’ policies for adjudicating complaints, particularly those involving sexual harassment, which fall under regulations implemented by the Trump administration in 2020. Those regulations were designed to restore protections for accused people after the Obama administration had forced schools to lower the standard of evidence used in such cases from “clear and convincing” to a “more likely than not.”'

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Wharton Is First Elite M.B.A. Program to Enroll More Women Than Men

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'The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania will mark a milestone this fall: A majority of incoming M.B.A. candidates will be women.

The business school, one of the most highly ranked in the U.S., said that 52% of its new fall cohort will be female, marking the highest percentage of women enrolled in its 140-year history.

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Fox Sports’ Doug Gottlieb Takes Offense After CNN Uses his Simone Biles Commentary to Blast ‘White Male Talking Heads’

Article here. Excerpt:

'After Simone Biles pulled out of an Olympic event to focus on her mental health, Fox Sports Radio host Doug Gottlieb underlined what he considered to be a “double standard” in sports. Wednesday morning, CNN lumped Gottlieb’s commentary into what they considered a group of “White male talking heads.”

“Why would you do that?” Gottlieb tweeted Wednesday afternoon, clearly annoyed by CNN’s label. “If you want to have me on, it isn’t hard to reach out, but the labeling of my race makes my commentary somehow race based?”
During the segment on CNN hosted by Brianna Keilar, she called out Gottlieb, Piers Morgan and Charlie Kirk for their commentary on Biles. Keilar also noted Biles as “the only survivor of [Larry] Nassar’s campaign of abuse representing her team USA,” while CNN’s chyron read, “White male talking heads question courage of Simone Biles.”'

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