The right to be a father - short documentary on YouTube - entry in an Amnesty International contest

Language: Swedish
Subs: English (slightly misspelled but understandable)

Featuring Swedish blogger Daddy and Mr. Markus Ollikainen from

Clip here:

Story submitted by Ulf Andersson of PappaRättsGruppen (, a Fathers Rights Group in Sweden


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Female Indian minister wants lower tax rates for women

Article here This is the feminist version of gender equality! Excerpt:

"NEW DELHI: Recognising that financial independence is the only way to effective gender empowerment, the government has started thinking beyond the age-old fiscal incentive of a higher threshold for taxable income for women. It is now considering demands from women' rights groups for a differential tax rate for women.

This boldness in gender budgeting was enunciated to TOI by women and child development minister Krishna Tirath. She said the ministry could endorse the women rights' groups demand for a lower tax rate for women. ``It is a serious factor in empowering working women. After all, it is a woman's income that directly impacts the living standard and health of her family and children's nutritional levels,'' she said."

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F4J Canada takes action at Olympics

Via Jeremy S.:

Greetings everyone,

The Lions Gate Bridge Action that occurred on Feb.17, 2010 in Vancouver, BC during the Winter Olympics may now be reviewed on the Action site directly at

There are many pictures, links to news coverage and a video clip from the Outlook News on the North Shore - Enjoy. I have also included a couple of more pictures with this message.

Cheers: Rob Robinson - NAC - Fathers 4 Justice Canada

Ed. note: The page has an embedded song file that plays "Eye of the Tiger". Personally, I love this song, and it is worth it to wait for the page a few extra seconds to load. But if you'd rather not listen to it, you should disable embedded media in your browser before opening this page. For Firefox, use this Add-on. For IE, I have learned disabling attempts often fail, so it's better to disable your sound-out before loading a page with sound media in it.

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RADAR ALERT: New Jersey Supreme Court OKs Issuing Restraining Orders Based On Lowest Standard Of Proof

Bad news!

The Supreme Court of New Jersey upheld the appellate decision in Crespo v. Crespo that found the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act constitutional. The Supreme Court decision is cursory. They state initially that "The judgment of the Appellate Division is affirmed substantially for the reasons expressed in the thorough opinion by Judge Fisher." They then quickly summarize the appellate decision. They only add the observation that the issue of whether the Second Amendment right to own a gun applies to the States is presently pending before the United States Supreme Court, and then state that they "need not reach that point because the right to possess firearms clearly may be subject to reasonable limitations," thus implying that even if New Jersey has to respect gun rights, New Jersey taking away the gun rights of someone pursuant to the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act constitutes a reasonable limitation.

A syllabus the of the decision can be found here (.pdf).

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Abusegate: Teaching Women to Falsely Accuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'False accusations of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence are not an anomaly.

Sociologist Eugene Kanin did two studies of rape claims among university students. The first found a 50% false accusation rate, the second reported 41% of women later recanted their stories.

Studies of domestic violence accusations paint a similar picture.

One analysis of protective orders in West Virginia found seven of 10 orders were unnecessary or false. A Massachusetts inquiry found over half of protective order petitions did not even allege physical abuse.
Lawyers are well aware of the problem. Elaine Epstein, former president of the Massachusetts Bar Association, revealed, "Everyone knows that restraining orders and orders to vacate are granted to virtually all who apply." And Casey Gwinn, a nationally-known domestic violence prosecutor, admits, "If we prosecuted everybody for perjury that gets on a witness stand and changes their story, everybody would go to jail."

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Abusegate Round 2: In the next 24 hours, Call your Representative in Congress

From Ed:

This Thursday and Friday, our crack team of VAWA-reform lobbyists will be visiting Capitol Hill. To maximize their chances of success, please dial 1-202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Representative’s office.

Tell the receptionist your Name, City, and these words: “Investigate Abusegate!” Tell them to probe the corruption and fraud of the domestic violence industry.

Please place the call within 24 hours of reading this message.

Not sure who your Representative is? When you call 1-202-224-3121, just tell the person your Zip code.

Update sent by separate note:

Today a group of our VAWA-reform lobbyists stormed Capitol Hill, holding meetings with staffers and distributing flyers, which can be seen here:

Mandatory arrest/Predominant aggressor:

International VAWA:

It’s not too late to call your Representative and urge them to “Investigate Abusegate!” If you already made the call, THANK YOU!!

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Geraldo Rivera defends assault on Tiger Woods

At around 2:10 PM EST, I happened to be watching a FOX News interview regarding Tiger Woods' recent public apology/statement. At around 2:20, the interviewee, Geraldo Rivera, who up until then had been speaking pretty cogently on the public relations and interpersonal implications of the statement, suddenly seemed to malfunction. He stated that, as a "clean ex-cheater" now for 10 years, and having had a tooth knocked out of his head by an angry ex-wife, he understands why Mrs. Woods may have attacked her husband as she did and indeed, it was "natural for a woman to react that way," and thus no one should blame her for that.

I will see when the interview is available on-line and wonder just when a woman will one day, if ever, make a similar statement on a national news program that has the sexes reversed and not elicit condemnation from one and all. I doubt in fact we will ever hear such a thing, and I would agree that that is good. But it's bad when we hear the kinds of things Mr. Rivera said.

