Lesbians make 'better parents', says senior parenting official

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stephen Scott, director of research at the National Academy for Parenting Practitioners, has said his research shows children from lesbian couples do better in life than the offspring of heterosexual couples.

"Lesbians make better parents than a man and a women," Mr Scott told a meeting for the launch of think tank Demos...'

I hope the UK MRA's start getting this deconstructed. Personally, I'm 100% sure that once the study's methodology is assessed, this so-called study will prove to be, at best, misleading and, at worst, false.

[Ed. note: obviously, if dads are worthless, then two mothers are better than one. Right?]

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PhD Science student by day, US$600/hr "escort" by night

It's almost too good. Read here. Excerpt:

'One of the best kept literary secrets of the decade was revealed last night when 34-year-old scientist Dr Brooke Magnanti announced she was the writer masquerading as call girl Belle de Jour.
Until last week, even her agent was unaware of her name. But now Magnanti, a respected specialist in developmental neurotoxicology and cancer epidemiology in a hospital research group in Bristol, has spoken of the time six years ago she worked as a £300 an hour prostitute working through a London escort agency. ...
"I did have another job at one point, as a computer programmer, but I kept up with my other work because it was so much more enjoyable."

Magnanti said her future lies in medical science, but she also has a literary streak. She has been writing a novel, and the Belle blog will "continue for a bit — I'd like her to have happy ending".'

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Body of Shaniya Davis Found Along North Carolina Highway

Disgusting gruesome story here. Of course they could not pass up a swipe at fathers. Excerpt:

'The body of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis was found alongside a North Carolina highway near her hometown, according to Raleigh ABC affiliate WTVD.

Shaniya had been missing for nearly a week. Her mother, Antoinette Davis, 25, was due in court today on charges of human trafficking and child prostitution.

Fayetteville Police spokewoman Theresa Chance told ABCNews.com today that officers had been searching a portion of Interstate 87 between Harnett and Lee counties.

"Information that we received leads us here as far as where the body was discarded," she said.
"It's frightening to learn about the age of entry into prostitution being 12 to 14," he told ABCNews.com today.

In general when parents traffic their own children, the fathers tend to be violent and abusive, while the mothers are typically desperate.

"But no poverty or economic desperation can along explain the prostitution of a child," he said.'

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Men: The second sex?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Pilot Study Relates Phthalate Exposure to Less-Masculine Play by Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'A study of 145 preschool children reports, for the first time, that when the concentrations of two common phthalates in mothers’ prenatal urine are elevated their sons are less likely to play with male-typical toys and games, such as trucks and play fighting.
Because testosterone produces the masculine brain, researchers are concerned that fetal exposure to anti-androgens such as phthalates – which are pervasive in the environment – has the potential to alter masculine brain development, said lead author Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D., professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, director of the URMC Center for Reproductive Epidemiology, and an expert in phthalates.

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Very Weak Magnetic Fields Lower Sperm Quality

Article here. Excerpt:

"A study has found that household chores including using a vacuum cleaner or microwave oven – could reduce a mans chances of having children.

Researchers exposed male volunteers to electromagnetic fields high doses of which are produced by all electrically charged objects, including refrigerators and vacuum cleaners and found such exposure could double the risk of having poor-quality sperm.
He said of the research, due to be published in January in the journal Reproductive Toxicology:

‘This is the first study to show a link between measured electromagnetic fields and poor semen quality in humans, which may provide a logical explanation for why we have seen reductions in sperm quality in men over the past century.’

Although the study did not look at what was producing the magnetic fields, electrical appliances – especially those containing motors such as hairdryers – produce high frequencies and therefore strong magnetic fields.'

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Chemical BPA in male workers linked to sex problems

Article here. Excerpt:

"Male factory workers in China who got very high doses of a chemical that's been widely used in hard plastic bottles had high rates of sexual problems, researchers reported Wednesday.

Heavy exposure to BPA, or bisphenol A, on the job was linked to impotence and lower sexual desire and satisfaction, according to the study, which adds to concerns about BPA's effects on most consumers.

The men in the study experienced BPA levels about 50 times higher than those faced by typical American men, said researcher Dr. De-Kun Li. "We don't know" whether more typical doses have similar effects, he said.
BPA is used in a wide variety of consumer products, including some hard plastic bottles and metal food or beverage cans. Several makers of baby bottles recently said they had stopped using the chemical. Some 90 percent of the U.S. population carries detectable levels in the urine.

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California Activist Alert: Legislation to ban PAS for consideration in child custody matters pending

Article here. Excerpt:

'Along with organizations like the Child Advocacy Center, the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence and the California Protective Parents Association, the CJE believes there is a crisis in the family courts, and that abused children are being handed over to their abusers. One CJE study claims that 38 percent of fathers who are identified as perpetrators of abuse receive full custody of their children.

