Female California teacher accused of 'sex' with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ANA, California – A female teacher who is alleged to have had sex with a male student in her school and then vandalized his car will be arraigned on Monday.

Naomi Perez, 33, of Brea, is charged with one felony count each of unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation of a minor, sexual penetration by foreign object of a minor, and one misdemeanor count of vandalism, said a statement by the Orange Country District Attorney’s office.

Perez is accused of meeting 17-year-old student John Doe while working as a teacher at Saddleback High School in Santa Ana.

Between June 1, 2007, and Aug. 27, 2007, Perez is accused of having an unlawful relationship with the victim on multiple occasions in her Brea home.

Two years after the end of the relationship, Perez is accused of vandalizing the victim’s car while it was parked outside of a family member’s home by scratching and denting the vehicle.'

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Wrongfully convicted of rape, man joins prison advisers

Article here.

'SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - A wrongfully convicted man has been appointed to a board that advises the Illinois Department of Corrections.

Wilder “Kendric” Berry of Chicago is among members appointed this week to the Adult Advisory Board by Gov. Pat Quinn.

The Center for Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University says Berry went to prison because of a false rape accusation. Released and exonerated, he now works as a paralegal at a Chicago law firm.

The board advises the department on policies and programs affecting people in prison and on parole. Its other members include a suburban police chief, a county sheriff and a probation officer.

Illinois Department of Corrections Director Michael Randle says he welcomes the newly appointed members of the board.'

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Journalists and students dissect Hofstra rape hoax

Story here. Excerpt:

'Student journalists recently got an inside look at the coverage of the false rape incident that occurred on the University campus a few weeks ago.

At an event hosted by professors Peter Goodman and Geoffrey Roth of the Department of Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations last Thursday evening, the New York Post’s Kieran Crowley, WCBS-TV’s Jennifer McLogan and Carol D’Auria of 1010 WINS spoke to students about the various approaches they took to cover the story and what they felt could have been done differently.
McLogan said that from the start, it was her instinct to question the accusation. “The police were sure of the rape,” McLogan said, “but I said to myself, I hope this girl’s credible.”

She gave more personal insight on her perspective while covering the story. “We want to proceed cautiously,” she said. “I’m a mom with three kids in college; two girls and a boy. I wouldn’t want my daughters to be the victim, but I wouldn’t want my son railroaded either.”

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New Zealand: Alcohol and drugs blamed for false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'An out-of-control young New Plymouth woman sentenced to jail whooped and leapt noisily down the stairs to the court cells, leaving her mother sobbing in court.

In the New Plymouth District Court on Thursday, Danielle Coombe, 18, of New Plymouth, admitted a series of offences including a false rape claim, resisting police and failing to appear for a court hearing earlier in the month.
Coombe had made an allegation of sexual abuse to police but had no memory of the night.
Coombe was sentenced to three months in jail, ordered to pay $60 reparation for theft and her fines of $675 were remitted.'

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MND: The Shriver Report Proclaims a New Day, but Anti-Male Bias Remains the Same

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberal feminists have seized on the massive loss of jobs held by men to declare that "A Woman's Nation Changes Everything." That in fact is the title of "The Shriver Report," whose raison d'être is the fact that men have lost so many jobs that women have become almost half the labor force. (If anyone out there actually believed them when feminists claimed they were sorry, truly sorry about the plight of male workers in this recession, now you know.)

Maria Shriver, California's First Lady, has gotten together a passel of like-minded people and they've written a report which is really a book. And because it's a book, I haven't yet read the whole thing, so I'll have to blog about it piecemeal.

So here's the blog about the Executive Summary.

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UK: Traffic warden fails to get damages for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A FORMER Hampshire traffic warden cleared of rape has failed in a new legal bid to bring a £300,000 damages claim against his accuser for malicious prosecution.

Lawyers for Anthony Hunt, 66, had told three civil appeal judges that he wanted to “vindicate his reputation” by obtaining a judgment against the woman, referred to as AB, who had asked him into her home for a cup of tea and, he claimed, consented to sex.

But the Court of Appeal ruled that AB could not be sued for malicious prosecution as she was not “the prosecutor”.

She had not gone straight to the police and had not made it clear that she wanted Mr Hunt prosecuted – and even if she had done so, the intervention of the police and Crown Prosecution Service would have made them the prosecutors and not her.'

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Penn State running back Austin Scott sues following dropped rape case

Story here. Excerpt:

'The attorney of former Penn State running back Austin Scott has filed suit against the university, Penn State Police and Centre County on Tuesday, claiming a dropped rape case against him damaged a potential NFL career.

Prosecutors dropped rape, sexual assault, simple assault and indecent assault charges against Scott in April 2008, saying it would be unlikely to convince a jury to convict if revelations from the woman's past were admissible in court.

The charges stemmed from an October 2007 incident in which a woman reported to authorities that Scott had sexually assaulted her at his on-campus residence. Scott's lawyers, who maintained that the encounter was consensual, said the woman had made a false rape accusation in the past, making her claim against Scott less credible.

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Girl, 14, arrested for false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 14-year-old female juvenile was arrested last Friday for filing a false police report in a rape case, Harrison Police Capt. Paul Woodruff said.

