Phyllis Schlafly: "Obama Panders to the Feminists"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Obama presented his multitrillion dollar budget, he declared with great fanfare that he was calling for a freeze in discretionary spending. Feminists immediately had a tantrum to complain that the freeze exempted funding for the military, intelligence and homeland security.

Now we learn that all feminist programs and organizations will also be exempted from the freeze. Instead, they will get what White House spokesman Kate Bedingfield admits are "significant funding increases."

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RADAR ALERT: Psychology Today Praises Murder of David Harris

Fathers & Families has written an excellent protest letter to Psychology Today.

RADAR asks that you add your signature to the letter and send it to Psychology Today. Please click here and fill out the form.

Thank you.

Date of RADAR Release: February 10, 2010

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence.

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Mother Gets Jail Time Over Son's Last Name

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CN) - A mother must spend 10 days in jail for allowing her son to use his stepfather's last name in his baseball league, the Alabama Court of Appeals ruled.

As part of her divorce decree, Lisa Preston was required to have her son use the last name of her former husband, Matthew Saab, when playing sports.
The mother admitted that she had allowed her son to choose which last name to use. He had his first name on the back of his jersey.

The trial court found the mother guilty of five counts of criminal contempt and sentenced her to five days in jail for each count. The Alabama Court of Appeals affirmed on two counts, but reversed on the others. Preston must spend 10 days in jail -- five days each for the incorrect name on the registration and on the baseball roster, the court ruled.
The original sentence was 25 days, but the judges reversed the ruling on the mother's contempt charges for the clothing tags, the magazine subscription, and for allegedly not allowing sufficient telephone contact with the father.'

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UK: Study kills '1 in 10' myth of cuckolded fathers

Article here. Here:

'It is one of the world's most persistent myths: that one in 10 children are illegitimate without their legal fathers knowing that they have been cuckolded. Now scientists believe they have arrived at the real figure. One in 25.

Scientists analysed the Y chromosomes of 1,600 unrelated men with 40 surnames to test the idea that there could be a link between the Y chromosome and surnames, which are both passed on to boys down the male line.

For certain, uncommon surnames there was a clear association between the unique genetic markers carried on the Y chromosome with the surname, suggesting that many of the men sharing the same surname had a common male ancestor many centuries ago.

This also enabled the scientists to estimate the probability of illegitimacy among the men carrying the same surname and found that it came out at between 1 and 4 per cent.

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UK: Can love survive when a woman earns more than a man?

Article here. Excerpt:

"Recent figures from a large-scale government study show the number of 'breadwinner wives' - women in partnerships who earn more than their men - has soared to 19 per cent, with another 25 per cent earning the same amount as their menfolk.
Nikki Owen, 49, typifies this new breed of high-earning women.

A director of her own international personal development company, she comes from a well-off professional background and was brought up to believe there were no limits to what she could achieve.

Nikki first began dating her fiance Mark, 50, a customer services manager, when they were both in their teens.

But, she says, 'he dumped me because he was intimidated by my ambition'. Four years ago, both single again, they were reintroduced through friends.

In the intervening years, Nikki fast-tracked her way up the career ladder, ending up as head of her own firm 'with a huge house in Sevenoaks, a flash convertible Audi and a wardrobe full of designer labels'.

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Denmark: Mothers-only school meeting attracts outrage

Story here. Excerpt:

'Politicians up in arms over school’s anti-bullying meeting that is aimed only at mothers of pupils

The decision taken by a Copenhagen school to ban fathers from a parental meeting out of respect for Muslim mothers has drawn deep divides between politicians and school leaders.

Holberg School in the city’s Bispebjerg district has scheduled a meeting for parents about the school’s anti-bullying policy this evening. But the meeting at the multi-cultural school is mothers only, and neither Danish nor immigrant fathers of pupils have been welcomed to attend.

The invitation from the school invites mothers to attend a ‘debate about bullying that includes mother talk, yummy food, coffee and cake’. They are also invited to bring their young children with them if needed, as babysitting will be provided.

School principal Søren Ellesøe told Berlingske Tidende newspaper that the school took the decision in order to reach out to a group of parents who usually don’t attend parent teacher meetings.

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Woman leaves children unattended- fire results in death, gets lesser guilty verdict, faces only 1-4 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'Nicole C. Allen wept tears of joy Monday night when she was convicted of a lesser homicide charge for causing severe burns to her three children — one of whom later died — by leaving them alone so she could buy beer.

She mouthed the words "Thank you" to a state Supreme Court jury of seven men and five women when they found her guilty of a low-level felony of criminally negligent homicide after acquitting her of a more-serious felony of second-degree manslaughter.

Allen, 22, stood and wept on the shoulder of her lawyer, Dianne C. Russell, as the verdict was announced after jurors deliberated more than 5 ½ hours.

The jury also convicted Allen of three misdemeanor counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

She faces a penalty ranging from probation to a prison term of up to 1 1/3 to four years when Justice Francis A. Affronti sentences her Feb. 23.

