No parole for 'Angry Betty' Broderick

Story here. Ex-wife from Hell, Betty Broderick, has been denied parole for killing her ex-husband and his new wife in their bed in 1989.

Just goes to show that even the California Parole Board can have at least a functioning brain stem when it comes to rabid killer women. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Elisabeth "Betty" Broderick, once a socially prominent lawyer's wife who fatally shot her ex-husband and his new wife in bed in 1989, has been denied parole.

When Broderick's husband of 16 years dumped her for his young legal assistant, she seethed with a white-hot fury. She was one angry Betty, as a California writer, a long-time Broderick watcher, recently observed.

She still is, the California parole board concluded Thursday after hearing Broderick's rambling statement in which she continued to blame her actions on her husband's extramarital affair and their bitter divorce.'

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New York mother pleads not guilty to torturing family pets, abusing her children

Story here. Excerpt:

'RIVERHEAD, N.Y. - A woman pleaded not guilty Thursday to abusing her children and family pets, sometimes forcing the children to witness her torturing animals to death, prosecutors said.

"This is a case where a mother subjected her children to the most unimaginable and horrific living conditions that I have ever seen," Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota said. "These kids were beaten, they were starved, they lived in absolutely horrendous conditions within their own household and this was done intentionally by the mother."

Sharon McDonough, 43, killed numerous kittens and dogs, stashing the dead cats in the trash, and burying 42 dead dogs in the backyard of her Selden, Long Island, home, Spota said. The dogs were buried, he said, because some had identifying microchips implanted in them and McDonough feared being discovered if the carcasses were found in the trash. '

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VPD changes their story; victim does not accept excuses, apology, and fears reprisals

Story here. Excerpt:

'VANCOUVER - The family of the Vancouver man injured by police in a case of mistaken identity Thursday is not ready to accept the Vancouver police department’s apology.

Two plainclothes police officers arrived at Yao Wei Wu’s south Vancouver home at 2:20 a.m. Thursday after receiving a call from a woman at the residence who said she was being attacked by her husband and feared for the safety of their baby.

What police didn’t know was that there were two suites in the home and they had gone to the wrong door.

The altercation that ensued left 44-year-old Wu — who does not speak English — bloodied, with small cuts all over his face and an eye swollen shut.

The couple has not yet decided what action they will take, if any.

“As for right now, I haven’t really thought about what I’m going to do,” said Wu after returning home from a doctor’s visit. “I just want to rest. I’m really tired.”

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Country's first legal gigolo starts work in Nevada

Undoubtedly feminists will attempt to say this is an example of how men are having it better and better because "they can get sex not just 'for free', but now some can get paid for it," and that there needs to be further effort to stop "this sort of thing" not for men's sake but for women's. Of course to have things in the world of pay-for-play being male-to-female is also bad for women because it's sexual exploitation thereof. No winning, if you are male.

Also there are complaints that he won't have sex with other men, while some think having men around a brothel as prostitutes will "hurt the industry". And the article makes it sound like he hasn't even had a client yet, either. And on and on and on. Try to keep up. Excerpt:

'BEATTY, Nev. (AP) - A brothel in a Nevada desert town has hired the state's first male prostitute, a muscular college dropout who abandoned a brief stint as a porn actor in Los Angeles to become the only legal gigolo in the United States.

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Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide

Story here. I am sure I (or MANN) will get accused (even moreso) of anti-Obama bias. Well that is not what this post is about. It's about this: Would the company posting these billboards have done so if there was a female adviser to the president in the same position and her jilted on-the-side fellow tried to buy billboard time talking about it?

Billboard space vendors reject ads all the time for all manner of reason. The fact that she wanted space on a billboard to complain about her high-profile jilter and that they rented it to her speaks volumes about what they think the public won't complain to them about.

In any case, we here on MANN know that the rate of infidelity among the sexes is roughly equal. However the substance of this story continue to reinforce the idea (and gleefully so) that males are the "primary cheaters" in our species. Excerpt:

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Police Say Georgia Mom Forced Son to Kill Hamster

Story here.

'WARM SRPINGS, Ga. — A Georgia woman is in jail after police say she forced her son to kill his pet hamster with a hammer as punishment for bad grades.

The sheriff of rural Meriwether County told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Thursday that the 12-year-old boy told his teacher about the killing. The teacher reported it to the Division of Family and Child Services, who contacted police.

Sheriff Steve Whitlock said 38-year-old Lynn Middlebrooks Geter of Warm Springs faces one charge each of animal cruelty, child cruelty and battery.

The sheriff's office said she remained in the Meriwether County jail early Friday. It was not immediately known if she had a lawyer.

Meriwether County is located about 90 minutes southwest of Atlanta.'

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Canada: Man beaten severely by police after dragging him from house on DV suspicion

Story here. Plain-clothed officer burst into a man's home and dragged him from it, then beat him nearly to death due to him being *suspected* of a crime. This is why such things as arrest warrants and such concepts as the use of force continuum and presumed innocence (I include the links for the VPD's educational use) were invented... unless of course the suspected crime is anything DV-related, wherein of course the suspected victim is female. This is just what the founding fathers were on about.

