Canada: Female sexual abusers not as rare as widely believed

Article here. Excerpt:

'WINDSOR, Ont. -- She gave him life and was the only parent he ever knew. In the way she snapped photos of him sleeping and playing happily, she was like any other adoring mother. But she also committed unspeakable acts to his little body, turning him into a human sex toy in her pornographic broadcasts.

The set of facts involving the Windsor-area mother who sexually abused her two-year-old son horrified both those involved in the case and those who'd only heard about it.
While female sexual abusers are rare in the court system, those who deal with child sexual abuse know the woman is not unique. She may be the first Ontario woman to be jailed for making child pornography featuring her own offspring, but she's not the first mother to sexually abuse a child.

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Huge Gender Degree Gap at Age 22: National Crisis, Title IX, Government Funding? Probably Not

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a report released yesterday by the BLS:

At age 22, women were more likely than men to be enrolled in college and were more likely to have received a bachelor's degree. Twenty-nine percent of women were attending college during the October when they were age 22, compared with 25.2% of men. Moreover, 12.8% of women had earned a bachelor's degree, compared with 6.9% of men (bold added, see chart above). [Ed.: Chart not viewable on MANN; see the original linked article]

MP: In other words, at age 22, there are 185.5 women holding a Bachelor's degree (or more) for every 100 men who have graduated from college. Now that's a huge gender disparity in college completion at age 22, but I predict:

1. This gender degree gap will receive almost no media attention, and certainly no attention from the gender activists.

2. There will be no calls for government studies, or increased government funding to address the problem, and nobody will refer to this gender degree gap as a "crisis."
In other words, the standard "disparity-proves-discrimination" dogma will not be applied in this case of a huge gender imbalance in college completion by age 22, because the disparity favors women, not men. But consider what happens when the disparity favors men, and this is just one example of many:

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CNN reports that men are openly being denied food in Haiti

If you are like me, you have been watching the humanitarian efforts underway in Haitti with interest. It seems that the level of acceptable misandry in the world is being demonstrated in its truest form. Like a scene out of the Titanic, more and more so-called humanitarian non-profits are focusing their energies on "women and children" first. Well today this blatant misandry has reached a whole, new level where CNN has reported that food is only being distributed to women. Interestingly, CNN has actually underscored this sexism and even interviewed a man denied of life saving food. This is of small consolation though as men are being turned away to starve simply because of their gender. Excerpt:

'"The area has been extremely volatile recently with a significant increase in gang violence, but we are hopeful we will be able to reach them soon," he said.

Distribution was orderly elsewhere, Prior said.

Only women were given tickets to collect a 55 pound (25 kilogram) bag of rice per family. Forty-two metric tons of rice will be distributed each day over the next two weeks.

At Champs de Mars, the city's central plaza which has turned into a sprawling makeshift camp for the quake displaced, women formed a long line that snaked up to trucks carrying the rice.
"Our long experience in food distribution tells us that by delivering food into the hands of women, it is more likely to be redistributed equitably among the household -- including the men," he said.

Montouroy said most men have someone -- a wife, a sister, a mother or girlfriend -- who will be able to feed them. He said it was safer to deliver the rice to the women.

But things didn't sit well with some men.

"What about me? I didn't get anything. I need food," said Johnny Sanon Stevenson. "Many people could not participate."' did do us one service though. They provided a list of charities that are engaging in this practice. I encourage each and every individual reading this site to contact these charities and let them know that you will not be donating any money until they no longer engage in what amounts to be gendercide:

(Click 'Read more' to see the list)

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UK: "Ladette Britain: Violence among women soars as record 250 are arrested every day"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ten 'ladettes' were detained every hour for a violent crime last year - an all-time record.

Where a women is arrested she is now more likely than a man to be a suspect in cases of wounding or other assaults.

Some 88,139 women were arrested for violence over 12 months - nearly 250 every day. That is an increase of nearly 1,000 on a year earlier.

The number of men arrested for violence fell by 10,000.

It is the second straight year in which women were more likely to be held for crimes of violence than for any other offence. Shoplifting had previously led the list.

