New Zealand: Botched circumcision put boy in hospital

Story here. Excerpt:

'A BOTCHED circumcision of a four-year-old boy that resulted in the severing of a penis artery has landed a doctor in trouble.

The boy was sent to hospital to stem the "uncontrollable bleeding" after the procedure by a GP, who was assisted by an unqualified doctor and his wife in a New Zealand medical centre last January.

A report on the distressing episode, with the names of the centre and the "medical team" not revealed, was released today by New Zealand’s Health and Disability Commissioner, NZPA reports.

"This case illustrates what can happen when a doctor is unfamiliar with, or chooses not to follow, recommended guidelines for a surgical procedure," the report said.

The report recommended the doctor not attempt circumcisions on patients older than six months.
The parents said they were both ejected from the operating room when they became distraught.

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UK: So, who do women think does all the work?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This report, based on interviews with 15,000 working women, casts intriguing new light on the relationship between men and women. It seems that the idea of the "useless man" slobbing around the home while his woman does all the work is nothing but a post-feminist myth. According to Rebecca Meisenbach, from Missouri University, it has been propagated by women who feel "an overwhelming sense of guilt" at having a career, rather than fulfilling their traditional gender role of wife and mother.

Naturally, there's a part of me that would like to congratulate Dr Meisenbach. After four decades of feminist drivel stigmatising men as inept, workshy, uncommunicative neanderthals whose only significant inventions are rape and war, it's about time someone spoke up in our defence.

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Teachers found naked together in classroom during school hours remain employed

Story here. They are to be reassigned? So if they were two male teachers found naked together would they be reassigned? Or how about if one was male and the other female? Why is there any question at all? Why haven't they been fired? You already know the answer. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (CBS) Cindy Mauro and Alini Brito, two New York high school teachers who have been pulled from their classrooms for an alleged nude on-campus romp, have now been joined in the controversy by a third teacher, Allison Musacchio, who is under investigation for being involved with a male student, according to the New York Daily News.

In regards to Brito and Mauro, Feinberg issued a statement confirming that the school was investigating "an incident of employee misconduct while the school was having an event in the assembly during the evening of Nov. 20."

The tenured teachers "have been reassigned, pending the outcome of the investigation," the statement said, but did not name Brito or Mauro.

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Canada: Universities changing names of women's studies depts. in effort to get male students to take classes

Article here. Excerpt:

'While many Canadian universities are changing their women's studies programs into gender studies programs, UPEI is sticking with its label.

The name change is meant to make the courses more appealing to men. The official line at UPEI is the name change is not an issue, and the women's studies department would not comment.

Psychology professor Fiona Papps, who offers four courses that are part of the women's studies program, told CBC News Thursday it is a misconception that women's studies focuses narrowly on women.

"You know, just militant feminists or bashing men — that's not true. It looks at issues of social justice, it looks at issues of sexuality, it looks at issues of race," said Papps.

"I need to look at both men and women and across races to see what the differences and similarities are," said Little.

"Then I can actually speak much more as an expert about how all women experience welfare and whether all women experience welfare in similar ways or in different ways."

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Serena Williams slams officials for being 'totally sexist'

Story here. Excerpt:

'MELBOURNE: American tennis star Serena Williams has launched an extraordinary attack on officials and former players in a bitter aftermath to her record fine.

Considered by many to be fortunate to escape suspension for abusing a lineswoman at the US Open, Williams claims that the $175,000 fine is excessive, and sexist.

Williams was found guilty by the Grand Slam committee of
aggravated behaviour for screaming at the lineswoman: "If I could. I would take this ball and shove it down your throat."'

If she was a man, she would have been immediately disqualified from the tour. Let's see if the ITF and WTA tour officials have the guts to take stricter action against her.

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Judge drops rape charges against William McCaffrey after accuser admits to perjury

Story here. Excerpt:

'A deeply apologetic judge officially dropped all charges Thursday against an innocent man he sent to prison for rape.

"I want to convey to you my personal regret in having participated, though unknowingly, in the injustice committed to you," Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Richard Carruthers told William McCaffrey, calling the wrong conviction "a catastrophe both for [McCaffrey] and for the criminal justice system."

McCaffrey's accuser, Biurny Peguero, 27, took back her damning rape allegations in August and confessed to perjury.

"Given the startling turn of events, I now recant what I said about you when I sentenced you for 20 years in prison for a rape we now know you did not commit," said the judge, who had called the alleged assault "horrific" and "disgusting" when he sent McCaffrey upstate in October 2006.'

Ed. note: Some background on this case here.

