Boys & Girls Club teens help take back the night

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'Last week on Tuesday, October 6th, Boys & Girls Club teens attended Take Back the Night to help raise awareness about domestic abuse.

Previous to the rally, Club members created their own special signs to show support for domestic abuse survivors.
“Domestic violence affects everyone, including kids,” said Club Education Director Tiffanie Bolling. “A lot of the kids that we work with have been victims themselves or know someone close to them that has been a victim. An event like Take Back the Night encourages strength and perseverance to individuals that have gone through horrific situations.”

“We teach our young girls to spot the signs of something wrong before it ever even gets to a violent situation,” said Bolling. “We teach them that love does not hurt and that no amount of hitting is ever okay. Getting help before it's too late is key.”

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Pet lovers join crusade against domestic abuse

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'The campaign against domestic violence is recruiting what might seem like unlikely new foot soldiers these days: animal lovers.

In an effort to protect potential victims of domestic violence, Harbor House — Orange County's only domestic-violence shelter — is reaching out to veterinarians, animal-cruelty investigators, law enforcement and neighbors to watch for signs of animal abuse that may indicate a deeper pattern of family violence.

"I think it would change the face of domestic violence if people understood how close that relationship is between animal abuse and domestic violence," said Harbor House CEO Carol Wick. "When you start getting people angry about pets being victimized, it may create a lot more awareness and protection for the people involved."

"Abusers use that bond between humans and animals as a weapon to coerce and control and humiliate their victims and to keep them trapped in abusive relationships," he said'

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RADAR ALERT: Spread the Word-- Domestic Violence Laws Violate Civil Liberties

At her recent keynote address at the annual conference of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Amanda McCormick, an employee of Praxis International, showed overt disdain for male victims of domestic violence. As reported by Trudy Schuett, McCormick announced, I think I know a lot of men who deserve to be beaten."1

Praxis International, according to their website, "is a nonprofit research and training organization that works toward the elimination of violence in the lives of women and children.... Since 1996, [they] have worked with advocacy organizations, intervention agencies, and inter-agency collaborations to create a clear and cooperative agenda for social change in their communities."2

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CDC expected to make recommendations about circumcision by end of year

Article here. Excerpt:

'ST. LOUIS — Circumcision has long been a personal decision left up to parents. Doctors say the risks and benefits are negligible. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not take a stance.

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Al-Azhar face-veil ban questioned

Story here. Excerpt:

'Shaikh Ali Abu al-Hasan, the former head of the Fatwa Council at the Islamic Studies Institute (ISI) in Cairo, said although it was not required by Islam for women to cover their faces, Al-Azhar University should allow women to chose what they want to wear.

"No official has the right to order a young lady to remove a form of dress that was sanctioned by none other than Umar ibn al-Khattab, except for the purposes of identification for security reasons," he said.'


'On Saturday, scores of female university students protested outside al-Azhar university dormitory calling for the repeal of the decision banning fully veiled women from entering. There were similar demonstrations at Cairo University.' come we're led to believe that Islamic women everywhere are forced to wear these things?

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Major Victory for California's Disabled Veterans

A major victory for disabled military parents in family law policy has just occurred in California in the United States. The following announcement can be linked to at the following Web page for the California Alliance for Families and Children (CAFC):

CAFC Wins a Major Victory For California's Disabled Veterans

Sacramento, October 11, 2009: The California Alliance for Families and Children (CAFC, online at is announcing another victory for military service personnel and veterans. Today Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law SB 285, a bill to protect disabled veterans disability compensation from illegal attachment and garnishments.

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Missing Men - the difference in death rates between men and women quantified

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today’s statistical foray is into the field of 'Survivorship'. One key way that we measure the relative treatment and condition of the different races is by their relative survivorship over time – how quickly they die off as opposed to the average, and as compared to other races. Black men, for instance, are about 1/3rd less likely to make it to age 80 than white men, and that indicates to us that black men are doing about 33% less well in our society than white men.

And the same logic reasonably applies to the differential in survival rates between men and women – a black male is 50% less likely than a white woman to make it to age 80, and about 35% less likely than a black woman to achieve that age.

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Prosecutors decline to file rape charge against former high-ranking city official

Story here. Excerpt:

'In a July 28 search warrant, Los Angeles Police Department investigators said they were told that the woman who made the allegations had gone out with friends on a pub-crawl July 10 in the downtown area. She told police she was drugged and that she awoke the next morning as she was being sexually assaulted by a man she later identified as Adelman, according to the affidavit.‬‪

Prosecutors cited several factors for their decision not to seek charges. They included a surveillance video and an interview with a cab driver who drove the pair to Adelman's car that evening. Neither the video nor the cab driver suggested that the woman appeared drugged.'

