The faces of men denied food in Haiti

Via Marc A.: To major charities like CARE and UNICEF, these men are potential criminals because they're men who might not feed their families. Never mind that many of them, if not most of them, risk their lives every day to feed their families and to rescue people in the disaster. See also: Haitian Men Told to Stay Away From Food Lines. Men are asking "What about me? I didn't get anything. I need food."

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Texas Woman: 'I Just Killed My Babies'

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAN ANTONIO — A 22-year-old woman stabbed her two young sons to death, then calmly held her wrists out to police officers who arrived at her home and said "I killed my babies," authorities said.

Elyse Marsyl Colon was being held Wednesday on two counts of capital murder of a child in the deaths of her sons, 3-year-old Jose Luis Garcia and 1-year-old Guillermo Garcia. Her bond was set at $2 million.

"Words can't describe the scene," San Antonio police Chief William McManus said. "It was unspeakably sad."

Colon was waiting outside her home when officers arrived Tuesday evening and put her hands behind her back as they approached, police said. When an officer asked "What happened?", Colon allegedly responded with, "I killed my babies."'

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Eve Ensler: Girl power can save the world

Article here. Excerpt:

"The future is "girl." Imagine girl is a cell that each of us -- boys and girls -- are born with. Imagine this girl cell is central to the evolution of our species and an assurance of the continuation of the human race.

Now imagine that a few powerful people, invested in owning this world, understood that the oppression of this cell was key to retaining their power, so they reinterpreted this cell, undermining its value and making us believe that it is weak. They initiated a process to crush, eradicate, annihilate, humiliate, belittle, censor, reduce and kill off the girl cell.

This was called patriarchy.

Imagine that girl is the part of each of us that feels compassion, empathy, passion, intensity, association, relationship, emotion, play, resistance, vulnerability, intuitive intelligence, vision.

Imagine that compassion informs wisdom. That vulnerability is our greatest strength. That emotions have inherent logic and lead to radical saving action."

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Abusegate: Budget proposal includes increase for women's programs

From MANN reader Ed: Today (Jan. 1) President Obama released his 2011 federal budget, which totals an eye-popping $3.83 TRILLION. To make his bank-busting proposal more palatable, the President declared his budget would impose a spending freeze on non-discretionary and non-military spending.

But wait! Turns out there’s a loophole. Nine federal programs that specifically target women will see an increase, including an extra $117 million for domestic violence programs – see this Miami Herald article.

So while millions of American men are falsely accused of domestic violence each year, the programs that push these false claims will actually see a 22% increase.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Express your extreme displeasure TODAY directly to the White House – keep your message short and polite:



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F&F also reports: "Success: Bill to Protect Disabled Parents from Family Court Abuses Passes Committee Unanimously"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Monday evening Fathers & Families issued an Action Alert in support of Arizona HB 2348, a bill to protect disabled parents from child support and alimony abuses. As usual, your response was overwhelming—we thank all those who participated.

We have just learned that the bill has passed the Arizona House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee unanimously. We thank Arizona House Member Frank Antenori, who sponsored the bill, as well as Mark Beres of the American Retirees Association and the ULSG, and Fathers & Families’ legislative representative Michael Robinson, who worked with Beres. Robinson was also instrumental in the passage of a similar bill, SB 285, in California last year.

We will be following the bill as it advances through the Arizona legislature—thanks again to all of you who responded to our Action Alert and participated.'

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F&F Action Alert: 'Psychology Today' praises Clara Harris' Vehicular Murder as a "Great Revenge"

Alert here. Excerpt:

Fathers & Families is sending the protest letter below to Psychology Today via regular US mail and email. To add your signature to the letter and send it to Psychology Today, simply click here and fill out the fields.

Letter from Fathers & Families to Psychology Today:

Kaja Perina
Psychology Today
115 E. 23rd St., 9th Floor
New York, NY 10010

Dear Ms. Perina & Psychology Today:

In the shockingly irresponsible article “Sweet Revenge” (Psychology Today, January/February 2010), Regina Barreca, Ph.D. praises convicted Texas killer Clara Harris for her “great moment of revenge.” The act for which Barreca praises Harris? In 2002, Harris repeatedly ran over her ex-husband David, as David’s daughter Lindsey sat in the front seat of the car begging Clara Harris not to kill her father.

