France: 18-24-YO Males Unemployed at 25.3%

Saw the statistic quoted here. I am assuming that, like in other countries, the French statisticians exclude full-time students in this accounting. Excerpt:

'Politicians on both sides said the economy was weighing on voters' minds, with data last week showing the unemployment rate hitting 10 percent in France for the first time in a decade.

More alarming still for the government, a record 25.3 percent of males aged 15 to 24 were registered as unemployed.

"The government's strategy has led to more poverty and more unemployment, so the regional elections have come at the right moment," Socialist party spokesman Benoit Hamon told Canal+ television on Sunday.'

Noticeably absent is any mention of the unemployment rate for women in France in that same age group. Given how incredibly high the 25% figure is, and the lack of the female statistical equivalent being mentioned, I can only assume that French women in that age group are doing better (perhaps a lot) than their male counterparts.

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Ottawa Citizen: "Psycho chicks, and other Women's Day thoughts"

Article here. The Ottawa Citizens resident misandrist Janice Kennedy is at it again spewing well worn falsehoods and vitriol. Excerpt:

'It is a good time to consider that litany of wrongs (a litany I can't help trotting out every year with depressing predictability) that, so far, have shown little sign of disappearing: wrongs like the terrible injustices done to women in cultures that formally encourage their subjugation. Or the shocking gender discrepancy in poverty rates around the world (including here at home, where we don't formally encourage the subjugation of women). Or the abuse perpetrated overwhelmingly by men against women in what is benignly termed "domestic" violence. Or the stark under-representation of women in meaningful decision-making domains, from corporate boardrooms to political arenas, both backroom and front-of-house.'

*Yawn* The comment section is open. Have at her but be polite.

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The Rise and Fall of a Female Captain Bligh

Article here. Not to say there are not abusive commanders in the armed forces who are not also men; indeed, since the vast majority of ship commanders in the USN are men, nearly all abusive ship commanders in the USN are very likely also to be men-- this by deduction. The point of this article appearing on MANN is to show that the dogmatic feminist assertion that by appointing more women to positions of command (naval or not) is likely to make more commanders (as a percentage of commanders) *less* likely to be abusive or exploit their positions for personal gain is spurious. Excerpt:

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UK: Number of men applying to teach soars by 49%

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recession has contributed to a spike of nearly 50 per cent in the number of men applying to become teachers, figures showed today.

Statistics released from the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) revealed a 49 per cent increase in male applicants, from 7,885 in the 2008/09 year to 11,721 for 2009/10.

Research suggests that the economic downturn has led to the jump in those wanting to teach, with recession and redundancies forcing people to re-evaluate their career goals.

Maths is one of the main winners. The number of people wanting to teach the subject has soared by 33 per cent.

It will go some way to address a perceived shortage of maths teachers in recent years.'

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'New York Woman Allegedly Tried to Whack Husband at Bargain Price'

Story here.

'NEW YORK — An affluent housewife in Long Island, New York, accused of hiring a hit man to off her hubby lamented she could only afford to maim him — but then was thrilled to learn she could whack him at a bargain-basement price of just $20,000, authorities told the New York Post.

That's the stone-cold, cost-calculating mentality of sick soccer mom Susan Williams, 43, who allegedly hired an undercover cop this week to whack her husband of 21 years. She was held yesterday on $1 million bail.

The twisted plot didn't surprise her long-suffering spouse, Peter Williams.

His lawyer said the woman "tortured" the poor man with sick lies during their divorce in a grab for their million-dollar Garden City home and other cushy assets.

She even allegedly turned their four kids — ages 11 to 19 — against him.

"I can't believe it took her this long" to try to kill Peter, said his divorce lawyer, Nancy Dreeben.

"She's a desperate woman, and she will just do whatever she needs to do to get what she wants. She's a narcissist."'

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D.C. to be first U.S. city to give away free female condoms to fight HIV/AIDS

Story here. Excerpt:

'The District will become the first city in the United States to distribute female condoms free, part of a project that will make 500,000 of them available in beauty salons, convenience stores and high schools in parts of the city with high HIV rates.

City officials said the distribution could begin within the next three weeks in parts of wards 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7, where a study showed that large numbers of African American heterosexuals engage in risky sexual behavior that could easily lead to infection.

The move is an official acknowledgment of the futility of relying solely on the use of male condoms, which have been distributed citywide for nearly a decade, to stem the District's epidemic of HIV and AIDS. Officials said they are turning to female condoms to give women more power to protect themselves from HIV and sexually transmitted diseases when their partners refuse to use protection.'

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Maryland proposal would relax the standards for obtaining protective orders

Story here. Excerpt:

'The House and Senate are considering bills that would change the standard of proof needed to grant a final protective order. The bills, H.B. 700 by Del. C. Sue Hecht (D-Frederick) and S.B. 823 by Sen. Jennie M. Forehand (D-Montgomery), would replace the current standard of "clear and convincing evidence" to a "preponderance of the evidence." Maryland is the only state that uses this higher standard when victims -- and generally they are women -- seek orders to protect themselves from their alleged abusers. In all other civil matters, Maryland courts require only a preponderance of evidence.