Violence against the person - a category which includes manslaughter, assault and grievous bodily harm - accounted for 35 per cent of all arrests of women. This compared with 30 per cent of arrests of men.'

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Maryland seeks to jack up child support obligations, based on bogus inflation rationale

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bill, SB 252, was just introduced in Maryland to increase child support obligations for households at most income levels – a massive 29% increase for a couple (with one child) making $3400 a month! Maryland residents, already burdened by state tax increases, now face additional burdens.

I don't live in Maryland, and I'm not divorced, so I won't be affected by the bill. But as a lawyer who has studied most states' child support guidelines, I find the economic ignorance behind the bill infuriating.

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"Gendered approach" to international rescue and charity neither new nor limited in scope

It seems the "gendered approach" we are hearing about regarding the efforts to help Haiti is far from new nor is it restricted to just a few charitable organizations, or ones that happen to be run or supported by feminists as such.

Take a look at I saw an ad on TV just today saying was supporting relief efforts in Haiti and focusing on women and children (see the special Haiti page here). Well if they said they would be focusing on men and children they would probably guess that there would be fewer donations - and alas, they would be right. But how about just saying the people there need help and they are providing it? No, it needs to be about "women and children" - again. There are counter-examples of charitable groups not openly stating that they seek to help "women and children" - for example, Plan International USA says it seeks to help "children and their families".

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He allegedly didn't pay child support - so murdering him is OK?

Via Jeremy S.: Regarding Body in backyard is missing Fla. lottery winner's

"What is the point of including this in the article? It seems to me it is a reporter's way of biasing the reader to think that since he didn't pay child support (and has a CRIMINAL record for it), he is somehow a lower life form and hence not deserving of any pity or consideration. He is scum, therefore he deserved to be murdered. And of course we note that his purchases are enumerated too - again to bias the reader - "he had no right to any of the money anyway - he didn't pay child support so murdering him to take it away is not a big deal" seems to be the message. And also ,"Rolex from a Pawn shop".

What difference does it make where he bought it as long as he did so legally - would the reporter had said "Rolex from WalMart"? Again the implication that since he used the money to buy something from a pawn shop, he doesn't deserve to live. While I wouldn't go to a pawn shop, they are legitimate businesses and apparently one can get some fairly good bargains there.

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Australia: Bushfire safety workshops - for women only

Link to media release here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Women in regional South Australia are being offered free basic bushfire safety skills workshops to assist them in becoming Bushfire Ready. This follows a successful pilot program offered on Eyre Peninsula in 2008.

Fiona Dunstan, Manager Community Education and Public Warnings, says “The workshops provide women with a safe non-threatening setting to learn new skills to protect their families and livelihoods, covering both information and providing practical sessions over two sessions”.

“Feedback from women who attended the previous program was excellent,” she said.'

This was reported in an article on page 8 of the Saturday, 30th January edition of Adelaide newspaper "The Advertiser" (the on-line version can only be accessed through a paid subscriber service), a rag owned by Murdoch's News Limited which recently introduced a Friday "Women's Weekly", section and no longer pretend to be anything except a glorified women's magazine.

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Woman stabs man over American Idol

Story here. Excerpt:

' ST. PETERSBURG — Police said a St. Petersburg woman took a TV dispute too far Tuesday night when she stabbed and scalded her boyfriend over "American Idol.''

Police arrested Cynthia E. Bettis-Ware, 52, on a charge of first-degree attempted murder of Kevin Johnson, 47.

It happened at 11:22 p.m. at the Empress Motel, 1501 Martin Luther King St. N, which the couple listed as their permanent address, said police spokeswoman Jennifer Dawkins.'

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Happening Right Now-The University of Ottawa Women's Resource Centre- Hate Speech

Via Jeremy S.: Dated Jan 29, 1:30 AM: Captured by cellphone photography, a picture of signs in the windows to The University of Ottawa Women's Resource Centre's hate speech sent to FathersCan by a third party, via a student at Ottawa University. It's an "In the Window Now" situation. Male Students report being outraged.

FathersCan asks what would be the public and media reaction be if the wording was somewhat different and reflected a male perspective about dangers to women? The reader can use their imagination: Would a 'Men's Resource Centre' be allowed to display something akin to this (even were there to be such a resource centre, which there isn't) So, hate speech or not? Does the law allow this? Not for men.

