Woods responders concerned about domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. – The ambulance crew that responded after golfer Tiger Woods crashed his SUV would not allow his wife to ride with him to the hospital because they thought it was a case of domestic violence, documents released Friday by the Florida Highway Patrol show.

But a police officer who responded said he didn't know where the crew got that information because he never heard it from anyone at the scene.

The reports also show that Woods' wife, Elin, turned over two bottles of pain pills to troopers after the Nov. 27 crash outside the couple's suburban Orlando home.

Tiger Woods crashed his sport utility vehicle into a fire hydrant at 2:30 a.m., and officers found him lying in the street. The SUV had a broken window and the couple told investigators Elin Woods had broken it with a golf club so she could unlock a door and pull him out.'

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Australia: "Murder accused wife weeps in court"

Story here.

'An Adelaide woman has pleaded not guilty to murdering her husband by setting him alight at their Unley home in 2008.

Rajini Narayan, 45, wept in Adelaide Magistrates Court as she denied a charge of murder and another of arson.

It has been alleged she poured methylated spirits on her husband's genitals and ignited it, because of an alleged affair.

Narayan also pleaded not guilty to endangering the lives of her three children who were at home.

She will face the Supreme Court in April.'

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Spanish researchers assert that men should feel more random guilt-- just like women do

If it gets any more ridiculous, I will be forced to fall off my chair. Read the inanity here. Excerpt:

'Kim Moldofsky can feel guilt over just about anything — her children, stray cats, her work, her husband. “I am easily guilted,” she told me, laughing.

Meanwhile, her husband, Brad, 41, remains blissfully guilt-free. “He is kind and caring but he can be more detached,” said Moldofsky, a 41-year-old “mom blogger” and social media strategist near Chicago. “Sometimes I want him to get caught up in the emotion.”

So, apparently, does a team of Spanish psychological researchers. In a reversal of Professor Henry Higgins’ plaintive cry “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?,” it suggested that when it comes to guilt, men should be more like women.

Men are guilt-deficient, suggests the study, which was published in a recent issue of The Spanish Journal of Psychology. We lack “interpersonal sensitivity,” while women suffer from destructive guilt largely imposed by society.

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"That's such a huge number, especially for a 16-year-old girl."

Sixteen-year-old girl pleads guilty to manslaughter. Presumably, if the perp had been male, 18 years for murder would not have been too much. Excerpt:

'Facing life in prison if her case went to trial, a 16-year-old girl admits she shot a man in the head after some sort of fight last June on Conkey Avenue.

Jessica Arnold was supposed to go on trial next week. The victim was Lamont Smith.

This morning, Arnold pled guilty to first-degree manslaughter. The reason being, her lawyer said, they didn't want to take the risk of going to trial. Arnold would have been tried as an adult on charges of murder and she could have faced up to life in prison if convicted.

On June 13, 2009, Arnold shot and killed 33-year-old Lamont Smith on Conkey Avenue during an argument. Arnold's attorney says there was a crowd, and that she fired in self-defense but prosecutors say that's not the case.

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Male/female high school dropout ratios show huge gap

Story here. Admittedly, this is just one city, and one that has been under great educational distress for some time. But it does reflect the larger trend: girls are beating boys solidly in terms of graduation, and not by a mere couple of percentage points but by solid margins. They are also clobbering boys in terms of grade performance as well, but this is hardly news. And yet feminists still insist there is no boys' education crisis. Excerpt:

'The state education department released graduation rates this week for all high schools and school districts across New York.

Rochester's four-year graduation rate dropped from 52-percent to 46-percent. News 10 NBC wanted to know how the numbers break down for male students and female students.

The city school district today released those numbers. Fifty-two-percent of girls graduate on time while only 39-percent of boys graduate on time.

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Canada: Ex-MP calls for shared parenting

Story here. Excerpt:

'When it comes to gaining access to their kids, a growing number of divorced fathers say they've been stymied by a police and court system that reflexively views women as believable and men as violent.

It's an emotional topic that dismays many of those who work in the field of domestic violence.

But a growing number of men's groups -- and a private member's bill (C-422) that would amend the Divorce Act by instructing judges to grant equal shared parenting except in proven cases of abuse -- are advancing this view.

One man I spoke to, for instance, says his ex-wife falsely accused him of slamming a van door on her leg. And even though that assault charge was later withdrawn by the Crown attorney, the man says the allegations damaged his reputation during proceedings with a family court judge who restricted his access to his kids.

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Feminism and the Feelings of Men

Full Article here. Excerpt:

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Teacher Turns Herself in After Alleged 6-Month 'Relationship' With Student

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 33-year-old Burbank middle school teacher accused of having sex with a teenage male student over a six-month period last year was charged on Tuesday with unlawful sex with a minor, MyFoxLA.com reported.

