Mona Charen: 'Civil Rights Commission Blunders Again'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (yes, it’s still around and, yes, it’s outlived its usefulness) is about to subtract from national wisdom about college admissions by focusing on exactly the wrong problem.

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Letter to the editor: 'Misandry ignored'

Letter here.

'Editor: I saw a Girl Power T-shirt at Backdoor Disc and Tape in Cotati that showed a woman beating a man. When I asked the male clerks if they would sell a T-shirt that celebrated a man beating a woman, they looked at me like I was crazy.

The root of this double standard is misandry, the sexist counterpart of misogyny. Because we live in a gynocentric society, misogyny is considered unacceptable and closely monitored.

Even though misandry is visible to anyone, it is not visible to most as a problem. Misandry is usually excused (“Men are jerks”), trivialized (“Take it like a man”) or rationalized (“He had it coming”). The latter is apparent in “Saturday Night Live” sketches and cartoons making a joke of Tiger Woods allegedly being assaulted by his wife.

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Feminist: Husbands and fathers are “useless hunks of flesh”

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the latest anti-male screed to pop up on Feministing, one feminist takes an article written by a working wife and mother… and turns it into a man-bashing rant.

On my Twitter feed I came across this article, from a woman explaining why she was late for work. Turns out she is, somehow, the only person responsible for rounding up the kids in the morning:

So where the f*ck is her husband, who presumably sired the kids in question?

Women of the world: it’s time to leave those useless hunks of flesh called “husbands” and “fathers” who feed off your labour while you earn 70 per cent of their wages.

And by the way: don’t forget to leave them custody. Leave your guilt at the door. The kids will work out fine. Your husband will have to make sure of that, just like you would if you were the sucker. Don’t be.

After all, men earn more money. They can look after the kids better. Let them.

Just so you know, this was listed as one of the editor’s favorites on the site for this week. While several commenters condemned this article, there were just as many who applauded it. Apparently, calling men “useless hunks of flesh” is perfectly fine in the feminist world. Can you just imagine the outrage if some male blogger called women nothing but useless hunks of flesh?

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MND: Feminists Secretly Abolish Male Service Provider at UK University

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well, here's another one. We know that, within the past few months, at the University of Chicago, the University of Manchester and Oxford University, student organizations have been established to better understand men and masculinity. In each case, feminists have been outraged and gone to some fairly debased lengths to try and stop the groups from getting university recognition.

But now it turns out that at Hull University in the U.K. they've gone a step further. It seems that the Student's Union there (and at 12 other universities in the country), until recently had a Men's Officer. It also seems to have a Women's Officer. In any event, there was a move to abolish the position of Men's Officer, even though there had been a campus-wide referendum on the position in 2007 and male and female students alike had voted to retain it.

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In New York state, a new look at the wrongly convicted

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) – A recent spate of exonerations in New York state has put renewed focus on the plight of the wrongly convicted, with advocates saying it is not as easy as it should be to get an unjust verdict reversed.

In the last two decades, 246 people have been exonerated in the United States with the help of DNA evidence after being convicted of crimes.

But advocates say the system still lags for a far larger pool of people -- who are part of the 90 percent of criminal cases where no DNA evidence exists, but where compelling evidence might surface, such as questions about the reliability of a witness.

Last week, a 32-year-old carpenter who was convicted of rape became the fourth New York man in six months to have his conviction overturned after flaws in the evidence against them were uncovered.

The man, William McCaffrey, had served almost three years of a 20-year prison sentence until his accuser came forward and said she made the story up and lied in court.

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National Journal: 'The Rot At Duke -- And Beyond'

Article here. Excerpt:

'You might think that a university whose students were victims of the most notorious fraudulent rape claim in recent history, and whose professors -- 88 of them -- signed an ad implicitly presuming guilt, and whose president came close to doing the same would have learned some lessons.

The facts are otherwise. They also suggest that Duke University's ugly abuse in 2006 and 2007 of its now-exonerated lacrosse players -- white males accused by a black stripper and hounded by a mob hewing to political correctness -- reflects a disregard of due process and a bias against white males that infect much of academia.

In September, far from taking pains to protect its students from false rape charges, Duke adopted a revised "sexual misconduct" policy that makes a mockery of due process and may well foster more false rape charges by rigging the disciplinary rules against the accused.

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New Jersey Dad's Battle With Brazil Threatening Ties

Story here. Excerpt:

'RIO DE JANEIRO — A U.S. man caught in a tug-of-war with his late ex-wife's relatives for custody of his son got a boost from Brazil's top prosecutor in a dispute that is testing an international child abduction treaty and heating up into a political tussle.

Attorney General Luis Inacio Adams filed an appeal with the Supreme Court late Friday challenging a decision by one of its justices suspending an order that David Goldman's son, Sean, be turned over to him.

