Israel: False allegations-maker to pay US $25,000 in compensation

Article here. Excerpt:

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US study: More than 12% of "youths" in juvenile prisons are sexually abused; most cases are female staff vs. boys

Article here. Notice the use of the word "youths" when referring to a class of victims who are mostly boys. If so many were female, the word "girls" would most certainly have been used. Excerpt:

'More than 12% of youths in juvenile prisons are sexually abused while in custody there, according to a Justice Department study out Thursday, and the vast majority of cases involve female staff and boys under their supervision. [Ed.: emphasis added]

In the worst facilities surveyed — in Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina and Texas — more than 30% of youths reported they had been sexually victimized. The study, the first of its kind, shows a rate of sexual assault more than seven times higher than that indicated by a 2008 Justice Department report that collected sexual abuse claims to juvenile facility administrators. It is also higher than a similar study of adult prisons because of the "very high rate of staff sexual misconduct," said Allen Beck, who directed the survey for the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

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MSN: "10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boyfriend"

Credit where do, read it here. Suppose they read MANN? :) I want to see a day where gender-baiting stuff like this unabashedly splashed all over the MSM is as unacceptable as are articles today that appeal to ethnic stereotyping. Excerpt:

'You pride yourself on your open, honest relationship. But that doesn't mean you should blurt out any thought that comes to mind.

Sometimes, a comment that seems perfectly harmless to you might be hurtful, awkward or just plain irritating to your boyfriend.

Excelle has identified 10 such comments. Ignore us at your own risk!'

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Businessman sues BA 'for treating men like perverts'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A businessman is suing British Airways over a policy that bans male passengers from sitting next to children they don't know - even if the child's parents are on the same flight.

Mirko Fischer has accused the airline of branding all men as potential sex offenders and says innocent travellers are being publicly humiliated.

In line with the policy, BA cabin crew patrol the aisles before take-off checking that youngsters travelling on their own or in a different row from their parents are not next to a male stranger.

If they find a man next to a child or teenager they will ask him to move to a different seat. The aircraft will not take off unless the passenger obeys.'

Unbelievable discrimination!

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Creating a Men's Anti Feminist Group In London - update

Hi all, Rod here.

My London friend Tom is an MRA who believes in "equality feminism". In a number of words he explained to me I need to make it clear to men that I am not anti-equality or a misogynist.

I have-long standing female friends as well as male friends. Like many men growing up around the 1970s I thought if I was nice, helpful and respectful to women, if I worked hard and had talent, that I would in kind be liked, and respected by people of both sexes... by most people anyway - and I would have a place in this world.

It is strange that I would think that, considering the background I came from. But I did because I was young and had hope. I had faith and a sense of responsibility and a desire to achieve, like a lot of men who I would now see as being naive.

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Amidst Haiti Disaster, Women’s Groups Seek to Deny Relief to Men

Blog post here. Excerpt:

'This week’s devastating earthquake in Haiti, which struck near Port au Prince, has led to countless tragedies on the impoverished island, and is a disaster that may rival the recent Sichuan quake in China. The damage struck indiscriminately, killing young and old, rich and poor, and man and woman alike.

However, some relief groups have decided that women deserve more aid, and have come up with a number of reasons why men should be left to die from injuries and disease while women get preferential treatment.

Quoted in in an article titled Why “women and children first” persists, Elaine Enarson (probably a Swedish woman*), cofounder of the Gender and Disaster Network (“Calling for a gendered approach in disaster risk reduction”), explains why men are to be excluded:

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Jail time for French women who berate husbands

Column here Excerpt:

'Record cold temperatures are beginning to take their toll on average citizens around the world. In bone-chilled France, frustrated housewives have taken to venting their spleens at their husbands — and for good reason.

For decades, effete French men have indulged themselves with aerosol hair spray for their over-groomed hairpieces, contributing, as we all know, to the thinning of the ozone layer and melting of the polar ice caps.
Thankfully, the epidemic of shrieking wives has not escaped the attention of the ever-vigilant French Parliament, which is now considering a ban on the practice. The law would apply to both married and cohabiting couples.

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Israel: Serial False Rape Allegations Maker Arrested

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Israeli local court in Kefar Saba, has extended arrest order of Malka (Mali) Zarihan in 5 days, YNET NEWS has reported today. (Original YNET Article in hebrew here).

Malka (Mali) Zarhian, a 25 year-old woman from Raanana, Israel, is suspected of comitting a series of blackmail and false rape accusation crimes. According to YNET report, Mali Zarihan used to hitch-hike on the roads, and then blackmail the drivers. She would say that unless the drivers give her money she would complain in the Israeli police that they raped her. According to YNET report, several dozens of Israeli drivers fell victim to Mali Zarihan's crime over the last year...

