Canada: Big Ideas: 'Womenomics' promises some wrenching changes -- particularly for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Millennia of male dominance in workplaces, governments, companies and countries could come to an end in the next few decades.

The resulting changes will reverberate through every aspect of our lives and society. And, as with all revolutions, it may not go smoothly.

This revolutionary power shift isn't due to social programs or social engineering. It's about economics. Some call it "womenomics" because women already account for 80 per cent of all purchasing decisions.

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'Crying wolf: False rape charges hurt real victims'

Article here.

'There are real victims in Biurny Peguero Gonzalez’s fake rape story.

In 2005, the Union City woman told authorities in New York that William McCaffrey, a construction worker from the Bronx, and two other men kidnapped and sexually assaulted her at knife point. She now admits it never happened.

McCaffrey was three years into a 20-year sentence when a judge ordered him freed, based on Gonzalez’s admission. She now faces seven years in prison herself.

The other victims in this case are the true victims of rape. Andrea Spencer-Linzie, executive director of N.J. Coalition Against Sexual Assault, estimates that 80 percent of sexual assaults go unreported, often because victims fear they won’t be believed.

"There’s a very prevalent myth that there are a lot of false allegations, so whenever there is one, it plays into the myth," she says.

That’s a real crime. And another reason Gonzalez deserves to be punished.'

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South African boys die to become men in traditional circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'LIBODE, South Africa — The lucky ones survive with mutilated penises and shameful scars for the rest of their lives, but that's the high price boys in rural South Africa pay to become a man.

In the Eastern Cape province, the ethnic Xhosa boys graduate to manhood through a sacrosanct ritual of circumcision.

But every year, the custom among the country's second-largest ethnic group sees young initiates die of complications from botched circumcisions by ill-trained traditional surgeons.

Boys still flock to traditional initiation schools in the bush, because the faster and less painful medical method can result in a lifetime of rejection.

"When you are uncircumcised regardless of your age, society will never regard you as a man, you will always be a boy. No one wants to live with that," said Athenkosi Mtirara, who is about to undergo the procedure.'

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Canada: Woman charged with 10-hour assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'REGINA — A 28-year-old Regina woman has been charged with stabbing, assaulting and threatening to kill another woman over a 10-hour period last week.

Jodi Buckles made her first appearance in Regina provincial court on Monday.

Regina police spokeswoman Elizabeth Popowich said officers were sent to a hospital shortly after 4 a.m. on Friday, where a 24-year-old woman was being treated for stab wounds, numerous bruises and swelling.

Popowich said Buckles is accused of going to the victim's house at 6 p.m. Thursday. The victim was then assaulted, stabbed, robbed and confined in her house for several hours.

The woman was released at about 4 a.m. the next day, and was then taken to hospital by a friend.'

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Brazilian Court Orders U.S. Boy to Be Returned to Father

Story here.

'MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. — A U.S. Congressman says a Brazilian court has ordered a 9-year-old who has lived there for the last five years to be handed over to his father and returned to New Jersey.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith says a court meeting in a closed session Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro ruled 3-0 that the Sean Goldman should be handed over to his father, David, at a U.S. Embassy on Friday.

Goldman has been trying to have his son returned since his wife took the child to her native Brazil in 2004, saying she's be back in two weeks. She divorced him there, remarried, and then died in childbirth last year.

Her Brazilian husband argued that he should have custody.

A federal court on Wednesday agreed with Goldman that the boy belongs in New Jersey under an international treaty governing cross-border child abductions.'

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PBS re-emerges with "Breaking the Silence"

Via Jeremy S., via DADD-SC:

Once again, The Battered Mothers Conference and PBS are distributing and showing the documentary, "BREAKING THE SILENCE, Children's Stories."

This film came out in 2005. It was produced by notorious feminazis, and filmed in a battered women's shelter. The numbers they quote (70% of custody decisions favor abusive fathers) are blatantly spurious. They want everyone to believe that judges and marital masters give preference to abusive men in custody decisions. That flies in the face of common sense and several hundred objective studies. Moreover, the main protagonist in the film was HERSELF convicted in three separate cases, of abusing her children. Note that several of the children featured in the film DENIED on camera, that their father had ever been abusive. It's not unexpected that the mothers in the film are obviously ALIENATING their children against their fathers, even as they try to deny the validity of Parental Alienation Syndrome.

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Abuse bill betrays victims, subsidizes a radical agenda

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two years ago Millie Almore was admitted to the SafeSpace shelter in Stuart, Florida. Ten days later the 26-year-old woman lay dead, stabbed in the neck by Marilyn Hooks, another resident at the facility. An investigation into the incident found the homicide reflected an "egregious failure of the entire agency to satisfactorily assure the health, safety, and welfare of both its clientele and staff."

Millie Almore's tragic death spotlights the woes that vex our nation's 1,800 domestic violence shelters. These problems stem from non-existent accountability, poorly-trained staff, and most of all, a deeply-ingrained ideological agenda.

One former resident at the Hope House shelter in West Virginia attested, "I often felt unsafe. There were several physical and verbal altercations between the shelter residents." No wonder that so many opt to return to their batterer rather than continue to submit to harassment and threats by shelter residents.'

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UK: Drunk men who demand sex from partner should be 'treated as rapists'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Drunken men who demand sex from their wives or girlfriends should be treated as rapists and no longer allowed to claim their judgment was blurred by alcohol, according to the head of the government's review of the rape laws.

Lady Stern, who is leading the review into how rape complaints are handled, has said there must be "no grey area" and that drink should be regarded as an aggravating factor when the case comes to court.

