Spokane boys kidnapped by mom found 11 years later

Story here. Excerpt:

'MILTON, PA -- Bill Connington’s two young sons have been missing for 11 years after their mother abducted them and disappeared. Tuesday night authorities in Pennsylvania called Connington to confirm they had been found safe and sound in Milton, where their mother had been living under an alias.

Jill Diane Haugen, 48, was arrested Tuesday at her home in Milton, Pennsylvania where she was going by the name Ann Thompson. Haugen is Connington's ex-wife and the mother of Connington's 17-year-old and 15-year-old sons.

Milton Police Officer Todd Ulrich called Connington by phone Tuesday to tell him the news. Ulrich says Connington was "absolutely surprised" and had thought he'd never see his sons again.'

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Houston Dad Looking to Get Daughter Back From Brazil

Story here. Excerpt:

'After seeing what one New Jersey man did to get his son back from Brazil, a Texas father is looking to do the same.

Marty Pate says his ex-wife defied a custody agreement and returned to her native country of Brazil with the couple's 8-year-old daughter, Nicole, MyFoxHouston.com reports.

"Here we are three and a half years later, and still no daughter," Pate told MyFoxHouston.com, but in his renewed efforts, Pate is hopeful he'll have his daughter back in Texas by summer.
One congressman is hoping to help parents like Goldman and Pate.

Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, is co-sponsoring a bill that would make it harder for parents in custody disputes to flee the country with their kids. Brazil, in particular, has been of little help.'

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Gen X Men: Double-digit income decline met with political and social indifference

Article here. Excerpt:

'You are somewhere between 35 and 45 years old, give or take, and you can’t shake the feeling that things just aren’t adding up for you, your family, your generation.

The bosses and politicians in charge — many of whom are older than you — don’t talk about you much, even as your job bites the dust or you gripe about money in the cubicle next door.
If you are a man born between 1964 and 1974, you were earning 12 percent less in 2004 than your father was when he was your age three decades earlier, according to a study by the Economic Mobility Project of the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Let’s attach a dollar figure to that — so that we truly register the generational grand larceny here.

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Womenomics: Feminist management theorists are flirting with some dangerous arguments

I can't say I completely agree with this story over at the Economist, which contends that first-generation feminists were "tougher" than the current generation of feminists, *and* also "tougher" than men. Excerpt:

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Real Women of Canada: "The Family Hits The Spotlight"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Western nations are looking at the shambles their countries have become. A great increase in family breakdown (divorce and separation) resulting in increased substance abuse, alienated youth dropping out of school with no skills, and an ever increasing number of children raised in single parent homes, are just a few of the problems facing nations today. This has led to government policy makers, churches and charities trying to make sense of both the causes and consequences of family break-up. Consequently, the future of the family has now been placed at the top of the political list of priorities.

For example, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown talked about family values at the annual Labour Party Conference in Brighton, September 27-October 1, 2009. The UK opposition leader David Cameron told his party members that the family lay at the heart of his beliefs. Other government leaders in Russia, France, Poland, Latvia and Romania are expressing similar concerns.

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Tiger Woods whisked away for surgery after Elin Nordegren clubbed him, blogger says

Blog post here. Excerpt:

'Enraged over reports of her husband's philandering and set off by the discovery of an "incriminating" text message, Elin Nordegren smashed Tiger Woods in the face with a 9-iron on U.S. Thanksgiving Day and then chased a bleeding and woozy Woods as he fled from his Florida home, a prominent sportswriter relays in a Boxing Day blog that has caught the attention of celebrity gadfly Perez Hilton.

Furman Bisher, a retired sports columnist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, posts on his blog what he says is a "legitimate message" he received from a "trustworthy journalist" he has known for years.

The source tells Bisher that Woods wasn't home when Florida State Troopers came to question him following the crash outside his home. That's because he had already been whisked away to Phoenix, where he underwent reconstructive surgery to repair the damage to his face, which included a gash to the right side near the nose, a broken facial bone and damaged teeth.'

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Article: "Lesbian 'mother' case presents constitutional issue"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Vermont judge has ruled that the birth mother of a Virginia girl must turn custody of the child over to a former lesbian partner. Could this be another benchmark for custody dispute issues?

Lisa Miller was in a homosexual relationship with Janet Jenkins in Vermont, but Miller became a Christian, gave up her former lifestyle and moved to Virginia with her daughter. Although Jenkins is not the biological mother and never tried to adopt the now seven-year-old Isabella, Vermont Judge William Cohen ordered Miller to turn the girl over to Jenkins this Friday. Attorney Steve Crampton tells OneNewsNow that Liberty Counsel argued before a Virginia judge last week, asking for Miller's protection.

"There's a very serious constitutional issue regarding whether Virginia must enforce the Vermont court order," the attorney notes. "So the clock is ticking quite loudly right now, and it remains to be seen whether we can get any relief in Virginia."'

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"10 years of advocacy"

I've just published 10 years of advocacy, an essay about my years in the movement, and what seems to be ahead.

