Lehigh University student waives hearing, faces trial for alleged false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old Lehigh University student who allegedly made a false report about being raped by a campus police officer waived a preliminary hearing today and could stand trial.

Brielynne Neumann, of Shrewsbury, Mass., was lying in the center of Parkhill Street at 11:49 p.m. Sept. 3 when Bethlehem police approached her, according to court records. She identified herself as Brei Scano and gave a fake date of birth, records say.

The lie backfired when police, who claim she was intoxicated, took her to her sorority house to verify her identity, records say. Neumann then told officers she had been raped the day before by a man who claimed to be a Lehigh University police officer, records say.'

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NOW: Women and Girls live in fear of 'Vicious Hate Crimes' and 'Hate Filled Violence'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This legislation is especially important for the girls and women of this nation because it extends existing federal hate crimes laws beyond the narrow scope of protected federal activities and also includes -- for the first time -- violent crimes committed on the basis of actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity. Women know first hand how vicious crimes of sexual and hate-filled violence can affect our lives, especially if local law enforcement is ill-equipped to investigate and prosecute these crimes. We know that hate crimes are more than individual assaults -- they send shock waves and fear throughout a whole community. Girls' and women's lives are restricted and often ruined by the fear as well as the reality of vicious hate crimes, be they based on our religion, race, gender identity or just because we are women.'

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MSN: Health care fight becomes a battle of the sexes

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Pennsylvania home health care company Linda Bettinazzi runs is charged about $6,800 per worker for health insurance – $2,000 more than the national average for single coverage. One reason: nearly every one of her 175 employees is a woman.

Insurers say women under the age of 55 cost more to cover because they use more health services, and not just for maternal and infant care. But Bettinazzi, the president and CEO of Visiting Nurse Association of Indiana County, believes there's something inherently wrong in charging her company more because it hires a lot of women.
Gender rating is the norm today, part of a complex formula of risk factors — including health history and age — insurers say has been necessary to fairly price policies. But advocacy groups for women argue that charging more for women than men is discriminatory and should be illegal.'

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Graves Identified at Boys Reform School

Story here. Excerpt:

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Teen Girl Charged in 9-Year-Old's Murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'The police had already searched the area, but the body had been "very well concealed," White told The Associated Press. The suspect, a minor, will appear in a concealed court hearing today to determine whether she will be held behind bars or released into her family's custody until the next hearing.

"It will be the judge's obligation to look at the individual and look at her, excuse me, look at the juvenile's circumstances," said Samantha Green of Cole County Juvenile Detention.
"I would ask that they wait, that they listen to the facts as they come out and not judge quickly," Valentine said. "Learn about this person, learn about this child. You're dealing with a child."'

I agree one shouldn't rush to judgment. However I doubt there'd be this kind of call to circumspection from both the suspect's lawyer AND law enforcement if the suspect were a boy.

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Phyllis Schlafly: Time again for the feminists' rant

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even so, the feminists demanded that the Obama administration give half the stimulus jobs to women rather than to the shovel-ready work that was the reason for passing the stimulus funds. Whatever the feminists demand from the Democrats they get, and the stimulus money was directed to jobs in education, health care and social services.

So what are the feminists complaining about? They want the taxpayers to provide high-quality day care and paid family leave, to pass laws to prohibit employers from ordering women to work overtime (as men are often required to do) and probably to force men to assume half the household and baby-care duties.
Women won't be happy as long as they believe the false slogan (repeated in most of these current articles) that women make only 77 cents on the dollar compared to men. The Equal Pay Law was passed in 1963, but it requires only equal pay for equal work, and women in the labor force don't work nearly as many hours per week as men do.'

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Glenn Sacks: Shriver Report Does Hatchet Job on Fathers, Family Court Reform Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Shriver Report has a section about men and fathers called "Has a Man’s World Become a Woman’s Nation?" written by feminist sociologist Michael Kimmel.
Kimmel ignores altogether the many legal, social and cultural barriers between fathers and children. For Kimmel, the separation of children from fathers is all about men’s “irresponsibility.” If men just cared about their children, so the story goes, all would be well. There are some men who avoid their parental responsibilities. Some women do, too. But Kimmel never mentions the crucial issues today's fathers face. These include: maternal gatekeeping; visitation interference; the use of fraudulent restraining orders as a tool to separate fathers from their children in divorce/custody; unrealistic child support orders; and parental alienation.

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Debra LaFave seeking contact with her kids

Story here. Excerpt:

'TAMPA, Fla. — A former Florida teacher who had sex with a 14-year-old student wants to be allowed supervised contact with the children of her relatives and friends.

