Check out the definitions for "MRA" at

I've created a couple of entries for MRA at Urban Dictionary. Please show your support by rating them a thumbs up (that's if you like them of course :)

You may also notice a couple so called definitions there that don't exactly accurately represent what MRA means. Feel free to thumb them down.

Urban Dictionary is a popular website and so it is important for the true meaning of MRA to be accurately represented, and the false meanings to be dismantled.

And please feel free to create a new definition for "MRA" yourselves. It's fairly easy to do because you don't need to register an account.

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"O Canada" lyrics to be reviewed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Get ready to memorize new words to the national anthem.

Parliament is to be asked to review the "original gender-neutral wording of the national anthem," says the throne speech delivered by Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean on Wednesday.
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said the initiative to change the lyrics is the kind of "symbolic gesture" the Conservative government makes when it doesn't want to do anything real.

"Anything that makes a national anthem more gender-sensitive is a good thing," he told CBC News.

"But, I mean, no disrespect to those who feel strongly on this issue, but, for heaven's sake, we have some very important challenges and every time the government is asked to do something real, it does something symbolic.

"There's lots of things to do for women that are more important than changing the words of the national anthem, just as there are lots of things to do for pensioners and seniors that are more important than having a Seniors Day."'

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Upper house of Indian parliament passes the anti-men female's reservation bill

Story here. The upper house of the Indian parliament passed the anti-men female's reservation bill without hearing to the voice of the men. A highly shameful and sexist bill indeed. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: After a day of high drama that saw the Rajya Sabha swarm with more than a hundred marshals in blue dresses called in to bundle out seven MPs blocking proceedings, the House recorded a historic vote in favour of a bill providing for 33% reservation for women in Parliament and assemblies.

The legislation is likely to be brought to the Lok Sabha after the vote-on-account has been passed, with the Congress leadership showing that it was not deterred by the bigger strength of the quota opponents in the lower House. It has to be brought to the LS as a logical corollary, said Sonia Gan-dhi although she refused to get into the specifics of the likely time-table.

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Pennsylvania woman charged with recruiting jihadists online

Story here. Can't be right. A woman would never do such a thing. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA – A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with using the Internet to recruit jihadist fighters and help terrorists overseas.

Authorities say the case shows how terror groups are looking to recruit Americans to help carry out their goals.

A federal indictment charges Colleen R. LaRose with agreeing to kill a Swedish citizen on orders from the terrorists and traveling to Europe to carry out the killing. It doesn't say whether the Swede was killed.

U.S. Attorney Michael Levy tells The Associated Press the indictment doesn't link LaRose to any organized terror groups.
The indictment describes LaRose as in her 40s and from Montgomery County, in suburban Philadelphia. LaRose has been in custody since Oct. 15.

Telephone calls placed Tuesday to her federal public defenders haven't been returned.'

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"Most often children die at hands of young men"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Why Women Are the Biggest Emerging Market

Article here. OK, so, oppression everywhere, right? Excerpt:

'What's the biggest emerging market of them all? I'll give you a hint: The answer isn't geographic but demographic. The answer is...women.

Women leaders are the new power behind the global economy, proclaims Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu's announcement of its second annual webcast celebrating International Women's Day. In developing nations, women's earned income is growing at 8.1 percent, compared to 5.8 percent for men. Globally, women control nearly $12 trillion of the $18 trillion total overall consumer spending, a figure predicted to rise to $15 trillion by 2014.

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Fury at ruling in custody battle

Story here. Excerpt:

'A MOTHER found by the Family Court to be violent, untruthful, lacking moral values and responsible for the psychological and emotional abuse of her children has been given custody of them.

The father, deemed "principled" and with "much to offer his children", has been effectively banned from seeing his daughters.

The case will spark renewed debate about family law and the issue of shared parenting.

The father, who we will name "Bill" because he cannot be identified for legal reasons, is described by a Family Court judge as no threat to his daughters, a successful parent who is "courteous" and "intelligent".

The same judge found the mother, whom we will call "Jasmine" and who abandoned her first daughter at two and spurned the child's subsequent attempts at reconciliation, had displayed "dreadful", "cruel" and "malicious" behaviour.
Historian and Family Court critic Prof John Hirst questions the underlying principles in family law.