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More info: Symposium on Male Studies at Wagner College, NY (USA)‏

Via Greg Andresen:

Apologies for cross-postings...

A gathering of academicians drawn from a range of disciplines will meet on April 7, 2010, at Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, to examine the declining state of the male, stemming from cataclysmic changes in today’s culture, environment and global economy. The live teleconferenced colloquium will be co-chaired by Judith Kleinfeld, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Boys Project at the University of Alaska, and Lionel Tiger, PhD, Rutgers University Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology. It will encompass a broad range of topics relevant to the study of boys and men in contemporary society ranging from their roles in the family and workforce, as well as their physical and emotional health, to the growing problem of misandry—the hatred of males, an unacknowledged but underlying socio-cultural, economic, political and legal phenomenon endangering the well-being of both genders.

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Female reporter sexually assaults David Beckham - but it's him who's being controversial

This story on the BBC site (including video) explains how an Italian female presenter decided to pull a prank on David Beckham, and grab his testicles to see how large they are. She does it, and he is shocked and leaves. As he leaves she's deriding him and telling the world he has small balls.

But it's interesting how it's Beckham who's 'finding himself in controversy yet again'. So basically it's his fault, right? I mean he's a man, he's appeared in underwear ads, obviously he asked for it. No mention of arrest or even a negative word said against his assailant, the PP once again...


'David Beckham has had his private parts grabbed by a woman trying to check the size of his testicles.

Italian journalist Elena Di Cioccio took the soccer star by surprise as she put on a pair of rubber gloves and grabbed his manhood - to see whether or not he lived up to his nickname "Goldenballs", the name famously given to him by his wife, Victoria Beckham.

She said: "I want to find out how big his testicles are!"'

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France to push women into the boardroom (whether they want to go there or not)

Article here. Excerpt:

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Maggie Gallagher: "Do We Care About Boys?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The headline from The Washington Post celebrates yet another milestone: "University of Virginia picks its first female president."

But meantime, the data continues to mount that our educational system is massively failing one gender: boys.
And yet every sign that boys or men are hurting gets determinedly turned around into a happy news story of female success. The disconnect between the happy headlines and the reality underneath will only be solved by women. The irony of men is that they cannot defend themselves or organize around their own systemic, gendered problems. Putting their own gender in the position of "the weaker sex" unmans them -- and also makes them deeply unattractive to women. It's not going to happen.

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Abusegate, Investigate!

From MANN reader, Ed:

Call 202-224-3121 today!

False Allegations of Domestic Violence Cost Taxpayers $20 Billion a Year.* That’s 20,000 million dollars, thanks to wrongful allegations of abuse.

Families are being broken up, children harmed, men discriminated against, and the Constitution trampled on. Why is the mainstream media so damn complacent? Why hasn't the President sounded the alarm? And why hasn't Congress launched an investigation?

TODAY, call 202-224-3121 – that's the Capitol Switchboard. Ask to be connected to your congressman. State your name and city of residence. Then ask your elected official to “Investigate Abusegate, the failure of the domestic violence industry to live up to its promises.”

Our lobbyists are working Capitol Hill this week. Your call is important. Do it now!


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Proposal in process in Maryland State Assembly to restrict men's contact with foreign women

The following is from a letter to the editor in the Cumberland Times-News, based in Maryland. Excerpt:

'How far out of touch with reality are Maryland legislators anyways? That’s exactly the question being asked by citizens (women and men) regarding a proposed bill in the Maryland General Assembly, that would restrict men’s rights to use dating sites to meet foreign women.

Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio (R-Talbott),vice president of the women’s caucus is leading 35 other delegates (all women) on a campaign for passage of HB 65, that would shockingly require Maryland men to submit their fingerprints and other background information before they can initiate communication with a foreign woman if they use an “International Marriage Broker”.

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'Mary, on the Contrary': NY Times obit made feminist theologian Daly sound sane

Article here. Excerpt:

'As one who has long followed the career of the late radical feminist theologian Mary Daly, I was disappointed by her obituary in the New York Times a couple weeks ago. As a summation of Daly's outsize life and work, it was inexplicably drab.

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"The Economist" Debates: Richard Donkin and Terry O'Neill re women's status in developed nations

Article here. Excerpt:

'This promises to be a debate that engages people's passions as well as their emotions.

Richard Donkin argues that the motion is what Americans call a "no brainer". Women clearly enjoy opportunities to make their livings and shape their lives that their predecessors could only dream of. They may not be doing as well as they would like. But, as he remarks, to say that they have never had it so good is not to say they cannot have it better.

Terry O'Neill produces a wealth of statistics to show that women still get a bum rap. They earn less than men, on average, and bear more responsibility for looking after children and the elderly. Only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs are female.

There is much to chew on here. As the debate continues, Mr Donkin needs to grapple with the fact that, particularly in America, ordinary people have seen their incomes stagnate since the 1970s. It now takes two incomes to afford what one could afford in the 1960s. Are women running faster just to stay in the same place?'

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