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"Gendered response" violates UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights

I wrote this and then thought: "Hmm, we got some work to do."

The precedent of "genderizing" catastrophic relief efforts must be stopped NOW, nipped in the bud while we have any hope to do it; otherwise gender feminists who, among other means, want to see men just die off by natural disaster calamities, will start winning in their efforts.

The UN needs to know this is not going unnoticed. They are the central authority for handling trans-national relief efforts when governments are too busy or otherwise too afraid to do too much around natural disaster victims. (That would seem to describe the current state in Haiti.)

It is really very sad that this disaster now has become a political football not just for this issue but for many others. But I guarantee you if the east coast of the USA suffered the same fate, not only would that happen (ie, political football-hood) but it would be a huge international political football the likes of which has never before been seen. So there is no avoiding it.

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Broadview (formerly Brinks) Security's "Arrgghh bad men!" ads

I have seen several Broadview Security ads recently. The theme is the same: a woman alone or alone with a child suddenly has her home invaded quite overtly and aggressively by a lone man who seems to know her from some place (who could that be... hmmm? An ex-bf, ex-husband, etc.) and who just plain kicks in the front door of her house but is fast deterred by a loud alarm and a phone call to the Broadview call center.

There are a few variations on the ad but they are all the same in their plot. One example is shown here with Sarah Haskins of InfoMania hitting the nail right on the head with her discussion of the foolishness of these ads. Her "Target Women" commentaries are simply not to be missed.

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Even Consumer Reports is becoming misandrist

I just received the March 2010 issues of Consumer Reports. On page 44 there is an article about vacuums, and at the bottom of the page is a little blurb titled "Women do the work." Below this it says "Alas, 75 percent of women who answered our survey said they do most of the household vacuuming, compared with 45 percent of men."*

The January 2010 issue has "Why Women Pay More" on the cover, and on page 8. The article goes on to compare the price of drugstore items such as shaving cream, antiperspirant, pain reliever, eye revitalizer, body wash and razor blades. It finds that women pay "up to 50 percent more" than men for similar products due to the "perceived value" of the products.

Also, in the March 2009 issue on page 7 there is a report on American's risky behavior. One sentence says "Men were slightly more likely than women to let kids play on a trampoline; women were more apt to eat burgers well done, fasten their safety belt religiously, and - listen up , men - clean lint from the dryer after each use.

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RADAR ALERT: Massachusetts Voters Reject Nifong-Style Prosecutor

RADAR has issued a press release regarding the recent special election in Massachusetts. Excerpt:

Even before Democratic Senate Candidate Martha Coakley was defeated by the Republican candidate, Scott Brown, political commentators were offering explanations for her loss of popularity, ranging from a bungled campaign to the idea that the Massachusetts election was a national referendum on health care reform or the Obama agenda. One explanation that deserves more attention was recently put forward by Carey Roberts at In "Prosecution of Innocent Man Seals Martha Coakley's Defeat", Roberts argues that Coakley's role in keeping Gerald Amirault in prison played a major role in the election of Scott Brown.

In the early 1980s, as explained in a story by Dorothy Rabinowitz that ran in the Wall Street Journal five days before the election, Gerald Amirault had been accused of plunging "a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury." In 2001, when the Massachusetts Board of Pardons voted 5-0 to release him, Coakley, then District Attorney Coakley, successfully pushed for the Governor to deny commutation, which she did in 2002. Amirault spent two more years in prison before finally being paroled.

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Abusegate Awareness Campaign Goes International

From MANN reader Ed:

The domestic violence industry has established a foreboding international presence, and is now bankrolled by the United Nations UNIFEM program, Amnesty International, and other organizations.

So following an incredibly successful campaign in the United States in January, our Abusegate, Investigate! campaign is now going international. Our growing effort to expose the DV lies now includes these groups:

AUSTRALIA: One in Three Campaign:

CANADA: Fathers are Capable, Too:

INDIA: True Equality Network, India:

As the Abusegate, Investigate! campaign gains momentum, we expect other groups around the world will join in our truth-telling effort.

