UK: "Sperm bank asks sports fans to lend a hand"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The government is starting a pilot scheme in Manchester this month for a national sperm bank — and will target sports fans as potential donors. Fertility experts at St Mary’s hospital have been given funds to run the pilot scheme, which may lead to a national programme along the lines of the blood donation service.

Daniel Brison, professor of clinical embryology at the hospital’s department of reproductive medicine, said sporting events were a good place to find men who might be inclined to donate sperm.

“Approaching sports fans at football and cricket matches in Manchester is a way of accessing large numbers of men,” he said. “We might also get support from the sports clubs themselves. The idea is to make it easier to donate.”

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"All signs point to a new era of women in charge - socially, economically, politically"

From the Boston Globe, article here. Excerpt:

'Women outnumber men here; you knew that. Women outnumber men in US colleges; you probably knew that, too. You might not have known that women receive almost 60 percent of university degrees in America and Europe combined. So who's going to be running the show? You tell me.

More women have jobs in the US than men. The Bureau of Labor Statistics identifies job categories most likely to grow in the next decade. In 10 of the top 15 categories, women constitute two thirds of the workforce.

Witness the battle of the apothegms: A while back, economist Paul Samuelson (who died last month at 94) acknowledged females' second-class socioeconomic status with the famous remark, "Women are men without money." More recently, conservative agitator Christina Hoff Sommers has reversed the terms of trade. Boys, she has observed, "are tomorrow's second sex."

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Israel: Anti-Feminist Speech by Dafna Netanyahu at a Likud Party conference

[Submitter of this item: Please be sure to click "Read more" and read my "Ed. note" comments. Thank you. -- Matt ]

Article here . Excerpt:

It is very uncommon to see a politician speaking in public against feminism, in the political correctness atmosphere that controls the Israeli politics and media. However, in a brave speech, Dr. Dafna Netanyahu is presenting Anti-Feminist views in open air, in a conference of the Israeli Likud Party. The Israeli Likud party is a moderate right-wing party. The Current Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is from the Likud Party.

A translation of Danfa Netanyahu's speech:
The anthropologist has explained that when a society reaches such a level of lack of compassion, even between a mother and her child, the rehabilitation of such a society is no longer possible. Apparently the emotional relationship between family members is a glue that is necessary to the existence of a any group, as it functions as the basis for the emotional ability of humans to feel dedication to a group. First for his family, then close groups outside the family, and finally to other humans.

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Israeli women's organization is being taken to court by Israeli legislator

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Israeli MK* Michael Ben Ari (link added) is taking "Shdulat Hanashim" ("Women's Lobby"), an Israeli women's organization, to court, the Israeli media has reported today. In the framework of a discussion in the Israeli Parliament about a law to extend women's maternity leave from 3 months to 6 months, MK Ben Ari has argued that Israeli employers might refrain from hiring women in the first place. "The proposed law might end up hurting women's status rather than helping them", MK Ben Ari said. MK Ben Ari has given an imaginary example of an accountant's office that would prefer hiring men rather than women as a result of the proposed law.'

Ed. note: "MK" is short for "Member of the Knesset", which you can read about here if you are unfamiliar with it. Also, I tried, but could not found a source article on this report. If anyone can post, please do so.

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Introducing The DesertLight Facebook Group

Are you divorced and separated from your kids? Are you a man being abused by his wife (or significant other)? Are you a man who feels like nobody cares? Or are you a man with a good life, a solid marriage and children, or grandchildren, who wonders about the institutions of marriage and family disappearing before your eyes?

The DesertLight Group on Facebook cares. Right now we are a small collection of people with no access to legal or medical/psychological help. All we want to do is give you the opportunity to tell your story and know that someone hears.

That’s because we do care. Men still hold up half the sky, and fill the majority of the protective positions such as military and law enforcement. Men do the ditch digging, the crop harvesting, the building of wondrous structures.

Men are still our only fathers. Men are the people most women simply can’t live without.

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Abusegate: A Generation Deceived

Article here. Excerpt:

'Abusegate: a generation deceived
By Trudy W. Schuett

January 11, 2010

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Chinese concerned 24 million men have no one to wed in 2020

Article here. Excerpt:

'BEIJING (AFP) – More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses in 2020, state media reported on Monday, citing a study that blamed sex-specific abortions as a major factor.

The study, by the government-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, named the gender imbalance among newborns as the most serious demographic problem for the country's population of 1.3 billion, the Global Times said.

"Sex-specific abortions remained extremely commonplace, especially in rural areas," where the cultural preference for boys over girls is strongest, the study said, while noting the reasons for the gender imbalance were "complex."
China first implemented its population control policy in 1979, generally limiting families to one child, with some exceptions for rural farmers, ethnic minorities and other groups.

It has said the policy has averted 400 million births.

Researchers said the gender imbalance problem cropped up in the late 1980s when the use of ultrasound technology became more prevalent.

This allowed women to easily determine the sex of their foetuses, leading to an increased number of sex-selective abortions.'

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Canada: Why are our schools are failing boys

Article here. A well-informed article by Robert Smol posted on the Canadian Broadcast Company' website which is astonishing in itself due to its far left leanings. Excerpt:

'Looking at the demographics of university-bound students today, it is hard to believe that not so long ago we were developing programs to get more girls into university.

By all indications now, that same spirit of reform and innovation is needed to push more boys into higher education — for all that may be worth.

