Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-01-08 06:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'Texas authorities have arrested a Houston woman for allegedly luring a 16-year-old Barrie, Ont., boy from his home, after meeting him through an online video game.
Investigators believe Lauri Ann Price, a 42-year-old mother of four, struck up a relationship with the Ontario teenager about two years ago while playing the popular computer game World of Warcraft.
Donna Hawkins, a spokesperson for the Harris County District Attorney's Office, told that the two allegedly "engaged in a cybersexual relationship" for more than a year.
It is alleged that Price flew to Toronto last month, rented a car and drove to Barrie to pick up the teenager. Police said the boy left a note for his mother saying he was running away with Price.
The teenager was later found in Orillia, Ont., and was returned to his parents.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-01-08 06:23
Article here.
The latest person to weigh in on what really happened at the Tiger Woods home on the night of Nov. 27 is former Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens head coach Pat Burns.
Burns, a one-time police officer who lives Florida and reportedly has many law-enforcement contacts there, related what he's heard to a Montreal radio station on Tuesday morning. His version is very similar to that which first emerged on the blog of retired sports columnist Furman Bisher shortly before the new year. Nobody has been able to prove or disprove this version of events, but Burns adds another voice in support of it.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-01-08 06:20
From MANN reader Ed:
To hear it from the Abusegaters, men are inherently abusive creatures, and women are utterly incapable of being physically aggressive with their partners.
That’s what the DV industry has been saying for years. No doubt about it, Abusegate represents one of the biggest scientific hoaxes of our time.
And how do the Abusegate propagandists get away with all the Ms.-Information? Simple... no one dares to challenge them, because they don’t want to be called “misogynist” or “anti-woman.”
But what if everyone decided at the same time to stand up and tell the truth? What if we all started saying “YOU LIE!”
It’s time to step up and speak out (and if you can say it with a smile, even better!): “Why are you telling only half the story?” “That’s not true!” “Stop stereotyping men as abusers!”
So what’s stopping us??
To learn more about the Abusegate myths, see:
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-01-08 06:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminists will argue until they're blue in the face that women are victims of the Great Satanic Patriarchy. That tenet is laughable when one considers women are leading men on almost every indicator of social welfare.
But give them credit, feminists are a determined bunch. So in their crusade to spread the gospel of female victimization, they have established a network of domestic violence shelters around the nation. These programs resemble socialist thought reform experiments more than anything that can be considered to be professional counseling or crisis intervention.
To gain admittance to such facilities one must of course be female — after all, male victims of domestic violence are unlikely to benefit from a regimen of patriarchal deprogramming.
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Submitted by ItsDan on Thu, 2010-01-07 15:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'Married parents don't have any legal obligation to pay for their adult children's college education or living expenses. But a bill just introduced in Virginia's legislature would require divorced parents to pay for such expenses.
HB 146 would extend child support beyond age 18 to age 23 when the "child" is attending college. Right now, child support in Virginia usually ends soon after the child reaches the age of majority.
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Submitted by YinYang on Thu, 2010-01-07 05:17
Please boycott Mary J. Blige for her abuse to her husband just as Chris Brown is being boycotted for his abuse to Rihanna.
Abuse transcends genders. Demand the end of the defending, minimizing, encouraging and denying abuse from females.
My YouTube video on this topic is here.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-01-06 05:51
From MANN reader Ed:
“Abusegate” refers to the systematic distortion of the truth about partner aggression by representatives of the domestic violence industry. These falsehoods form the basis of a well-financed but harmful effort to curb partner violence.
In January, we are mounting a high-profile campaign to inform the American public about the truth of domestic violence. At the national level, the campaign will be waged on three fronts:
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Submitted by Mr VanHuizen on Wed, 2010-01-06 03:34
Article here. Excerpt:
"Married couples in France could end up with criminal records for insulting each other during arguments.
Under a new law, France is to become the first country in the world to ban 'psychological violence' within marriage.
The law would apply to cohabiting couples and to both men and women.
It would cover men who shout at their wives and women who hurl abuse at their husbands - although it was not clear last night if nagging would be viewed as breaking the law.
The law is expected to cover every kind of insult including repeated rude remarks about a partner's appearance, false allegations of infidelity and threats of physical violence.
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Submitted by mens_issues on Wed, 2010-01-06 00:52
Article here. What can I say? A radical man-hating feminist who was part of a movement that has wreaked so much havoc on Western civilization is dead. Excerpt:
'Fiercely and playfully -- often at the same time -- Mary Daly used words to challenge the basic precepts of the Catholic Church and Boston College, where she was on the faculty for more than 30 years.