Stern told London's Evening Standard newspaper that a drunken woman was not "fair game" and called for a much tougher line to be taken with men who failed to restrain themselves when they are drunk.

"Being drunk is voluntary and people who become drunk are responsible for their actions. It is not the alcohol that commits the rape. It is not an excuse. It used to be regarded as such, but it is not an excuse . It is an aggravating factor."

Stern said that clear consent had to be obtained for sex regardless of how well couples know each other. A man could not assume a woman's consent.'

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Salon: 'The woman who cried rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We've all heard various renditions of the story of the woman who cried rape. It's often dubiously told by men from behind bars, but sometimes it comes straight from the accuser herself. This week, a new version that falls into the latter category is making the rounds: On Monday, 27-year-old Biurny Peguero of New Jersey pleaded guilty to perjury after her false allegation about a gang rape sent William McCaffrey, an innocent man, to jail. He served three years of a 20 year sentence before she came forward with her confession.
Feminists are often characterized as applying the "guilty until proven innocent" rule to rape cases and the "innocent until proven guilty" standard to allegations of a woman crying rape. But mark this feminist's words: Some women lie about sexual assault and some rapists go free -- but the response in either case shouldn't split down gender lines.'

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'Tigress' Uchitel hires Gloria Allred against Woods

Story here. Excerpt:

'She began her career challenging the Boy Scouts of America to admit a girl for the first time and won. She has challenged all-male clubs, fought for gay rights and been voted America's "most effective lawyer".

Now Gloria Allred [link added], the advocate representing one of Tiger Woods's alleged lovers, Rachel Uchitel, and another unnamed mistress, is back again in front of the cameras where she likes to be. A prospect not likely to bring the disgraced golfer any comfort.

Allred's appearance in the Woods saga has set up a new dynamic in an already febrile story, pitting, as it does, the world's most successful sportsman against one of America's most aggressive, successful and media-savvy "sharks".

Among her critics, Arianna Huffington has described Allred as the "most disturbing symbol" of what has gone wrong with the US legal system. But Allred's own self-image is of a feminist, campaigning lawyer – champion of the weak against the strong.'

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Iowa mom gets life for murdering son; barred from contacting surviving son

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- An Iowa mother was sentenced to life without parole Tuesday for slitting her 2-year-old son's throat and leaving him to die near a remote pond in October 2008, a prosecutor said.

Michelle Kehoe, 36, also received 25 years on one count of attempted murder for slashing her older son's throat. She left both children outside the family van before attempting to kill herself.

The 7-year-old survived and provided key testimony against his mother, whose attorneys argued that she believed she was trying to save her sons from a life of suffering when she cut their throats and her own.

A jury rejected her insanity defense and convicted her of first-degree murder, attempted murder and child endangerment on November 4.

Kehoe also received a 10-year sentence for child endangerment for the injuries she inflicted on her older son, who survived for the night locked inside the family van, Buchanan County Attorney Allan Vander Hart said.'

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DNA testing clears man who served 28 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON— A man who spent 28 years in prison for a rape and murder has been freed after DNA testing showed he's innocent.

Fifty-eight-year-old Donald Eugene Gates left the federal prison in Tucson, Ariz., on Tuesday, just hours after a Washington judge ordered his release.

Gates tells The Associated Press it feels "beautiful" to be free. He says his faith in God helped him get through his incarceration.

Judge Fred Ugast, who presided over Gates' trial, ordered his release just hours before.

Gates was convicted of the 1981 rape and murder of 21-year-old Catherine Schilling.'

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Woman kills daughters, self in upscale home; custody dispute suspected

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.— A woman killed herself and three other family members, including two young children, in what may have started as a child custody dispute in an upscale, gated Orange County community, authorities said Tuesday.

Sheriff's deputies checking on the tenants were sent to a house in the Careyes community shortly before 2 p.m. Monday. They found the bodies of a 38-year-old woman and her daughters, ages 2 and 4, along with a close relative who was in her 60s, said sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino.
He said that man was inside the home when a disturbance began.

"It raised a red flag," Amormino said.
Deputies were sent to check on the welfare of the children and found the bodies in a first-floor hallway of the red-roofed, mustard-colored stucco house. Nobody else was in the house.

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"Guyland" book review hits nail on the head

Review on here. The book is Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. The author of the review, Peter Allemano, is a long-time MRA, and is known for his cogent writing on these matters. Well worth the time. Excerpt:

'Ostensibly a concerned but kindly portrait of young American males, the book is actually a scathing, unforgiving indictment. Indeed, an in-depth analysis of how adroitly Kimmel has crafted his monumental insult of young American males and impugned their dignity -- while patting himself on the back for being simultaneously insightful and avuncular -- is the stuff of a doctor's thesis with potential to run for more pages than the book itself. This review constitutes but a brief glance at a few of the salient points that such a thesis would highlight.

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F&F Action Alert: Write FOX 10 to Protest Dad-Bashing Report

Item here. Excerpt:

'In one of the most biased news reports I’ve ever seen, Phoenix KSAZ FOX 10 beat up on so-called “deadbeat dads” in its recent piece Deputies Round Up Deadbeat Dads. In it, Rochelle Black, the mother of a 3-year-old girl, blasts her husband as a deadbeat, holding the picture of their daughter up to the man’s face. When her ex-husband, in handcuffs, begins to respond “you won’t let me see her,” FOX abruptly cuts away from him. Later, she claims poverty and he accuses her of lying before he is again cut off.

If this father is going to be humiliated on a major TV station, he should at least be able to speak and give his side. We’re asking Fathers & Families supporters to email Andrew Hasbun, the segment’s reporter, and Linda Williams, the anchor at the time by filling out the form below.'

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