UK: Woman charged with false rape allegation

Story here.

'A WOMAN from Salisbury has appeared at Southampton Crown Court accused of making a false allegation of rape.

Gemma Mann, 24, is charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by claiming her sister had been raped.

Mann, of St Clements Way, Bishopdown, who does not have a sister, had bail extended to January 29.

Police mounted a full-scale operation with volunteer search groups at the Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley last month.'

Ed. note: This is an update on this story.

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Cathy Young: 'Tiger Woods, Gender & Domestic Violence'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chastising men's rights groups for using the Tiger Woods story to promote awareness of men as victims of domestic violence, Rosin dismisses the female abuser as a myth unsupported by "sociological research." Never mind that some of the most prominent sociologists specializing in domestic violence research, such as Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire, have written extensively about abuse as a two-way street (though recognizing that male violence poses a higher risk of harm).

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Scotland: Children should know not only women are victims of violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'DOMESTIC abuse – there's no excuse. No excuse, that is, to continue to peddle the myth that only females are victims of this criminal behaviour.

Last Wednesday, the BBC announced schoolchildren in England and Wales will receive compulsory lessons about domestic violence in an effort to reduce attacks on women and girls.

Clearly unaware of the irony, the newsreader's next item referred to the recapture of Jane Andrews, the former royal aide who is serving a minimum of 12 years for the beating and stabbing to death the man who refused to marry her.
Let's be clear: women are far more likely to be victims of domestic violence than men. However, the number of males who are abused by female partners is significant and growing. In Scotland, police reports where men have been harmed by female partners has increased 110 per cent since 1999-2000. In 2007, Strathclyde police reported that more than 3,000 incidents involved violence by females on males, compared to more than 20,000 incidents of male-on-female violence.

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UK: 63% of women prefer male bosses

Article here. Excerpt:

'In short, our commercial DNA is not wired for corporate success. And nowhere was that more graphically demonstrated than last week when the much-feted co-chairman of Gordon Brown’s Women’s Enterprise Task Force was successfully sued by one of her employees for bullying.

Dr Glenda Stone runs a successful recruitment website, Aurora, with her husband. So even this colossus of female business success, the woman chosen to front such a highprofile government body, co-runs her business with her spouse.

Not much of a triumph for feminism after all, is it?

And what’s more, by all accounts in the industrial tribunal, she was a terrible boss - overbearing, foulmouthed, petty, bullying, micromanaging-vindictive.

I know that type of female boss well, the Bully Boy Boss, who thinks they have to be nastier than the nastiest male boss to succeed. But more of them later.

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New Yorker: The Encyclopedia of Counterintuitive Thought

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the aughts, the shocking hidden side of everything became the only side of anything worthy of magazine covers and book deals. Social scientists applied their techniques to the problem of climate change; liberals who wanted to be taken seriously had to come up with arguments for conservative policies and vice versa. Everywhere in the media, the former creators of mass consensus devoted themselves to contradicting the conventional wisdom. Here, a selection of the most unlikely ideas in a decade that was always looking to blow your mind.
Boys are the biggest victims of sex discrimination.
2000, Book.

Girls are doing better in school than boys, but because feminists insist that girls are still an at-risk group, boys are now ignored and left to fail. Furthermore, teaching boys to be sensitive and empathetic is a mistake; what they really need is a father’s masculine presence, to instill a sense of honor and make them into “gentlemen.”

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California Woman Fatally Stabbed Younger Brother, Police Say

Story here.

'LOS ANGELES — Authorities say a 20-year-old woman has been arrested after stabbing her younger brother to death at an apartment in Sylmar.

Los Angeles Police Officer April Harding says 17-year-old Parrish Reed was found slashed and bleeding Saturday night. Paramedics rushed him to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

His sister, Amber Reed, was arrested and is being held in lieu of $1 million bail on suspicion of murder.

Investigators believe the victim was stabbed with a kitchen knife during an argument over money.

Their mother was home at the time of the incident.'

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'SNL' Criticized After Airing Tiger Woods Domestic Violence Skit While Rihanna On Show

Article here. A breath of fresh air-- someone actually mentions the double-standard! Excerpt:

'"Saturday Night Live" is making headlines for featuring a skit over the weekend, which parodied domestic violence.

On Saturday night's episode, the NBC sketch comedy show made light of Tiger Woods' scandalous week, satirizing reports - denied by the golfer - that his wife, Elin Nordegren, attacked him prior to his early-morning car accident on November 27 with a sketch featuring Keenan Thomson and host Blake Lively.
"It was another sketch that gave us pause," noted PopEater in an article titled "'SNL' Lampoons Alleged Violence in Tiger Woods' Marriage," on Sunday. "We think, had the genders been reversed, 'SNL' wouldn't make light of the potentially violent situation."