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Abusegate Campaign Shatters Icy Grip of DV Ms.-Information

From MANN reader Ed:

While many parts of the United States were experiencing record-setting temperatures in January, the Abusegate campaign got warmed up, launching a multi-pronged effort to break the falsehoods and lies of the domestic violence industry. The high-temperature campaign featured Op-Ed columns, radio interviews, lobbying on Capitol Hill, and internet alerts.

As a result, a Google search on the word “Abusegate” now reveals 22,800 hits.

Here’s a recap of January’s activities:

  1. Op-Ed Columns
    Three major op-eds were published:
    1. Trudy Schuett: Abusegate: A Generation Deceived
    2. Carey Roberts: Abusegate: The Mother of All Scandals
    3. Barbara Kay: The Domestic Violence Industry’s War on Men
  2. Radio Interviews
    Leading DV researcher Donald Dutton appeared in 10 radio interviews conducted around the United States – see listing below.
  3. Lobbying on Capitol Hill
    On January 22, Abusegate campaign lobbyists went to Capitol Hill and distributed a flyer titled, “Abusegate, Investigate!”
  4. Internet Alerts
    Numerous Internet Alerts were published throughout the month.

February is promising to be even bigger than January. The Abusegate campaign will continue until the Domestic Violence industry warms up to the truth of partner abuse.

(Click 'Read more' for the list of radio shows that have had commentators on this topic.)

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Female suicide bomber kills dozens in Baghdad

Story here. Excerpt:

'Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- At least 41 people were killed and 106 others wounded Monday in a suicide bombing that targeted Shiite pilgrims in northeastern Baghdad, Iraq's Interior Ministry said.

The female bomber detonated her explosive vest in the middle of a procession of pilgrims in Boob al-Sham, in a predominantly Shiite area of the Iraqi capital, according to an Interior Ministry official.

The detonation took place in a tent set up to search females, according to the Baghdad Operations Command. Three volunteer female searchers were among those killed.

The attack took place amid tight security as thousands of Shiite worshipers are making their way to the holy city of Karbala, south of Baghdad, to mark the Arbaeen -- the end of the 40-day mourning period at the close of Ashura.'

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Canada: Female sexual abusers not as rare as widely believed

Article here. Excerpt:

'WINDSOR, Ont. -- She gave him life and was the only parent he ever knew. In the way she snapped photos of him sleeping and playing happily, she was like any other adoring mother. But she also committed unspeakable acts to his little body, turning him into a human sex toy in her pornographic broadcasts.

The set of facts involving the Windsor-area mother who sexually abused her two-year-old son horrified both those involved in the case and those who'd only heard about it.
While female sexual abusers are rare in the court system, those who deal with child sexual abuse know the woman is not unique. She may be the first Ontario woman to be jailed for making child pornography featuring her own offspring, but she's not the first mother to sexually abuse a child.

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Huge Gender Degree Gap at Age 22: National Crisis, Title IX, Government Funding? Probably Not

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a report released yesterday by the BLS:

At age 22, women were more likely than men to be enrolled in college and were more likely to have received a bachelor's degree. Twenty-nine percent of women were attending college during the October when they were age 22, compared with 25.2% of men. Moreover, 12.8% of women had earned a bachelor's degree, compared with 6.9% of men (bold added, see chart above). [Ed.: Chart not viewable on MANN; see the original linked article]

MP: In other words, at age 22, there are 185.5 women holding a Bachelor's degree (or more) for every 100 men who have graduated from college. Now that's a huge gender disparity in college completion at age 22, but I predict:

1. This gender degree gap will receive almost no media attention, and certainly no attention from the gender activists.

2. There will be no calls for government studies, or increased government funding to address the problem, and nobody will refer to this gender degree gap as a "crisis."
In other words, the standard "disparity-proves-discrimination" dogma will not be applied in this case of a huge gender imbalance in college completion by age 22, because the disparity favors women, not men. But consider what happens when the disparity favors men, and this is just one example of many:

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