Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-10-15 16:33
Story here. Excerpt:
'A group of women who are suing a Swedish university for gender discrimination have also reported Sweden’s Equality Ombudsman ... to the Ombudsmen of Justice – JO), charging the agency failed to take up their case.
The women claim they were denied admission into the psychology programme at Lund University in southern Sweden on account of their gender.
They argue that they were passed over in favour of men, who received priority treatment for admission in order to increase the number of men in the programme.
In addition to filing a lawsuit alleging illegal discrimination against the university, the 31 women have also reported the Equality Ombudsman for failing to carry out its responsibilities as the arbiter of discrimination claims in Sweden.
The two conclude that, “because in reality DO thinks it’s good to choose students based on gender – having equal numbers of each gender is a more important goal than equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender”.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-10-15 14:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'TOKYO — Japanese police say they have released an American man nearly 20 days after his arrest for allegedly snatching his children from his ex-wife.
Police said Thursday that while prosecutors have not pressed charges, they haven't yet dropped the case either. They decided to release him on grounds that he was not a flight risk.
Christopher Savoie was arrested Sept. 28 after allegedly grabbing his two children, ages 8 and 6, from his Japanese ex-wife as they walked to school in southern Japan. The case is among a growing number of custody disputes involving a foreign parent in Japan.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 21:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'There has been a lot of good stuff written about the Goddess, Goddesses, and the Divine Feminine,. The Wiccan Goddess is first among equals in traditional Wiccan circles., and in my view, should be. Certainly She has been the most important influence in my own life. I have even recently completed a book manuscript dealing with some of these themes.
By comparison, there has been little attention paid to the Divine Masculine, the God, or male Gods as male. There are two good reasons for this lack, but while they are good reasons why the Goddess has received the most attention until now, I think it s time to give more attention to the Divine Masculine. The discussions over Robert Bly, the men's movement, sweat lodges and "muscular" spirituality in some comments appearing in the preceding post have tipped me into entering these perilous waters.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 21:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'"We found lots of surprising things," said Meston, director of the University of Texas at Austin's Sexual Psychophysiology Lab. "The overall biggest surprise is the huge diversity of reasons why women said they have sex. We certainly expected more than love, reproduction and because it feels good, but all the different ways women were having sex was incredible."
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 20:01
Story here. Excerpt:
'What's striking about the new trains - not counting the exclusively female passengers - is the bright colours. The front of the engine is painted blue and red and the carriages are bright yellow.
All eight coaches are interconnected and brightly lit. The cushioned seats are comfortable and ceiling fans make the journey pleasant on a humid evening.
For many years, most suburban trains have had a couple of coaches reserved for women. But some men always forced their way into their compartments.
"Sometimes men board the ladies' compartment and when we ask them to leave or get aside, they start to argue. They say that if ladies can travel in gents' compartments they should be able to travel in ladies' compartments," Sangeeta says.
Sangeeta, a shy young woman who commutes daily from Faridabad to college in Delhi, says men often harass women on other trains.
"They touch and pinch."
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 19:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Earlier this week the national executive council (NEC) for the political party ruled that Warrington South would be under an all female shortlist for the seat.
Rumours had been circulating that Labour figures in the area had wanted to drop the female only list to open up the possiblity of a person from the town standing in the seat.
A North West Labour Party spokesman said: “The NEC makes decisions on a case by case basis as to whether or not a parliamentary selection process should be an open shortlist or all-women shortlist.
“The NEC Organisational Subcommittee took the decision today that the selection processes for Warrington South should be based on an all women shortlist."'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 19:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'When "Jon" first met his ex-wife, "Tracy," 13 years ago, he never thought their relationship would end in a divorce — let alone a protection order, criminal charges, and a fight to obtain regular visitation with his 4-year-old daughter.
But his four-year marriage has ended that way, and Jon said it is largely because today's laws pertaining to domestic violence do little to protect men who are on the receiving end of abuse from their female partners.
Jon said things are improving between him and his ex-wife now, and he has his daughter with him for half of each week, but he wants to share his story to raise awareness about how domestic abuse can affect men.
"I'm not doing this to get back at her, I'm doing this to let people know that this stuff happens," said Jon in a recent interview. "I think a lot of men are just too macho to admit they can be abused."
While Jon said his ex-wife had occasionally subjected him to physical violence, he said much of the abuse he suffered was mental and emotional.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 19:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'HINSDALE— A Hinsdale police officer has been cleared of charges that he sexually assaulted a woman while investigating a complaint about animals in her neighborhood.
Officer W. Rodney Maloney, a part-time officer and animal control officer for the town, was acquitted of indecent assault and battery last week by a six-member jury in Central Berkshire District Court after 10 minutes of deliberations.
Maloney tells The Berkshire Eagle that although he feels vindicated, he’s still upset that someone brought false allegations against him in May 2008 that caused him "a year and a half of hell."'