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International Women's Days counter-indoctination placards from India

From a MANN reader:

In case you missed it, yesterday was International Women's Day. I'm passing along the placards they distributed in India featuring the theme, "No more gender war." Great to know our struggle is being waged on the other side of the globe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Uma Challa
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:01 AM
To: Uma Challa
Subject: Int'l Women's Day Placards

Attached are the placards I have designed and got printed today.

You are free to print and use them.


Ed. note: The off-linked placards in .pdf format were so good I registered on MediaFire just to make them available.

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F&F: NOW Fires Back at Fathers & Families over DSM Campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of 50 mental health experts from 10 countries are part of an effort to add Parental Alienation Disorder to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychiatric Association’s “bible” of diagnoses. This scientific coalition is led by psychiatrist William Bernet, who explains that adding PAD to DSM “would spur insurance coverage, stimulate more systematic research, lend credence to a charge of parental alienation in court, and raise the odds that children would get timely treatment.”

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Man beaten by Vancouver police files suit against city, cops, investigators

Story here. Good for him! Excerpt:

'A Vancouver man who was mistakenly beaten by two police officers says Delta police have botched their investigation of the incident.

In the early hours of Jan. 21, Yao Wei Wu, 44, was woken up, dragged out of his house on Lanark Street and beaten by two police officers in plain clothes.

Wu, a tiling subcontractor, suffered fractures to his face and injuries to his legs and back. His eyes were swollen shut. His wife, Chi Nan Man, who was present during the assault, says she has suffered serious psychological trauma.

Vancouver police subsequently apologized, saying the officers had been called to a domestic-violence incident but had got the wrong address.

Police Chief Jim Chu asked the Delta police to conduct an “independent” investigation into the matter.'

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Abusegate: I-VAWA train wreck is coming!

Via Abusegate Bob:

Friend –

The family is the most protective institution of women and men in the world – that’s true in every country, and even more so in low-income countries that have little or no “safety net” for the dispossessed.

One month ago the International Violence Against Women Act was introduced in the House and the Senate. Let’s be candid: I-VAWA is a thinly-disguised attempt to export a radical gender ideology and break up families around the world.

Originally, we hoped the rad-fems weren’t going to move I-VAWA very fast. But as of today, I-VAWA has 42 co-sponsors in the Senate and 40 co-sponsors in the House. It now appears the liberals are hoping everyone will be distracted by the healthcare reform debate, so they can slip this through while no one is watching.

It is critical that we act promptly to get word out that this bill is a pig in a poke. Instead of helping women, it will harm them by breaking up the family and forcing women to become dependent on the state.

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'Men' Facebook fan-group started

From a MANN reader. Thanks, Marie!

"Hi, there!

I just wanted to pass along, for you to post on the website, that I've created a fanpage on Facebook for Men.

Here's the link:


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"Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane

A very good video here defending the Fifth Amendment. Makes reference to Innocence Project exonerees at time mark 11:49.

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HIV tests offered free to women through Snohomish Health District

In this story, women/girls of a town in Washington state are being provided with free HIV tests for a day while the men/boys of the same town are not. While the group providing the tests is a "local public health agency" it appears that this only applies to women/girls in the county. Excerpt:

'Women and girls: It’s time to get tested for HIV.

That’s the message from the Snohomish Health District, which is offering free HIV tests today, Tuesday and Wednesday in support of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, which is Wednesday.

District clinics will offer prevention information and free anonymous or confidential HIV tests for females age 14 and older who are at risk for HIV infection from unprotected sex, from injection drug use, or from mother-to-child contact during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.'

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Bride targets former love rival in murder-by-car attempt on wedding night

Story here. Why was the husband charged? Possibly behaving disorderly after the bride was arrested. Undoubtedly they were both drinking. But I would like to know just why he was charged anyway, other than just assuming he happened to be a passenger in a car driven by a homicidal woman. As to the charge against her, it is I hope the initial charge and that more serious ones are pending. We shall see.

'HYANNIS, Mass. — A newlywed Massachusetts couple spent their wedding night in separate jail cells after police said the bride tried to run over an old flame of the groom.

Police say 22-year-old Hyannis resident Marissa Ann Putignano-Keene tried Monday to run over the other woman and the woman's son in a parking lot. The intended victim later told police that she had previously been in an intimate relationship with the groom.

Police say the couple got married at Barnstable Town Hall and split a bottle of Champagne afterward.

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