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Feministing: NOW wrongly blasts Letterman

Story here. Excerpt:

'But NOW, without having heard from any of the women with whom Letterman had sex, using this opportunity to address the issue is classless, and most importantly, shows it doesn't truly care about the individual experiences of women, but rather, will readily write them off to achieve an end goal.

In this instance, NOW attempts to speak for all women, represent all women, without them asking NOW to do so. In this instance, it is NOW making victims out of women who otherwise are empowered women who just so happened to have had sex with Letterman.

It seems NOW does not think women can make decision on their own as to with whom to have sex, nor does it trust women enough to think that they can have sex without having been coerced into it.

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Wendy McElroy: The lingering spectre of Hofstra's false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'What did Ndonye receive? She was sentenced to undergo mental health counseling and to perform 250 hours of community service. Rice explained ‘the walk’, “This agreement is the only way we guarantee that this woman gets the help that she needs and is held publicly accountable for what she’s done to our community." This is the same D.A.’s office that rushed to judgment about ruining the lives of 4 young men, hardly pausing for due process. As one of the men commented, "I think they should have gathered more evidence . . . looked at camera footage and tried to match up times and things like that before throwing us in and letting the wolves get us." Now the D.A.’s office is oh-so concerned about helping a "troubled" perjurer whose lies could have sent 4 innocent men to prison for decades, where they would have been raped, brutalized and then, afterward, forced to register as sex offenders in perpetuity.'

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Woman, 25, arrested in husband’s shooting death

Story here. Excerpt:

'Metro Police arrested the 25-year-old wife of a man found shot to death this morning outside their home in the southwest Las Vegas Valley.

Investigators say the 37-year-old husband and his wife had been involved in a domestic dispute.

Police say the woman, Ericka McElroy, is alleged to have shot her husband outside their house in the 5000 block of Upper Falls Court near West Cactus Avenue and South Decatur Boulevard.

McElroy has been booked into the Clark County Detention Center on one count of murder with a deadly weapon. She is being held without bail, according to detention center records.'

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Divorced fathers in Japan fight to see children

Article here. Excerpt:

'"In Japan, nobody thinks it's a problem if a mother takes away her children without consent," said Hideki Tani, a lawyer who has taken on cases of fathers seeking access to their children. "Here, it's common for either parent to completely lose contact with children, but people outside Japan find it outrageous."

Tani did acknowledge a need to address problems like domestic violence that can contribute to broken families.

Lately, the number of custody battles has risen as overall divorce cases have climbed and more men have become involved in child-rearing and homemaking. Divorced men also say that children should have a right to see their fathers — and that too often the kids' interests are neglected.

"Nobody thinks about children's well-being," Yoshida said. "They are the victims."

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CDC to release guidelines about circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision has long been a personal decision left up to parents. Doctors say the risks and benefits are negligible. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not take a stance.

But now a health agency is preparing recommendations on circumcision based on new findings regarding HIV transmission. The proposal from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected this year.
Early reports from the CDC have stressed that any recommendations will be voluntary, and may only include advice for doctors on educating parents about infant circumcision. Experts at the CDC could also issue guidelines for uncircumcised adults who may be at risk for HIV infection.

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Only one woman confined in Florida under Jimmy Ryce Act

Story here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 700 Florida men are held in a secure facility, classified as sexually violent predators, despite having completed their prison terms. Just one woman is held in the same situation.
"Men typically abuse because they are sexually aroused by children, and women typically abuse because they are trying to get emotional needs met," according to Fort Lauderdale forensic psychologist Amy Swan, chairwoman of the Florida Board of Psychology and an evaluator for the DCF.
Scientific literature indicates a "best-guess estimate" that 4 percent of women sexually touch children, compared with 7 percent of men, according to Markus Wiegel, an Atlanta psychologist specializing in female sex offender research. Collecting data on women offenders is challenging, he said, because so little research exists.

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UK: Female tutor admits to 100 child molestation offences

Story here. Excerpt:

'A MIDDLE-AGED female teacher has been exposed as a predatory paedophile who sexually assaulted young children as they used public toilets over 17 years.

Carole Clarke, 46, targeted boys and girls aged four to seven after she saw them entering the toilets without their parents.

Clarke, a college tutor from Grimsby, now faces a lengthy jail sentence after admitting to police that she had committed around 100 sickening offences.

It follows the shocking case of Plymouth nursery worker Vanessa George amid concern about the number of female paedophiles who may be working with children.
But last night police were keen to stress that incidents involving a female paedophile acting alone were “extremely rare”.'

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