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"Circumcision ring cuts AIDS risk in Africa"

Article here. I guess the MSN pro-male-genital-mutilation-and-junk-science shills decided the momentum around MGM in Africa had died down a bit too much and so they had to resurrect it. A "new invention" it seems has been uncorked that slowly and effortlessly mutilates a man's penis all in the name of creating a false sense of security for everyone that having "unprotected sex" will now no longer place one at risk of getting HIV. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is financing it, too (which should come as no surprise since MSN is owned by the Gateses... well, eventually, several rings up the corporate ownership ladder). Excerpt:

'The most powerful force against AIDS in Africa may be circumcision, a procedure that's easily done in the developed world. But it's a challenge on a continent where there are too few medical workers and a reluctance by men for cultural reasons and fear of pain.

Now there may be a new weapon in the arsenal — a ring-shaped device that is mostly painless and requires less time for health workers.

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Duke lacrosse accuser charged with attempted murder, arson

Story here. Excerpt:

'Durham, N.C. — Durham police arrested Duke lacrosse accuser Crystal Gale Mangum, 33, late Wednesday after she allegedly assaulted her boyfriend, set his clothes on fire in a bathtub and threatened to stab him.

Her bond was set at $1 million. Mangum has been appointed a public defender and is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 22.

Police charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer.
When officers arrived, they found Mangum and her boyfriend, Milton Walker, 33, fighting. According to police documents, Mangum scratched, punched and threw objects at Walker and told him, "I'm going to stab you, (expletive)!"

She then went into a bathroom and set his clothes on fire in the bathtub, police said. Officers called the fire department to put out the flames. No one was injured.

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Australia: MHA says Minister misleads Parliament on domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'A leading men’s health organisation today claimed that the Minister for the Status of Women, Hon Gail Gago MLC, misled Parliament by maintaining that false statistics on the Government’s Don’t Cross the Line anti-violence campaign website are accurate.

Men’s Health Australia also lodged an official complaint with the Ombudsman last Thursday after five months of attempting to draw the Minister’s attention to the major statistical errors on the website. The complaint alleges that the Office for Women acted unreasonably by publishing and not correcting this false and misleading information.

Men’s Health Australia spokesman Greg Andresen said, “The Facts and Stats page of the website is extremely misleading to the public. It clearly inflates statistics about domestic violence against women while understating statistics about domestic violence against men.”'

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Domestic Violence-Time For a Change

Article here. Excerpt:

'What do Chris Brown, Ike Turner, and OJ Simpson have in common? They are all famous men who beat their wives. Chris Brown's case got maximum exposure on Oprah, Ike Turner was vilified in a movie, OJ got all day/every day coverage at his murder trial. Our ability to remember them as examples of "wife beaters" is called the availability heuristic- we develop these associations largely from high profile media events. Since an availability heuristic- the examples of domestic violence we can call to mind-shapes our beliefs and judgments about an issue like domestic violence, the question is raised whether these media examples are representative of typical domestic violence. The answer is that they are not. They mis- represent domestic violence in three ways by making the perpetrators appear to always be black, male and acting alone.

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Abusegate: Groups Call for Congressional Investigation of Domestic Violence Programs

Report here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 / U.S. Newswire / — Twenty-two groups are calling for Congress to investigate allegations of widespread violations of federal law and constitutional protections by domestic violence programs, according to Men’s News Daily. The names of the groups requesting the probe are listed here:

Two federal laws — the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 — prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. But an authoritative report documents continued bias against male victims of domestic violence:'

Related action item:
IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS: Tell Sen. Hatch to “Investigate Abusegate!”

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Students Complained About Ala. Professor Charged in Shooting

Story here. Excerpt:

'HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Students said they signed a petition and complained to no avail about the classroom conduct of a professor accused of killing three colleagues and wounding three others in a shooting rampage at a faculty meeting.

The students upset with biology professor Amy Bishop told The Associated Press they went to administrators at the University of Alabama in Huntsville at least three times a year ago, complaining that she was ineffective in the classroom and had odd, unsettling ways.
"The whole incident was just stupid," Bishop's husband, James Anderson, said Wednesday.

Asked if he was referring to his wife's actions, he said: "Everything."

"It was way overblown," he said. "Someone trying to make something out of nothing."

He also defended his wife's teaching, saying the "vast majority" of students were happy with her. He said his wife taught the "cut course" for nursing students, who would either go on toward a degree or quit the program based on how they did in her class.'

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Sorority Hazing Increasingly Violent, Disturbing

Story here. Excerpt:

'Joanne said she had to stand silently with her nose touching a cold, dirty wall while her potential sorority sisters screamed that she wasn't worth their time. If the pledges moved at all, Joanne said, one of the four Penn State Altoona sorority members would shove their heads into the concrete bricks until they had lumps or bruises.

Even now, Joanne said, a year later, she still gets harassed by her former sorority sisters, which is why she asked that her real name not be used. When she first decided to pledge as freshman, and eventually join, a sorority at Penn State-Altoona, Joanne had hoped for the comfortable camaraderie of a close-knit group of friends; not "the semester from hell."

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Accused Alabama Shooter Fought With Neighbors, Told Family She Was Stalked

Story here. Excerpt:

'Accused Alabama shooter Amy Bishop screamed and cursed at children, instigating confrontations with their parents, according to former neighbors who painted a frightening portrait of an woman accused of a killing rampage.

Former Massachusetts neighbors described the brilliant scientist as a woman who 15 years ago had "face-to-face, nose-to-nose confrontations" over evening basketball games, skateboarders and even whether an ice cream truck would be allowed on the child-friendly street.
Schizophrenia can be marked by social isolation, odd behavior, "strange disordered" thinking and speaking, poor hygiene and lack of friends, according to Galynker.

Often people don't notice signs until more serious symptoms emerge.

"Brilliant scientists are supposed to be crazy," he told
Ochberg, who is an expert in psychopathic predators and mass shootings, said female shooters are rare, but he admits, "mothers have done tragic things. They have killed their kids."

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