Australia: Push for establishment of register of women in SMEs to encourage more female directors

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recommended to the Federal Government the establishment of a national register of women in SMEs who could be considered candidates for appointments to senior corporate boards.

But Jaye Radisich, chief executive of the Council of Small Businesses of Australia, says the creation of a national register would be a duplication of services already in existence.

"The principle is worthwhile, there is clearly a lack of women on boards in government and in private businesses, and any experienced women in SMEs or other parts of the community should be encouraged to be nominated or nominate themselves for these positions."

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Opinion: Linda Ray and Brigid Doherty: Investing in women is crucial to economic recovery

Piece here. Excerpt:

'Poverty does not cause domestic violence. An abuser determined to exercise power and control over his victim causes domestic violence. Certainly, though, the violence experienced by low-income women can make the climb out of poverty impossible.

Poverty, in turn, makes it more difficult to end domestic violence and heal from its effects.

We also know that women closest to the challenges in their community are the ones with the best solutions, which is why funding women is so effective at decreasing problems. Investing in a woman brings security to her as well as her family and her community.

We are at a critical moment for change in our community. By fully realizing the potential of women, we can lift up our economy, provide more — and safer — options to families and move ourselves out of the position of being the third-poorest big city in the nation.'

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U.S. House OKs National Women's History Museum on National Mall; Senate vote sought

Story here. Excerpt:

'While the great women's rights advocates Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (pictured) surely would be proud that the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to establish a National Women's History Museum in Washington, some, including our art critic, Christopher Knight, worry that the prime federal real estate where it would be built, the National Mall in Washington, is in bad condition and in danger of being overrun by haphazard development.

The bipartisan bill passed on a voice vote; if Senate approval follows, backers of the private, nonprofit museum, aimed at illuminating the social, cultural and historical roles played by American women, would have three years to buy a parcel alongside the mall from the government, and five years to begin construction.'

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Kenya: Single women to easily inherit family property

Article here. Excerpt:

'A proposed land policy will make it easier for unmarried women to inherit family property, including land.

The National Land Policy also explicitly prohibits one spouse from selling family land without the consent of the other.

In the 2005 national referendum on a proposed constitution, some Kenyans voted against the draft law, arguing that it allowed women to inherit land, contrary to their customs.

Women’s rights

However, this time, people will not be given a choice on the matter.

“The government will put in place appropriate legislation to ensure effective protection of women’s rights to land and related resources,” says the draft policy, which Lands minister James Orengo is expected to table in Parliament next month.

It will further secure “inheritance rights of unmarried daughters in line with the practices of the respective communities” through public awareness campaigns.'

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Steve McNair Death Probe Questioned

Story here. Excerpt:

On July 8, Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas told reporters, "We do believe, no questions, that she killed Mr. McNair and then killed herself."

Police announced the ruling after what they called "nearly four days of intensive investigation."

But now those closest to Kazemi -- speaking for the first time -- say they find that ruling impossible to believe.

"I don't think Jenny shot Steve McNair. I don't think jenny shot herself," Lakresia Polite, who was a friend of Kazemi's, told CBS News.


Azadeh Kazemi, Jenny's sister, told us, "She wasn't angry enough to do something like that. ... She wouldn't have hurt anyone."

"(She was) very positive ... happy and upbeat all the time," former Kazemi boyfriend Keith Norfleet, observed to CBS News.

Police, however, say Kazemi simply lost it in the last week of her life -- stressed out over mounting bills and her relationship with McNair.

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NOW's new president takes on men 'behaving badly'

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK — Men behaving badly. It wasn't a topic that Terry O'Neill expected to find high on her agenda as new president of the National Organization for Women, but she's tackling it with zest and determination.

"Men behaving badly is exactly the problem in this country," she said in a telephone interview. "It's not a diversion — it's at the core of why women are unequal, why they are kept in second-class citizenship."

O'Neill didn't drop the topic after issuing her statements. NOW urged its supporters to rally outside movie theaters in support of victims of rape and sexual assault, and O'Neill wrote to the president of CBS, which airs the "Late Show," requesting a meeting and urging the network to appoint more women to its board of directors.

"We're living in a time when women who put themselves forward as leaders are subjected to vicious misogynistic attacks — it's very analogous to sexual harassment in the workplace," she said in the interview. "The message to other women is, 'Stay in your place.'"

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Sportscaster Outlines Wife's Lavish Spending Habits in Messy Divorce Trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz — who spent much of his professional life watching opponents face off — is now in a messy battle of his own.

Nantz, 50, who earns more than seven million dollars a year, is in divorce court to protect much of his fortune from wife of 26 years, Lorrie Nantz, the Connecticut Post reported.
Nantz's wife, who is seeking alimony as well as more than $1.5 million-per-year in child support for the couple's 15-year-old daughter, Caroline, has stated that she wants to keep the family's six bedroom home in Westport, Conn. The family also owns a condominium at a ski resort in Utah, according to the Connecticut Post. Lorrie Nantz said that she wants to care for the child's daughter even though she has a full-time nanny.
In nine years, Lorrie Nantz spent close to $1 million at a high-end clothing and jewelry store in Westport, Conn., the Post reported.

