Carey Roberts: USA Today Rejoices in Man-cession, Hails Rise of Gender Equality

Essay here


'The essay's pretzel logic is so outlandish that I promise to keep a straight face as I explain it to you.

And the article's original title was so outrageous that within hours the USA Today editors felt compelled to tone it down. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

It's no secret that men been hit hard in the current recession. The USA Today article acknowledges that men have lost 74% of jobs since December 2007, with women losing the remaining 26%. The reason is men predominate in construction and manufacturing, sectors that have suffered a massive hemorrhaging of jobs.

Most would view these numbers with dismay and even alarm. In many families men are the primary breadwinners and men's job loss hurts their wives, children, and dependent parents. And unemployment is emotionally devastating to many men.

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Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him

Enough already! I have personally had it! Women can be and are savages! This story as far as I am concerned takes the cake. I have never heard of a man looking for a kid he put up for adoption, finding that kid and then raping him or her. Never heard of it! Yet, here is a woman that did just that! I have heard of men looking for long lost kids and upon finding them they tried to be the fathers that they always wanted to be. They stepped up and became fathers. Women on the other hand look for long lost kids of theirs just to become: RAPISTS! Enough is enough. I have had it. Excerpt:

'Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

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New reason to file a false rape report - road rage

See below for the complete story.

[Link to story here]

Advice for men: never cut off a woman in traffic.

'Newport News detectives have charged Megan McLane, 18, with one count of filing a false police report.

McLane had called police on Wednesday afternoon saying she had been stopped along the side of the road in the area of Jouett Drive when a man opened the car door and attacked her. McLAne said the man placing a cord around her neck and began to choke and beat her as he pulled her from the car toward a nearby wooded area.


McLane stated he continued to beat her and hold her on the ground while attempting to remove her clothing. She said that once she was able to kick her assailant he left the area.

A large number of detectives, as well as forensic technicians, were sent to the area to begin processing the scene for any possible evidence and to canvass the neighborhood for possible witnesses.

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"What is a feminist anyways?"

Interesting vid on YouTube here. People in a college food court are asked what they think a feminist is.

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CBS Evening News: "Does Wall Street Need More Women?"

This story was at best a male-bashing farce. In it, they made two claims:

1. Report Shows Hedge Funds Run by Women Outperformed Those Run by Men, Whose Risk-Taking May Have Fueled Financial Meltdown

2. The evidence: a recent report showed that while all hedge funds had an annual return of almost 6 percent, hedge funds run by women did better with a return of 9 percent.

Of course, they never mention the "recent report" - like who conducted the research for it, or what hedge-funds were examined.

I would like advice on how to combat this type of male-bashing.

I did a small amount of research of my own, I found a list of hedge-funds that were all up by 10 or more percent:

John Paulson of Paulson & company - up 20%.
Philip Falcone - up 42% through Harbinger Capitol Partners.
Peter Theil's - Clarium Capitol Management - up 50%.
Andrew Lahde's short credit fund - up 10%.
Matt Luckett - Balestra Capitol - up 13%.
Dan Arbess - Perella Weinberg Partners Xerion - up 25%.

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UK Charity Warns of Male Circumcision Risks

Article here. Excerpt:

'A national charity has called for wider awareness of the risks of circumcision, as the inquest is held into the death of a 16-day-old baby following a religious ritual two years ago.

Amitai Moshe died in 2007 following a ritual circumcision in North London and the inquest into his death began at Hornsey Coroner's Court on Monday.

The inquest follows one in Windsor earlier this year which concluded that baby Celian Noumbiwe had bled to death within hours of a circumcision at a doctor's surgery in Reading.

Many parents who consider circumcision necessary for ritual reasons believe that the operation is harmless in early infancy, and that it will bring benefit to the child.'

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Baby died of 'natural causes' after circumcision at Golders Green Synagogue

Story here


'A JEWISH baby boy died from natural causes after a circumcision procedure in Golders Green, a coroner has ruled.

Amitai Moshe was just a week old when he underwent the traditional operation at Golders Green Synagogue on February 1, 2007.

Today, Coroner Andrew Walker ruled the procedure had nothing to do with the boy's death, with was caused by sudden infant death syndrome, commonly known as cot death.

Amitai, of Sandringham Road, Golders Green, collapsed in his mother Yotvat Geva-Moshe's arms more than 30 minutes after the procedure, and turned blue while bleeding from the nose and mouth as guests at the service rushed to help.'

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Student paper commentary re the economy: Guys, this is your fault

Article here. No registration required to post comments. Excerpt:

'When an overweight frat boy spills his beer all over me at Kilroy’s, I blame him. For obvious reasons, I extrapolate that blame to all the rest of mankind. My drenched shirt is, clearly, a man’s fault.
And when the economy comes crumbling down, crashing under the weight of the imploding financial sector ... that’s right – I blame men.

Credit crunch? Global economic downturn? Oh, they have guilty male fingerprints all over them.

Now, boys, in all fairness, I am no anti-male feminist. Before you throw my column down, muttering under your breath “stupid man-hater,” hear me out (I know, I know, listening has never been one of your stronger skills, but bear with me).'

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CBS: Does Wall Street Need More Women?

