Omega Males and the Women Who Hate Them

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the Noah Baumbach movie Greenberg, out in limited release this Friday, the eponymous main character is having trouble being a man. The 41-year-old Greenberg, played by Ben Stiller, tells his 25-year-old love interest that when he was a kid he dreamed of being an astronaut. Now he can't even drive, much less pilot a shuttle. He sabotaged his career as a musician, so he's trying the old-fashioned, manly pursuit of carpentry. He pretends not to care about his new line of work—he tells his friends he's doing "nothing for a while"—yet Greenberg is seriously wounded when an ex-girlfriend tells him she doesn't remember the bed he built for her. All she recalls are his anxiety attacks.

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Unattended child drowns; only the father is arrested

Story here. Whay aren't they both under arrest and facing charges? Excerpt:

'The father of a 14-month-old child who drowned in a uncovered cesspool in the family's backyard is being held on a $5,600 bond.

Michael Wilson, 20, of Somerton, made his initial appearance in Somerton Justice Court Thursday morning via video feed from the county jail.

"I'm going to hold you on bond due to the nature of the offense," said Somerton Justice of the Peace Jorge Lozano.
Wilson's child, Aiden Lee Bailey, fell into an open-pit cesspool and drowned Wednesday, according to YCSO. The child was pronounced dead at Yuma Regional Medical Center after lengthy efforts failed to revive him.

The child's mother, Crystal Bailey, 20, was also interviewed by YCSO deputies. YCSO will be asking the Yuma County Attorney's Office to review the case for potential criminal charges against her as well.

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MSN: The World's Best Country for Women is Sweden

Article here. Excerpt:

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Albany Times-Union: "White men shun Democrats"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.
...Among whites, 71 percent of men and 56 percent of women favor a smaller government with fewer services over a larger government with more services, according to ABC/Washington Post polling.
This recession remains disproportionately a "he-cession." Men account for at least seven of 10 workers who lost jobs, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Nearly half of the casualties are white men, who held 46 percent of all jobs lost.
...The term "angry white male" or "angry white men" was mentioned 37 times in English-language news media contained in the Nexis database between 1980 and the 1994 election. In the following year, the phrases appear 2,306 times.

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Child sex-abuse charges dropped against St. George mom, dad

Absolutely disgusting what this couple went through. Article here. Excerpt:

'Prosecutors have dropped sexual abuse charges against a St. George couple after determining pictures of the father kissing his naked infant son were scenes of affection, not abuse.

But the undocumented immigrant couple may yet be deported and their U.S.-born son is still in state custody.
The sequence of several photos shows a smiling father posing with the boy, according to a motion to dismiss filed Friday in 5th District Court. They show him affectionately holding the baby, kissing his head, forehead and ear. Two of the photos show the father kissing the son's buttocks and genitals.

"These images are consistent with traditional family photos of a proud father with his son," Deputy Washington County Attorney Ryan Shaum wrote.
"Latino people are affectionate. We kiss the little babies anywhere because they love them," Coon said. "It has nothing to do with sexual interaction."

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High-profile masculinity-shaming among men persists to our detriment

I saw this and shook my head. More of the same. Until men stop using preconceived masculinity and male gender roles as instruments of bashing one another, how can we expect women to stop? Excerpt:

'It’s not just that Rupert Murdoch doesn’t like Arthur Sulzberger, or doesn’t think he’s a serious newspaper publisher. It’s that he think he’s weak—girly. Sulzberger—“young Arthur”—was a frequent subject during the many hours I talked to Murdoch when I was writing his biography. Sulzberger was always, for Murdoch, a punch line. Murdoch even mimicked him in a way to suggest … well … a certain lack of manhood.

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MRm! Magazine issue 3 now available

Issue #3 of MRm! magazine is available here. This third issue seeks to explain the position of the MRm! to the public.

Ed. Note: On the download page, click the "Download Now" icon on the left under "Magazine Issue 3 color.pdf", not the "Download Shared 4Shared Desktop" icon at its right.

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CBS: Sexual Harassment Claims by Men Growing but Not Equal

Story here. Excerpt:

'When it comes to alleged sexual harassment, more men are standing up for themselves these days. Of the nearly 12,700 sexual harassment complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission in the 2009 fiscal year, 16 percent -- some 2,030 -- came from men. That's up from 9.9 percent, or roughly 1,430, a decade-and-half earlier. The number of complaints from men increased even as the number of overall cases have declined.

"It's not really clear whether more men are being subjected to harassment or more men are willing to come forward," said Ernest Haffner, a senior attorney adviser at the EEOC. "There are more decisions in the courts dealing with sexual harassment by men -- it could be that just more men are aware of their rights as they speak to attorneys."

But just because more men are filing claims, it doesn't mean male victims have achieved parity with their female counterparts -- at least not in the public eye, some experts say.'

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MRA comedy writing group in London looking for collaborators

If you're a pro-equality MRA (male or female), and able to attend a weekly brainstorming meeting in Central London on a Tuesday Evening for two hours, we would like to hear from you - our mission: To manufacture the ultimate MRA stand up comedian.

