Novella featuring men's rights themes

Just thought you might be interested in a novella I wrote. An excerpt has been published here. Much of the content of the story and one of the main characters carries a strong emphasis on MRA concerns, which I think might appeal to people here. I am currently trying to get the whole work published. If you are interested in reading it, please let me know.

Ed. note: Only contact info I have for him is via the page itself, possibly through the comments section. But he didn't submit an email address or anything.

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Naomi Campbell accused again of assault/harassment-- charges are...?

Story here. I do believe she could beat up on a man in front of 100 police and they would do nothing to stop her. Add femaleness to fame and you have the power to assault with impunity. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (AP) - A man hired to drive Naomi Campbell told police the supermodel assaulted him from the back seat of a luxury SUV on Tuesday before hopping out and running away.

Police were looking to speak with Campbell, who is known for her feisty temper, and were weighing whether to charge her.

A spokesman for Campbell, who has previously pleaded guilty to assaulting people hired to work for her, said she'll cooperate with police.

"There shouldn't be a rush to judgment," spokesman Jeff Raymond said. "Naomi will cooperate voluntarily, and there is more to the story than meets the eye."

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YouTube clip shows recent history of "Dad's Week" protests in Los Angeles

Two years before the first Fatherless Day, L.A. rally was held in 2008, the National Coalition for Men, L.A. recognized the plight of Fathers in Los Angeles by staging a week long protest (Dad's Day Week) that lasted more than 100 hours. It was just the beginning.

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Gender-bending chemicals update

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Atrazine, a weed killer widely used in the Midwestern United States and other agricultural areas of the world, can chemically "castrate" male frogs and turn some into females, according to a new study.

New research suggests the herbicide may be a cause of amphibian declines around the globe, said biologists at the University of California-Berkeley, who conducted the study. The findings are being published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers found that long-term exposure to low levels of atrazine -- 2.5 parts per billion of water -- emasculated three-quarters of laboratory frogs and turned one in 10 into females. Scientists believe the pesticide interferes with endocrine hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone.

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"Living in a Feminist Male-Hating Matriarchy"

From Jeremy S, a heads-up to this 5-part production on YouTube:

"Living in a Feminist Male-Hating Matriarchy" - with Michael Beurke and featuring Melanie Phillps

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Bonus clip:
Misandry-Men Don't Exist?

This is really good. Of course I have reservations with, in some ways, the matter is approached, but that is to be expected. All of us will have varying opinions. But overall, this is a fantastic little series.

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Better get that Louisville Slugger, Mrs. Reid

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fresh from the news that Sen. Reid once marveled that President Obama had "no Negro dialect," the senate majority leader has now taken to slamming half the American population. During a February 22 floor debate on his jobs bill, Mr. Reid opined, "women aren't abusive, most of the time. Men when they're out of work tend to become abusive."

That quip reaped boatloads of sarcastic ridicule for the four-term senator from Nevada.

Within hours of the gaffe, the National Republican Senatorial Committee scolded Reid for "invoking caustic partisan rhetoric and bizarre analogies," and lectured him to "focus on the actual legislation moving forward and start doing what is best for Nevadans."

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"The gender bender agenda"

Article here. Also by Melanie Phillips. She is vindicated somewhat in my eyes with this one. :) Excerpt:

'So what do you expect if you have something called an ‘Equality Minister’? She will impose gross injustice wherever she can in the interests of a coercive and preposterous ideology. Harriet Harman’s proposal that companies should positively discriminate in favour of women job candidates (ie discriminate against men) is yet another example of the way in which feminism got hijacked and turned from a campaign for fairness for women into an onslaught against men. Her proposal is not only totally unfair -- job candidates should be appointed on grounds of merit, not chromosomes – but is based on the false premise that the gender pay gap proves that women are the victims of systematic discrimination in the workplace.

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Melanie Phillips: "Pay men to commit to their families"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Devastating new research by sociologist Geoff Dench shows that not only is one in four mothers single, but more than half of such mothers have never lived with a man at all and are choosing to live alone on state benefits.

They believe they have no need for a man in their life and that their children have no need for a father.

The founding premise of the Government's £280million sex education strategy - that young mums get pregnant through ignorance - is thus very far from the truth.

It is, therefore, hardly surprising that Britain still has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.
With so much flailing around over the family, I have a modest proposal to help break through the confusion.

It is that the Government should introduce a Man Benefit.

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Fathers & Families' Holstein, F&F Members Appear on Fox Child Support Special

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Fathers & Families founder Ned Holstein, MD, MS and Fathers & Families members John Gagnon and Brian Ayers appeared on a Fox Boston report on Massachusetts’ new child support guidelines yesterday.

In 2001, Fathers & Families won changes in Massachusetts law which lowered child support by 15%. Our victory saved noncustodial parents over $1 billion—$200 a million a year over five years. That’s $1 billion that non-custodial parents were able to spend on their children themselves.

