Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2010-03-26 13:30
Original story in French here. Translation into English is here. It seems that in some Asian countries, politicians really want to increase the number of male teachers. Excerpt:
'The educational bureau of the city of Seoul pushed for a quota system to guarantee a certain number of men among teachers of primary and secondary schools in an attempt to prevent women dominate the profession, it was learned official sources, Wednesday, March 26, 2008.
In the Korean capital, women represent 83% of primary teachers, revealed the Municipal Office for Education (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education), which will propose revising the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in the day.
According to Seoul City, the female raises one hand a problem for male students who do not find in their teachers figure "models" and secondly it generates problems of administrative management.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2010-03-26 13:27
Article here. Interesting double standard. Excerpt:
'As far as she is concerned, the way the media in general attacked Markus was more than unfair; it was a double-standard.
"Several papers just cremated him. If it was a woman, they never would have gotten away with it," Davis said.
But no one was quite as cruel as the working women from some other Nevada brothels who posted about Markus on the discussion boards of their Web sites. "They were unmerciful," she said.
Even a few the women at the Shady Lady were "bitchy" about having to work alongside a man, Davis said.
"I don't know why. It's not like they're competing for the same customers."'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2010-03-26 13:19
Article here. Let's play the pedophile card when we run out of reasons to oppose shared custody. Excerpt:
'A recent decision by the Family Court of Australia suggests that it is out of touch with general community standards and reveals that the law needs further amendments.
A father who was charged and convicted of downloading child pornography has been granted weekend overnight access to his two young daughters. He was previously found guilty in a criminal court of downloading internet material that by its nature is produced from the actual abuse of children. Furthermore, he was found guilty of “reproducing” child exploitation material.
The judge ordered that during the weekend overnight contact, he must have a friend present in the house and that the children’s bedroom door needs to be locked at night. In the comments section to the news article about this decision, comment number 69 asks, “What is it about the Family Court that keeps doing this? This is NOT the first time it has happened. Why is the court giving sex offenders access to children?”
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Submitted by Michael on Fri, 2010-03-26 13:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'Ask any man and he's sure to say that the male sex is the stronger one. It's easy to see why: Men are bigger than women, so we can lift more, run faster, and jump higher.
But ask doctors of either gender, and they're likely to say that women are actually stronger, at least where health is concerned.
How much stronger and why? What can men do to become healthier and keep up with women? The answer isn't very complex. Men need to be more like women. That means understanding our bodies, taking better care of ourselves, and getting the medical care we need.
In the U.S. and around the world, women live longer than men. The average American woman has a life expectancy of 80.4 years while American men lag 5.2 years behind at 75.2 years. At every age, starting at conception, males have a higher death rate than females.'
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Submitted by MichaelClaymore on Fri, 2010-03-26 09:37
Story here. Seems there's a woman going around Sydney's poorer suburbs robbing men in their eighties! She must have been hiding behind the door when God was handing out that famous female compassion. Excerpt:
'Elderly men are the favoured prey of a woman who makes sexual advances then robs her victims.
Police are investigating up to 40 incidents in Sydney's west and inner western suburbs over the past month or so.
In at least three cases, victims have described the same woman, who has indecently assaulted at least one man.
The woman has introduced herself as "Katie" and on one occasion followed an 86-year-old man home from the pub and once inside his house, stole cash.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-25 19:08
Article here. I'd say we could contribute to the discussion in the comments section. Excerpt:
'On the morning of April 8th the Federal Court in New York City will hear the oral argument in a Federal suits against the Women's Studies Program at Columbia University.
The lawsuit claims that students, male and female, as well as the nation, are being harmed by the misapplication of monies under Title IX. which states that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance..." (Title Nine is most commonly evoked to ensure equal opportunities for girls and women in high school and college athletics but is obviously being used here to challenge the use of funds for women's education) There is a demonstration being planned to support this lawsuit and the preceding day there will be a special seminar and a webinar at Wagner College in support of this issue.
At first glance this lawsuit seems to be ridiculous. We all know that programs such as this one have been part of social change which has brought well deserved equality to women from the early suffrage movement to where we have seen a viable woman candidate for President of the United States. Certainly in education we have seen the number of women undergraduates in the United States outnumber men.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-25 17:42
At the risk of opening a Pandora's Box with this posting, I direct you to this story. Let me be clear: This is not about politics or the recent health care bill that just got passed. This is about how the picture caption is worded, as follows:
"Just another boys' club: Barack Obama, centre on the phone, is surrounded by male aides at the White House as they plot healthcare reform this week in a new image released today. The President has been compared to the Antichrist"
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-25 16:51
From Abusegate Bob:
Thanks to the efforts of Paul Elam, editor in chief of Men’s News Daily, Abusegate now has an official poster! This can be placed on your website, handed out to your friends, or turned into a larger poster suitable for hanging on a wall or some other appropriate place.