That statistic, and many others cited by these organizations, could not be independently verified. But there enough evidence of a problem that Sacramento lawmakers, including San Jose Assemblymember Jim Beall Jr., are calling for changes to state law regarding parental custody disputes.

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Suicides in U.S. Army Are on Track to Reach New High

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The number of suicides among active- duty U.S. Army troops this year reached 133 in October, 18 more than in the same period last year and putting the service within reach of a new annual high.

The 133 reported suicides, including the National Guard and Reserves, between January and October compared with 115 during the same period in 2008 when the service recorded 140 by year’s end, an annual record, the Army said in a statement.

The rate of suicide within the Army last year was 20.2 per 100,000 personnel, exceeding for the first time the age-adjusted rate in the civilian population, which was 19.2, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The institute has paired with the Army to undertake the biggest study ever of suicide and behavioral health among military personnel.'

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Man released after more than six years in prison after conviction overturned due to DNA evidence

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Madison man who served more than six years in prison for a sexual assault he said he didn't commit was ordered released Friday after a Dane County Circuit judge overturned his conviction.

Judge Patrick Fiedler cited new DNA evidence and newly developed scientific research on faulty eyewitness identification in throwing out his own judgment of conviction in the 2002 case against Forest Shomberg.

Shomberg's attorney, Byron Lichstein of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, praised the decision.

"I think the judge followed the law and found significant new information that came up since the trial," he said.'

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Mother faces charges in N.C. girl's disappearance

Story here. Excerpt:

"(CNN) -- The mother of a missing North Carolina girl has been charged with human trafficking and other offenses, authorities said Saturday night.

Other charges against Antoinette Nicole Davis include felony child abuse, prostitution and filing a false police report, according to the Fayetteville Police Department. No more details were released on the arrest.

The whereabouts of her daughter, 5-year-old Shaniya Davis, remain unknown. Her mother told police Tuesday that she vanished from their mobile home in Fayetteville.

However, hotel surveillance video taken around the same time Shaniya was reported missing shows the girl with a man identified as Mario Andrette McNeill. He has been charged with first-degree kidnapping."

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Report of LGBT domestic violence finds 125% increase in fatalities

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new report on LGBT domestic violence has found that there was a 125% increase in domestic violence-related fatalities in 2008.

Boston has seen the real-life ramifications of the drastic increase. Nicole Chuminksi is alleged to have set fire to her girlfriend Anna Reisopolous’ South Boston home on April 6, 2008 after an argument, killing two of Reisopolous’ children.

"As seen in the national report, and echoed by the fire in South Boston, partner abuse in LGBT communities can be just as lethal as that in heterosexual communities," said Beth Leventhal, executive director of The Network/La Red, a local organization whose findings were included in the report. "And the effects of domestic violence on children can be devastating."'

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UK: Climate change is not a feminist issue

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's tempting to suggest that climate change, and in particular the question of population control, is a feminist issue. For starters it allows us to put a clear culprit in the dock: find the right stats and hey presto: "Men are all bastards and their irresponsible actions are destroying the planet."

Mary Fitzgerald recently argued that population control is at heart a feminist issue because, if women across the globe (and particularly those in "developing" nations) are given the right to control their bodies via universal birth control, this will halt the potentially disastrous upward curve of the birth rate. Alex Renton has also urged that "population reduction is best achieved by ensuring women's equality and improving their education, while providing cheap and effective birth control."'

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The Atlantic Wire: Fighting for the Future of Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is feminism dead? Leslie Sanchez hopes so, and her new book has more than a few feminists up in arms. Debates about female politicians, or the backlash to women's liberation, aren't new, but the New Yorker's Ariel Levy is wondering how feminism got to be so divisive. She addresses some of the book's pressing questions: What is feminism now? Has Sarah Palin broken the mold for politically ambitious women? What does the feminist movement, after the victories of past decades, still have anything to offer? As liberal advocates of female empowerment engage in some soul-searching, here are their answers:'

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Male Genital Mutilation: Why circumcision should be stopped

Article here. Excerpt:

'Millions of baby boys are circumcised every year in the USA. This practice of snipping off part of a baby`s pe*is, usually without anesthesia (since people have widely believed that anesthesia can be fatal to babies, and if not, that it would hurt as much to have the anesthesia done as it would to just have the circumcision done) has been around for centuries.

But recent studies have shown that, as usual, we have underestimated the senses of newborns. It`s become apparent that circumcision for babies, especially without anesthesia, is not only incredibly painful and traumatic, but it also increases the risk of choking in babies.

Then again, who really cares about the pain of the newborn? They won`t remember it anyway, right?

Actually, wrong. There are severe psychological effects associated with the trauma of a circumcision. Male circumcision is not much different from female circumcision both are forms of genital mutilation that leave a person scarred for life.'

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