US Targets Global Violence Against Women - Men noticably absent

Article here. Once again the media/govt male hate campaign rolls on. Shouldn't it be "violence against anybody"? Excerpt:

'US politicians have called for a $US175 million aid package to combat violence against women and girls in poorer countries such as Haiti and Afghanistan.

"Every day, too many women and girls across the globe endure horrific acts of violence," said Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, who is backing a Bill that would make preventing violence against women central to US foreign policy.

"They are disfigured by acid, raped and beaten, or they are denied the opportunity to see a doctor."

Another supporter, Democratic Representative Bill Delahunt, said: "The nations with the worst track record in preventing violence against women are also the most unstable and are breeding grounds for terrorism."

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"Daily Show" contact page

Regarding the recent MANN post revealing Jon Stewart's latest salvo against his own sex: I forgot to include the comment submission link for it.

This piece of "comedy" is so insulting to men in general, MRAs, and men in mythopoetic circles, it's as if they decided to just take on everything pro-male all at once and make fun of and diminish it as much as possible within the short attention span of the typical viewer. I have a hard time thinking of any group that would be the target of such open tastelessness and crude meanness transmitted over cable TV in prime time to a wide viewing audience in this day and age.

I ask feminists this: If men as a class are as respected and damn-near worshiped as you insist we are, would a truly "patriarchal society" even be able to produce such a piece of "humor"? Can you imagine such "humor" being created about feminism or about women? Can you even suggest there is a "patriarchal society" in place that so favors men and so derides women given this sort of thing that you see?

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Man exonerated of rape conviction after 33 years in jail

Score another one for The Innocence Project! Story here. Excerpt:

'ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — A mentally ill New York man who spent nearly six years behind bars for a 1976 rape he insisted he didn't commit was exonerated Thursday after DNA testing showed he was innocent.

The conviction of Freddie Peacock of Rochester, now 60, was based on a false confession police attributed to him just hours after the early morning rape of a 24-year-old woman who lived in the same apartment building.

State Judge David Egan vacated the conviction after lawyers for Peacock and Monroe County prosecutors agreed DNA evidence obtained from the victim's underwear and from Peacock in 2008 proved he wasn't the rapist.
Peter Neufeld, the Innocence Project's co-director, said that with Peacock's exoneration, "New York becomes the nation's capital of false confessions."

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Canadian police: Alberta boys victims of homicide

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two Alberta boys found dead this week in their home were victims of homicide, police said.

RCMP confirmed Wednesday that Connor and Jayden McConnell, aged 2½ and 10 months, died in their home in Millet, Alta., about 40 kilometres south of Edmonton.

The bodies of the two boys were found by their father Monday afternoon.

Investigators are not releasing the cause of death. No charges have yet been laid in connection with the deaths.
Court documents show that Curtis and Allyson McConnell, who got married in Australia in January 2007, separated in November 2009 and began divorce proceedings in December.

According to the documents, Allyson McConnell, 31, wanted to take the children back to her native Australia, where her family lives and where she would be entitled to government support and have better prospects of generating more income than in Canada.

In her statement of defence and counterclaim, McConnell said the father would "continue to have reasonable and generous access" to the children.

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Women's Studies courses are political activism, not academic scholarship

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an irate letter to the editor February 2, Penni Stewart, president of the Canadian Association of University Students, and Katherine Giroux-Bougard, national chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students denounce the Post's Jan. 26 editorial expressing satisfaction with the demise of Womens's Studies programs. They are "shocked" at such an attitude, and set out to explain why Women's Studies are needed more than ever. But the letter actually vindicates the editorial, because almost every sentence in it confirms that Women's Studies are nothing more than political activism with a blackboard, not objective scholarship.

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Apple's iPad sales blamed on - lack of women on its board

Yes, indeed. Because of the name "iPad", the implication is that it is unappealing to women because the name sounds too much like "MaxiPad" or some other kind of similar type of pad. (I recall MAD TV running with the "iPad" idea back in 2006, noting as they did that a legal pad should not be confused with the other kind of pad. The video is here but I will say it is for adult viewing only; there are reasons MAD TV airs late at night on week-ends only. Also some of you will find it offensive regardless of your age, so don't say I didn't warn you.)

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Misandry and the Canadian media: Mother accused of murdering two sons, Canadian media tries to blame the father

In recent days there has been a great deal of media coverage of the deaths of two little boys in Alberta. They appear to have been drowned by their mother who then attempted to kill herself, at least according to neighbours and the media outside of Canada. So far the RCMP and other sources have refused to comment on the investigation. The Canadian press has been flooded with stories about "domestic disputes" and "bitter custody battles" in an attempt to blame the man for this woman's alleged actions.

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The Daily Show makes fun of and insults men, Warren Farrell, and men's groups

Jon Stewart seems to have a thing against men. He's in fine company, as you know, right there with the US gov't, the UN, and many others. One day I hope he will see the light and realize that his own sex is not so bad, or at least realize that when people talk about men, they are in fact talking about him, too. Video (dated 2/3/10) here.