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Abusegate: Most Americans Aware of Male DV Victims

From MANN reader Ed:

The great majority of Americans are aware of the problem of male victims of domestic violence. According to a 2006 Harris poll*:

88% of Americans have seen or heard of a male domestic violence victim in the past year 76% of Americans believe domestic violence against men is a “serious” problem.

But representatives of the domestic violence industry work night and day to deny the very existence of male victims. One almost comes to admire the intellectual gymnastics of the VAWA Mafia.

*See Tables 1 and 3.

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Russia plans to cut alcohol consumption in half by 2020

Story here. Excerpt:

'Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has approved a national concept to fight pervasive alcohol abuse in Russia with the target to cut alcohol consumption in half by 2020 and uproot the illegal market.

Measures to achieve the goals include the introduction of criminal punishment for alcohol production and sales violations, advertising restrictions, a pricing policy dependent on quality, and efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle, the Russian government said on its website on Wednesday.

"The first phase (2010-2012) will include measures to cut alcohol consumption by 15% per capita... The second phase (2012-2020) will see the elimination of the illegal alcohol market and a reduction in consumption levels by 55%," the government said.

The concept is designed to reduce the high mortality caused by alcohol abuse especially among men. More than 23,000 people die of alcohol poisoning annually, while another 75,000 die of alcohol-related diseases, according to official statistics.'

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Human Y Chromosome Evolving Faster Than Expected

Article here. Excerpt:

"The Y chromosome is often seen as the rotten corner of the human genome — a place of evolutionary decline that is slowly decaying and threatening the end of man. Reports of its imminent demise, however, have been exaggerated.

Research has indicated that, far from stagnating, the male chromosome is a hotspot of evolution that is changing more quickly than any other part of humanity’s genetic code.
But the first comparison of the human Y chromosome with its counterpart in chimpanzees has revealed that they differ radically. The findings suggest that the Y chromosomes of both are evolving rapidly and dynamically — probably because of their critical roles in reproduction — and have a vibrant future.

In the new research, which is published in the journal Nature, Dr David Page, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — who first sequenced the Y chromosome in 2003 — has now sequenced the Y chromosome of the chimp, humanity’s closest relative, and compared this with the human version.

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The "Men Tax" in Israel: A gender-based flat rate 300$ annual men tax

Article here. Excerpt:

Making men special special gender-based income tax has been part of the feminist agenda for a long time now. However, in Israel a gender-based men tax is already a reality that is well integrated within the income tax system.
...if you are a woman, you will get an additional 0.5 credit points just because you are a woman. It doesn't matter if you have children or not. You just have to be a woman. This additional 0.5 credit point worth about 300$* every year.
The worst thing about it is that the Israeli government doesn't even try to hide it or excuse it in some way. The Men Tax is proudly mentioned in the official website of the finance ministry. Search for "Tax Credits" and you will see it there. An Official Men Tax!'

1/15/10: UPDATE: What I wrote here originally was wrong:

"Ed. note: A trailing $ indicates the denomination for shekel, or more precisely, the Israeli New Shekel."

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Day care provider accused of burning baby

Story here Excerpt:

'A Gates day care provider accused of burning an 8-month-old baby has been charged with second-degree assault and reckless assault of a child by a day care provider, according to Gates police.

Kelly Hernandez, 44, 165 Kencrest Drive, who is licensed to operate a day care facility from her home, is accused of changing the baby's diaper on an electric stovetop that she believed was turned off, police said.

The baby suffered first-, second- and third-degree burns and is being treated at Strong Memorial Hospital, police said.'

Very brief report (as they are in these cases - i.e., there is a female suspect), and submitted by someone oddly-named "Staff Report".

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"Wife Allegedly Changes Wires on Saw to Shock Hubby"

Story here.

'OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -- Court papers allege that an Olympia woman, angry that her husband left her, tampered with his power tools so that he received a powerful electric shock. Carolyn Paulsen-Riat was booked Friday into the Thurston County Jail for investigation of third-degree assault, domestic violence, and second-degree malicious mischief. A judge released the 33-year-old woman on her own recognizance.

The Olympian newspaper reported that court documents said that on Jan. 1, the man was using a 220-volt table saw when he received the shock, knocking him to the ground. Thurston County sheriff's deputies said the man did not need to go to a hospital.

In the documents, deputies said the woman told them she had reversed the wires on his power tools because she was angry he was leaving.'

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Woman arrested in 'broom bashing'

Story here. Excerpt:

'NASHUA – A local woman is being held on $10,000 cash bail, charged with beating her former boyfriend with a broom.

Anne M. Hughes, 40, of 39 Crown St., Apt. 6, was arrested yesterday afternoon and charged with second degree assault...

Lt. George McCarthy said Hughes had bail conditions barring her from going near her boyfriend... On Saturday, however, she went to his apartment, according to McCarthy.

McCarthy said the two got into an argument and Hughes grabbed a broom with a metal handle and beat her boyfriend in the head with it. He was taken by ambulance to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center where he needed staples to close wounds to his head, McCarthy said.'

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