Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-18 20:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'The 29-year-old man told his former lover that he had romance on his mind Sunday night.
His ex, Renada Williams, 28, told him she did, too, but Philadelphia police said she had on her mind a brutal plan of revenge against him.
With her former lover nude and ready for romance at her place, police said, two thugs, 16 and 20, showed up and brutalized him with a broomstick.
Police said they sodomized the man, then pummeled him with the broomstick. After the ordeal, the two tied up the unidentified victim with electrical cords.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-18 20:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'Over the last half a century there has been a sea change in society’s attitude towards same-sex relationships, marriage and the family. Homosexuality has moved from criminal status to legalisation, from legalisation to acceptance and the same respectfulness as heterosexual relationships. We have now reached the stage where, in the event of an election victory, the Conservative leader has promised that civil partners will benefit from extended paternity and maternity leave (in the case of adoption or artificial insemination babies). ...
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-18 20:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'From Tennessee we go now to Canada on the continuing topic of equally shared parenting. In both the state and the nation, there are bills pending before the legislatures that would establish the presumption of equally shared parenting. And in both, the presumption could be rebutted by a showing that one parent was violent or otherwise unfit. And both bills have substantial backing and momentum, although their ultimate fate remains unknown.
But what a difference a thousand miles or so can make! This article on shared parenting actually deals honestly with some of the issues involved, particularly the issue of domestic violence (The London Free Press, 3/10/10).
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-17 21:08
Video here. She makes my skin crawl. Unbelievable what she is trying to get away with. She has admitted to killing her own baby, and now she is refusing to leave her cell?
Of course the commentators speculate she may be "insane". Look for the insanity defense and even if she is convicted of murder, watch for a nice short prison sentence.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-17 21:04
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-17 20:34
Via Abusegate Bob:
I am interested in interviewing men who have been victims of sexual harassment at work for an upcoming project. Please forward this request. Thank you.
Philip Cook
Author, "Abused Men-The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence"
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-17 15:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'When he heard the news that Japan’s All Nippon Airways would start offering women-only bathrooms on most of its international routes served by large aircraft, San Diegan Harry Crouch wasted no time in drafting a letter of protest to All Nippon CEO Ito Shinichiro.
Crouch, who heads the National Coalition for Men, based in San Diego, said the policy, implemented March 1, was gender-based discrimination.
“All passengers, male and female, should be treated equally,” Crouch wrote.
The fact that men would be allowed to use the women-only designated lavatory only when few female passengers were on board or in emergency situations is considered a violation of California law by Crouch and his group.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-17 04:10
Article here.
Imagine this:
"So-and-so Calls All Male Democratic Members Into Meeting"
Imagine the outrage: a sex-specific political meeting called by the Speaker of the House -- would the sex were male. You could hear the cries of sexism all the way down into northern Virginia and back.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-03-16 18:14
Story here. As they say in Spain: "When one sleeps with dogs he should not be surprised to wake up with fleas." Excerpt:
'PHILADELPHIA – Talk show host Oprah Winfrey must defend a defamation suit over remarks she made about a headmistress at her girls' school in South Africa after a sex-abuse scandal erupted there, a U.S. judge ruled.
Judge Eduardo Robreno refused to dismiss the suit in a decision Monday, ruling that former headmistress Nomvuyo Mzamane has enough evidence to pursue her defamation claims against the media mogul. Winfrey made the remarks in 2007 after the complaints surfaced at the $40 million Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, near Johannesburg.
A dorm matron who worked under Mzamane was later charged with abusing six students.
Mzamane accused Winfrey of suggesting she was not trustworthy through comments about the need for new leadership and remarks such as "I thought she cared about the girls of South Africa," according to the October 2008 lawsuit.
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Submitted by arindamp on Tue, 2010-03-16 07:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'The government has decided to amend the Indian Penal Code (IPC), replacing the word "rape" with "sexual assault" in the existing law in order to broaden the ambit of crimes covered under the sections and make the provisions gender neutral.
"The home ministry is working on a draft Bill. It will soon be brought in the public domain for detailed discussion over all the provisions relating to sections covering rape," said a senior home ministry official.
Making sexual assault "gender neutral" will imply that the relevant sections of IPC can be slapped on accused of any gender who has committed the crime.
"The provisions can be imposed on sexual crimes inflicted on women, men and children thus broadening the reach," said the official.'
This is good for men's rights. Now male victims can hope for justice against female perpetrators when the law is changed.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-03-16 03:43
Announcement here. Excerpt:
'Fathers & Families and our allies recently introduced a wide-ranging package of California bills which include child custody reform, child support reform, protection from family court financial abuses, and others. Our lobbying team has spent many months laying the groundwork for these bills, and we are confident of their passage.
California legislation is widely recognized to have an enormous impact on other states and the federal government. California ushered in the era of no fault divorce in 1969, and many of the draconian domestic violence laws common throughout the US were first passed in California in the mid-1990s. The military parent/child custody legislation we passed in California in 2005 has led to the passage of similar legislation in over two dozen states. California losses are national losses–our California victories on this legislation will be national victories.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-03-15 18:01
More of the same from MSN (think I'll start referring to it as "MainStream Nonsense") ... article here. Again, no mention of life choices, fair comparisons to relevant areas of comparison, etc. Excerpt:
'BRUSSELS - Women with children earn almost a third less than men and still face too many career obstacles, a global trade union said in a report released Monday.
The persistent imbalance in household chores can hurt women's careers, the study of the International Trade Union Confederation concluded. Women with kids earn on average 68 percent of what men make, and overall, women make 74 percent of what men bring in, according to the report.
The report is "a call to action at all levels," Diana Holland, chair of the ITUC's Women's Committee, said in a statement. The publication of the report coincided with the United Nations Day for Women's Rights.
The study said that women with kids more often work part-time than men or women without children, indicating it is hard to combine careers with the demands of a family.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-03-15 17:44
Young veterans returning home to few jobs. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON - The unemployment rate last year for young Iraq and Afghanistan veterans hit 21.1 percent, the Labor Department said Friday, reflecting a tough obstacle combat veterans face as they make the transition home from war.
The number was well above the 16.6 percent jobless rate for non-veterans of the same ages, 18 to 24.
As of last year, 1.9 million veterans had deployed for the wars since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Some have struggled with mental health problems, addictions, and homelessness as they return home. Difficulty finding work can make the adjustment that much harder.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-03-15 12:06
Story here. Excerpt:
'HELENA, Mont. — Inmate Michael Murphy usually started by seeking a small favor. That would often lead to a kiss or love letters. And in at least five cases, he convinced female prison employees to have sex with him or do other illegal favors.
In each of those cases, the female corrections employees were caught, shamed and forced out of a job, according to documents detailing an investigation by Montana prison officials and obtained by The Associated Press after an open-records lawsuit.
The female officers described Murphy as the aggressor, even as the predator. But that makes no difference in either state or federal penitentiaries, where prison employees — male or female — are the violators if they have sex with inmates.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-03-13 18:24
I've seen better from Carolyn Hax.
To see the anti-father bias in both the girl's mother and in Carolyn's response to it, just switch out the sexes. Had the dad been writing in about the mom, what would Carolyn or indeed any other columnist been likely to reply? It exposes the deep suspicion of fathers in our society even by the mothers of their children and the generalized and accepted distrust of men in general. No wonder so many men these days eschew fatherhood or association even with their own children. More even than the misandrist and anti-father court system, it is the attitudes of society in general that allow such things to exist that so well-discourage men from paternity at every turn, never-mind the arguments around human overpopulation or the unaffordability of having children these days.
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