Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2009-11-14 22:42
Video here. Caption:
'As Meredith Vieira points out, it's no secret that proud dads like to see their sons reflected in themselves. There's nothing cuter than matching haircuts and Hawaiian shirts, but why stop there?
Just imagine your pride years down the road when envious pals are admiring his stylishly snipped member and he can say, "Yep, it's just like my old man's!"
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2009-11-14 22:39
Story here. Excerpt:
'Cape Town - As the Eastern Cape recorded its first death of the summer circumcision season, the province's health department on Friday urged parents to play a stronger role in protecting their sons.
Spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo said the 19-year-old youth died of dehydration last week at an initiation school in the Butterworth area of Transkei.
Last month, following 55 deaths in the winter season, the department and traditional leaders held a summit on circumcision in Mthatha.
Kupelo said the department would now work even more closely with traditional leaders and the police in combating abuses.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2009-11-14 22:36
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman of 22 who falsely claimed two men had raped her was jailed for two years yesterday.
Chloe Dolton told police two men attacked her as she walked home.
The two Polish pals - one of whom had only been in Britain for 48 hours - spent 24 hours in a cell as part of a police probe costing £86,500.
It was later found Dolton had consensual sex twice with one man before inviting his friend to a shelter where she performed a sex act.
Dolton lied about the encounter to her boyfriend and family because of the "shame and regret" she felt about it, Exeter crown court heard.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2009-11-14 22:34
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman willingly had sex with two men and then falsely claimed they had raped her, a court heard.
Christina Dallison, who also made a false rape claim against another man four years earlier, wept as she was jailed for two years yesterday.
Leicester Crown Court was told the two 40-year-old men she wrongly accused were held in custody for 20 hours, and underwent humiliating intimate tests.
All three innocent male victims endured the anxiety of facing prosecution for several months, until the cases were dropped.
Dallison (27), a former escort of Dunton Street, Woodgate, Leicester, committed the offences because she suffered from a personality disorder and craved attention.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-11-12 20:20
Article here. Feminists are the very definition of melodrama. Excerpt:
'She said she understood the president’s frustration in wanting to pass health care reform, but “it is not acceptable for him to achieve that goal by pushing women back into the back alleys to die.” And the anti-abortion amendment added to the health care reform legislation “does just that.”
“There’s no question that Hillary Clinton would have fought for our rights,” she says. “There’s no question that she would have understood the devastating implications of the Stupak-Pitts amendment. She would not have countenanced the Democratic leadership” of the House insisting that the amendment was allowed to be voted upon, which O’Neill says was a decision that essentially assured its inclusion in the bill.
Did she contact Clinton?
“She works for President Obama,” O’Neill says, “so that wouldn’t be appropriate.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-11-12 20:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'Recently I attended a domestic violence conference hosted by a church in my community. "The Church's Role in Addressing Domestic Violence in the Faith Community," the glossy brochure explained.
I opted to screen a video called "Defending our Lives," featuring the accounts of five women incarcerated for murdering their partners. All insisted their lethal actions were taken solely in self-defense.
The video then claimed domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women. That myth has been debunked by persons like professor Richard Gelles of the University of Pennsylvania who derides such claims "factoids from nowhere." (The actual leading causes of female death are accidental falls, motor vehicle accidents, and over-exertion.)
And then the coup de grace: "Battered women who kill have longer sentences than serial rapists."
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-11-12 20:02
Article here. It's about how men in the "pro-feminist" movement can be accountable to women, not how women can be accountable to others in general. Take a look at pick your jaw up off the floor-- or just laugh at the irony. Excerpt:
'One of the buzz words that kept coming up at the pro-feminist men's conference at St. John's last week was accountability. How can men be accountable to women? How can pro-feminist men be accountable to the feminist movement?
There were no easy answers. Michael Kaufman, founder of the White Ribbon Campaign, wisely debunked the idea that there is some all-powerful feminist committee who serve as the accountability police. Obviously it is a diverse movement filled with folks who would consider some things okay and others offensive--as evidenced by the comment section of this very blog on a daily basis.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-11-12 19:37
Article here. Boys get their genital skin removed without consultation, long before the age where they can give consent, and it's practically a mandate from the UN to keep doing it, if not speed it up. Adult women however choose to get their genitalia altered for cosmetic reasons and what few risks there are to the procedure become front-page news. At least the risk they are choosing to take does not include the real possibility of their genitalia being completely removed "by accident". Excerpt:
'Women are undergoing surgery to create perfect genitalia amid a "shocking" lack of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says.
Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals.
Operations to improve the appearance of the sex organs for both psychological and physical reasons are on the rise.