Had she been convicted of manslaughter, she could have received a prison term of up to five to 15 years.'

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NOW claims DV is the ‘real issue’ with Tebow’s Super Bowl ad

Article here. F&F covers this issue here as well. Excerpt:

'The National Organization for Women (NOW) just can’t seem to get enough of Pam and Tim Tebow. After several weeks of sweating over the likelihood of a “pro-life, anti-abortion” ad featuring the Tebows and sponsored by Focus on the Family, the president of NOW, Terry O’Neill, is claiming that the Super Bowl ad promotes domestic violence.

In the ad, Pam Tebow begins talking about the uncertainty of little Timmy’s entry into the world. Suddenly, she’s tackled by the Heisman Trophy winner and thrown off-screen. She immediately bounces back up and scolds her son, saying, “Timmy! I’m trying to tell our story here!”

So while the ad was meant to discourage women from having abortions, O’Neill – according to the Los Angeles Times – saw a much more dangerous message being promoted:

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Men and the recent Super Bowl ads

I guess I wasn't the only one to notice the anti-male bias while watching the big game. Good news: the media is finally starting to report on all of the male bashing in advertising. Bad news: No one seems to think it's a problem. Straight from Yahoo's front page:

Some of the best [sic] ads skewered the male ego, with help from a tough tyke and Betty White. Watch the ads for yourself

If you're looking for the male bashing ads the main tag line is referring to, then just scroll down to the ads titled: 'Dove, Dodge, and FloTV. I don't really have a problem with Dove's advertisement. It's Dodge's and FloTV's ads that are taking a stab at men.

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UK: "Men expect women to take all the decisions"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Why is there an expectation that the woman will make the majority of the choices - from the minor and flippant, such as what to wear, to the more major, such as where to live?

It is as if, on top of everything else, she has to become the chief decision-maker, the 'decider.'

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Glenn Sacks comment threads shut down

Here is the link. I believe the announcement of the ending of the comment threads on Glenn Sacks has huge ramifications and should be discussed here.

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Australia: Couple caught having sex in public, only man charged

This story is another example of men being held responsible for not just their own behaviour but also that of women. SHE was on top of him, yet HE was the one that was the only one charged. HER name isn't mentioned, and I presume she wasn't charged. Unbelievable.

'A Darwin man has pleaded guilty to having sex at a petrol bowser and refusing to stop even when asked by police to do so.

The Darwin Magistrates Court has heard that 29-year-old Lionel Mark William Spratt was seen sitting with a woman in a ute parked at a bowser, near the front door of an Adelaide River petrol station last September.

The court heard the woman got out of the driver's seat and sat on his lap and he started to "passionately kiss her".

The court heard the woman was making "loud moaning noises" and moving her body in a way that indicated the pair were having sex.

Police were called and officers asked Spratt to stop what he was doing but he continued for several more minutes.

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NYTimes: Shortage of college men makes for female "victims"

Article here. Not that anyone would find a misandrist slant surprising at the NYT, but now they're claiming that the absence of men on university campuses is really a bigger problem for women. Why? Because the poor women can't find dates. Or because “girls feel pressured to do more than they’re comfortable with". Remember that this is the same newspaper that recently ran a whole slew of sympathetic articles claiming that women are only 16% of the military (also men's fault, of course). Where is the sympathetic article about the under-enrollment of men in higher education?

The author is careful to toast "female achievement" and boast about eliminating "affirmative action for boys" while happily dismissing an entire generation of men - particularly black and Hispanic men - who will experience less-than-equal opportunity.

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A different kind of health care reform is needed in America — how men treat themselves

I found it refreshing to find an article that approached the issue from multiple directions, not trying to lay the blame on any single issue. Excerpt:

'The reasons have physical, psychological, social and cultural roots. From birth, males are saddled with certain macho expectations which, combined with a misplaced sense of invincibility, ironically leaves them more vulnerable — they take big risks, are reluctant to ask for help, and won’t easily admit pain or weakness.

While these factors continue to exact a heavy toll on men, women’s health care has blossomed (admittedly from a low base), further widening the gender gap and sparking renewed efforts to correct a health system that is arguably under-serving half the population.'

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Super Bowl Sunday, Domestic Violence & Your Health

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s that time again… When Super Bowl Sunday dominates the U.S. headlines, and people plan their Sunday evenings around a get-together, party, or the game. It’s also a good time to look at two stories related to Super Bowl Sunday.

The first is the largely debunked myth that domestic violence calls spike around Super Bowl Sunday and other drinking holidays of the year (like New Year’s). Snopes originally tracked down the myth and showed it to be nothing more than another urban legend. Since their last update on the myth in 2005, however (and our article 4 years ago), there’s been further research examining the myth.

A 2007 study by Oths & Robertson examined 2,387 crisis call records covering a previous 3-year period. They supplemented the call records with both formal and informal interviews with abused women and staff. What did they find?

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