The New Art of Alimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'Paul and Theresa Taylor were married for 17 years. He was an engineer for Boston's public-works department, while she worked in accounting at a publishing company. They had three children, a weekend cottage on the bay and a house in the suburbs, on a leafy street called Cranberry Lane. In 1982, when they got divorced, the split was amicable. She got the family home; he got the second home. Both agreed "to waive any right to past, present or future alimony."

But recently, more than two decades after the divorce, Ms. Taylor, 64, told a Massachusetts judge she had no job, retirement savings or health insurance. Earlier this year, the judge ordered Mr. Taylor, now 68 and remarried, to pay $400 per week to support his ex-wife.

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High-profile NY City News anchor pulled from TV even after false accusations by wife are admitted

Story here. Excerpt:

'TV newsman Dominic Carter was yanked off the air Thursday after he was accused of beating his wife while calling her a "dumb, stupid, project bitch."
Paulus dropped the hammer on Carter the same day his wife, Marilyn, told a Rockland County judge she lied when she claimed her husband attacked her last October.

With his job on the line and his reputation in tatters, Carter pleaded with Justice Arnold Etelson to issue a ruling in his favor.

"In the court of public opinion, if I leave here without an opinion, my career is over," he said.
Carter, 45, left the court with his wife by his side.

"I am sticking by him with this," said Marilyn Carter, 52.'

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Jury hears boy, 7, describe how mother attacked him and his brother

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A mother's plot to blame a stranger for killing her sons went awry when one of the boys survived and told police how Michelle Kehoe cut his throat, then moved on to his younger brother, an Iowa prosecutor said Thursday.

Police found the 7-year-old covered in dried blood in the family van the morning of October 27, 2008, in a secluded area near a pond east of Littleton. Beside the van, his 2-year-old brother lay dead, his throat also slashed.
Kehoe, of Coralville, Iowa, has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and child endangerment causing serious injury. Before the trial, her lawyers filed a notice of intent to present an insanity defense, according to court records.'

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NOW President on President Obama's All-Male Athletic Outings: 'It's Troubling'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We asked Terry O'Neill, the new president of the National Organization for Women, what she thought of those Democratic women and others quietly complaining about a "boy's club" atmosphere at the White House, as exemplified by the president playing basketball earlier this month with 11 members of Congress and four Cabinet Secretaries -- all men.

"Relationships get built in those more informal settings," O'Neill told ABC News, "and the relationships have a huge impact on the influence an individual has. We know what happens when we segregated whether it by race or whether it by gender -- you end up with 1st class citizens and you end up with 2nd class citizens."

O'Neill told ABC News' Mike Callahan, "we need to see the White House leading the way for desegregating the work places all around the country and it is troubling."'

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ABC News blog: "Women in Peril: A Look at TVs Disturbing New Storyline Trend"

Article here. Should I be surprised nothing is mentioned about men portrayed as violent thugs? Excerpt:

'PTC analysts looked at 209 hours of television programming during the February and May 2004 and 2009 sweeps and found the following:

"Violence, irrespective of gender, on television increased during the study period only 2% from 2004 to 2009, while the incidence of violence against women increased 120% during that same period."

"Cumulatively, across all study periods and all networks, the most frequent type of violence was beating (29%), followed by credible threats of violence, (18%), shootings (11%), rape (8%), stabbing (6%), and torture (2%). Violence against women resulted in death 19% of the time."

"Violence against women or the graphic consequences of violence tends overwhelmingly to be depicted 92% of the time, rather than implied (5%) or described (3%)."

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UK: "Women who cry rape will ALWAYS be sent to prison, appeal court warns"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women who cry rape were warned by the Court of Appeal today that prison was 'inevitable' for an offence which attacks the criminal justice system.

Rejecting a sentence challenge by a woman jailed for two years after making a false allegation against an innocent man, two senior judges emphasised the impact of such a crime on conviction rates.

Mr Justice Henriques, sitting in London with Mrs Justice Rafferty, said: 'Every time a defendant stands trial for rape, defence counsel necessarily point out to the jury that false allegations are made.

'Allegations such as this drive yet another nail into the conviction rate.'"

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Afghanistan: Boys forced into prostitution ignored by media, world

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A young boy dressed in women's clothing, his face caked in make-up, dances the night away for a crowd of men.
The boy is but one youth among many throughout the country forced into an age-old underground tradition known as "bacha bazi," or "boy play," in which young boys are taken from their families, made to dance and used as sex slaves by powerful men. The number of boys involved is unknown -- the practice has been going on for centuries, in a country where such practices are overshadowed by conflict and war.
Farhad said that he was taken from a party by four police officers one night and almost gang raped at the station Before their commander walked in and stopped the assault. But then, "He said if I wanted to be set free I should give him my money and my mobile," Farhad said. "I had no real choice, so I gave him my money and mobile."

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"Does school or society cause boy dropouts?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Still, the sad fact is, according to StatsCan numbers for 2006/7, one out of three boys doesn't graduate from high school while one out of four girls doesn't make it (with many female dropouts attributed to pregnancy, by the way).

But really, is the education system at fault – or is it a society that rewards macho-macho men, extreme athletes and action, and a blow-them-up culture of violence? And what about a system that makes it unattractive for men to take up teaching?

