Gail Walker: Why do we still believe women are 'fairer' sex?

Article here. Excerpt:

'When nursery school teacher Vanessa George from Plymouth and Angela Allen from Nottingham - together with Colin Blanchard from Rochdale - pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children, everyone was 'shocked'.

There's been no end of thought pieces in the media, focusing on how the crimes were made more chilling because two of the three offenders were women. And that the three, who had never met before their trial, goaded each other to act via the internet. A shocking, yet so modern crime.

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10-Year-Old boy gets $260 fine, misdemeanor charge for leaving classroom

Story here. Excerpt:

'EL PASO, Texas -- It all started with a phone call. “Well, the school called me it was about nine, and told me that my son had an incident at school,” said Charity Walka, recalling a morning about a month ago.

But little did Walka know that her son’s trouble in class would hit her in the pocket. She said her son has a behavioral disorder and was on medication and couldn’t stay awake in class at Travis Elementary School.

"So he fell asleep again, and when they tried to wake him, he got angry,” Walka said.

She said her son then left the classroom after a teacher tried to restrain him. She said her son also made noise in the hall and he laid down on the floor and wouldn’t get up. For disrupting class, officers at El Paso Independent School District gave her 10-year-old son a ticket for $260 and it is a Class C Misdemeanor. She said her son did not hurt anyone.

"It was just devastating. I was just so angry. He doesn't understand," Walka told KFOX.'

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UK: Pilot for male violence victims

Article here. It looks like England is likely to lead the way, internationally, on male victims of DV (along with Holland, which now has government-funded battered men's shelters). The media and government of England have finally become more honest about the issue, and now they're forming a pilot program for male victims. Excerpt:

'A support service to help male victims of domestic violence is being piloted in Hampshire.

Honour based violence and forced marriage will also be targeted by the team in the one year project across Fareham and Gosport.
If successful it could be rolled out across the country.
Jude Ruddock-Atcherley, from Hampshire County Council, said more men were coming forward as victims of domestic violence.

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Great turnout for NCFM-sponsored film "Support? System Down" in Atlanta‏

Via Marc A.: On September 24-27, 2009, the NCFM-sponsored documentary film Support? System Down by filmmaker Angelo Lobo had an excellent turnout at the Peach Tree International Film Festival in Atlanta and was the highest-ranking film on the buzz meter.

The film, which includes an interview with NCFM's president Harry Crouch, examines the problems related to the child support system in the U.S. including issues such as draconian guidelines, flawed data, paternity fraud, procedural defects, problems for military parents, bias against non-custodial parents, and how these and other problems affect children, families, homelessness, incarceration, suicide and other issues.

The film has also aired with great success in San Diego and New York and is now being screened for consideration for the Lone Star Film Festival in Fort Worth, Texas.

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Will this fraud be prosecuted?

This article raises an interesting question. For years, rape advocate groups have exaggerated or lied about the number of rapes or sexual assaults in order to draw attention to the problem or increase their influence. In this case, UC-Davis and the director of its Campus Violence Prevention Fund lied about the number of sexual assaults in order to increase the funding it receives from the federal government. That's fraud, the author argues:

"The question, obviously, is this: Why did UC-Davis fudge its numbers? The source of the false information was Beeman, who used inflated figures to increase the federal grants that the university could receive...Readers have to understand that this is a classic example of real-live fraud as defined by federal fraud statutes. Unlike many of the fraud cases in which people charged really have not committed actual "fraud" but have run afoul of federal regulations or engaged in a legal action that the feds can re-interpret as being criminal.

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NY Times: 'The New Gender Gap'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Carey Roberts: Partner Abuse Industry Flirts with a Hateful Agenda

Article here. Excerpt:

'First, columnist Mike Adams reported on the plight of Mark Harwood, psychology professor at Humboldt State University which is located in Birkenstock-addled northern California. Based on extensive research, Harwood informed his students that women were as likely as men to engage in partner aggression.

But scientific truth apparently did not goose the gander of these gender guerrillas. So the women took it upon themselves to disrupt the class, taunting the good professor as a "privileged, rich, white male." Judge, jury, and executioner!

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Police say mother cut baby's throat

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Brooklyn mother, apparently upset when her baby wouldn't stop crying, slashed him across the throat yesterday and then plunged a knife into her own leg, police said.

Cops took Tineka Johnson, 29, into custody after responding to an early-morning 911 call at her East Flatbush home.

She was charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

The baby's grandmother reported the incident on East 38th Street, and Johnson was taken away without incident, authorities said.

The 5-month-old boy was rushed to Kings County Hospital a block away where officials said he was in stable condition yesterday.

