India: Rape Law says 'Yes can mean No'

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, a man is said to have committed rape if he has had sexual intercourse with a woman against her will and without her consent.
The definition of rape does not end there!

Even if a woman has given her consent for sex, the man would be deemed to have committed rape when

• her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested in fear of death or of hurt.

• the man knows that he is not her husband, and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married.

• at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.

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Police say disabled woman's rape claims are false

Story here.

'LADUE, Mo. (KMOX) -- Ladue police say the disabled woman who told police she was raped along McKnight Road made up the entire story.

50 year old Virginia Burns of Overland is now charged with making a false police report and misdeamor possession of marijuana.

Burns had told police she ran out of gas on McKnight, then took her wheelchair out of vehicle and started riding north for help when she was attacked.'

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Police: Rape, abduction reports unfounded

Story here. Excerpt:

'MARION — Local authorities issued a statement Monday regarding a false report circulating about a crime committed in Marion.

The statement was in regards to the Marion Police Department receiving numerous text message inquires about an abduction and rape that had occurred over the weekend..

“The Marion Police Department knows of no such crimes that were committed in the downtown area in the recent past,” states Maj. Bill Collins in the press release.

Police are investigating an incident involving an intoxicated female found wandering around Sunday morning. However, the case is not related to any rape or abduction crimes.

The department issued the statement because “it did not want needless feelings of unease by the citizens of Marion.'

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N. Ireland: Warrant issued over false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'Lindsay Gorman, 20, originally from Lake Glen Avenue, Belfast sparked a massive police hunt last year after claiming she had been raped.

Belfast Crown Court heard that Gorman, has not been seen since her last court appearence in late October when she pleaded guilty to a single charge of doing an act between April 26 and July 25 last year which had a tendancy to pervert public justice by claiming she had been attacked and raped by an unknown man.'

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UK: Woman sentenced to 200 hours of community service for false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Moray woman who falsely accused two men of raping her was ordered to do 200 hours of community service yesterday.

Leoni Campbell admitted making the allegations in 2006 when she appeared at Elgin Sheriff Court.

Campbell claimed she had been raped by a 20-year-old man on July 12 and by a 22-year-old man on August 2.
Campbell’s agent, Diane MacFarlane, said her client had not known either man personally. She had identified one of them by flicking through previous school yearbooks.

She said 20-year-old Campbell, who was 16 when she made the false rape allegations, had matured considerably since giving birth four months ago.'

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Reality Check Blog: 'To End the Campus Rape Epidemic, Let Go of Secrecy'

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the most disturbing things about the culture of secrecy and total lack of transparency uncovered by the CPI last week is that such a veiled system makes progress really hard to measure. Campus rape won't end until we attack rape culture at its roots, but there are ways to curb the problem, such as innovative, mandatory education programs, transparent channels for counseling and reporting and student-led initiatives like Men Against Rape that target fraternities and other student groups, or Take Back the Night events which brings the issue into the open.

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Officers Speak Out About False Rape Cases

Story here. Excerpt:

'A report of rape is a call that puts police officers on high alert.

"Because of the egregiousness of the crime, the need is to make an apprehension as soon as possible, we throw all the resources we have available at it," says Sgt. Kelly Walker with the Waynesboro Police Department.

Walker says false reports, such as rape, are made more often than they should.

Investigations in Staunton and Waynesboro have turned up two of these cases just this week.

Walker adds, "As a standard response, we don't allow any presumptions. We don't prejudge any situations. We just allow the evidence to take us where the case is going to go."
He says false reports can put unnecessary stress on community members.'

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Woman Who Made False Rape Charge Is Guilty of Perjury

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who in 2005 falsely accused a man of rape, leading to his wrongful conviction and imprisonment, pleaded guilty on Monday to two counts of perjury.

The woman, Biurny Gonzalez, 27, acknowledged in State Supreme Court in Manhattan that she had falsely testified under oath before a grand jury and during a trial when she asserted that the man, William McCaffrey, had sexually assaulted her.

Mr. McCaffrey, 32, an interior contractor, was convicted of rape in 2006 and began serving a 20-year sentence. But this past spring, Ms. Gonzalez recanted, first confessing to a priest that she had lied, then telling prosecutors.
A religious reawakening prompted Ms. Gonzalez to admit her misdeeds to a priest at St. Anthony’s parish in Union City, her lawyer, Paul F. Callan, said.

“It was very wrong what she did in the first place,” he said. “But in the end she found her way to do the right thing, the courageous thing, the just thing.”'