Ed. note: Accused's name mentioned, accuser's not. Typical day.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 19:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'LARGO - A 20-year-old Largo woman was arrested Tuesday after her boyfriend found her with another man at her home, and she falsely claimed the man was raping her, according to Largo police.
Coffii Ann Castellion, of 605 16th Ave. N.W., lot 1, was charged with making a false report to a law enforcement officer.
The officer listened as Castellion told him she was the victim of a sexual assault, and he thought there was more to it, so he had Castellion and the alleged suspect transported to the police station for further interviewing.
Within an hour, Castellion admitted the sexual battery was bogus, Largo police said. She said her boyfriend had recently been released from the Pinellas County Jail and caught her with another man at her home. She also believed that by filing a sexual battery report she could receive some medical treatment related to her recent sexual activity, Largo police said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 18:21
Story here. Excerpt:
'DETROIT — A woman intentionally set a fire at her boyfriend's mobile home in suburban Detroit, killing two of her young children while fleeing with a third, a prosecutor said Tuesday in filing murder charges.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy did not specify a motive, saying only that Sharon Hinojosa "knowingly left the children who were not fathered by her boyfriend."
Hinojosa, 29, was charged with arson, second-degree murder and felony murder, which is murder committed during another crime. The maximum penalty is life in prison.
"This should send chills up the spine of every person. I can't imagine the abject horror of the last seconds of their young lives," Worthy said.
She said Hinojosa set the fire around 3 a.m. Friday in Huron Township, about 20 miles southwest of Detroit, killing daughter Alayna Hinojosa, 3, and son Anthony Hinojosa, 4. Hinojosa escaped with a 1-year-old son, Worthy said, while Alayna and Anthony remained trapped inside.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-10-14 18:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'Today, the shelter Pizzey founded denies her entry; her name does not appear in its official history.
Pizzey's 'mistake' was to diverge from the theory of domestic violence that feminists at the time insisted dominate all discussion. She believed that men could also be the victims of domestic violence, and that women could be as violent toward their partners as men.
Pizzey's views put her on a collision course with PC feminists who, according to Pizzey's own published account of events, initiated a campaign of harassment and violence against her.
In large and small ways -- from shrill protests to the tearing down of announcements, from blocking university promotions to threats and defamation -- PC feminism has attempted to stop voices it could not control.
Feminism is dying not from a backlash but from an orthodoxy that cannot tolerate real discussion...and never could.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2009-10-14 14:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'Charges haven't been filed against a Las Vegas woman arrested in the shooting death of her husband earlier this month and a justice of the peace today ordered her released from custody.
Metro Police arrested Ericka McElroy on Oct. 7 outside her home in the 5000 block of Upper Falls Court in the southwest valley.
Deputy District Attorney Pamela Weckerly said her office needed 30 days to file the criminal complaint.
With no charges to hold her, Justice of the Peace Tony Abbatangelo released McElroy on her own recognizance.
She is scheduled to appear in court again on Nov. 16.'
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Submitted by axolotl on Wed, 2009-10-14 03:28
Piece here. Excerpts:
'So when you, a stranger, approach me, I have to ask myself: Will this man rape me?
Do you think I’m overreacting? One in every six American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I bet you don’t think you know any rapists, but consider the sheer number of rapes that must occur. '
'While you may assume that none of the men you know are rapists, I can assure you that at least one is. Consider: if every rapist commits an average of ten rapes (a horrifying number, isn’t it?) then the concentration of rapists in the population is still a little over one in sixty. That means four in my graduating class in high school. One among my coworkers. One in the subway car at rush hour. Eleven who work out at my gym. How do I know that you, the nice guy who wants nothing more than companionship and True Love, are not this rapist?'
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Submitted by axolotl on Wed, 2009-10-14 03:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'More men who need prostate-cancer surgery are choosing minimally invasive techniques because these surgeries typically lead to shorter hospital stays and decrease many types of complications, including pain. This type of surgery, which often includes the use of a robot, is heavily advertised to consumers.
Minimally invasive techniques increased from 1% to 40% of all radical prostatectomies from 2001 to 2006 and may be as high as 75% of all prostate cancer surgeries today.
But here's a detail men should know about: The most serious complications -- including incontinence and erectile dysfunction -- appeared more often in men who underwent minimally invasive surgery compared to traditional surgery, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. '
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-10-13 19:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'More worrying is the fact one in five black men are currently unemployed - more than double the employment rate for white men.
The male unemployment rate is expected to rise above 10% by the start of next year and peak at 11% (1.9 million men).
According to research launched today by the CIPD, male unemployment currently stands at 9% (compared with a female unemployment rate of 6.9%). But the number of men unemployed has increased by 50% during the recession, while the number of women unemployed as increased by a much lower 33.4%.
John Philpott, CIPD's chief economist, said: "A focus on the relatively hard impact of the recession on men should not detract from the absolute deterioration in the labour market situation facing both sexes. Indeed, it is likely that the relative position of women will itself deteriorate in the coming decade as real cuts in public expenditure have an adverse impact on public sector employment.'
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