A lot of comedians appear to be MRAs at heart, but can usually only manage about two jokes on the subject before moving to safer ground. For a standup to deliver solely MRA material for several minutes will be a challenge - but we have a unique plan to get the most out of the group dynamic, to produce material far beyond the sum of our parts. You may be good with concepts and set-ups, or you may be good with language, or you may be good with punch-lines. Whatever you have to offer, we would like to hear from you.

If interested, email with a little bit about yourself - and please have a go at completing in your own way, the following sayings:-

Behind every great man... ? A woman needs a man like a... ? Boys will be... ?

No woman... ? It's a man's... ? Hell hath no fury... ?

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New York Mom Free on Bail in Hit Man Hire Try Case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Susan Williams left the Nassau County Jail in East Meadow on Friday afternoon after posting $500,000 bond. She had been held on $1 million bond, but an appeals court ordered that amount cut in half.

Williams has pleaded not guilty to conspiracy and criminal solicitation.

Prosecutors say she offered $20,000 to an undercover officer posing as a hit man and paid $500 as a down payment.

Defense attorney John Carman has said Williams may have had a daydream about hurting her husband that she took too far, but she never would have gone through with it.

If convicted, she faces up to 25 years in prison.'

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Mom Reportedly Approved of Teen Son's 'Affair' With Teacher

Story here. Excerpt:

'Affairs between teachers and students have become increasingly public, but rarely do they come with a parent's stamp of approval.

The mother of a 15-year-old Florida boy who was allegedly having a sexual relationship with a sixth-grade teacher not only knew of the affair, she reportedly endorsed it.

Police in Hialeah, Fla., arrested Maria Hernandez, 32, Saturday and charged her with sexual battery after the school's principal notified the Department of Children and Families.

According to police, Hernandez and the student met at the Our Lady of Charity School in Hialeah where Hernandez taught sixth grade.

Police made the arrest after Hernandez and the boy returned from a vacation together to Disney World in Orlando. Police said Hernandez admitted to the affair.'

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Guilt-Ridden Teacher Pleads No Contest After Confessing to 'Sex' With Middle School Student

Story here. Excerpt:

'The lawyer for the California middle-school teacher who shocked the country with her unsolicited confession of a months-long sexual affair with a 14-year-old former student -- and who later declined to be bailed from jail -- said the woman "couldn't live" with her actions and wanted the story to come out.

Amy Beck may have cleared her conscience, but she now faces a 2-year sentence in state prison after pleading no contest to charges against her on Thursday. Beck's lawyer, Michael Williamson, told "Good Morning America" today she would likely serve a year with good behavior.

The Burbank, Calif., teacher stunned police and school officials when she showed up at the police station and told them she'd repeatedly had sex with a now-15-year-old boy.

"Obviously we were surprised," Burbank Police Sgt. Robert Quesada said. Without Beck's confession, "we would have never known about this."'

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Sandra Bullock on Cheating Husbands: 'I'd Get the Baseball Bat'

Story here. Excerpt:

'When "The Insider" asked Bullock about her thoughts on Tiger Woods' infidelities at the People's Choice Awards Jan. 6, she replied, "If I were [Tiger's wife] Elin [Nordegren], man, I would have hit a lot more than she did. I would have kept hitting."

Bullock was referring to reports that Nordegren wielded a golf club at Woods the night of his November car crash, which led to the uncovering of his multiple affairs. (Both Woods and his wife have vehemently denied the golf club rumors.)

"Yeah, she stopped, she was respectable," Bullock continued. "I'd get the baseball bat, I'd get everything out."'

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Abusegate: Turning the Tide campaign -- starts 5 weeks from now!

From Abusegate Bob:

2010 is the year we get out of damage-control mode. 2010 is the year we stop the VAWA juggernaut. 2010 is the year we turn it around.

That’s why May 1-16 will be an all-out, super-duper, we-really-mean-business campaign called “Turning the Tide.”

During the 2 week campaign, we are asking organizations around the country to hold some kind of event or organized activity such as:

  • Table at a community fair
  • Distribute Abusegate flyers to community residents
  • Post the (just released!) Abusegate poster at local businesses
  • Do a phone-a-thon directed at state legislators
  • Get on a talk-radio program
  • Hold a press conference
  • Give a talk at a local college
  • Hire a sky-writing airplane – YES, THE SKY’S TRULY THE LIMIT!

Our goal is for at least 10 organizations around the country to have an event or activity that month.

The campaign is starting 5 weeks from now, SO LET’S GET STARTED!

Questions? Email

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South Korea: Law passed requiring 40% of teachers must be men

Original story in French here. Translation into English is here. It seems that in some Asian countries, politicians really want to increase the number of male teachers. Excerpt:

'The educational bureau of the city of Seoul pushed for a quota system to guarantee a certain number of men among teachers of primary and secondary schools in an attempt to prevent women dominate the profession, it was learned official sources, Wednesday, March 26, 2008.

In the Korean capital, women represent 83% of primary teachers, revealed the Municipal Office for Education (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education), which will propose revising the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in the day.

According to Seoul City, the female raises one hand a problem for male students who do not find in their teachers figure "models" and secondly it generates problems of administrative management.

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