Men's rights movement makes front page of major German magazine

  1. Video (in German)
  2. Cover page of the magazine
  3. Summary (in English)


"First of all, the Men's Rights Movement made it on the title of one of the biggest magazines (named Focus) in Germany.

"Very well done article that features DV, education, feminism etc., about 8-10 pages. Also talking about media, male DV victims were recently on TV.

"Secondly, parts of the German Men's Rights Movement (MRM) were able to shoot down a sexist TV series. Surprise.

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University of California Davis: Caught inflating rape stats

Stories here and here. This story broke today on the front page of the Sacramento Bee. The University of California at Davis is located within 20 minutes of Sacramento, California. Jennifer Beeman, the director of anti-violence efforts on the university campus, was put on administrative leave in December 2008 only to retire in June 2009 after 16 years at the university. The Sacramento Bee has investigated Beeman before for inflating rape statistics. Excerpt:

'Past problems with misreported campus sex crimes statistics, through both understatement and exaggeration, re-emerged Thursday at the University of California, Davis.

Officials alleged that the former head of campus anti-violence efforts, Jennifer Beeman, had grossly inflated the number of forcible sexual offenses in three years of mandatory reports to the federal government.
In an investigative series published in 2000, The Bee found the university had consistently under-reported sexual assaults to the federal government.

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India: Harassed men, kin to hit streets

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHANDIGARH: Fed-up of being victims of domestic violence, harassed men and their family members across the country will take to the streets in prominent cities to protest against Domestic Violence Act. Representatives of Save India Family Foundation while talking to TOI informed that following an increase in the number of such complaints, they had decided to mark October 25 - day the Act was implemented - as "Domestic Violence against Men Day" and have chalked a list of activities, including protest marches by thousands of men in Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Hyderabad.

"We will be organizing a protest march in various prominent places of different cities across country on October 25," said Nitin Gupta, representative, SIFF, Chandigarh unit, adding, "In Chandigarh, we have sought permission to stage a dharna in Sector 17, whereas our Delhi unit is planning one near Jantar Mantar."'

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Join 'NCFM' and 'Protect Men's Rights' on Facebook

From Marc A.: If you're on Facebook, please join NCFM on Facebook. There's also a Facebook group called Protect Men's Rights that has over 300 members now and growing.

Group links:
Protect Men's Rights

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Slate: How Often Do Women Falsely Cry Rape?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In her book, Brownmiller said that only 2 percent of rape allegations are false, citing findings by the female police in a New York City rape squad. The problem is that while this statistic has been widely repeated, with dutiful mentions of New York-based "research," no one has ever tracked down its source. This we learned from a comprehensive review of the literature on false rape charges published in the Cambridge Law Journal in 2006. The author, Philip Rumney, finds a couple of small studies that back up the 2 percent claim but isn't confident of their methodology.

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MND: VAWA and Joe Biden’s Personal Anguish

Article here. Excerpt:

'The party also signaled an opening day of sorts, as during the month of October the calendar will host the 22nd annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month....

In other words, it will be another 31 days of fundraising, fanaticism and fraudulence; another month in which America and the western world is misinformed on an epic scale, all in the name of perpetuating the myth that the ill effects of domestic violence is a “girls only” club and that draconian legislation is the only answer.
The facts around domestic violence point to the unavoidable conclusion that VAWA is legislation rooted not only in sexism, but in an ill-conceived agenda that severs men from rights and recourse with the crushing legal efficacy of Dred Scott.
One might be pressed to wonder why, with 835,000 men a year being victimized by violent partners, would Joe Biden conjure up a mammoth piece of legislation that outright denies that reality?...

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UK: Circumcision – above the law?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The term "genital mutilation" sounds far less civilised that the commonly used term "circumcision". Yet the former is only ever used in relation to the removal of parts of female reproductive organs, and the latter, generally, for the removal of the foreskin from a male's penis. Make no mistake, a circumcision is the mutilation of genitals regardless of the terminology.

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The Gender Wage Gap and Occupational Injury Risk

Article here. Excerpt:

'Numerous studies, in particular for the U.S., have shown that individuals in occupations with high injury risk are compensated for that risk by corresponding bonus payments. At the same time, male workers are overrepresented in the most dangerous occupations like scaffolders or miners, while females typically work in relatively safe occupations with respect to occupational injuries. It is therefore remarkable that almost all studies analyzing the gender wage gap have disregarded different occupational injury risks as a potential explanatory variable for observed gender wage differentials.

