"What, me worry?" Harry Reid Refuses to Apologize - Take Action

Sen. Harry Reid is being hammered in the polls, with only 40% of Nevada voters saying they plan to vote for him in November.

Back in Washington, Reid’s staffers were deluged with a blizzard of phone calls, emails, and faxes demanding an apology from the good senator. Things got so bad that staff couldn’t keep with all the calls and the answering machine got backed up. No coffee breaks today, folks!

Reid’s staff confidently insisted the senator’s comments on domestic violence were backed up by a 2004 Department of Justice study. But when asked to provide the name of said study, staffers suddenly became tongue-tied. And some callers reported Reid’s staff became downright testy – imagine that!

Obviously, Mr. Reid needs a little educatin’. So let’s re-double our efforts and send him a message on Wednesday that he can’t ignore!

Telephone: 1-202-224-3542
Internet: http://reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Fax: 1-202-224-7327

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Mary, on the Contrary: The New York Times obit made radical feminist theologian Mary Daly sound downright sane

Article here. Excerpt:

'As one who has long followed the career of the late radical feminist theologian Mary Daly, I was disappointed by her obituary in the New York Times a couple weeks ago. As a summation of Daly's outsize life and work, it was inexplicably drab.

A pioneering figure of "eco-feminism" and a major draw on the campus lecture circuit in the 1980s and '90s, Daly was probably best known in the secular world for her long-standing refusal to admit men to some of her undergrad courses at Boston College. This unilateral deviation from coeducational policy made national headlines in the late 90s, when a libertarian-conservative "public interest law firm" threatened to sue the college on behalf of an undergrad who felt his Title IX rights were being violated. In what Daly termed an instance of "rapism," the college administration used the threat of litigation to maneuver her into retirement in 1999.

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PAS interview on Divorce Source Radio

Via email:

"My name is Joseph Goldberg and I am the Founder of The Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome (C.S.P.A.S.). I am also a consultant advising parents and Family Law lawyers in the matters that pertain to Parental Alienation child abuse.

I just finished a Radio Show on the Divorce Source Radio Network. I would like to know if you could post the interview on your website. The hyperlink below will take you to the website that will enable you to listen to this important program."

The interview .mp3 file is at http://media.libsyn.com/media/steve2256/Uload23PAS.mp3. Right click the link and download the file, then play it in whatever media player you choose.

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Reid Unapologetic for Linking Unemployment to Violence Against Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Advocates for men are calling for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to apologize for suggesting that men are more likely than women to commit domestic violence, especially when they're out of work for long periods of time.

But Reid's spokesman told FoxNews.com on Tuesday that the Nevada Democrat is not apologizing for arguing during Senate debate a day earlier that the $15 billion jobs bill he is sponsoring should be passed to help prevent an uptick in violence.

Marty Nemko, co-president of The National Organization for Men, described Reid's comments as "irresponsible," citing numerous studies that show women are just as likely or even more so to commit domestic violence against their male partners.
"Instead of looking to try and find men jobs, he's bashing men completely unfairly," Nemko told FoxNews.com.'

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Woman sentenced to three years in jail for false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A young mother who falsely cried rape, sending an innocent man to prison for nearly four years, will experience firsthand what he suffered -- she'll spend one to three years behind bars for perjury.

"I wish her the best of luck," said William McCaffrey last night of Biurny Peguero Gonzalez.

"Jail isn't easy."
McCaffrey said he has some sympathy for Gonzalez and hopes she "doesn't go through what I went though.

"I was an accused rapist in prison," he said, adding that in prison, "rape is the worst crime possible."

All is clearly not forgiven.

A person who would "lie and paint somebody as a rapist is worse than a real rapist or a real murderer," McCaffrey said.'

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Women only: Japan airline to have female toilets

Story here. Excerpt:

'TOKYO (Reuters) - Women flying Japan's All Nippon Airways will have a toilet all to themselves from next month, with the airline designating one restroom on most international routes as female-only.

The airline said in a statement it was responding to "numerous requests for this service," adding that the toilet would be located in the rear of the plane and be available to women passengers from all classes.

An airline official told Kyodo news agency that ANA decided to designate women-only lavatories based on a 2007 online survey in which 90 percent of the women polled said they found the idea attractive.

The official also said women do not like using shared toilets as men sometimes leave the seat up. She said demand for women-only toilets was especially high among passengers taking long flights.

Men would be allowed to use the lavatory only in emergencies or when there were very few female passengers on the flight, the ANA statement said.'

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UK: Woman who cried rape after sex in public toilet walks free from court

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who accused a student of rape after dragging him into a public toilet for sex was spared jail yesterday.
Yesterday Mr Bowers, also 20, attacked the 'ridiculous' sentence after Hilliard received 12 months in jail, suspended for two years. She had denied perverting the course of justice.
Mr Bowers - who says he is now afraid to speak to women - said: 'It's absolutely ridiculous. That's not even a slap on the wrist. She's been let off and I'm still having to sneak around because there are still people after me who think I did it.'

It was more than a week after his arrest that Mr Bowers discovered he was not to be charged.
Mr Bowers's father Tony, 48, said: 'My son was facing up to ten years in prison for rape on the strength of her lies. The least I expected was for her to have been given a prison sentence."

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US woman gets prison for gang-rape lie that put man behind bars for crime he didn't commit

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK - A woman who fabricated a gang rape accusation was sentenced Tuesday to up to three years behind bars herself, saying she was riven with remorse for sending an innocent man to prison.