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Women need to speak out on feminism and the hateful ideology it represents

Article here. Excerpt:

'March is Women's History Month. Time to prepare ourselves for the annual Sista-fest of narcissistic victim-mongering, gleeful male-bashing, and shameless prevarication.

How's this for breathless overstatement, courtesy of President Obama's March 2 proclamation for Women's History Month: "Countless women have steered the course of our history...breaking barriers on athletic fields and battlefields."

Countless women on battlefields have altered the course of history?

Yes, by allowing a far stronger enemy force to decimate and despoil their ranks! (But count your blessings — at least the president didn't spell "history" with "her.")
Like the beguiling schoolgirl who keeps elaborating on a little White Lie because everyone has stopped listening to her, the feminist claims have become increasingly shrill.

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Woman charged with killing husband is a domestic violence lobbyist

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 45-year-old woman, charged with ending a domestic dispute by killing her 26-year-old husband of five days, is a registered lobbyist for a group fighting domestic violence.

Arelisha Bridges was ordered held without bond in the Fulton County Jail. She is scheduled for a preliminary hearing later this month on charges of felony murder, murder, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

Officials said Bridges claimed she was unemployed. But records show she is a lobbyist for an organization called the National Declaration for Domestic Violence Order; its Web site says the group is pushing legislation to create a database of those convicted of sex crimes or domestic abuse.'

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'Forcible touching' conviction obtained on testimony

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Ontario County jury on Thursday found Victor Central School District art teacher Ronald Bartlett guilty of one count of forcible touching and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.
With its verdict, the jury ruled Bartlett was guilty of touching the thigh of a then-16-year-old girl who was a student in his commercial arts class during the 2008-09 school year.

Assistant Ontario County District Attorney James Ritts said he is pleased that the victim has been vindicated.

"We've got a victim who came forward and did the right thing for the right reason," he said. "She had nothing to gain and everything to lose."

It is the Democrat and Chronicle's policy not to name victims of sexual abuse.'

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Men Beginning to File More Sexual Harassment Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'From 1990 to 2009, the percentage of sexual harassment claims filed by men has doubled from 8 percent to 16 percent of all claims, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Women still file the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment claims with the EEOC and state and local agencies. But lawyers at the commission say they've noticed the increase in complaints by men — more than 2,000 were filed in 2009 out of about 12,700 cases.

Male claims made up about 12 percent of all cases a decade ago, but the percentage has continued to rise even as the overall number of sexual harassment complaints has declined. And last year, the percentage of lawsuits the EEOC filed on behalf of male victims hit an all-time high, making up 14 percent of all cases.

"It's certainly possible that there's more sexual harassment of men going on, but it could just be that more men are coming forward and complaining about it," said Ernest Haffner, an attorney in the EEOC's Office of Legal Counsel.'

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Barbara Kay: How patriarchy ran into its own iceberg

Article here. Excerpt:

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Child custody changes take force in Ontario

Article here. Excerpt:

'Changes to how Ontario courts handle child custody cases came into effect March 1, reforms the government says will provide better protection for children.

The move came about, in large part, as a result of the killing of seven-year-old Katelynn Sampson in the summer of 2008.

The child's legal guardian, Donna Irving, was convicted of the murder, along with her boyfriend, Warren Johnson.

A family court judge had granted Irving custody two months earlier without asking about Irving's criminal record.

Now, judges in Ontario must consider record checks and Children's Aid Society reports before giving custody.'

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Dating violence: At the DoJ, they still don’t “get it”

On Tuesday, March 2 the Centers for Disease Control released “Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention,” a 60-minute, web-based training program on dating violence.

The program emphasizes the fact that both boys and girls can be perpetrators, and boys and girls can be victims:

But some people are still floating around in La-La Land, filled with the illusion that girls are never aggressive, and boys are never victims.

One such person is Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli, third ranking official at the Department of Justice (DoJ). At a recent meeting to launch Teen Dating Violence Month, Perrelli used the phrase “violence against women” four times. Any guesses how many times he commented on “violence against men”?


You can see his remarks here:

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Both men and women oppose Women's Reservation Bill in India

Full story here. Excerpt:

'The Women's Reservation Bill (which has been pending for the last 12 years) is a tool of blackmail used by anti-male women to make more and more biased laws, to fuel a gender war and disrupt harmony in the society.

ALL INDIA Forgotten Women’s Association (AIFWA) and All India Men’s Welfare Association (AIMWA) are holding this press conference to voice their opposition against the 85th Constitutional Amendment Bill (Women’s Reservation Bill).

What does the Women’s Reservation Bill propose?

Thirty three per cent of all seats in Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies shall be reserved for women.
Why are AIFWA and AIMWA opposing the Women’s Reservation Bill?

We believe that public representatives in a democracy should be those who have everyone’s welfare in mind and not promoting a specific gender, caste or creed.

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