Fact is, if you pay attention to the cruel stories out of British upper- crust schools, it seems that girls' presence has a mitigating effect on that Lord of the Flies brutality – although females do better academically in the absence of boys.

Currently, there's conservative literature, including Christina Hoff Sommers' The War Against Boys and Kathleen Parker's Save the Males, which lays the blame for boys' failures on feminism.'

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Op-ed: "Sometimes, those accused of crimes are actually victims"

Article here. Excerpt:

'To that end, when a crime is reported in which the name of the accuser is not revealed, such as sexual assault, I believe it is only equitable that the accused also be allowed to remain anonymous until they are proven guilty.

It is certainly understandable why the names of alleged sex crime victims are not reported. After all, these victims may decide to forgo filing a police report — allowing their perverse perpetrators to escape justice — if they believe a result of informing authorities about the crime will be the surrendering of their privacy. However, it is sometimes the accused in these cases who turn out to be the real victims. Should these individuals not be allowed the same treatment in regard to an unproven crime as their accusers?

Take the story of the then-unnamed University of Hofstra student who accused five men of raping her last month. Four of the men were immediately arrested and jailed before the woman confessed that she’d lied.'

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Woman Arrested For Filing False Alleged Rape Report

Story here. Excerpt:

'Angela Blackburn, 32, accused four young men of raping her at a party last month. Now she faces a felony charge of her own. Blackburn was arrested by Ozark Police Tuesday afternoon for filing a false police report.

"It took a long time," Ashley Wheeler told KFSM. "They had us locked up in no time at all." Wheeler is one of four men police say was falsely accused of rape. He and his friends are glad their accuser is now under arrest.

"A little bit of relief maybe so people know for sure that she was lying," Morgan Applegate, another of the vindicated men said.'

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Jury hears boy, 7, describe how mother attacked him and his brother

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A mother's plot to blame a stranger for killing her sons went awry when one of the boys survived and told police how Michelle Kehoe cut his throat, then moved on to his younger brother, an Iowa prosecutor said Thursday.

Police found the 7-year-old covered in dried blood in the family van the morning of October 27, 2008, in a secluded area near a pond east of Littleton. Beside the van, his 2-year-old brother lay dead, his throat also slashed.

"She cut me," the boy said in a high-pitched voice in an audio recording that was played Thursday in Kehoe's first-degree murder trial.

Kehoe, of Coralville, Iowa, has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and child endangerment causing serious injury. Before the trial, her lawyers filed a notice of intent to present an insanity defense, according to court records.'

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Report: Date-rape drink spiking 'an urban legend'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A study of more than 200 students revealed many wrongly blamed the effects of a "bad night out" on date-rape drugs, when they had just drunk excessively.

Many are in "active denial" that drinking large amounts of alcohol can leave them "incoherent and incapacitated", the Kent University researchers concluded.

Young women's fears about date-rape drugs are so ingrained that students mistakenly think it is a more important factor in sexual assault than being drunk, taking drugs or walking alone at night.

The study, published in the British Journal of Criminology, found three-quarters of students identified drink spiking as an important risk – more than alcohol or drugs.'

More than half said they knew someone whose drink had been spiked.

But despite popular beliefs, police have found no evidence that rape victims are commonly drugged with such substances, the researchers said.

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B.C. police seek serial groin-kicker after series of attacks

Story here. Excerpt:

'LANGLEY, B.C. -- Police in Langley are investigating after a woman kicked a man in the groin so hard he lost a testicle -- the latest in a series of similar assaults.

"I just want to know what her problem is," victim Anthony Clark, 22, said this week. "People like her shouldn't be on the streets."

Mr. Clark was walking in the Brookswood area of Langley in early September when he passed his assailant on the sidewalk.

"I was looking down and then I took a passing glance and saw her walk up to me," he said.

That's when the young woman inexplicably kicked him in the groin hard enough to send one of his testicles into his abdomen.'

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Debra Lafave Allowed Contact With Children

Story here.

'TAMPA, Fla. — A judge has allowed former teacher and sex offender Debra Lafave to have contact with the children of family and friends.

Lafave is the former middle-school teacher who pleaded guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old boy.

She served 2 1/2 years of house arrest but is still on sex-offender probation.

After a hearing Thursday, Circuit Judge Wayne Timmerman said that because Lafave has completed sex-offender therapy, state law allows her "appropriate" unsupervised contact with minors. Prosecutors did not object.

Lafave still isn't allowed to live near a school or work with children.

Her attorney called it "a good step forward." Lafave did not comment.'

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Canada: CHP suggests maintaining small handgun registration "especially for women"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'The CHP (ed.: hyperlink added) will maintain the registration of handguns but would restore the right of Canadians, especially women, to own .32 and .25 calibre weapons of barrel lengths shorter than 4.1 inches. Small handguns in the hands of women would do much to end the fear they currently experience because of violent ex-partners.

The intent of "especially women" was not to suggest that domestic violence is primarily perpetrated by men against women. As you correctly point out, statistics show that men and women are about equal in abuse. However, they also show that more serious injury and death are generally men assaulting women.

I've quoted below from a Macleans article from July 2006 entitled "Breakup Blast".

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