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Patrick Stewart discusses his experience as a child in violent home

Thanks to Jeremy S. for the heads-up. The video is here. What an incredibly moving video. Clearly this man is very deeply traumatized in multiple ways. Those of you with a clinical background are certain to catch on to these ways.

What bowls me over about him is his courage in discussing publicly what happened to him. At his age, undoubtedly even after many years of therapy, he will never be over what happened to him.

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Judge sets woman's bail in sexual assault and burning

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman from First Street who admitted to police that she sexually assaulted a 43-year-old male back in November while he was passed out, and then burned him with microwave-heated water, made her first appearance in court on Wednesday.
The victim was sodomized by Smith with a wooden dowel in front of the witness and “Laura laughed about it,” he reported to police.
The witness then stated Smith and the man hosting the party kicked the victim in his midsection and “at one point, Laura Smith began to heat water in the microwave. She then poured the water on [the victim’s] back,” the affidavit states. “She did this several times.”'

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Trudy Schuett: First article in 'New Perspectives on Partner Abuse'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I would not refer my worst enemy to our local women’s shelter. The reason is clear: they provide a single solution for everyone, regardless of circumstances. That solution is a divorce...

The ugly, backward provisions of VAWA need to be removed from our communities and its proponents sent back to the fringes of society where they belong. Otherwise, almost no one will be helped, and no progress made in new approaches, and we need far more from our tax dollars than that.'

Note the link in the left sidebar to Trudy's new web site: 'New Perspectives on Partner Abuse' (link here: Note there is no 'www' in the URL.)

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A myth is busted: Testosterone not tied to aggression

Story here. Excerpt:

'A new study challenges the common belief that testosterone causes aggression in humans and proposes instead that the hormone encourages status-seeking behavior, the journal Nature reported.'

Hopefully this will break the stereotype that men are inherently violent due to their high testosterone level.

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Tiger's Women Cash In - How Much They've Made Selling Their Stories

Article here. Excerpt:

'Being a mistress of a famous sports star is a part-time job but it pays full-time money!

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Woman accused of taping dog to refrigerator pleads 'impaired mental condition' - due to DV

This story represents a unique application of the "battered woman syndrome". Basically, this woman is using her boyfriend's alleged DV to excuse her taping his dog to the fridge. I guess if you can use DV to justify murder you can use it to justify anything. Only problem: in Boulder, pets actually have value and rights. Not so sure about men. Excerpt:

'A former University of Colorado student who was arrested in April on suspicion of taping her boyfriend's dog to the refrigerator pleaded in court Wednesday that she suffered from an “impaired mental condition” that excuses her behavior.
Toll's defense attorney George Kokus has argued that his client should be allowed to use the mental defense at trial because she was an “ongoing victim of domestic violence,” putting her in a mental state that either justifies, excuses or mitigates her actions.

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Cops: Riverhead Woman Fatally Stabbed Boyfriend

Story here.

'Suffolk police arrested a woman for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend to death in Riverhead on Tuesday morning.

Riverhead Town Police received a call of a domestic disturbance at an East Main Street apartment, the home of 21-year-old Kianna Coach and upon arrival, they discovered 25-year-old James Wheeler of Riverhead laying on the lawn outside the apartment at 11:40 a.m.

He had been stabbed in the chest, according to Homicide Squad detectives. He was taken to Peconic Bay Medical Center in Riverhead where he died.

Coach was charged with first-degree manslaughter. The time and location of her arraignment has not been determined, police said.'

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Florida Woman Accused of Attacking Boyfriend With Raw Meat

Story here.

'DUNNELLON, Fla. — A 53-year-old Dunnellon woman has been arrested after alledgedly hitting a man in the head with a raw steak.

According to a Marion County Sheriff's Office report, the man told deputies that Elsie Egan repeatedly hit him with the uncooked meat and slapped his face after he refused a piece of sliced bread. The man said he wanted a bread roll.

Egan denied hitting the man with the steak but did admit to slapping him, saying she did it "so that he could learn."

The man told deputies that Egan was his live-in girlfriend. He declined medical assistance.

Egan is charged with abuse of a disabled adult. According to online records, she has been released on $2,500 bond and is scheduled to appear in court in January. It's unclear if she has an attorney.'

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Phyllis Schlafly: Feminist Vendetta Against Men's Sports

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the Bill Clinton administration, another aggressive feminist, Norma Cantu, ran the Education Department's Civil Rights Office and essentially made "proportionality" the only test that matters for Title IX compliance by colleges that must cut their sports budgets. She used the power of the bureaucracy and activist judges to threaten college athletic departments.

Colleges have every reason to fear lawsuits from failure to kowtow to feminist dictates. Losing a lawsuit means the college must pay the feminist lawyers' attorneys' fees and suffer adverse publicity.

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