Former Tampa-area teacher Debra LaFave is serving seven years probation, and one of the conditions is a ban on contact with children. Her motion to ease that restriction is expected to be heard in court Thursday.

Lafave served more than 2 1/2 years of house arrest before being freed last year. She pleaded guilty in 2006 to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery for having sex with the boy in a classroom and her home.'

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Tyra Banks Discusses Women Who Beat Men

I was watching some television last night and couldn't believe the subject on the Tyra Bank's show. A mainstream program actually discussed women who abuse men. This is a big deal considering women are her main demographic. Excerpt from Tyra Banks website here:

'In the past, men have been the ones under fire for being abusive in relationships. Now, as more and more victims of domestic abuse are speaking out, a new trend in the violence is surfacing. We're talking to women who've admitted to hitting, punching, even kicking (in stilettos) their boyfriends and husbands.'

Make sure you check out the comment section! If you want to show some appreciation, Tyra can be reached at http://www.tyrabanks.com/contactus

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The Pink House

Yep, read it here. Now I am all about raising awareness of any number of diseases and the need to find cures. I just find it curious that given the actual numbers on the topic of dollars spent v. return in terms of human lives saved, there are many examples of diseases killing people of both sexes at higher rates than breast cancer but yet get a lot less attention.

Will we see a purple ribbon adorning the front of this, the nation's National Mansion, for prostate cancer awareness one fine day, I wonder? One thing's for sure, there is a lot of money changing hands in this whole BCA thing and whoever is doing the promotional work must be raking it in. I see pink ribbons all over everything these days and one would be naive to think the pot isn't getting split in the back room. Excerpt:

'The Obama administration paid tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness Month in a big way Monday, as workers hoisted a massive pink ribbon in the front of the White House.

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India: Husbands allege misuse of Domestic Violence Act

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men from across the city wore badges that read ‘Husband not an ATM machine’, ‘Alimony kills her real potential’ and the like on Monday to mark the third anniversary of the Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) coming into force here.

These men were victims of the misuse of laws like the PWDVA, section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (husband or relative of husband subjecting a woman to cruelty), section 125 of the Criminal Procedures Code (maintenance of wives, children) and child custody laws, which, they claimed, were heavily biased in favour of women.

Jinesh Zaveri, a member of the Indian Family Foundation (IFF) said, “Men who complain about physical or verbal violence inflicted by their wives are generally portrayed as cartoons. It needs to be understood that a huge number of men in the country has been caught in the web of false cases registered by their wives under various laws.”'

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Circumcision attitude poll

Circumcision is a complex issue revolving around ethics, sex, medicine, law, religion, culture, and human rights. Opinions about rights and decision-making are not known. This survey will help reveal important attitudes concerning who has the right to circumcise infant boys. Please participate in this short survey.

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Australia: Shared parenting laws on way out

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE Rudd government is planning to roll back the controversial shared parenting law passed in the final term of the Howard government, enraging men's groups, which say the laws have finally given them access to their children after separation.

Six inquiries into the shared parenting laws are now under way, which men's groups have interpreted as a sure sign that change is under way, too.

In a message to supporters, Sue Price of the Men's Rights Agency, has described the planned rollback as the "most sustained and concerted attack" on shared parenting that she has seen in 15 years.

Ms Price said the laws did no more than encourage "reasonable contact between perfectly good fathers and their children" and she is urging supporters to "convince the Rudd government that there are a million votes at stake" if they roll back the shared parenting changes.

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UK: Are women paying for sexism laws?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ms Banyard says that, despite having equal pay rights enshrined in law since the 1970s, a pay gap still exists and the law is not strong enough.

"As a result, companies are not required to check that they are paying equally, so it's absolutely crucial we have mandatory pay audits," she adds.

"The Equality Bill currently going through Parliament is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform equal pay law we cannot afford to miss."

Yet Ms Pease has urged MPs not to wade further into the issue, as legislation now meant some employers believed hiring a woman was a "nightmare".

Long maternity leave and fears of costly discrimination action were just two of the issues Ms Pease highlighted as factors that deterred firms from taking on women.'

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Mona Charen: 'Maria Shriver Misses the Point'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some of what's in this report is a recycling of long-discredited data. Heather Boushey, for example, regurgitates the statistic that women only earn 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. But as the Hudson Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Roth and other economists have shown, this number conceals more than it reveals. It is only true on average. But when you begin to compare like with like, the discrepancies narrow considerably. Comparing men and women who both work 40 hours per week, for example, reduces the pay gap by 10 cents per hour. You have to look carefully at what is being compared. Among workers labeled "full time," hours worked by men tend to exceed hours worked by women. When men and women performing the same job are compared -- whether supermarket checker or first-year associate at a law firm -- the pay gap nearly disappears.'

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