Johnson had been taking medications for a mental disorder and may have missed her dosage, sources said.'

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40th anniversary of unilateral divorce

I didn't realize it, but it's the 40th anniversary of unilateral divorce. Article here. Excerpt:

'Thus, the noble purpose of no-fault divorce was to remove the contentious, annoying legal requirement for couples to prove anything other than their desire to divorce. After all, the thinking went, if marriage was the union of two people, and one person wanted out, then the union was no longer viable.

Except that wasn't the whole story.

"The key to understanding the problem is to recognize that the grounds for divorce did not go from fault to no-fault; they went from mutual consent to unilateral," said Allen Parkman, University of New Mexico economics professor and author of books on divorce.

Under the fault system, "most divorces were negotiated and eventually [happened] based on mutual consent," Mr. Parkman said. But once one person could legally end the marriage, "there was no longer any need for negotiations."'

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Whose kid is this, anyway?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let us examine the dynamics of having a child out of wedlock by beginning at birth. With all the medical professionals to witness the beautiful mess of birthing, pinpointing the mother is easy - she's the one lying on the table screaming for an epidural. Unless the old switcheroo is played at the hospital, that person goes on the birth certificate as "mother" and half of the parenting team is established.

There's also a place on the birth certificate for the father. Whoever signs up at the hospital is presumptively the father whether or not he knew the mother under Old Testament guidelines. A legal presumption is something that is assumed true but not considered firmly established. Legal presumptions can be subsequently disproven.

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Canada: Divorced dads can't catch a break

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than a decade after a landmark study recommended an overhaul of Canadian divorce law, courts still haven't caught up to the new reality of Canadian family life. A generation of dads who can't stand being apart from their children is pushing for change.
Family courts around the world have seen a "dramatic increase" in court disputes launched by divorcing dads determined to see their children more than every second weekend and Wednesday evenings, observes Australian law professor Patrick Parkinson.

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U.S. Calls for Japan to Sign Child Custody Pact

Story here. Excerpt:

'NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Reacting to the case of a Franklin, Tenn., father, the U.S. State Department called upon Japan Wednesday to sign an international agreement on parental child abductions.

Christopher Savoie sits in a Japanese jail, accused of kidnapping the two children who had been taken from him here in Tennessee.

And we're seeing how close Savoie came to getting his children back onto what might have been, at least legally speaking, U.S. soil.

Witnesses say Savoie and his two children raced past Japanese police just outside the front gate of the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka, Japan.'

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Court issues landmark on child support

Article here.

'MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - The Alabama Supreme Court has set a legal precedent in the state by ruling that child support payments are not automatically extinguished when parental rights are terminated.

The court's ruling Wednesday reversed the state civil appeals court, which had held that a parent who loses rights to a child no longer has a responsibility to pay child support.

The Supreme Court, split 6-3, said parental neglect could be rewarded if child support would no longer have to be paid.

In dissent, Justice Glenn Murdock said the issue was one that the Legislature should address and that the new legal standard could create uncertainty in the child welfare system.'

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MND: Research Dismisses the Validity of Feminist Gender Studies

Article here. Excerpt:

'However, a few months ago, a came across a whole new way of “undressing” feminism, that I hadn’t seen before. This new kind of criticism towards feminism came from Swedish researcher Helen Lindberg, who earlier this year presented her doctoral thesis called Only Women Bleed?: A Critical Reassessment of Comprehensive Feminist Social Theory.

In her thesis she has evaluated four different feminist theories, with regard to internal coherence, and their usefulness as theories in a research context.
The short version of what she’s saying is that using feminist theory as the basis for conducting research, is about as useful as using Marxist theory to conduct research. She also nullifies the standard feminist reply to criticism (”what branch of feminism are you criticizing?”) by demonstrating that each of the four branches of feminist theory examined have the same theoretical weaknesses.

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Ventura woman accused of pulling gun during argument

Story here. Story below:

'A 44-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of a felony weapons violation in Ventura on Sunday after she allegedly pulled a large handgun on a man during an argument, police said.

Michelle Hodgin of Ventura was arrested about 4:40 p.m. in the 1500 block of Spinnaker Drive after officers responding to a report of the incident found a loaded .357 Magnum revolver in her purse, Ventura police said in a prepared statement.

Several witnesses shopping near the Ventura Marina told authorities they had seen Hodgin display the gun in a hostile manner during a verbal argument with a man, police said.

Hodgin was booked into county jail on suspicion of carrying a concealed firearm. She remained in custody Monday in lieu of $50,000 bail.'

$50k? Maybe women are starting to be treated a little more 'equitably' for their crimes. Then again, this could be just an isolated instance of fairness.

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