These days I need only peek into a class and I can tell by the gender makeup whether or not it is academic or applied.

Those classes where the majority are female students are invariably academic. Those where the majority is male are not.

No surprise then that the face of university education in this country is increasingly becoming female as women have been overtaking men in both the participation rate as well as in the percentage who graduate.

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China: "Women-only" parking lot unveiled

Indeed, it seems that women are such timid and easily-frightened creatures, with men being so foreboding, menacing, and indeed, unbelievably dangerous, that otherwise public services need to create women-only parking lots with pink parking space lines and wider-than-typical parking spaces in order for them to "feel safe".

Add China to the growing list of countries that is allowing women-only public spaces or services of this or that kind while gleefully ignoring the way they they are short-changing their male citizens. But I couldn't make this stuff up if you paid me. Excerpt:

'A shopping centre in China's Hebei province has built a car park with wider spaces that it says is designed especially to suit women drivers.

The women-only car park in Shijiazhuang city is also painted in pink and light purple to appeal to female tastes.

Official Wang Zheng told AFP news agency the car park was meant to cater to women's "strong sense of colour and different sense of distance".

The parking bays are one metre (3ft) wider than normal spaces, he said.

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Abusegate Profiteers

From MANN reader Ed:

Every year around this time lobbyists for the domestic violence industry anoint themselves with sackcloth and ashes. They travel to the state legislature, hat in hand, pleading for more money to help all the abused women that shelters had to turn away the past year.

But these lobbyists conveniently leave out the fact that many shelter directors are making very good money. Here are 3 examples:

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Is it Yahoo! or MSN? Can you tell the difference anymore?

As of 11:45 PM EST, writing from upstate New York, the main page of Yahoo! looks like this.

I am not sure but I will guess that the Yahoo! main page is probably in the top 5 URLs people set as their web browser's start page. So one would think (hope) the people at Yahoo! (like MSN) would be willing to serve up a bit more substantive vittles for the hapless end user.

Instead, we get strange obsessions like Kate Gosselin's expensive new hair extensions and "Requests men shouldn't make" (note the red circle around the tab in my off-linked piece of ad-hoc art mentioned above).

I had no idea who Kate Gosselin was. I had to Google her name to find out and then I had to ask myself why anyone would care about the narcissistic carryings-on of her and her husband.

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Worldwide study finds few gender differences in math abilities

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – Girls around the world are not worse at math than boys, even though boys are more confident in their math abilities, and girls from countries where gender equity is more prevalent are more likely to perform better on mathematics assessment tests, according to a new analysis of international research.

"Stereotypes about female inferiority in mathematics are a distinct contrast to the actual scientific data," said Nicole Else-Quest, PhD, a psychology professor at Villanova University, and lead author of the meta-analysis. "These results show that girls will perform at the same level as the boys when they are given the right educational tools and have visible female role models excelling in mathematics."

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Arizona State U grant created to close "gender gap" in science and math

Article here. Excerpt:

'An ASU team of researchers recently received $1.9 million in grants to help close the gender gap between men and women in science fields, a disparity that some women in the field say is still prevalent today.

The rate that women are earning doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is 7 to 10 percent lower than males, according to an ASU statement released Wednesday.
When Baker was younger, many family members and colleagues were put off by the fact that she wasn’t planning on having children, she said.

“My mother would say, ‘You poor woman, you have no children,’ and no one ever said, ‘Your poor sisters, they have no education,’” she said. “I caught a lot of flack from parents and relatives telling me I wasn’t doing the right thing.”

Engineering sophomore Emily Christman said she chose to go into engineering because she has always liked math and been good at it.

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Mrs. Robinson's affair with teen rocks N Ireland

Story here. Excerpt:

'BELFAST, Northern Ireland – A political scandal riveting Northern Ireland has a certain cinematic feel: an affair by 58-year-old woman named Mrs. Robinson with a 19-year-old male lover.
But there is a serious side to the story of Iris Robinson, who also happens to be a member of Parliament and the wife of Peter Robinson — Northern Ireland's government leader.

The BBC reported that Iris Robinson allegedly solicited 50,000 pounds ($80,000) from businessmen so her young lover could open a restaurant — without disclosing the fact to lawmakers.

Iris Robinson has said she would not seek re-election because she was suffering clinical depression that left her unable to function in public life and revealed that she attempted suicide. She also begged forgiveness from her husband, Peter, and the public.

On Wednesday, Peter Robinson invited four journalists to his home to give his own agonized account of his family's private turmoil — an unprecedented display from a man renowned for an icy demeanor.

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71-year-old murders grandson in Florida

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 71-year-old German woman has been arrested in Florida for murdering her grandson to keep him from growing up with divorced parents in the United States.
The police said on Wednesday the grandmother decided to kill the five-year-old boy during her holiday on St. George Island while her husband had gone shopping. After drowning her grandson in the bathtub, the woman identified as Marianne Bordt from Nufringen near Stuttgart vainly attempted to commit suicide by throwing herself in the ocean.
She told police she killed the boy, who has US citizenship, because she couldn’t bear to see him grow up in a broken home after his parents divorced in 2006. According to the authorities, the boy spent most of his time in Georgia with his mother, who is the murderer's daughter.

The grandmother now faces either the death penalty or life in prison should she be convicted of premeditated murder.'

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