Carleton suspends entire women's soccer team over 'rookie initiation'

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OTTAWA — Carleton University suspended its women’s soccer team on Friday after a rookie initiation party ended with a player being taken to the hospital by ambulance following excessive drinking.

It is believed that a team party last Sunday saw one player so incoherent from alcohol that an ambulance took her to the hospital.

The team will not participate in weekend games against the University of Toronto and Ryerson University and Carleton’s athletic department will meet with individual players on Monday to decide if the suspension should be extended.

Jennifer Brenning, Carleton’s Director of Recreation and Athletics, refused to discuss specifics, but said the entire team seriously breached the code of conduct set out by the athletic department and the university.


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Examiner: Why women are attracted to bad boys, thugs, and players

Piece here


'The man that a woman deems to be "too nice" does not, BY HER INDIVIDUAL STANDARDS, present himself as the image of masculine power, strength, confidence, charisma, energy, sexuality, decisiveness, or character.

Too nice also means:

You are a wimp in that woman's eyes... milquetoast, sensitive and soft like a woman.

you are confused about what to do and how to do it to protect yourself when you see a game being run.

you have low self esteem and don't demand respect from the women you date in an effort to please, which comes across as groveling.

you are always there for people that are never there for you. Too nice means your family knows you are an easy tap for rent money after they spent theirs gambling in Reno.

your boss has no problem calling you in do work and assignments on the weekend, even though s/he knows you have plans with your family.'

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Women’s Group Presses Judge in Monserrate Trial

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'The National Organization for Women in New York State is calling on the judge trying State Senator Hiram Monserrate on domestic violence charges to give him “the maximum sentence allowable by law.”

But Mr. Monserrate has not yet gone on trial on charges that he slashed his companion’s face during an argument on Dec. 19 — that starts on Monday in State Supreme Court in Queens. And he certainly has not been convicted.

To the outrage of his lawyers, the women’s group is asking its supporters to reach out to the jurist who is hearing the case as judge and jury. Mr. Monserrate decided this week to have his guilt or innocence decided by a judge in a bench trial rather than by a 12-member jury of his peers.

Joseph Tacopina, Mr. Monserrate’s lead lawyer, who was alerted to the campaign by one of the senator’s constituents who had received the appeal, called it “inappropriate, improper and offensive” and said he would offer a legal objection when the case opens on Monday.

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Wendy McElroy: 'Kids are like the Gorgon. Do not gaze too long'

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'For many months I have been crying out against the political hysteria that currently surrounds issues of child abuse, child sexuality, etc. The witch hunt has made men into presumed criminals if they manifest the most innocent of behavior -- e.g. kiss their own child in public, snap a photo in which a child happens to be present even if the child is their own, make or hold eye contact with children, sit on a bench near a public school or park... The following is one of the emails I receive from men who are presumed guilty by society by virtue of being male.'

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State computer glitch causes overcharges in child-support cases

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'TRENTON -- A local attorney has uncovered a glitch in the software the state uses to calculate child support awards, prompting an investigation into how widespread the problem is, officials have confirmed.

Robert Rottkamp Jr., who practices law in Ewing, discovered the problem when a state-support order issued against his client claimed the man owed $16 more each week than Rottkamp's own software indicated.

He advised a Superior Court judge of the discrepancy, and she took the matter up with the state Administrative Office of the Court. The ensuing investigation revealed an error in the software. The state is now looking into the ramifications of that problem.

"At this point, we don't know exactly what happened, how often it occurred or the number of people it affected," said Tami Kendig, a spokeswoman for the AOC.

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Calif. pastor jailed for drugging, abusing 5 girls

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'MORENO VALLEY, Calif. - A California pastor has been sentenced to life in prison for beating and drugging her five adopted daughters and locking them in a garage.

Jessica Banks, 65, received consecutive life terms Friday after being convicted in July of sexually abusing two of her daughters and forcing all the sisters to go without food for days.

Banks was arrested in 2005 after one emaciated girl was found lying outside a Moreno Valley business.

Prosecutors say the sisters, who were ages 4 to 11 at the time, lived in a hidden room in Banks' garage with no air conditioning or heating.

They attended school at the Word of Life Apostolic Church, where Banks was pastor.'

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Israel: Violent female soldier caught on camera

Here's a great example of how extremely violently women can freely behave in Israel without getting punished at all. You can watch and see it in this video.

A male soldier get into a bus, the driver asking him to step out only because there's no empty seat left in the bus but he refuses. A female soldier getting angry on him, assaulting him using both physical and verbal violence in order to throw him out of the bus. I can't even translate what she say because it's so extremely vulgar!

The Israeli media did show this story but covered her face in order to protect her, as they mostly do with female criminals.