Starting at 00:40 Dr. Warren Farrell is shown and roundly dismissed, openly snickered at, and with some video editing, insulted, and this, all throughout the video. (Apparently the interviewer, Samantha Bee, didn't have the courage to do it to his face). Watching the entire vid will be for most MRAs quite infuriating. Ms. Bee is openly contemptuous of the men who she is interviewing and in some places, both very crude and rude (at one point when she is in a men's circle, she asks them "when do you start to masturbate?")

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"Penis Gluer" Gets Probation

Story here. Remember that woman who last year glued a man's penis to his belly because she wasn't the only one he was sleeping with? She's been convicted but given no jail time - not only that, but the Judge actually admitted it was a double standard then went on to blame the man! Excerpt:

'CHILTON, Wis. -- A Wisconsin woman who tied up a cheating lover and glued his penis to his stomach said Tuesday that she didn't mean to hurt him and only overreacted because he had tried to contact her 12-year-old daughter.

Therese A. Ziemann, 48, of Menasha, said she and three other women only meant to confront the married man about his cheating ways. Her decision to grab the bottle of nail glue from her makeup bag was "a stupid spur-of-the-minute decision," she said.

"I had just found my daughter's number in his cell phone," she said outside a Calumet County courtroom. "It was just a warning from me to him, to stay away from the kids."

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Announcing MensEnews newsletter

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The silent victims: Battered husbands

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW PERSPECTIVE: If there’s anything I’ve learned in 10 years of advocacy for unserved victims of partner abuse, it’s that men don’t tell. Yes, the U.S. Dept. of Justice says there about 840,000 male victims of domestic violence each year. But those are just the ones who've reported it.

Not that the numbers really matter: What matters is that it's happening, and it’s no joke.

There's a popular presumption that men should somehow be able to “control” the woman in their lives, and if they can’t, then they deserve what they get. But the fact is that today a man who tries to defend himself is more likely than not to end up in jail.'

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In Maine, It Doesn’t Pay to be a Man

Article here. Excerpt:

'Practically everyone in town knows Amy Dugas is a serial batterer. But the Maine criminal justice system keeps finding ways to keep her from facing the music.

In 2004 Amy assaulted her husband Mark in their home in Waldoboro. When the police officer came to arrest her, she kicked him in the groin. The judge released her on bail, ordering her to refrain from using weapons. Four months later she stabbed Mark with a foot-long kitchen knife, fatally severing his pulmonary artery. At the trial, she got away with the trusty I-feared-for-my-life alibi.

Two years later Dugas spent 125 days in jail following an attack on a male friend. In 2007 she was arrested again, this time for assaulting Brian Pelletier, her new husband of three weeks.

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Teen-On-Teen Girl Fights Sweeping Internet (Boys fighting not a problem, apparently)

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (CBS) - Two teenage girls went at it. Two adults allegedly watched and another minor videotaped the whole thing in Louisiana. The fight popped up on YouTube more than a week ago. Days later, in Lowell, Mass., local authorities discovered similar videos online and said local educators report about 80 percent of school fights are now girl against girl.

Some experts believe the trend is partly fueled by the Internet.

CBS 2 HD met with members of the cyber safety group "Teenangels" at The Ursuline School in New Rochelle.

"People want attention from it. They want to be on the Internet. They want to be famous and they're willing to go to any cost to do that," said Teenangel Angelina.
Cyber experts said it's one of the most effective ways to slow down this dangerous trend.'

List of excuses (just a start), as everyone knows, "girls don't do that sort of thing":

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Classroom gender de-segregation by any means - nice but a hollow victory

Stories like this one occasionally popping up are nice to see, but bear in mind the victory is hollow. The reasons are not because the people involved have come to realize that gender segregation is wrong and they are reversing their bad ideologies, but instead, they just want to save/make money. If they could get away with it, the all-female allocations for classroom space and learning resources would be increasing, not decreasing. Excerpt:

'The Aquinas Institute and the Nazareth Schools announced a partnership today to merge student bodies into one school system.

Beginning in September, pre-kindergarten through sixth-grade classes will be held at the Nazareth Academny campus on Lake Avenue. Classes for grades 7 through 12 will be at the Aquinas Institute campus on Dewey Avenue.

The move will combine the all-female Nazareth Academy with the co-educational Aquinas Institute.'

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"Rising economic stress cited in domestic violence increase" leaves out male DV victims

Article here. The actions of a few criminals will shed a dark shadow across all men. Excerpt:

'The Westford man who shot his wife Monday, critically wounding her, before fatally shooting his daughter and himself is the second to allegedly kill a family member in this suburb in less than a month, and the fatal shootings are the latest in a rash of domestic killings in Massachusetts this year.

Since Jan. 9, at least five women have been killed in domestic violence. Two others were severely wounded in the total of six different incidents.

The violence has alarmed authorities and advocates for women, who point out that women’s groups are reporting dramatic increases in domestic abuse in Massachusetts and across the country.

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