Let’s get the word out: "Abusegate, Investigate!"
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2010-03-25 13:24
Men have lost 10 times as many jobs as women but that's a good thing. Just ask the Financial Post. Apparently their advertisers are demanding more girl power and emasculation than usual.
Article here (don't forget to leave a comment. Despite the nauseating, gender-baiting headline, the story isn't quite as misandrist as you might expect. It is, however, full of the usual nonsense about how great it is that more and more men are losing their livelihoods and the antiquated, sexist notion that men somehow owe women a lifetime of support.
Remember, it's not sexism or controlling behavior when women do it.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-24 18:28
From a recent IA email:
We will be delivering the petitions to CDC headquarters in April with the hopes of convincing them to make the right decision.
But we're still just 4,973 shy of our 25,000 signature goal.
Will you please ask your friends and family to join you in signing the petition to make sure the CDC gets the message that infant circumcision is painful, risky, and ethically wrong? Click here to send them a quick note now.
Based on flawed studies that ignore the risks and ethical concerns of infant circumcision, the CDC may recommend this unnecessary surgery for our baby boys.
We know that safe sexual practices and abstinence – not circumcision – prevent sexually transmitted diseases. And we know that there is NO link between infant circumcision and better health.
We need your help to make sure that the CDC gets the message – and we're just 4,973 signatures away from making sure our voices are heard loud and clear.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-24 18:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'AN OXFORD University student who set up a group championing men’s rights is hosting his first get-together at the weekend.
Alex Linsley, 20, a second year economics and management student at Merton College, launched the Man Collective-Oxford in November.
He set up the organisation to provide man-to-man support after noticing the high number of young men committing suicide in Oxford.
Now, working with friend Marc Quinn, he is hoping to bring like-minded men together at an event called The Gathering, to explore everything from healthcare to sexuality and gender policy.
He said: “Although there is quite an established network and movement of guys who are taking a stand and starting to challenge society’s expectations of them in the States, in the UK there is really nothing similar.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-03-24 17:08
Video interview with the author here. Of course, men need fixing, and we are inherently flawed vis-a-vis women and we need to focus on "fixing" men relative to women. Our tendency to move to fix problems rather than emote about them is a big flaw that apparently needs fixing. She even uses the term "civilizing" when referring to men who are unfaithful to their mates. (Starts at time mark 1:48.)
As if to be civilized is equal to being faithful. So as in the examples they took (Tiger Woods and John Edwards), these men are by implication "uncivilized" since they are unfaithful. This would mean that John F. Kennedy was uncivilized. Indeed, most of our presidents have been uncivilized then, and virtually every man who has ever been a monarch has been uncivilized, and I wonder, would that also include the many female politicians and other kinds of leaders in history that also have been unfaithful to their mates? Are they also uncivilized?
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-03-23 20:36
Via email:
I am working with a group of academics, primarily psychologists and psychology professors. In response to a lack of understanding of male physiology, psychology, biology and behavior, their foundation is working to introduce a new program of male studies to colleges and universities worldwide.
In light of catastrophic issues men and boys face today - from hatred, disproportionate job losses, dwindling enrollment at colleges, and a biased legal system, this is a much-needed course of action.
I was wondering if you could take a few minutes and visit our site at Please help us by writing about our April 7 conference, in which scholars will introduce a new academic discipline.
Also, if you can suggest anyone else I can contact about this, I would be grateful.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joseph Notovitz
Male Studies Foundation
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-03-23 16:00
Blog entry here.
'Although federal law is clear, judges are often ignoring it and calculating veterans’ disability compensation into divorce settlements as a divisible asset. Very often these payments are the only assets a veteran has. When judges include it as income, it creates great hardship for those veterans, who rarely have the resources to hire legal help to contest the taking of their benefits.
Last year Fathers & Families’ legislative representative Michael Robinson successfully worked to pass California SB 285 (Wright) which protected disabled veterans’ VA disability compensation, and has worked with advocates and legislators from several other states on similar legislation.
One of the first of these is Indiana HB 1165. A military parent bill also modeled on SB 285, HB 1165 was signed into law last week by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Thanks to Indiana activist/lobbyist Lisa Wilken for her fine work on the bill.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2010-03-22 22:26
Article here. A clinical psychologist and parenting guru spreading false stereotypes in a national newspaper. Excerpt:
'I've written about how to talk to teenage sons about responsible sexual behaviour – being considerate, always, of the wants and feelings of a potential sex partner.
But there's another talk you should have with your son: It is about abuse.
Many teenage boys – it has probably always been so – are abusive to their girlfriends. Most are not, but many are. How can you know whether your teenage son is abusive, or potentially abusive, with women? You can't.
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