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2009 Value Voter Summit: A "new masculinism" needed to compliment a "new feminism"

Information here. Political conservatives are putting on a conference today, Saturday September 19, in Washington, D.C. One of the breakout sessions is entitled, "The New Masculinity," and calls for a redefinition of masculinism and feminism as "compliments" to each other. You can watch the conference live (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5). From the schedule:

2009 Value Voters Summit
Date: Saturday, September 19
Sponsored by FRC Action: The legislative action arm of the Family Research Council

Breakout session #2:

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American Prospect: 'Combating the Campus Rape Crisis'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why hasn't it worked? Perhaps it's because making rape prevention the responsibility of young women teaches students that guys can't be expected to be responsible for their own actions. Not surprisingly, that results in student bodies eager to let rapists off the hook and campus policies (like the one recently implemented at Tufts that forces victims into "mediation" with their rapists) that treat rape as an unfortunate disagreement instead of like the violent crime it is. Make no mistake about the danger of these equanimous attitudes -- in his 2002 landmark study of 1,882 male college students in the Boston area, Dr. David Lisak demonstrated that most campus rapes are perpetrated not by well-meaning boys confused about consent but by repeat-offender sociopaths who know exactly what they're doing. Treating rape like an unfortunate but understandable miscommunication doesn’t just deny victims justice and downplay the traumatic nature of the experience -- it allows rapists to remain free to rape again and again.'

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Woman ordered son, friends to beat up teen, police say

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'(CNN) -- A Maryland mother faces assault charges for allegedly ordering a group of teens to beat up a 14-year-old who was stabbed in the ensuing melee, Baltimore County police said Friday.

Kimberley Lyn Cudanin, 34, told her 16-year-old son and at least four of his friends to attack Malaki Malloy as retaliation for a recent assault against her 14-year-old son, police said in a news release.

On Saturday night, Cudanin drove some of the teens to where Malloy was, about a mile from her home, police said. Those teens and others at the scene then beat and stabbed Malloy and three friends who were with him, police said.

Malloy was released from the University of Maryland Medical Center's shock trauma center Monday, hospital spokeswoman Cindy Rivers said Friday.

Cudanin and her son Andre were arrested Monday and face first- and second-degree assault charges, police spokesman Bill Toohey said.'

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MND: Where Are All the Men’s Organizations?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The absence of strong men’s organizations became painfully evident recently in Sweden when there was a prominent debate in the media about male circumcision (there is no Swedish tradition to circumcise men, but we have lots of Muslim immigrants and also a small Jewish community that practise circumcision). The only ones who spoke up against male circumcision were a few male surgeons who refused to perform the procedure, even though the Swedish government has ordered hospitals to offer this service to those who want it. A survey later showed that two thirds of surgeons were reluctant to circumcise healthy boys.

Anyhow, the main point is that no men’s organization spoke up because there are no men’s organizations in Sweden that could speak up. Where the men’s groups should have been, was only a compact vacuum.

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Roethlisberer's lawyer: Accuser's attorney fostered unfounded rape accusations

Story here. Excerpt:

'Attorneys for Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberer have formally asked a Nevada court to sanction the lawyer for the woman who accused him of rape.

Roethlisberger's attorneys claim that Cal Dunlap, the lawyer for Andrea McNulty, allowed her to bring forth a civil suit alleging rape when he knew the story was not true.

In court papers, Roethlisberger's team team said that Dunlap "welded together false allegations to punish (the plaintiff's) employer and coerce a windfall from an admired, civic minded and successful professional football star."'

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Blog: 'False Rape Accusations and Rape Culture'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Both rape and rape accusations are products of the roles assigned by rape culture. In the traditional seduction scenario, a woman is expected to not desire to have sex, and to only submit after the man has successfully coerced her into submission. When the preferred model for consensual sex looks a hell of a lot like rape, an array of fucked-up scenarios are inevitable: the woman never wanted to fuck the guy, refuses to submit, and is raped; the woman submits to the man’s coercion in order to avoid other negative consequences (like being raped); the woman had desired the sex all along, but must defend her femininity by saying that she had been coerced into sex. Thankfully, a good deal of modern men and women reject these antiquated ideas, but they’re far from being banished from the sexual landscape. Especially when that landscape involves four men, one woman, and freshman year of college.'

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Michelle Obama: Health Care is a Women's Issue

Article here. Excerpt:

'First Lady Michelle Obama made the case Friday morning that health care reform is a women's issue and called on female activists to support President Obama's reform plan.

"Health insurance reform and what it means for our families is very much a women's issue," Obama said, speaking to a group of female advocacy leaders at the White House. "If we want to ensure women have opportunities that they deserve, if we want women to be able to care for their families and pursue things they could never imagine, then we have to reform the system."'

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Rape accusation 'traumatizing,' former suspect says

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (CNN) -- Four young men falsely accused of raping an 18-year-old student at Hofstra University were trying to return to their normal lives Friday after an ordeal that two of them described as traumatic.
Authorities dropped charges and freed the four men hours after their accuser changed her story about having been forcibly tied up and sexually assaulted in a dormitory bathroom.
The woman recanted her story Wednesday after authorities told her that part of the incident was recorded on a cell phone video, Rice said.

"That was when she began to tell the truth," she said.

Authorities have not released the accuser's name.

"I believe that it is a question of potential safety for her, and the investigation is ongoing," Rice said.

It is against the law to report a crime when there was not one, Rice said. Authorities gave no indication whether the woman may face charges.

"Her actions and her demeanor depict a very troubled young woman in need of much help," Rice said.'

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