Ed. note: One thing is to contact them and the University administration (see below). You have the "smoking gun" in the form of this picture. Sunlight, as I have said before, has a cleansing effect.

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Australia: "Call to end shared custody: Chisholm report"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A REPORT commissioned by the Rudd government recommends major changes to the controversial shared parenting law introduced by former prime minister John Howard, saying it has put women and children at risk.

The report by retired Family Court judge Richard Chisholm says the law has also set fathers up to believe they are entitled to a 50-50 time split with their children after divorce, when this was never the parliament's intention, nor part of the law. The report into family law was ordered by Attorney-General Robert McClelland, in response to the shocking death of four-year-old Melbourne girl Darcey Freeman, who was thrown to her death from the West Gate Bridge one year ago.

Her father, Arthur Freeman, is now facing a murder charge.

In launching the report yesterday, Mr McClelland said it was "motivated at least in part by the very tragic events, in the case of Darcey Freeman".'

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NCFM: President Obama Speech Spreads More Myths About Gender Pay Gap

National Coalition for Men: President Obama Speech Spreads More Myths About Gender Pay Gap

Obama Ignores Department of Labor Study that Proves the Gender Pay Gap A Woman's Option

In his presentation, President Obama said: "We're going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws - so that women get equal pay for an equal day's work." In stating this, says Angelucci, "President Obama helped spread the myth that the gender pay gap is due to sex discrimination."

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'Catcher in the Rye' author J.D. Salinger dies

R.I.P., Mr. Salinger. Article here. Excerpt:

NEW YORK – J.D. Salinger, the legendary author, youth hero and fugitive from fame whose "The Catcher in the Rye" shocked and inspired a world he increasingly shunned, has died. He was 91.

Salinger died of natural causes at his home on Wednesday, the author's son, actor Matt Salinger, said in a statement from Salinger's longtime literary representative, Harold Ober Associates, Inc. He had lived for decades in self-imposed isolation in a small, remote house in Cornish, N.H.

"The Catcher in the Rye," with its immortal teenage protagonist, the twisted, rebellious Holden Caulfield, came out in 1951, a time of anxious, Cold War conformity and the dawn of modern adolescence. The Book-of-the-Month Club, which made "Catcher" a featured selection, advised that for "anyone who has ever brought up a son" the novel will be "a source of wonder and delight — and concern."

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Attack on boyfriend included frying pan and a kitchen knife - no jail time, boyfriend elects to stay with assailant

Story here. Excerpt:

'HAMPTON - After beating him with a frying pan and stabbing him with a kitchen knife, a Rothesay woman avoided jailtime and returned home with her victim/boyfriend.

Judge Henrik Tonning couldn't deny if the male/female roles were reversed, the penalty would likely be harsher.

Instead, he followed the joint recommendation of Crown prosecutor Kelly Winchester and defence lawyer Al Levine by sentencing Mary Lisa Joyce Carrier to a six-month conditional sentence, followed by one year's probation for assault causing bodily harm.

Carrier, 21, sat next to the boyfriend she assaulted and still lives with during her sentencing in Hampton provincial court. When she stood to be sentenced, he stood with her and often put his arm around her.
He said if the role was revered and it was a man who beat his girlfriend with a frying pan and then stabbed her repeatedly, he is "doubtful" the sentence would be as light.

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UK: "Scotland: domestic violence against men is frequent and often unreported"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The results of a major piece of government research on partner abuse in Scotland slipped out relatively unreported before Christmas. The new Scottish findings mirror much Australian and international domestic violence research showing family violence against men is frequent and often goes unreported.

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2008-09: Partner Abuse was published by Scotland’s Chief Statistician on December 15th 2009. The research was conducted with 16,000 interviewees and represents the most comprehensive investigation to date into the extent of partner abuse in Scotland.

Interviewees were asked about their experience of physical or psychological partner abuse both since the age of 16 and within the preceding 12 months. The findings included:

• 18% of adults who had had at least one partner since the age of 16 reported having experienced at least one form of partner abuse. The figure for women was 20.9% and for men 15.3%.

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