Duke Settles Suit by Ex-Coach of Lacrosse Team

Story here.

'Duke University and Mike Pressler, who was the lacrosse coach when false rape accusations were made against three team members, have settled a slander suit by Pressler, The Raleigh News & Observer reported. Pressler's suit focused on comparisons the university made between him and his successor after he was forced out in 2006, amid the scandal over the allegations that (at that time) were widely treated as fact. No details were released about the settlement, except that Duke issued this statement: "Coach Michael Pressler is an excellent coach. He did a great job building the Duke men's lacrosse program, while maintaining a 100 percent graduation rate in his 16 years. Duke University regrets any adverse consequences that the Newsday or AP article had on Coach Pressler or his family. Duke wishes nothing but the best for Coach Pressler in his future endeavors, especially at Bryant University and as he leads Team USA in the World Lacrosse Championships."

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Huffington Post: 'The Myth of Having It All'

Article here. Excerpt:

'March 31st marked the end of Women's History Month, a celebration of women's contributions to history, culture and society throughout the history of our nation. Trailblazers like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan who helped redefine the role of a woman in America come to mind.

Perhaps one of the most transformative messages born from the women's movement was the concept that a woman can "have it all." It's an empowering and exciting message; yet, the misinterpretations of this message can also be dangerous and actually quite disempowering for women.

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Inside Higher Ed: Male Studies vs. Men's Studies

Article here. Excerpt:

'First came women’s studies, then came men’s studies, and now, a new field in reaction to both: male studies.

Scholars of boys and men converged Wednesday at Wagner College, in Staten Island, N.Y., to announce the creation of the Foundation for Male Studies, which will support a conference and a journal targeted at exploring the triumphs and struggles of the XY-chromosomed of the human race -- without needing to contextualize their ideas as being one half of a male-female binary or an offshoot of feminist theory. Organizers positioned themselves in contrast to men's studies, which is seen as based on the same theories as women's studies and is grouped together with it as gender studies.

More than anything else, the event was a chance for supporters to frame men and boys as an underrepresented minority, and to justify the need for a male studies discipline in a society that many perceive to be male-dominated.

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Man Turned Away for Breast Cancer Screening

Story here. Excerpt:

'Scott Cunningham has been vigilant about his health since both his parents were diagnosed with breast cancer in the 1990s.

When Cunningham, who is 45 and from Marion, N.C., developed the same symptoms as his father -- "knots" on the chest underneath the nipple -- he put off getting help for months because he had been laid off from his job at a furniture plant and was uninsured.

"My chest is swollen, just like it started with my dad," said Cunningham, who also said he feels tired and "different" than he did just a few months ago.

But as symptoms got worse, he finally called the local health clinic and was turned away -- not for financial reasons, but because he was a man.

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Feministing Blog: 'Boys Crisis, Men's Violence Against Women one of the same'

Article here. Excerpt:

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'Real Housewife' Kim Zolciak Recommends Castration For Jesse James

Story here. Excerpt:

'Jesse James should be glad he's married to Sandra Bullock and not Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kim Zolciak.

While Sandara has not publicly said how she will react to her husband's cheating scandal, Kim told RadarOnline.com that she thinks Sandra should castrate Jesse!'

During the video she also made reference to lighting James genitals like a firecracker and blowing it off.

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Casey Anthony generates volumes of "leaked" letters

Video report here. Perfect setup for an insanity defense (or an attempt thereat). She claims in these letters that the "end times" are upon is, that she was sexually abused by her brother and dad, admits that at times she used chloroform to put her child to "sleep" to go out at night, that there was never any nanny she claimed there was, etc. etc.

And the drama continues... which is just what she is counting on.

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F&F: Bill AB 2416 Passes Committee Unanimously

Story here. Excerpt:

'At Fathers & Families we receive many letters from divorced or separated military servicemembers with painful but preventable family law problems. California AB 2416 will help protect the loving bonds that servicemembers share with their children.

Fathers & Families has worked closely with Assemblyman Paul Cook, the American Retirees Association, and others on AB 2416, and last week thousands of you responded to our Action Alert in support of the Bill. We are pleased to announce that today the bill passed the Assembly Judiciary Committee unanimously.

The bill will now go to the full Assembly, where it has been put on the consent calendar and is likely to pass. Thanks to all of you who participated. We will keep our members informed of the bill’s progress–stay tuned for future Action Alerts.

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Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Campaign Couldn’t Walk Three Feet in His

Indian women seek to be guaranteed a third of legislature seats

Story here. Excerpt:

'India is about to become the first country in the world where women will be guaranteed by law a third of the seats in all legislative bodies in the country. The project ley managed to win a first hurdle in early March, to obtain the approval of the Senate (Rajya Sabha) and, although it still must be approved by the Lok Sabha, or lower house, its supporters are already singing victory.

And no wonder, because for them it is a milestone in the history of a society that has been sexist for centuries, as evidenced by the 14 years it took the proposal to open step in the tangle of legislation, before coming to a vote.

Although this time there were also controversies, heated arguments and even baiting events in the upper house, in the end negotiator skills were imposed by the president of the ruling Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi.
“In the name of the tradition, there are stereotypes imposed on us against which we must fight every day,” said the parliamentarian.

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"Panel sees male dominance behind banking crisis"

Article here. Of course, if things go wrong it is because of men. If things go right it is because of women. More hypocritical feminist doctrine. Excerpt:

'There is a view that the banking crisis that sent Western economies tumbling two years ago may not have happened at all, or would have been less severe, if there had been more women at the top in the banking sector — the argument being that women are more cautious and risk averse and, therefore, more likely than men to challenge the sort of practices that caused the crisis.

Until now, this theory had been pushed mostly by women campaigners while men tended to snigger. But now even men seem to agree. A male-dominated parliamentary committee (13 men and one woman — an ironic comment on Westminster's own attitude to gender diversity) has blamed a macho culture and “potentially dangerous group think” for the collapse of several leading British banks arguing that boards need more women to prevent reckless decision-making.

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Russia: Violent crimes by women increase

Story here. Excerpt:

'Moscow: Crimes committed by women, particularly theft and crimes of passion, have risen sharply in Russia, reflecting an alarming trend, a top law official has said.

About 49,000 women convicts are at present imprisoned in 46 female prisons in the country.

"I would like to point out an alarming trend: female crime has been steadily on the rise," Russia's Deputy Prosecutor General Yevgeny Zabarchuk said Tuesday.

According to statistics, the most "popular" crimes committed by women in Russia are theft, drug trafficking and crimes of passion.'

So much for the myth that female criminals are less violent as compared to men.

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Japan: "Lonely Deaths" claim much larger numbers of men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the 1990s, Taichi Yoshida, the owner of a small moving company in Osaka, Japan, began noticing that many of his jobs involved people who had just died. Families of the deceased were either too squeamish to pack up for their dead relatives, or there wasn't any family to call on. So Yoshida started a new business cleaning out the homes of the dead. Then he started noticing something else: thick, dark stains shaped like a human body, the residue of liquids excreted by a decomposing corpse.

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"Miners", not "men"

By now many of you know about this story. Note that the men killed and trapped in the mine are miners, not men. Oh, they are both, yes. But in this article, they get referred to as miners, or a man speaking who is a miner gets referred to as such, 12 times in the article. "Man" or "men" is used only once, when the trapped miners (or men) are referred to on page 2. And as for the dead mine-explosion victims, well, they are referred to only as miners.

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"Has your man got a one-track mind? Just proves he’s normal"

Article here. Excerpt:

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