Amy Victoria Beck, a teacher at David Starr Jordan Middle School, appeared in Burbank Superior Court Wednesday. She did not enter a plea and her arraignment was scheduled for March 25.
She did not make bail and remains in the custody of the Burbank Police Department.

If convicted, Beck faces up to seven years in state prison, officials said.
Police interviewed the boy "and confirmed that the acts did occur" between March and September of last year, the sergeant said.

The boy was 14 at the time the alleged sexual activity began, and he is now 15, Quesada said. His name was not released.

Beck had taught English and Social Science at the school for ten years, according to The Burbank Leader. She resigned on Friday.

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Check out the definitions for "MRA" at urbandictionary.com

I've created a couple of entries for MRA at Urban Dictionary. Please show your support by rating them a thumbs up (that's if you like them of course :)

You may also notice a couple so called definitions there that don't exactly accurately represent what MRA means. Feel free to thumb them down.

Urban Dictionary is a popular website and so it is important for the true meaning of MRA to be accurately represented, and the false meanings to be dismantled.

And please feel free to create a new definition for "MRA" yourselves. It's fairly easy to do because you don't need to register an account.

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"O Canada" lyrics to be reviewed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Get ready to memorize new words to the national anthem.

Parliament is to be asked to review the "original gender-neutral wording of the national anthem," says the throne speech delivered by Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean on Wednesday.
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said the initiative to change the lyrics is the kind of "symbolic gesture" the Conservative government makes when it doesn't want to do anything real.

"Anything that makes a national anthem more gender-sensitive is a good thing," he told CBC News.

"But, I mean, no disrespect to those who feel strongly on this issue, but, for heaven's sake, we have some very important challenges and every time the government is asked to do something real, it does something symbolic.

"There's lots of things to do for women that are more important than changing the words of the national anthem, just as there are lots of things to do for pensioners and seniors that are more important than having a Seniors Day."'

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Upper house of Indian parliament passes the anti-men female's reservation bill

Story here. The upper house of the Indian parliament passed the anti-men female's reservation bill without hearing to the voice of the men. A highly shameful and sexist bill indeed. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: After a day of high drama that saw the Rajya Sabha swarm with more than a hundred marshals in blue dresses called in to bundle out seven MPs blocking proceedings, the House recorded a historic vote in favour of a bill providing for 33% reservation for women in Parliament and assemblies.

The legislation is likely to be brought to the Lok Sabha after the vote-on-account has been passed, with the Congress leadership showing that it was not deterred by the bigger strength of the quota opponents in the lower House. It has to be brought to the LS as a logical corollary, said Sonia Gan-dhi although she refused to get into the specifics of the likely time-table.

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Pennsylvania woman charged with recruiting jihadists online

Story here. Can't be right. A woman would never do such a thing. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA – A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with using the Internet to recruit jihadist fighters and help terrorists overseas.

Authorities say the case shows how terror groups are looking to recruit Americans to help carry out their goals.

A federal indictment charges Colleen R. LaRose with agreeing to kill a Swedish citizen on orders from the terrorists and traveling to Europe to carry out the killing. It doesn't say whether the Swede was killed.

U.S. Attorney Michael Levy tells The Associated Press the indictment doesn't link LaRose to any organized terror groups.
The indictment describes LaRose as in her 40s and from Montgomery County, in suburban Philadelphia. LaRose has been in custody since Oct. 15.

Telephone calls placed Tuesday to her federal public defenders haven't been returned.'

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"Most often children die at hands of young men"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Why Women Are the Biggest Emerging Market

Article here. OK, so, oppression everywhere, right? Excerpt:

'What's the biggest emerging market of them all? I'll give you a hint: The answer isn't geographic but demographic. The answer is...women.

Women leaders are the new power behind the global economy, proclaims Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu's announcement of its second annual webcast celebrating International Women's Day. In developing nations, women's earned income is growing at 8.1 percent, compared to 5.8 percent for men. Globally, women control nearly $12 trillion of the $18 trillion total overall consumer spending, a figure predicted to rise to $15 trillion by 2014.

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Fury at ruling in custody battle

Story here. Excerpt:

'A MOTHER found by the Family Court to be violent, untruthful, lacking moral values and responsible for the psychological and emotional abuse of her children has been given custody of them.

The father, deemed "principled" and with "much to offer his children", has been effectively banned from seeing his daughters.

The case will spark renewed debate about family law and the issue of shared parenting.

The father, who we will name "Bill" because he cannot be identified for legal reasons, is described by a Family Court judge as no threat to his daughters, a successful parent who is "courteous" and "intelligent".

The same judge found the mother, whom we will call "Jasmine" and who abandoned her first daughter at two and spurned the child's subsequent attempts at reconciliation, had displayed "dreadful", "cruel" and "malicious" behaviour.
Historian and Family Court critic Prof John Hirst questions the underlying principles in family law.

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