New warning on 'perfect vaginas'

Article here. Boys get their genital skin removed without consultation, long before the age where they can give consent, and it's practically a mandate from the UN to keep doing it, if not speed it up. Adult women however choose to get their genitalia altered for cosmetic reasons and what few risks there are to the procedure become front-page news. At least the risk they are choosing to take does not include the real possibility of their genitalia being completely removed "by accident". Excerpt:

'Women are undergoing surgery to create perfect genitalia amid a "shocking" lack of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says.

Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals.

Operations to improve the appearance of the sex organs for both psychological and physical reasons are on the rise.

But surgeons said the report overplayed the risks of an established procedure.

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'Three parent babies' take a step closer to reality

Article here. I do believe there will come a time when a "child of the world" will be possible, made up of a genetic amalgam of selected people from across the planet, possibly with genes from a few ducks or tomatoes thrown in there for good measure. I can only imagine what the custody battle will look like. (Hey, do tomatoes have parental rights?) Excerpt:

'Researchers used eggs from young donors to repair damaged eggs of older women in order to increase their chances of fertilisation.

They have not yet used the eggs to produce babies, but they have injected them with sperm to produce an early stage embryo in the laboratory.

While the move breathes new life into "old eggs" and could also remove genetic illnesses, it is likely to provoke an ethical storm as critics believe it could lead to hybrid or genetically modified children.

"If we could transfer these constructed new embryos, I believe the success rate would be high," Atsushi Tanaka, the lead author told the New Scientist.

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Eve Ensler faces MRAs in India

Story here. Eve Ensler faced picketing MRAs recently in India for spreading hatred towards the male gender. Excerpt:

'That's what harassed husbands claimed when feminist author Eve Ensler refused to meet them after a long wait of 5 hours

I Am An Emotional Creature (link added), the latest play by American playwright Eve Ensler, of "Vagina Monologues" fame may have touched a chord with the city's women but the city's harassed husbands are angry at the way it portrays men.

They waited for five hours on Sunday at Kyra Theatre and Restaurant in Indiranagar where the play was being performed so they could meet Ensler and air their grievances, but it was in vain as Ensler refused to meet them.

"We were there to let her know about the situation in India, which is very different from that described in her play. Things shown here are far from reality and men are portrayed wrongly," said Mithun Kumar, another SIFF member.

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Prof busted in Columbia gal 'punch'

Story here. Whew, the mind fairly boggles. How does one "deconstruct" this situation if he or she insists on looking at the world through the lens of political correctness? A black man in an argument with two white people, one male and one female, loses his temper and punches not one, but both of them.

The article focuses on the fact that one of the victims was female. To hit anyone in a debate is of course wrong and I am sure he will lose his job over it, and no doubt suffer other repercussions, possibly criminal charges as well. But the first person he punched was the female of the two with whom he was arguing. With political correctness insisting that the people involved in the primary violent segment of the conflict are both members of groups that are without the appropriate defenses to maintain their own well-being, let alone prosper, which one of them was "more wrong" in their actions? As I wrote, the mind fairly boggles. Excerpt:

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'See? Mothers can be sex abusers, too'

Story here. Excerpt:

'With the release of the ChildLine findings, however, the idea that child sex abuse by women is more prevalent than previously thought gains in credence. According to ChildLine, 42 per cent more children called its hotline in 2008-9 than in 2004-5, and the number of children calling to report abuse by women rose by 132 per cent – that is, a rise five times greater than the rise in children phoning to report abuse by men. In total, during 2008-9 the number of children phoning to report female child sex abuse stood at 2,142, of which 1,311 claimed that the mother was the abuser.

The NSPCC and ChildLine have been predictably bullish. The head of ChildLine, Sue Minto, seemed almost proud to be exploding myths of the good mother: ‘Many would find it shocking that any woman – let alone a mother – can sexually assault a child. But they do.’ NSPCC senior researcher Lisa Bunting saw it as the proof of a problem too long ignored: ‘If you don’t think females are capable of committing sex offences, then you are never going to be looking for that.’

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Hofstra gal feared being branded a tramp after romp

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Hofstra freshman who had a raunchy restroom romp and then cried rape made up the twisted tale because she didn't want her schoolmates -- particularly her new boyfriend -- to think she was easy, the beau told The Post yesterday.

"I think she needs a psychologist. She probably felt like, 'They'll think I'm a slut,' " her boyfriend, who asked not to be identified, told The Post.

Danmell Ndonye, 18, who had accused five men of gang rape, admitted the truth only when prosecutors confronted her after learning of a cellphone video that captured the whole sordid episode and showed she had willingly participated, officials said.

She created her outlandish tale when her boyfriend, a Hofstra student who's been dating her since the semester began a few weeks ago, demanded to know where she had disappeared after a wild frat party early Sunday.'

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Ex-astronaut pleads guilty in attack on rival

Via Jeremy S.: And if you are a man in Canada or the USA or the UK, Australia, New Zealand et al ask yourself honestly what would your legal position under these same conditions and criteria? Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — A former astronaut pleaded guilty Tuesday to attacking a romantic rival in an airport parking lot after driving 1,000 miles from Houston to Orlando to confront her.

Lisa Nowak, a Navy captain, pleaded guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanour battery. She originally had been charged with two felonies, attempted kidnapping and burglary, along with misdemeanour battery.

Nowak confronted her romantic rival, Colleen Shipman, in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007 after driving from Houston. Shipman had begun dating Nowak’s love interest, former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.