Citing the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, Adams warned in a briefing posted on the court's Web site that "failing to follow that accord will lead to the imposition of sanctions and damage the reputation of Brazil before the international community."
University of Brasilia political scientist David Fleischer said the case — along with Brazil's refusal to extradite Cesare Battisti, a fugitive ex-militant who is wanted in Italy for murder but remains in Brazil despite an extradition treaty between the two nations — is harming the South American country's reputation.

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"Dennis" - Film short on YouTube highlights the dangers of emotional incest between sons and mothers


I thought I'd share this short film I saw on YouTube. It is creating quite a stir, extremely depressing and disturbing.

In a nutshell, a young bodybuilder mentally abused by a domineering passive-aggressive mother, struggling for independence and self-worth. Can be upsetting, so please be warned.

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Man convicted of in-home indecent exposure

Story here. Excerpt:

'FAIRFAX, Va. - As Erick Williamson sees it, being naked is liberating, and if passers-by get an eyeful while he's standing in front of a picture window, that's not his problem.

A Fairfax County judge saw it a little differently Friday, convicting Williamson of indecent exposure in a case that has raised questions about what's OK when you're in your own home.

Two women said they saw much more of Williamson than they cared to in October, even though he never left the confines of his home. He received neither jail time nor a fine but is appealing anyway, saying a larger principle is at stake.

"I think that being tried and found guilty of something like this is outrageous," Williamson said after he was convicted and sentenced. "I feel like I'm living in a fishbowl."

Williamson testified that he never intended to expose himself and was simply exercising "personal freedom" as he spent several hours naked in his Springfield home packing up belongings.'

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MSN: 'What Sex Does to a Man's Brain'

Article here. Excerpt:

'She appears at the curb, waiting to cross. No, she's not the love of your life. She's more like the heat of the moment. It's fortunate that your wife isn't there, otherwise you'd be in deep trouble as you take in the stranger's hips and breasts, and the way her waist scoops in to accentuate both. Time is enhanced; there's a pleasing buzz connecting your temples.

Your reaction is automatic, reflexive, and quite possibly the most powerful one you'll have this day. It temporarily blots out your long-range commitments — that 10-year marriage, that kid in second grade, that responsibility to keep eyes forward at traffic lights. You've surrendered control; you're captivated by the pleasure in the vision.

"You dog!" you may whisper under your breath, embarrassed by what you're envisioning as you sit there in your family van. But it might be more correct to say, "You dopamine fiend!" As a neuroscientist of 25 years, I know that your brain is command central for everything sexual.

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US: 1 of 100 children now predicted to have autism with 400% more boys diagnosed than girls

Video story here. Caption:

'Autism on the Rise
Fri Dec 18, 12:31AM PT ...
CDC study shows the disease is more common than previously believed.'

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Feministing: 'A Long Way To Go: My frustrations with the pro-feminist men's movement'

Article here

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Australia: 'Gang rape' victim lied to get pity

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man behind bars for nearly four years for a gang rape that did not happen has been cleared after his accuser admitted she lied to make her friends feel sorry for her.

William McCaffrey hugged his lawyer after the same New York judge who had sentenced him to 20 years in prison threw out the case and apologised on Thursday.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time," the softly spoken McCaffrey, 32, said outside a Manhattan court.

"I'm just glad it's over."

New DNA tests played a part, but his exoneration hinged largely on his accuser recanting - a rarity after rape convictions, the head of a national prosecutors' group said.

State Supreme Court Justice Richard Carruthers called the case "a catastrophe" for both the criminal justice system and Mr McCaffrey, who was in jail from his arrest in 2005 to his release on $5000 bail in September.'

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4-YO boy found drinking beer in girl's dress in hopes to join his father in jail while his parents divorce

Story here.

'CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Tennessee investigators say a 4-year-old boy was found roaming his neighborhood in the night, drinking beer and wearing a little girl's dress taken from under a neighbor's Christmas tree.

The child's mother, 21-year-old April Wright, tells WTVC-TV the boy "wants to go to jail because that's where his daddy is." Wright says she and the boy's father are going though a divorce.

The boy, found outside his house in Chatanooga on Tuesday, was taken to a hospital and treated for alcohol consumption.

Hamilton County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Janice Atkinson says the incident is being investigated but the department declined to release the report.'

The boy's mother says she met with child protective services and was told she will get to keep custody of her son.'

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Brazil's highest court halts return of boy to father in U.S.

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CNN) -- Brazil's high court has halted the return of a 9-year-old boy to the United States, his American father told CNN.

Thursday's ruling comes one day after a lower court unanimously upheld a decision last June by the 16th Federal Court in Rio de Janeiro, which ordered Sean Goldman returned to his home with his father, David Goldman, in New Jersey. That decision was made in accordance with the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abductions.

"It is very, very discouraging," David Goldman told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "I'm very disappointed. This ruling ... has nothing to do with the merits of the case."

It was unclear whether the high court's ruling is a permanent order or if Sean Goldman is being ordered to stay during the appeals process.'

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