F&F Campaign: Ask DSM to Include Parental Alienation in Upcoming Edition

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'A group of 50 mental health experts from 10 countries are part of an effort to add Parental Alienation to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychiatric Association’s “bible” of diagnoses. According to psychiatrist William Bernet, adding PA “would spur insurance coverage, stimulate more systematic research, lend credence to a charge of parental alienation in court, and raise the odds that children would get timely treatment.”

Few family law cases are as heartbreaking as those involving Parental Alienation. In PA cases, one parent has turned his or her children against the other parent, destroying the loving bonds the children and the target parent once enjoyed.

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Blog: Are some men's rights groups undercutting gains made by domestic violence activists?

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Kathryn Joyce at Slate asks the question. She write of the men's movement group, RADAR, Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting:

RADAR's rhetoric may seem overblown, but lately the group and its many partners have been racking up very real accomplishments. In 2008, the organization claimed to have blocked passage of four federal domestic-violence bills, among them an expansion of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to international scope and a grant to support lawyers in pro bono domestic-violence work. Members of this coalition have gotten themselves onto drafting committees for VAWA's 2011 reauthorization. Local groups in West Virginia and California have also had important successes, criminalizing false claims of domestic violence in custody cases, and winning rulings that women-only shelters are discriminatory.

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Law firm sets precedent as first Fort Lauderdale family law firm dedicated to men’s rights

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) November 17, 2009 -- Gerald Adams and Associates is the first Fort Lauderdale family law firm dedicated to fighting for Men’s Rights in the civil court room. This firm provides all services related to family law including divorce, parenting plans and time-sharing (custody rights), spousal support, asset distribution, paternity, child support, domestic violence and even post- trial- litigation.

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UK: MENS Society becomes official Union society

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'The MENS society has been officially recognised by the University of Manchester Students’ Union, following a change of name as requested by the union.

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Spain: Doctor’s error leads to false accusation in Tenerife ‘rape’ case

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'An erroneous medical report led to a man being accused of the rape and murder of a three-year-old girl in Tenerife last week.

The child, Aitana, died last week in hospital. Initial press reports alleged the girl’s body bore numerous burns and bruises as well as evidence of sexual assault. The 24-year-old boyfriend of the girl’s mother was arrested in connection with the death.

But the man was yesterday released without charges as a new medical report revealed the girl’s death was due to internal injuries she suffered after falling in a play park five days before and that the burns were actually an allergic reaction to a cream. The new report also discounted any possibility of sexual abuse.

The young man’s lawyer has said his client will be pursuing legal action against the doctor who drew up the first medical report. The lawyer said: “We are furious with the press. How are they going to repair the damage they have done after ‘lynching’ my client and describing him as a rapist?”

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Carey Roberts: Justice official gives thanks for bias and bigotry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week we were jolted with the news that the global warming crisis is a hoax, an ideologically-driven scam based on data that have been routinely doctored, selectively presented, and when necessary, furtively disposed of.

But there's another global disinformation campaign that is still going strong. It's called the Cult of Domestic Violence. This ruse threatens the very foundation of American society: the traditional family.

This past Thursday Catherine Pierce, acting director of the Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women, issued a Thanksgiving message — now that sounds comforting, doesn't it?

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UK: 'End of nuclear family' forecast

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'The nuclear family is breaking down as children are increasingly raised by relations other than their parents, a government-backed parenting group says.

The Family and Parenting Institute says grandparents, aunts and uncles are helping out more as parents struggle to cope with marital breakdown and work.

One in four children is now brought up in a one-parent household, the vast majority of which are led by mothers.

Soon there would be no typical family model, the institute suggested.
And while mothers' employment is up, single mothers with children under five are the least likely to be working with employment rates 28% lower than for mothers who live as part of a couple.

Shadow education spokesman David Willetts says: "The long-term commitment of two adults to each other so they can raise their children together is not going the way of the bowler hat or Woolworths.

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Police say they'll investigate Tiger Woods' accident without his input

Article here. Excerpt:

'Windermere, Florida (CNN) -- State police in Florida said Monday they will continue investigating a single-vehicle crash involving pro golfer Tiger Woods.

On Sunday, Woods canceled for the third time a meeting between himself and investigators to get his side of what happened early Friday when he pulled out of his driveway in his Orlando neighborhood about 2:25 a.m. in a 2009 Cadillac SUV and struck a fire hydrant, then a tree.