Story here


'If there had been a critical mass of women over a period of time at the decision-making tables, would we be in the place that we are in today? I don't think so," Zehner said.

The economic meltdown might not have been as severe, she says, if more women were in the executive suites on Wall Street.

Quoting a post-meltdown refrain: if instead of Lehman Brothers, it were Lehman Brothers and Sisters.

That's why at Pax World Mutual Funds, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, three of the firm's six portfolio managers are women.

"I do think that when women are at the table, there's a richer discussion on issues like risk and that you make better decisions because of their input," said Joe Keefe, president and CEO of Pax World.

"It's not just the right thing to do anymore just because it's the right thing," Zehner said. "It's the right business thing to do."

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Maine Rape Hysteria update

The main website that has majority of the info on this case is here. This YouTube video is very compelling in this matter. Excerpt:

'In 1690's New England was gripped by the Witch Hunt Hysteria which destroyed the lives of countless innocent people and their families solely by the false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Today, over 300 years later, a new insidious Rape Hysteria grips a small community in Maine's Bar Harbor region, and again, countless lives are being ruined solely by false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Numerous men have been arrested and jailed in Ellsworth Maine, often solely because of someone's accusations. Some of the accused men spend many months in jail until they are finally tried on the flimsiest or even fabricated evidence. Virtually every man who is accused gets arrested, charged, and has his life publicly ruined.

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Turkish court awaits genital recovery

From the tone of the first sentence of this report, it seems the man would be the one to blame if his penis gets cut off. Excerpt:

'Guys, here's a sharp reminder why you shouldn't make your wife/girlfriend/lover angry when you're dead, stinking drunk.

Yahoo new reports on the case of a Turkish woman whose jail sentence hangs on whether or not her former lover regains full use of his penis. Earlier this year the woman had, in a fit of anger, cut off her drunken lover's penis and thrown it from their apartment window.'

Written by some cretin called Mitch Kowalski.

So, using Mitch's logic, a woman should never make a man angry or he's liable to gouge her vagina out with a craft knife. AND it would be her own fault for making him angry?

I think she should be given a stern jail sentence. A 150 years should do it. With maybe 5 years off for good behaviour?


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San Joaquin seeking death in Sandra Cantu case

Story here. Excerpt:

'San Joaquin County prosecutors will ask for the death penalty for the Sunday school teacher accused of raping and murdering an 8-year-old playmate of her daughter in Tracy, authorities said Thursday

Melissa Huckaby, 28, was indicted in July on a murder charge and three special circumstances in the death of Sandra Cantu - including that she killed during the commission of a rape - that make her eligible for execution if convicted. Huckaby was also accused of sexually assaulting a child younger than 10.
Huckaby pleaded not guilty at a hearing Thursday in San Joaquin County Superior Court. Judge Linda Lofthus revealed that the defense had hired a change-of-venue expert from California State University Chico, suggesting that Huckaby wants to move her trial elsewhere.'

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"Christianity Today" Women's Blog: "The Case for Male Circumcision"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'What mother hasn’t, in the halcyon days after the birth of a son, felt her ferocious she-wolf instincts kick in when it comes time for her boy to be circumcised? Having perhaps suffered violence to her genitals during the birth, the physical ache to all that is vulnerable in her world can seem unbearable. And then it is done, and life goes on.

Anti-circumcision activists would have us believe that life does not in fact go on, that boys grow into men whose sexual pleasure (and that of the women they love) is compromised by this act of “genital mutilation.” While increasing numbers are swayed by both argument and sentiment, I’m stupefied by the controversy.

Male sexual pleasure is not my highest priority, having rarely witnessed a lack thereof. Nor is my own, if in fact I’m speaking out of my ignorance of the delight foreskin can deliver. What I am concerned about is sky-rocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and the gender inequality evident in these rates.'

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Australia: Doctors recommend no circumcision until boy is at least six years old

Article here. Excerpt:

'PARENTS who want to circumcise their newborn son should wait until he is old enough to make his own decision, Australia's peak body of pediatricians says.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians will not change its policy against circumcision despite mounting evidence that the procedure can prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

A long-awaited position statement by the college's pediatrics and child health division released last month differs from the previous policy, issued in 2004, by acknowledging that circumcision does have some medical benefits, such as protection against urinary tract infections in infants, HIV transmission and penile cancer.

But it says the potential complications of the surgery and anaesthesia, such as infection and bleeding, mean any benefits ''do not warrant a recommendation of universal circumcision for newborn and infant males'.

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UN report: Male circumcision 'cost-effective' to curb HIV spread

Article here. Excerpt:

"UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Male circumcision is a cost-effective means to prevent the spread of HIV, a new UN report said on Wednesday.

The study, published in the journal PLoS Medicine, found that one HIV infection could be prevented for every 5 to 15 procedures performed on heterosexual men.

The procedure is expected to control the cost of preventing one HIV infection in high HIV prevalence areas between 150 U.S. dollars and 900 U.S. dollars within 10 years.

First-line treatment usually costs over 7,000 U.S. dollars during a lifetime, and will double if involving second-line therapies, the report said.

With each circumcision procedure costing between 30 U.S. dollars and 60 U.S. dollars, "circumcising sexually active males of any age is likely to be cost saving," it said."

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