Woodruff said the girl had earlier this year told police that she’d been raped by a man in his early 20s, going so far as identifying the suspect by name.

When the suspect was brought in for an interview, he denied the allegation. So, police collected a DNA sample from him to be compared with DNA evidence collected from a medical examination of the girl immediately following the alleged incident.
The girl was arrested for felony filing a false police report and released to her mother, he said.'

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Bermuda: Woman's false rape claim costs her $7,000 with no jail time

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who sparked a $6,000 police investigation after pretending she was raped in her home by two masked intruders was ordered to pay the full cost of the inquiry yesterday.

Michelle Lee Carreiro, of Cut Road, St. George's, appeared at Magistrates' Court where she pleaded guilty to wilfully and knowingly making the false report to Police last week.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner told her she could have been jailed for six months but instead he fined her $1,000 plus $6,000 reparation to Bermuda Police Service.

The 22-year-old gave detectives a 19-page statement about the fabricated October 15 attack but on Wednesday she admitted to officers at Southside Police Station that she made up the whole thing.'

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Canada: The problem with the Pink Book

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Liberal Women's Caucus has released their 40-page Pink Book, Volume III.

...Keen political social observers nearly fell over in shock at the caucus's revolutionary recommendation that Canadian women deserve a "compassionate Canada" where women can achieve "economic and social equality."
...The Pink Book III is rife with debunked statistics -for example, that old chestnut about women earning 70% of what men make; we know that figure mainly reflects self-selection out of areas of higher personal demand so that women can spend more time with their children.

As for caregiving: Yes, women do more caregiving for those they love and in whose well-being they are highly invested. There is personal reward in the sacrifice. And men do more fighting and dying in Afghanistan and saving people in burning buildings, but somehow we don't hear so much about those crummy jobs whose only reward is honour fulfilled and pride in supporting one's family.'

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Web site for International Men's Day - November 19, 2009

The site is at http://www.mensday.ws/. From the 'About' page:

'International Men's Day is an international event celebrated on November 19 every year. It was inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago and was supported by the United Nations, and received in principal support from men's groups in USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Speaking on behalf of UNESCO, Director of Women and Culture of Peace Ms. Ingeborg Breines said of IMD: “This is an excellent idea and would give some gender balance.” She added that UNESCO was looking forward to cooperating with IMD organisers.

The objectives of celebrating an International Men's Day include focusing on men's and boy's health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models. It is an occasion for men to highlight discrimination against them and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care.'

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Newsweek's "How the Media Treat Murder" ignores men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ten women have been found slain or have been declared missing in Rocky Mount, N.C., in recent years. But the rest of the country hasn't heard about a possible serial killer stalking the young women in this Southern town of 60,000. The latest victim, Elizabeth Jane Smallwood, was identified on Oct. 12. Why have the Rocky Mount homicides been largely ignored?

"When you think about the famous missing-person cases over the last few years it's Chandra Levy, Natalee Holloway, and Laci Peterson," notes Sam Sommers, associate professor of psychology at Tufts University. All these women had a few things in common—they were white, educated, and came from middle-class families. The victims in Rocky Mount—which residents describe as a "typical Southern town," and is about 40 percent white and more than 50 percent black—were different. They were all African-American, many were poor, and some had criminal histories including drug abuse and prostitution.'

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The Girl Effect

This showed up on MSN. Its premise is that the world is a mess and the way to fix it is to give money to girls, who will then fix the world. Simple.

One claim they make is that women invest 90% of their money in the family while men invest only 30 to 40%. They also claim that if you give a girl money, she will buy a cow and create more money and resources. I guess she buys it using the 10% left over after she invests 90% in her family. Hm--not quite sure how that all works.

I suspect this represents the new feminism--invest in girls, forget boys, and the world will soon be a veritable paradise.

So why is it that girls or women are never to blame for the current state of the world? If they can do all they claim, why haven't they done so before? And why do they need men's help to do it? Couldn't these wonder beings just do it themselves?

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'Advice Goddess' Amy Alkon picks another cherry

Anyone who has ever read more than a few of columnist Amy Alkon's 'Advice Goddess' blog posts knows that Amy has a tendency to report on Islamic 'oppression' of women while conveniently forgetting to mention that culture's wrongs committed against men. Case in point:

In her "How's it Hanging" blog post of October 20th, she describes how women in the country of Somalia are being whipped merely for wearing bras. Her post has a link to the original source, in the U.K. Daily Mail (news article here), and a little probing beneath the surface, i.e. clicking on the link, does indeed verify her claim. However, the same article also mentions a few minor examples of problematic treatment of men:

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UK: Violent crime by women goes up 80%

Article here. Excerpt:

'Violent crime committed by women has soared since Labour came to power, it is revealed today.

The number of women found guilty of murder, vicious assault and other attacks has risen by 81 per cent since 1998.

The massive increase, revealed in the Government's own data, means that women are now being convicted at the rate of more than 200 every week.

Murders have more than doubled, life-threatening woundings are up by a fifth and common assault has soared by 151 per cent.'

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