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Ex-Teacher Faces Possible Life Sentence for 'Sex' With Teens

Story here. Excerpt:

'BARTOW | Danielle Jones was once regarded as a dedicated sixth-grade science teacher with a knack for mentoring at-risk students.

Now, the 33-year-old Auburndale woman has been found guilty of having sex with four teenage boys, ranging in age from 14 to 16 years old. Two of the boys were her former students.

She faces up to life imprisonment at her Friday sentencing hearing. A score sheet prepared for Jones' case shows her lowest recommended sentence to be about 55 years.

Circuit Judge Donald Jacobsen can impose a lower sentence but would have to provide a written explanation if he chose to do so.
She said a double standard exists where boys are not treated as victims when they are sexually abused by women.
"If she is attractive, we give her permission to sexually abuse the boy," said Duncan.

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Man's life in ruins by wife's false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'He was made out to be a rampaging "Rambo," an armed and dangerous beast who raped his wife and later tried to kidnap her.

But it turned out that it was all wrong. Stephen Vaughn was innocent.

When the gavel finally came down, it was clear that Vaughn was not much more than a hapless character in an existential nightmare caused, in part, by his own poor judgment.

According to his attorney, Vaughn was primarily a victim of a prosecutorial process that operates under the assumption that the husband must always be guilty in domestic disputes in which violence is alleged.

A passing glance suggests that the system actually worked in the end. After all, an Orange County grand jury threw out the 2008 rape charge. Last month, a Westchester County found Vaughn not guilty of attempted kidnapping and a host of lesser charges.'

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Is Feminism Killing Old Southern chivalry?

Piece here. Excerpt:

'From where I sit I think women today, particularly in the South, have it pretty darn good.

We are enjoying the steady spread of women’s equality in the workplace, home and school system while still being treated like damsels in distress when it comes to our lifestyle.

Are we confused? Are we screaming to be treated equally while our actions are saying something else?

In a world of so-called gender equality, where do we differentiate between independence and chivalrous traditions?

Even though the feminist movement brought the right to vote and the beginning of equal pay for women, our demands for independence have been shadowed by the fact that we still expect special treatment.

Should we consider our rights and the way we clarify them to be all or nothing? Can we have our cake and eat it, too?'

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News release here. Excerpt:

As of August, the male unemployment rate was 10.1 opposed to 7.6 for women.

'In August, construction employment declined by 65,000, in line with the trend since May. Monthly losses had averaged 117,000 over the 6 months ending in April. Employment in the construction industry has contracted by 1.4 million since the onset of the recession. Starting in early 2009, the larger share of monthly job losses shifted from the residential to the nonresidential and heavy construction components. In mining, employment declined by 9,000 over the month.

Employment in health care continued to rise in August (28,000), with gains in ambulatory care and in nursing and residential care. Employment in hospitals was little changed in August; job growth in the industry slowed in early 2009 and employment has been flat since May. Health care has added 544,000 jobs since the start of the recession.'

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NBC Plans Special Week of Coverage on Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'NBC News will devote a significant amount of time and attention next month to the changing roles of contemporary women, much of it based on a study initiated by Maria Shriver, the one-time NBC correspondent who is married to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California.

NBC is describing the project as an effort to “educate the public on the current state of women in America.” The news division is planning to include coverage related to the study over a full week of its evening newscast and three mornings on the “Today” show.

“The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything,” is modeled on a study undertaken almost 50 years ago during the administration of John F. Kennedy, Ms. Shriver’s uncle, and led by Eleanor Roosevelt. Ms. Shriver said that this one was not a government based study, however.'

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Intact America: AAP and AAFP considering circumcision recommendation

From an IA email alert:

'Help stop the AAP and AAFP from recommending circumcision!

Right now, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) are considering recommending infant circumcision for all baby boys – for the first time in history.

We need to show the medical community that circumcision is unnecessary, harmful and ethically wrong – before it’s too late.'

They are asking for donations, too.

Contact info for AAP and AAFP:

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP): here.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): here.

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Pakistan: Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47

Story here. Good for her! Now why again are women not by default subject to selective service (aka the draft) should it be activated? Seems to me that with such weapons as rifles, a greater amount of physical strength isn't as necessary as it was back before the invention of firearms. Excerpt:

'Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.

Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.
Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.

When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.

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