Dr. Daly emerged as a major voice in the burgeoning women's movement with her first book, "The Church and the Second Sex," published in 1968, and "Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation," which appeared five years later. That accomplishment was viewed, then and now, as all the more significant because she wrote and taught at a Jesuit college.
One of Dr. Daly's caregivers was reading to her from the "Wickedary" when she died Sunday.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-01-05 21:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Gonzalez’s lawyer, Denise Placencio, argued that West staged the entire incident because of a bitter child-custody dispute.
In an interview, Placencio said the recent December court decision that ordered West to pay Gonzalez should serve as a “cautionary tale” to anyone tempted to make false allegations.
She said her client faced the possibility of five life sentences in prison as a result of West’s criminal complaint. Gonzalez couldn’t see or speak to his son until October 2008 because of the criminal charges and West’s filing of the request for a permanent restraining order against him.
A Ventura County judge has ordered a woman to pay her former boyfriend more than $55,000 after she falsely accused him of raping and brutalizing her in Simi Valley in 2008 during a child-custody dispute.
The money is for attorney’s fees and travel expenses after Tracy West requested a permanent restraining order against Louis Gonzalez and then dismissed the allegations just before the matter was set for trial.
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Submitted by fibtastic on Tue, 2010-01-05 20:25
Check out Katie Roiphie's piece in the NYT Book Review comparing/contrasting the Roth/Updike/Mailer generation of writers with the Eggers/Wallace/Kunkel generation. Her conclusion? The former are assholes while the latter are sissies, either way they're "sexist". There are even nice pink graphs to prove it! Excerpt:
'The same crusading feminist critics who objected to Mailer, Bellow, Roth and Updike might be tempted to take this new sensitivity or softness or indifference to sexual adventuring as a sign of progress (Mailer called these critics “the ladies with their fierce ideas.”) But the sexism in the work of the heirs apparent is simply wilier and shrewder and harder to smoke out. What comes to mind is Franzen’s description of one of his female characters in “The Corrections”: “Denise at 32 was still beautiful.” To the esteemed ladies of the movement I would suggest this is not how our great male novelists would write in the feminist utopia.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-01-05 18:07
Submitted by mens_issues on Tue, 2010-01-05 06:04
Article here. So the Denver Public School system is finally going to start a single-sex public school. Did they do something for boys and their lagging performance (particularly in reading and writing) in the feminised school system by creating a school just for them? Of course not! The first school will be for girls only. Excerpt:
'Following a growing nationwide trend toward single-gender classroom education, the first all-girls public school in Colorado will open next year in Denver.
In 2002, only 11 U.S. public schools offered single-gender classrooms. Today, at least 547 public schools offer single-sex classes, according to the National Association for Single-Sex Public Education. At least 91 of those schools are single-gender schools.
The surge comes three years after a federal rule said single-sex classrooms weren't discriminatory and as emerging research suggested that girls' and boys' brains develop differently.
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Submitted by fibtastic on Tue, 2010-01-05 05:34
Just caught this documentary on my local PBS affiliate. It seems to rehash the tired and disproven tropes from the 1992 AAUW report on "How schools short-change girls" as though they were facts. Excerpt:
'Girls growing up in America today have more opportunities than their mothers and grandmothers ever imagined. They do well in school; by fifth grade they’re equal to boys in math and science, and they’re significantly better at reading and writing. They have more career choices, more flexibility in family roles and more female role models in positions of political power.
But even as doors open, girls may not be able to walk confidently through them. When they get to middle school, girls’ self-esteem plunges. Twice as many girls as boys attempt suicide. Twice as many show signs of depression. Girls have a higher risk of abusing alcohol and drugs, and violent physical assaults by girls have skyrocketed since 1990.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-01-04 23:43
On March 9, 2009, President Obama issued a directive on scientific integrity (see this (.pdf file), in which he said:
"The public must be able to trust the science and scientific process informing public policy decisions. Political officials should not suppress or alter scientific or technological findings and conclusions."
In late November Catherine Pierce, Acting Director of the Office on Violence Against Women published a memo (see note here) in which she suppressed all information about victimization of males and all information about perpetration of domestic violence by females. Pierce's memo was the subject of RADAR's Dec. 2, 2009 press release.
In his directive, President Obama also said:
"By this memorandum, I assign to the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (Director) the responsibility for ensuring the highest level of integrity in all aspects of the executive branch's involvement with scientific and technological processes."
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