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Washington Post: 'It's time for New Deal feminism'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Man Kills Woman In Self Defense: No Charges Filed

Story here. Excerpt:

'GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. -- No charges will be filed in the death of a 42-year-old Mesa County woman who was shot nine times in the driveway of a neighbor who said he fired his gun in self-defense.

Crystal Nash, 42, was shot and killed around 2:20 a.m. on Nov. 1 in the driveway at 3007 Rood Ave.

"In declining to file criminal charges here, I do not intend to condone or endorse anything that happened," District Attorney Pete Hautzinger wrote in a letter sent Thursday to Mesa County Sheriff Stan Hilkey. "I certainly believe that neighborhood disputes are usually better resolved without firearms being involved."'

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Roseanne Barr: Palin Is "Slave To Right-Wing Men"

A 24/7 news cycle has people doing almost anything to get attention, including saying the sorts of things that would never get into print or aired. Because MSM outlets are competing ferociously for the last vestiges of scarce and scarcely-profitable market-share, they are actually "reporting" such things, too. That is the only explanation I can think of for this.

Those involved are known quantities. Nothing herein should come as a surprise, aside from the level of stupidity some have sunk to along with the depths of self-degradation required to behave in ways so offensive and bizarre, possibly in the hopes that their infantile attempts to gain attention will be attributed merely to a relapse of insanity or, more benignly, holiday stress. Excerpt:

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Don't let your children watch "family" programming promoting hate

We all know the media's misandristic portrayal of men as slow-witted, obtuse, brainless beasts is pervasive. Even worse, most "family" programming - ABC Family and the Disney channel as examples - will teach your children that men are stupid and women are the wiser, more intelligent sex. They will also teach your daughters to dress provocatively and obsess over boys and your sons to care about only one thing - sex. I just saw a minute long commercial for a show on ABC Family that portrayed high school students deciding to skip school because algebra was unimportant. The girls were made up like prostitutes in skimpy shorts and the boys looked like anime characters, promoting superficiality.

Even the movies on these channels persist in portraying males as blundering idiots. Santa Baby 2 portrayed Santa, all the male elves, and Jenny McCarthy's little lumberjack-looking boytoy as completely inept, weak-willed, idiotic Neanderthals. Every woman - Jenny McCarthy, Mrs. Claus, and the evil elf - was portrayed as incredibly intelligent, smart, and powerful.

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Amanda Knox: "The guards helped me out. They held me all night"

Story here. I can't begin to tell you how much red I am seeing over this topic. Brace yourselves, please, for a Matt-rant. Here goes:

I wonder how many times the guards in a prison somewhere have "held" a male prisoner all night as he sobbed miserably after being convicted of a murder in a case that had a mountain of evidence against him? Knox supporters have been crying anti-Americanism is behind her convictions, but was anti-Ivorian sentiment behind Rudy Guédé's conviction? (Who the hell was that, you ask? The "third" person found guilty in this trial, which is a funny way to look at it since he was the first of the three to stand trial and the first actually convicted. So we know where he sits in precedence of public consideration already.)

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Fox: "Gym Closes, Women Still Forced to Pay"

Story here. Excerpt:

'HOUSTON - A ladies' only gym goes belly up, but hundreds of women are still being forced to pay up.

The women say the Lady of America franchise in The Woodlands has already broken two laws, and therefore their contracts should be voided.

Dozens of them have taken their complaints straight to the top. Both the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office and the Texas Attorney General's Office are investigating.

At first, the words "women only" sounded pretty good.

"I have never belonged to a gym before, and the main reason was I didn't want a facility with men," said Ann Holmes.

But working out isn't what's bringing so many women together now. On October 15th, a year and a half after opening, the franchise in The Woodlands locked members out. The women say they never saw a 30 day notice posted, as required by state law.
Tiede says hiring an attorney may be the women's best and safest course of action, but that's little comfort when the legal process can be a long one.

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Obama Pushes New Stimulus Package Focusing On 'Shovel Ready' Jobs

Article here. Sounds good until feminist groups cry sexism and have the funds re-directed towards female dominated fields which have actually prospered through the current recession. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama pressed forward with an expansion of his $787 billion stimulus plan Tuesday, unveiling job-creation proposals that largely build on the initial package, including a hiring tax credit that his own party jettisoned as unworkable and some business owners deemed ineffective.
New infrastructure spending envisioned by Mr. Obama would include funds for roads, bridges, airports and water systems, even though tens of billions of dollars from the original stimulus plan remain in the pipeline. White House economist Jared Bernstein said worthy projects not deemed "shovel ready" in the initial funding applications now will see money, implying that federal stimulus spending could stretch well beyond 2010.'

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