Nowak, wearing a wig and trenchcoat, followed Shipman to the parking lot and tried to get into her car, then attacked her with pepper spray. Shipman was able to drive away.

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American Prospect: 'What's the Alternative to Tucker Max?'

Article here. Excerpt:

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More from female-soccer-players-behaving-badly

Story here. Can't be, girls "just don't do these kinds of things," right? Excerpt:

'PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - League officials in Rhode Island are investigating a fight between members of two girls' high school soccer teams who threw punches, pulled hair and sparked a brawl in the bleachers.

The fight captured on video by WPRI-TV broke out Sunday with about a minute left in a match between Woonsocket and Tolman high schools.
Fans fought in the bleachers during an awards ceremony.

Woonsocket coach Kathleen Fagnant says she doesn't know how the fight started but says she isn't going to "take the fall for that."'

I think it's kind of ironic that right next to the story is an ad for the "Change starts with a girl" campaign.

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UK editor of Vogue magazine: "Why would anyone hire a woman?"

Article here. Good question, one I've often asked myself when a debate about women's pay gets going. If women are paid less than men, as many claim, perhaps it's because they're so much riskier to hire. Men rarely file discrimination law suits, file sexual harassment claims, or take time off to have kids, then come back after weeks off and expect their old job back, with more flexibility in time. Even at 25% more, men are a better bargain. Be sure to vote on the poll question to see the results. Excerpt:

'I treasured what for me was stolen time to be a mother and homemaker, yet it also made me appreciate the liveliness and richness that my work brings.

It is also the very issue that drives a stream of women into my office to discuss their futures, their maternity leaves, four-day working weeks, possible job shares, all now encouraged by recent legislation.
I completely understand the decision of any woman to give up their job to stay at home with their children.

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"Mom" accused of keeping a 'concentration camp' for dogs

Story here. Excerpt:

'On Long Island, a Suffolk County mother is facing charges for alleged cruelty to animals, and they could be upgraded to felony charges.

In an eerie scene Saturday night, investigators found a backyard burial ground, with the remains of at least 20 animals, behind the woman's house. The remains were brought out in black plastic bags.
In addition to the dogs, one cat, along with a hamster and a parakeet, were rescued. They were found in the home of 43-year-old Sharon McDonough of Selden, who faces misdemeanor animal cruelty charges.
The person who allegedly blew the whistle on McDonough was her eldest son, Douglas.
The son says he was forced to torture the animals.
Now, investigators are looking into complaints about animals disappearing from the neighborhood, and allegations that McDonough tortured, killed, and buried them behind her house.'

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MANN reader observes: "Look at what soldiers go through "

Article here. The shooting attacks allegedly perpetrated by an Army psychologist at Fort Hood a few days ago should get people thinking about what our soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan go through. As an Army psychologist, the alleged perpetrator Maj. Nidal Malik, probably heard a lot of horror stories. Whatever his motives for killing 13 and wounding 42, I ask: Is our culture willing to consider that he may have just snapped given all the pressure our soldiers are under?

How can we MRAs leverage this incident, so that we help people to appreciate how difficult and painful it is to be a solider in the US Army today? How can we use this to publicize the PTSD, the brain trauma, the missing limbs, the recurrent terrifying nightmares, and other types of disability our soldiers (who are by far mostly men) are now suffering? How can we use this incident to underscore the multiple tours of duty, often soon right after another, that our men in uniform must go through?

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WHO: AIDS leading cause of death, disease in women

Article here. No mention of men because, as we know, men don't matter, at least not to the UN. Excerpt:

'Unsafe sex is the leading risk factor in developing countries for these women of childbearing age, with others including lack of access to contraceptives and iron deficiency, the WHO said. Throughout the world, one in five deaths among women in this age group is linked to unsafe sex, according to the U.N. agency.

"Women who do not know how to protect themselves from such infections, or who are unable to do so, face increased risks of death or illness," WHO said in a 91-page report. "So do those who cannot protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy or control their fertility because of lack of access to contraception."
WHO chief Dr. Margaret Chan noted that women enjoy a biological advantage because they tend to live six to eight years longer than men. But in many parts of the world they suffer serious disadvantages because of poverty, poorer access to health care and cultural norms that put a priority on the well-being of men, she said.'

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George Clooney styled a 'Serial Dater' by CNN

Text and photos here. Notice the way that the media (CNN in this case) is characterizing George Clooney - as a "serial dater" (pic #8). They make it sound like he is more of a serial murderer because of it.

Clooney has said "he will not marry again or have children," (pic #2) which seems to be offensive to some. Guess it's criminal not to be interested in marrying a woman if you're a rich and famous heterosexual man. Sounds like Clooney is hip to divorce and child custody laws in America today. Perhaps his choice, against pursuing marriage and children, is fast becoming no longer newsworthy -- just a conclusion that any man who really understands what the current situation is, and how biased the laws are against men, would reach.

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Female college soccer player beats up other players, officials do nothing

Video report here. Oh, they finally did stop her, after she had aggressively fouled almost every player on the other team.

What is of interest here is the reactions (or lack thereof) of the officials, her coach, and her team-mates. No one lifted a finger or called foul until it became so egregious that someone had to do something. "Girls don't behave that way," is the assumption, so cognitive dissonance kicks in and it takes her nearly having to start pummeling the other players openly to get someone to stop her.

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