The opposition struck back by stacking a special committee with reliable votes for increasing the child support amounts, ignoring the data Holstein presented them showing that the proposed new child support orders were far too high for middle class people to pay. Holstein sat on this committee and prepared a Minority Report (.pdf) detailing the problems with the new Guidelines.'

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Woman charged after man found dead

Story here. Another curiously brief report wherein a man's body is found and a woman is charged with murder. No reporter's name, no details. Seems no one in the MSM thinks their career is furthered by reporting on woman-on-man murders, but the other way around? They can't get to the scene fast enough, can they? Says something.

'RICHMOND HILL- York regional police have charged a 30-year-old woman with second-degree murder after the body of a man was discovered early Friday in Richmond Hill, Ont.

Police received a call about trouble at a residence in the town north of Toronto and discovered a 45-year-old man with no vital signs.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A woman who was known to the man was located at the scene and arrested shortly after the discovery of the body.

The name of the deceased will not be released pending notification of next of kin.

Renee Laurence, of Richmond Hill, is being held in custody and will appear in court March 3 in Newmarket.'

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Media coverage report on Reidgate

From MANN reader Ed:

DV Reformers –

Thought you’d be interested to see this report on media coverage of Reidgate. This information has also been posted at




On February 22, Sen. Harry Reid stood on the Senate floor and declared, “Men, when they’re out of work, tend to become abusive.”

Sen. Reid miscalculated in making his remarks on a Monday, allowing the ensuing firestorm of ridicule and protest to rage for an entire week. Following is a summary of what happened, by the numbers:

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RADAR ALERT: McGill University Student Newspaper Smears RADAR

In December, The McGill Tribune, published by the McGill University Students' Society, printed an article (found here) that made false statements about RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting). A few days later, the Tribune's editor promised to retract the most offensive claim. But even with that claim retracted, the article still paints a misleading portrait of RADAR. So he also said he might consider publishing an op-ed by RADAR to correct the other misinformation about the reasons RADAR exists.

RADAR did submit a response, but of necessity it was much longer than the Tribune's length limit for an op-ed. That's because the information RADAR knows about is not common knowledge, so for us to simply state a position without backing it up with facts would not make a credible case. After weeks of inquiries as to whether or not the Tribune will be publishing our response, we learned just recently that they will not.

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Wars force US military to review ban on women in combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (AFP) – US commanders are taking a second look at policies that bar women from ground combat, as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have thrust female soldiers into the thick of the fight.
Despite a policy designed to keep women away from units engaged in ground combat, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have placed women in battle with insurgents who do not operate along defined front lines.

As a result, women have earned medals for valor and praise for their mettle.
More than 220,000 women have fought in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more than 120 of them have been killed in the conflicts, according to the Pentagon.

Ending the ban on ground combat will come sooner or later, Nagl said, as it is "simply recognizing a truth that's already been written in blood and sweat on the battlefield."'

Aside from nymphotropism/chivalry, I don't see the rationale (and these are not rationales in any case) for the current policies. There's just no justification.

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NY Daily News: "Domestic violence victims must not be intimidated"

This opinion piece in the NY Daily News, complete with the usual cliches and femstats, is just the type of nonsense we should attack in a timely manner. The author is CEO of Safe Horizon, which runs NYC's DV Hotline. Needless to say, no men need apply for help.

Any letters to the News should be no longer than 100 words (preferably 50) and not contain web addresses. As of now (2/28 @1:30pm EST), the comment section on the website is empty. Bon appetit. Excerpt:

'For those of us who have been reading the papers the last couple of days, there are a lot of questions about what actually happened with David Johnson, the aide to Gov. Paterson who has been accused of assaulting his girlfriend. There are questions about contact that state officials had with his ex-girlfriend, who had initiated court proceedings to obtain an order of protection against him.

Despite some very serious and disturbing allegations, we don't yet know exactly what happened.

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Rape is a Male-Only offense in Israeli Criminal Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women cannot be rapists. This is not only a feminist agenda, but a hard legal fact in the Israeli Criminal Law, which defines rape as a male-only offense. Say a 40 years old woman who works as a school teacher, seduces a 13 years old pupil, it might be impossible to file criminal charges against her. She might lose her job, but legally there is no much you can do about it.

Israeli legislators now wants to change the rape definition in the Israeli Criminal Law so that it includes women as well. Feminists has already launched a very noisy campaign in the Israeli media, opposing the proposed changes to Israeli Criminal Law.

Their arguments are silly and stupid as always. Israeli feminists claim that making it possible to file rape charges against women might lead to situations where "Male rapists will accuse the women of being the rapists". As always, the Israeli media is at the feminist side, and we only need to wait and see whether the proposed law change will pass or be buried in the parliament.'

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