I'm pretty positive about the future, but hey, that's me... Excerpt:

'When the big ball falls in Times Square this time, I will have been in this advocacy for ten years. Much has changed since then, and we all know much that has not.

In the early months of 2000, I knew nothing of VAWA and the industry that has sprung up to benefit, in terms of both money and political clout, from the misery of the abused.

Even today, I still can’t figure out how I did not know. After all, I’d been working either as volunteer or paid staff at one or another of several social services agencies since 1984. In 1991, I’d even served as a member of our local United Way’s Allocations Panel, and our only local “battered women’s shelter” was one of the agencies in my assignment.'

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Iranian president seeks further sex segregation

Story here. I am sure he would have plenty of American feminist support if they could be certain the women's facilities were not only separate but more-than-equal to men's. Nothing like a toxic mix of ideology and power-hunger, is there? Sound familiar? Excerpt:

'An increase in efforts to separate men and women in Iranian institutions has sparked concern that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered a substantial tightening of state policy on sex segregation since his June reelection.

Since Ahmadinejad was elected, the government has made various moves to further segregate office buildings, hospitals, public parks and primary schools and in the half year since the president was reelected a number of Iranian ministers and religious leaders have called for a more strict adherence to sex segregation in various aspects of public life.

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Law Fathers & Families Helped Create Leads to Victory for High-Profile Military Parent

From F&F latest newsletter here. Excerpt:

'Because of problems in the family court system, when a divorced or never-married military parent deploys overseas, they often face the possibility of losing their custodial arrangement and their relationship with their children.

Fathers & Families and its legislative representative Michael Robinson have been at the forefront of this issue, successfully working to pass military parent legislation in dozens of states. The first success on this issue occurred in 2005 in California with the passage of SB 1082.

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Mary J. Blige beats up her husband - deafening silence from MSM and DV advocates

Is anyone else hearing so much as a peep out of the MSM or so-called DV advocacy groups about this story? Not a word.

Well maybe I am just all fired up on coffee and OTC cold meds today but as far as I am concerned, this is not just going to slip by in the usual stream of news stories that bombards us daily. This is if nothing else THE example of the decade of how DV vs. men is utterly ignored by just about everyone who may (or may not) hear about it via the MSM or any other source. It's nymphotropism and cognitive dissonance in action x 1000. One day I imagine it will be a case-study that SOC101 students will be made to write essays about. (Well, a fellow can dream, can't he?)

The MSM reflects what they believe (and all too often, get right) their viewers or readers want to see in the content they serve up. If there is some inconvenient truth that needs telling, they need to be informed to get on the stick and start telling it or else start losing their advertisers or subscribers.

Let's start with TV contact information, then the (so-called) papers, then radio. Click 'Read more', as I will list contact information for as many MSM sources as I can think of. Also, I will write a sample letter for you to use. Let's roll on this, since if we cannot move on such an open, high-profile, and egregious example of the double-standards at work here, then we may as well hang it up.

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"A Family’s Heartbreak": New Book on Parental Alienation

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mike Jeffries, the author of A Family's Heartbreak: A Parent's Introduction to Parental Alienation. [link added]

The book has only been out a few months and is getting excellent reviews from both professionals and lay people. Please check it out at our website -- http://www.afamilysheartbreak.com/. If you are interested in doing a book review or interview for your site visitors please let me know.


Mike Jeffries

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Entertainer and anti-DV crusader Mary J. Blige punches husband at record release party

Entertainer Mary J. Blige, who not long ago opened a DV center (for women only), punched her husband in public in the face, drawing blood. Details here. Excerpt:

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Parental Alienation is Kidnapping

Currently our laws grossly ignore parental alienation as nothing more than an act of absconding (ie, running away). However, running away means to take oneself. Abduction and kidnapping means to take someone else. Most children are too young or too used to going with a parent that they are unaware that any crime is being committed and in many cases are brainwashed into thinking that they were being abused.

ABSCOND - Etymology: Latin abscondere to hide away, from abs- + condere to store up, conceal Date: circa 1578 :
1 : to depart secretly and hide oneself 

  ABDUCT - Etymology: Latin abductus, past participle of abducere, literally, to lead away, from ab- + ducere to lead Date: 1825
1 : to seize and take away (as a person) by force
2 : to draw or spread away (as a limb or the fingers) from a position near or parallel to the median axis of the body or from the axis of a limb

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Charlie Sheen spends Christmas in jail for domestic violence charges, says wife was the aggressor

Story here. It's kind of sad that only TMZ seems to be able to acknowledge that women commit domestic violence, too. Excerpt:

'Charlie Sheen is not going down for the count. The sitcom star is telling friends wife Brooke Mueller grossly "exaggerated" their fight when she called 911 Christmas morning.
She was angry at her husband of less than two years, and "wanted to teach him a lesson by calling the cops," a source told RadarOnline.com.
Within hours, Brooke had already changed her story with the Aspen police, several sources have told us.

Sheen's version of events is that they were arguing about Brooke's drinking with Charlie standing firm that the mother of his twins had been partying too much. Brooke went postal at the idea that her husband was critical of her mothering skills.'

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