Biurny Peguero, 27, pleaded guilty in December to perjury, admitting she made up the September 2005 incident that unjustly put construction worker William McCaffrey in jail and prison for nearly four years. A judge overturned his rape conviction in December, with new DNA evidence also playing a role.
McCaffrey, now 32, said she had agreed to go with them to a party. He said they dropped her off unharmed after she changed her mind.
Prosecutors have said she told them she claimed she was raped to make her friends feel sorry for her. Assistant District Attorney Evan Krutoy suggested Tuesday that she may have lied out of anger at a man who had upset - but not attacked - her.

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Australia: Mother who gassed children to be sentenced today

Sydney Morning Herald reports here. Excerpt:

'A Queensland woman is to be sentenced today for gassing her two children to death in the family car - so her ex-husband couldn't have custody of them on Christmas Day. The Queensland Supreme Court trial heard the mother, who can't be identified, started planning her children's deaths in October 2002.
She had been issued with a Family Court order stating the children should spend Christmas Day with their father.

One month later, the bodies of her eight-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter were found in the garage of their home near Bribie Island.

A Supreme Court jury found the woman guilty last week.'

No comments on the story have been allowed.

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Woman admits selling 2 kids for 1 bird, $175

Story here. Excerpt:

'VILLE PLATTE, La. - A Louisiana woman has pleaded guilty to selling two children for a cockatoo and $175 in what her attorney called an attempt to do a good thing that went wrong.

"It was a really clumsy attempt at an adoption proceeding," said Steve Sikich, attorney for Donna Louise Greenwell of Pitkin. "She was trying to help the children and get them situated."

Greenwell, 53, was sentenced Monday to 15 months of hard labor on each of two criminal counts: sale of a minor. The sentences are to run concurrently.
Greenwell had custody of the children for more than a year before meeting the Romeros, Sikich said. Her lawyers have maintained she was just trying to find a better home for them.

"They were undernourished and not well taken care of," Sikich said. "It's my understanding that the mother had requested that she take care of the kids."'

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The Dartmouth: 'A Misandrist Mistake'

Article here. Excerpt:

'As I read “Too Few Good Men” (Feb. 22) by Blair Sullivan ’10, I came upon the statement, “males have never been the victims of systematic discrimination.” Such a boldly stated assertion must be true, even if it invalidates the gross injustice that men have faced historically and continue to face today. Never mind the massive inequities in our country’s system that challenge the male gender — according to Sullivan, men have never suffered the brunt of institutionalized inequity.

Forget that the United States only forces men to risk their lives in conscripted military service. Or that males must sign up for their Selective Service numbers if they ever intend to see a drop of federal educational assistance. That’s not systematic discrimination — forced military service is clearly a privilege extended only to males.

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Like clockwork: "Files show Ala. suspect's husband wanted revenge"

Story here. "It was actually HIS FAULT! Let that POOR WOMAN go!"

I still bet she does less than 15 years for all three murders. Excerpt:

'BOSTON – The husband of the Alabama professor accused of gunning down three colleagues once said he wanted violent revenge on a doctor who gave his wife a bad job review, according to federal documents released Tuesday to The Associated Press.

Amy Bishop is charged with killing three colleagues at the University of Alabama-Huntsville on Feb. 12. Investigative files from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives show that Bishop and her husband, James Anderson, were questioned in 1993 in the attempted mail bombing of Dr. Paul Rosenberg of Boston's Children's Hospital.

Rosenberg has said he played a role in Bishop's resignation as a research fellow. A pipe bomb package was sent to his home weeks later.

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Ric Flair's Wife Arrested for Domestic Violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'Well we didn't see this one coming: The wife of professional wrestling legend Ric Flair (link added) has been arrested for domestic violence, TV Guide is reporting, claiming Flair suffered minor injuries at the hands of Jacqueline Bains Beems after the two had "an unfortunate disagreement." While we'd certainly never make light of a domestic violence situation, we will note that Flair's catch phrase was "to be the man, you've got to beat the man." Apparently, it seems Bains Beems took that a bit too literally.

According to Flair's agent, Melinda Morris Zanoni, "Ric and his wife had an unfortunate disagreement [Sunday], which led to his wife being arrested and charged with assault."
Morris Zanoni went on to say that "Ric has done nothing wrong,' and that the wrestling pro "finds this incident unsettling and is committed to correcting any issues in his personal life."

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Advocating emasculation in the mainstream press

Article here Ho hum. It's a 'jokey' headline of course, but (as usual) reverse the genders and see how it looks. Excerpt:

'And then there were five. At the last oiled body count, that was the number of young women claiming to have had sex with serial cheater Ashley Cole (link added).

No wonder his poor wife Cheryl has finally dumped him - by long-distance text, a nicely brutal touch.
Despite Cheryl's neck tattoo - a large 'Mrs Cole' in pretty, cursive script - her assertion that 'this is the man I am going to have my babies with' and her promise that 'he's learning, he has a beautiful soul, he's a really nice guy', the curtain has come down on their goldfish bowl marriage.

Apparently, Cheryl is returning home shortly to consult lawyers and chop their assets in half. If that is the only thing chopped in half, then Ashley Cole remains a lucky man. For the time being. This soap opera isn't over until the small lady sings.'

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'Romantic rejections, misogyny and a new masculinity'

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Another cultural belief I want explore, in dating and romance, is a sense of male entitlement. This entitlement render women choiceless - that if given enough attention, or gifts, or emotional support, that no woman could ever say no, and if she does, it's of course, her fault. This mentality, in turn, hurts women because they are never truly given a choice, in love or lust, because it is believed women could be bought - if not with money then with attention.

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