Last month she bought a $12,000 necklace at the posh store, but when pressed on its description, she could not remember details.'

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Woman gets 20 days after pleading guilty to false rape report

Story here. It seems video's are often used to vindicate men falsely accused.

'A Valparaiso woman who the Porter County Sheriff’s Police said falsely accused a man of raping her has been sentenced to 180 days in jail after pleading guilty to a charge of false reporting.

Erica Donohue, 20, of 1209 1/2 Chicago St., was sentenced to 180 days in jail, with all but 20 days in jail and 10 days of community service suspended, police said.

According to police, on July 15 Donohue reported being raped by an acquaintance of hers in rural Porter County.

Det. Gene Hopkins of the PCSP subsequently undertook an “extensive investigation,” on the basis of which the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office issued a warrant not for the man’s arrest but Donohue’s,” police said.

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Woman accused of false rape report arrested

Story here.

'Macon police arrested a woman today and charged her with making a false report of a crime and false statements, a release said.

Police arrested Tomeika Strange, 21, of Macon. She had recently accused two individuals of kidnapping and rape on Oct. 9 at a gas station on Houston Avenue.

An investigation by police and the Southeastern Regional Fugitive Task Force showed the accusations to be untrue.'

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Experts: Hofstra false rape could hurt real victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Hofstra University freshman who lied to police about being gang-raped in a dormitory bathroom stall last month altered both the course of her own life and the lives of the five men who were wrongly accused.
But victims' advocates said they had no doubt that public anger toward Ndonye would discourage actual victims of sexual assault from coming forward.

"The defense in sexual assault cases is always that the victim is lying," even when that is not the case, said Lois Schwaeber, director of legal services for the Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

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"The modern male, he’s softer than a slug with a beer belly"

Has to be read in full to be believed. This Liz Jones woman is considered a bit of a joke here in Britain by the way. Excerpt:

'It’s official. Modern man is a wimp. A new book by an Australian anthropologist called Peter McAllister entitled Manthropology: The Science Of The Inadequate Modern Male has come to the conclusion that men are the worst they have ever been – the ‘sorriest cohort of masculine Homo sapiens to ever walk the planet’.

According to a set of fossilised footprints, prehistoric Australian aboriginals would have left 100m and 200m Olympic champion Usain Bolt standing.
You see? Women are now the strong ones in our society. Men no longer chase wildebeest across the pampas, and therefore have become hopelessly soft.

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All-male college cracks down on cross-dressing

Story here. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- An all-male college in Atlanta, Georgia, has banned the wearing of women's clothes, makeup, high heels and purses as part of a new crackdown on what the institution calls inappropriate attire.

No dress-wearing is part of a larger dress code launched this week that Morehouse College is calling its "Appropriate Attire Policy."

The policy also bans wearing hats in buildings, pajamas in public, do-rags, sagging pants, sunglasses in class and walking barefoot on campus.

However, it is the ban on cross-dressing that has brought national attention to the small historically African-American college.'

Gee, I wonder if any of the many women's colleges in the US has a ban on their students dressing like men?

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Woman accused of showing porn from window, assaulting cop

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Grand Forks woman is accused of broadcasting pornography from the window of her home Friday morning, allowing the images and noises to be seen and heard from Lake Agassiz Elementary School.

When police Cpl. Dylan Schauer arrived at Nicole Altendorf’s house on the 800 block of Stanford Road, he found a still shot of a pornography video displayed on a television.

“We made contact with the suspect, who was not compliant in any way,” a police report states. “She refused to come out and physically resisted. She was finally extracted by force from her entryway.”

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The Shriver Report released, claims it's a woman's nation

Report here (.pdf file). This report is extremely long -- 438 pages. Admittedly, I skimmed through it but I tried to provide some of the more intriguing excerpts.

“A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything” is work in the best tradition of those ideals. It flips a switch in our culture, sparking a collective acknowledgement of the interdependence of men and women today. With that switch we hope will come changes in the collective mindset of our government, business, faith institutions, our culture, media, and most importantly, men and women. Embracing these new dynamics and sparking new conversations is what “A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything” is all about.

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Travel Japan by H.I.S. releases new pricing for 'women only' cultural tour

Article here. Excerpt:

'Travel Japan by H.I.S. has released new pricing for its innovative ‘women only’ nine-day exploration of Japanese culture.

Highlights of the ‘Japan Experience’ include a shiatsu massage, learning the secrets of Japanese cooking, an Ikebana class and tea ceremony and a private party with one of Kyoto’s famed geisha.

Ideal for mothers and daughters, aunts and nieces travelling together or for groups of up to 12, the program visits Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto and Osaka.'

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