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Australian academic links father’s rights and violence against women as common foes

Article here. Wikipedia entry for the author is here. Contact info is at the end of the excerpt. Excerpt:

'The fathers’ rights movement is defined by the claim that fathers are deprived of their ‘rights’ and subjected to systematic discrimination as men and fathers, in a system biased towards women and dominated by feminists. Fathers’ rights groups overlap with men’s rights groups and both represent an organised backlash to feminism. Fathers’ rights and men’s rights groups can be seen as the anti-feminist wing of the men’s movement, the network of men’s groups and organisations mobilised on gender issues (Flood, 1998).

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U.S. Civil Rights Commission Investigates College Admission Bias

Story here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is investigating whether college admission offices are discriminating against female applicants to achieve gender balance in their student bodies.

College enrollment rates for women have increased over the past 20 years. In 2005, 57 percent of the 17.5 million undergraduate students enrolled in college were women, and the National Center for Education Statistics projects that by 2016, 60 percent of all college students will be female. The increase in female applicants has meant that at some selective colleges, they are rejected in higher percentages than male applicants are. "We hope to start a conversation on how to deal with it," says Gail Heriot, one of the group's commissioners and a law professor at the University of San Diego.

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UK: No jail time for cheating wife who cried rape in text message to husband after fit of guilt over affair

Story here. Excerpt:

'A wife who cried rape because she felt guilty about cheating on her husband in their home was spared jail yesterday.

Helen Dalby went to extraordinary lengths to stand by her false claim, having a full medical examination and even helping create an e-fit of her imaginary attacker.

But despite wasting £3,800 of public money and showing little regard for two men arrested, she was given a ten-month suspended jail sentence after admitting perverting the course of justice.

Judge David Tremberg told 35-year-old Dalby: 'The men (who came under suspicion) no doubt will have wondered what might have happened to them if this nightmare did not go away. Your lies diverted a massive amount of precious police time and resources from proper duty.'

Dalby's behaviour risked weakening the cases of genuine rape victims and allowing dangerous offenders to be acquitted, he added. In similar cases prison sentences of up to two years have been imposed.

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George Stephanopoulos: 'Clinton Hasn't Talked to Italians About Knox'

Article here. Excerpt:

'That’s the question Sen. Maria Cantwell is posing following the Italian murder conviction of the former University of Washington student.

The year-long murder trial of the 22-year-old has caused an international media frenzy.

The senator argued in a statement released Friday that the Italian prosecution “did not present enough evidence” to convict Knox of the murder of her housemate, and said she would convey her concerns to Secretary of State Clinton.

During our “This Week’ interview airing Sunday, Clinton told me she'd be happy to meet with Sen. Cantwell but she hasn't expressed any concerns to the Italians about Knox ... here's our exchange:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: "Do you share her concerns about this trial?"

SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: "George I honestly haven't had time to even examine that. I've been immersed in what we're doing in Afghanistan. Of course I'll meet with Sen. Cantwell or anyone who has a concern but I can't offer any opinion about that at this time."

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Statewide survey shows "ball tapping" problem widespread

Article here. Bizarre. But when kids see it on TV without condemnation (but loads of canned laughs), no surprise, they think there's nothing wrong with it. Excerpt:

'It's a disturbing game with devastating consequences, and a new WTHR survey suggests it is rampant in Indiana schools.

"Ball tapping" is the act of intentionally hitting or kicking a male in the genitals. Earlier this month, an Eyewitness News investigation showed the game has become commonplace in some area schools, resulting in serious injuries for students.

As part of the investigation, WTHR also conducted a statewide survey of school nurses. The results are in, and they show the problem of ball tapping is more common and widespread than many school officials had realized.

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Germany: Father strikes blow for single dads in war for justice

Article here

'An unmarried German man has struck a blow for fatherhood, winning a landmark legal decision on his right to see his daughter. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of Horst Zaunegger, whose former partner refused him access to their teenage daughter when the couple split up and she moved away.

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French plan to force gender equality on boardrooms

Story here. Excerpt:

'Nicolas Sarkozy's centre-right party has put forward legislation that would see women make up half the figures in France's leading boardrooms by 2015, under a bold plan to impose gender equality on the male-dominated business world.

In a bill submitted to the French parliament this week, all companies listed on the Paris stock exchange would have to ensure female employees made up 50% of their board members by 2015. If passed, a gradual implementation of the law would see businesses obliged to have women in 20% of board seats within 18 months, and 40% within four years.

Jean-François Copé, president of the majority UMP party, said it could give a "much-needed electro-shock" to the French corporate world, long considered a bastion reserved for the male elite in which only 10.5% of board members in CAC 40 (French stock market index) companies are female.'

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Police Allege Elaborate Bid for Revenge by a Wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'The police on Friday arrested a Brooklyn woman and accused her of taking extraordinary measures to exact revenge on her philandering husband and his pregnant paramour — including tricking the woman into taking a drug that induced early labor, and then trying to get nurses to feed the infant a strange substance disguised as breast milk.

According to law enforcement officials, about two months ago, the woman, Kisha Jones, 38, discovered that her husband was having an affair with a younger woman who she believed was carrying his child. Furious, Ms. Jones, who lives near Brownsville, somehow obtained a doctor’s prescription pad, the officials said, and used it to order a prescription for a drug that would induce an abortion.

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