But surgeons said the report overplayed the risks of an established procedure.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-11-12 19:30
Article here. I do believe there will come a time when a "child of the world" will be possible, made up of a genetic amalgam of selected people from across the planet, possibly with genes from a few ducks or tomatoes thrown in there for good measure. I can only imagine what the custody battle will look like. (Hey, do tomatoes have parental rights?) Excerpt:
'Researchers used eggs from young donors to repair damaged eggs of older women in order to increase their chances of fertilisation.
They have not yet used the eggs to produce babies, but they have injected them with sperm to produce an early stage embryo in the laboratory.
While the move breathes new life into "old eggs" and could also remove genetic illnesses, it is likely to provoke an ethical storm as critics believe it could lead to hybrid or genetically modified children.
"If we could transfer these constructed new embryos, I believe the success rate would be high," Atsushi Tanaka, the lead author told the New Scientist.
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Submitted by bharati on Thu, 2009-11-12 10:41
Story here. Eve Ensler faced picketing MRAs recently in India for spreading hatred towards the male gender. Excerpt:
'That's what harassed husbands claimed when feminist author Eve Ensler refused to meet them after a long wait of 5 hours
I Am An Emotional Creature (link added), the latest play by American playwright Eve Ensler, of "Vagina Monologues" fame may have touched a chord with the city's women but the city's harassed husbands are angry at the way it portrays men.
They waited for five hours on Sunday at Kyra Theatre and Restaurant in Indiranagar where the play was being performed so they could meet Ensler and air their grievances, but it was in vain as Ensler refused to meet them.
"We were there to let her know about the situation in India, which is very different from that described in her play. Things shown here are far from reality and men are portrayed wrongly," said Mithun Kumar, another SIFF member.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-11-12 04:24
Story here. Whew, the mind fairly boggles. How does one "deconstruct" this situation if he or she insists on looking at the world through the lens of political correctness? A black man in an argument with two white people, one male and one female, loses his temper and punches not one, but both of them.
The article focuses on the fact that one of the victims was female. To hit anyone in a debate is of course wrong and I am sure he will lose his job over it, and no doubt suffer other repercussions, possibly criminal charges as well. But the first person he punched was the female of the two with whom he was arguing. With political correctness insisting that the people involved in the primary violent segment of the conflict are both members of groups that are without the appropriate defenses to maintain their own well-being, let alone prosper, which one of them was "more wrong" in their actions? As I wrote, the mind fairly boggles. Excerpt:
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-11-12 01:42
Story here. Excerpt:
'With the release of the ChildLine findings, however, the idea that child sex abuse by women is more prevalent than previously thought gains in credence. According to ChildLine, 42 per cent more children called its hotline in 2008-9 than in 2004-5, and the number of children calling to report abuse by women rose by 132 per cent – that is, a rise five times greater than the rise in children phoning to report abuse by men. In total, during 2008-9 the number of children phoning to report female child sex abuse stood at 2,142, of which 1,311 claimed that the mother was the abuser.
The NSPCC and ChildLine have been predictably bullish. The head of ChildLine, Sue Minto, seemed almost proud to be exploding myths of the good mother: ‘Many would find it shocking that any woman – let alone a mother – can sexually assault a child. But they do.’ NSPCC senior researcher Lisa Bunting saw it as the proof of a problem too long ignored: ‘If you don’t think females are capable of committing sex offences, then you are never going to be looking for that.’
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-11-11 21:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Hofstra freshman who had a raunchy restroom romp and then cried rape made up the twisted tale because she didn't want her schoolmates -- particularly her new boyfriend -- to think she was easy, the beau told The Post yesterday.
"I think she needs a psychologist. She probably felt like, 'They'll think I'm a slut,' " her boyfriend, who asked not to be identified, told The Post.
Danmell Ndonye, 18, who had accused five men of gang rape, admitted the truth only when prosecutors confronted her after learning of a cellphone video that captured the whole sordid episode and showed she had willingly participated, officials said.
She created her outlandish tale when her boyfriend, a Hofstra student who's been dating her since the semester began a few weeks ago, demanded to know where she had disappeared after a wild frat party early Sunday.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-11-11 05:24
Via Jeremy S.: And if you are a man in Canada or the USA or the UK, Australia, New Zealand et al ask yourself honestly what would your legal position under these same conditions and criteria? Story here. Excerpt:
'ORLANDO, Fla. — A former astronaut pleaded guilty Tuesday to attacking a romantic rival in an airport parking lot after driving 1,000 miles from Houston to Orlando to confront her.
Lisa Nowak, a Navy captain, pleaded guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanour battery. She originally had been charged with two felonies, attempted kidnapping and burglary, along with misdemeanour battery.
Nowak confronted her romantic rival, Colleen Shipman, in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007 after driving from Houston. Shipman had begun dating Nowak’s love interest, former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.
Nowak, wearing a wig and trenchcoat, followed Shipman to the parking lot and tried to get into her car, then attacked her with pepper spray. Shipman was able to drive away.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-11-10 21:19