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"Another 101 Fact: There is no such thing as reverse sexism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Something that I often get asked is “aren’t feminists just being reversely sexist?” or “isn’t feminism just reverse sexism?” No, and no. There is no such thing as reverse sexism. First of all, let’s establish a working definition of sexism: Just like how racism = power + prejudice based on skin color, sexism = power + prejudice based on gender. When talking about the various forms of oppression, many people often confuse prejudice with the ism. From Failure to Communicate:

That “+ power” portion of the equation is one of the most important parts. This is not to say that the disenfranchised cannot be prejudiced, because many of them are, but without power, they are not actually working within the systematic framework of advantage created by the majority to privilege themselves.

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Soccer hair-pulling fuels debate over sport sexism

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'NEW YORK — The vicious hair-pulling of an opponent was inexcusable. But prominent advocates of women's sports say that so, too, has been much of the commentary generated by the popular video of college soccer player Elizabeth Lambert's combative tactics in a recent game.

"Catfight" has been a term commonly used in cyberspace reactions to the video clip now seen by millions of people around the world. One Web site ran a poll: "Do you find violent women sexy?" Some bloggers — lapsing into old stereotypes — suggested Lambert's menstrual cycle was a factor.

"It's clearly sexist," said Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, as she assessed the overall reaction to Lambert's rough play in a Nov. 5 game between her New Mexico team and Brigham Young.

"It's obvious there are still some people in this country who just can't accept that women want to play sports, and sometime sports get rough."'

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MND: The Myth of Women’s Oppression

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forty some odd years ago, feminists bellowed their way into mainstream attention, launching a major offensive on what they called a patriarchal system that had oppressed women for centuries.

Painting women as downtrodden and powerless, they railed against men with the missionary zeal of abolitionists and with largely the same message.

In short, women were slaves and men were their masters. They demanded liberation and have been making demands every since.

They did a magnificent job of pitching all this. That could be a testament to the inherent truth in their ideas. Or it might be something else, like the fact that they already had so much power that few were willing to question anything they said in the first place.'

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UK: The march of the new feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'They are the Topshop generation: young girls more used to partying than protesting; keener on women's looks than women's lib. But now they have had enough. A new wave of feminists, some still in their teens, are putting the struggle for women's rights back on the agenda for the first time in a decade.

The feminist resurgence has spawned a flurry of new blogs, magazines, books, societies, conferences and protest marches – and this time dungarees are out.

On university campuses, women's groups are thriving once more, while hundreds of women each month are joining new feminist networks in cities from Birmingham and Manchester to Glasgow and London.

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Fay Weldon: Feminism has made women into wage slaves, just like men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism has turned many women into unhappy "wage-slaves", with only the better-off able to cope with the exhausting nature of modern life, according to author Fay Weldon.

The novelist, a pioneer of the feminist movement, said the sexual revolution of the Sixties ended the requirement for women to provide "sexual, childcare and cooking services".

However, there were many drawbacks, not least the effect that the demands of feminism had placed on working women, she told the Richmond Book Now Festival.

"The downside of feminism is that women are now expected to go out to work, which some women would rather do than looking after the children anyway," she said.

"Once it was only the men who were wage-slaves, and now it's the men and the women too. You know, I'd really rather blame capitalism.

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Woman gets 22-to-life for child abuse, murder

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'Visalia - 24-year-old Nancy Ortiz cried as superior court judge Joseph Kalashian sentenced her to 15 years to life in prison, for the murder of her own baby, named Angelita by the community.

And he added another seven years for felony child abuse charges.

Ortiz will have to spend 22 years in prison before she could be considered for parole.

The judge called the crimes "callous."

"There were three babies that were abandoned. One of them succumbed to the conditions of the abandonment. This was an egregious case that warranted the sentence," said prosecutor Janet Wise.

Ortiz was convicted of second-degree murder, and three county of child abandonment.'

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Woman in jail as 17-lb. 3-YO boy fights for survival

Story here. Excerpt:

'His mother is in jail, and his protector is the state. His home is a hospital, and his health is nearly as fragile as the day he landed in the ER at Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital.

Weighing just 17 pounds, 3-year-old Kayvon Lewis arrived in the emergency room last month extremely malnourished, dehydrated and at risk of heart failure and liver damage. He can neither walk nor talk. He is blind and suffers seizures, sometimes five a day.

His mother, authorities say, was starving him to death, a form of child abuse so rare that doctors almost never see it.

About 200 children each year die from abuse and neglect in Texas. Kayvon escaped death by a thread.

And as is often the case, a lengthy list of people knew about the boy's eroding condition, but failed to intervene.

“The care Kayvon was given was pathetic,” said Gary Polland, the attorney appointed to represent Kayvon at court after ER physicians had the boy taken into temporary custody by Texas Child Protective Services.'

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