Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 01:08
Story here. Excerpt:
'President Obama, delivering a eulogy Sunday for the 29 workers who died in a West Virginia coal mine explosion, said their deaths should serve as a call to action to improve mine safety and prevent a similar tragedy from ever happening again.
Obama and Vice President Biden met privately with the families who lost loved ones before closing the memorial service with their remarks.
The president said in his eulogy that letters have poured into the White House since the April 5 disaster at the Upper Big Branch mine. "They make a simple plea: don't let this happen again," Obama said.
The president questioned how a country that relies on miners could "fail" in its duty to protect them, but said that must change.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 01:03
Story here. Excerpt:
'For the second time in five months, a Muncie woman has been accused of lodging a false rape accusation against a male acquaintance.
Amber May Foster, 22, 221 N. Hackley St., early Wednesday gave police a signed statement alleging that a male roommate had tried to sexually assault her.
However, under further questioning, Foster admitted that she and her boyfriend had made up the allegation after the roommate had "accused one of them of stealing food from him," according to Amoreena Kessler, a city police officer.
Foster and Michael Anthony Franks, 23, same address, were preliminarily charged with false reporting, a Class D felony carrying a standard 18-month prison term.
Foster was also charged with false informing last November after police said she had falsely claimed an ex-boyfriend had raped her.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 01:01
Story here. Excerpt:
'A McCalla teen is under arrest after authorities say she made up a story that she was raped to avoid getting in trouble for being out past her curfew.
Her tale of being attacked at a service station made its way onto the internet and grew to the point where rumors spread that the same type of incident had occurred two other times over the past week, said Jefferson County Chief Deputy Randy Christian.
"At the very least it caused serious concerns and some panic in that area and also had the potential to damage the reputation of area businesses," Christian said.
Brittany Krider, 18, is charged with giving false information to law enforcement. She was booked into the county jail Tuesday and released on $5,000 bond.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 01:00
Story here. Excerpt:
'A MAN cleared by a jury of raping a pensioner says his life has been ruined by the false accusation.
And George Northam is now calling for rape suspects not to be named unless they are convicted.
The 29-year-old, from Exeter, overcame an intense crown court trial last month, but now says he is continuing to suffer despite being acquitted of the charge.
He has decided to break his silence to reveal the trauma of being wrongly accused of rape — and to say why he feels his identity should not have been made public.
The jury unanimously found Mr Northam not guilty of rape within hours of retiring to consider its verdict.
He told the court the woman had imagined the sex attack.
But despite being told he was free to go by the judge, Mr Northam said that he stepped out of the courtroom into a world where he lives in fear of ridicule.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 00:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'This is the drunken liar whose false rape claim almost wrecked the life of a grammar school pupil.
Lying Lindsay Gorman, known as Linzi, sparked a huge manhunt when she told police she had been sexually assaulted late at night in Belfast's Botanic Gardens in April 2008.
The 20-year-old from the plush Walnut Hollow area of Larne had, in fact, had drunken consensual sex with two different men in bushes at the park.
But detectives believed her pack of lies and a short time later arrested Campbell College student Mark McLean.
In June 2008, the innocent 18-year-old from east Belfast appeared in court charged with rape.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 00:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'Men in America today are suffering from M.P.S.: Masculinity Paralysis Syndrome. It is something that is documented by grim statistics and cultural proclivities that condemn men to mere caricatures, found in seemingly every nook and cranny of modern American life.
Why is that, you may ask?
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 00:23
Article here.
'The National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) celebrated Equal Pay Day this week to bring attention to the gap between men’s and women’s wages. On the very same day that Equal Pay Day was supposed to highlight alleged wage discrimination against women, the Census Bureau released data showing that there is a huge gender college degree gap in favor of women for 25- to 29-year-olds (see chart below).
Women in this age group hold a majority of college degrees at all levels, from associate’s degrees to professional degrees (MD, DDS, and law) and doctoral degrees (PhD and EdD). There are now 138 women holding advanced degrees (master’s and higher) for every 100 men with those degrees. The Census Bureau predicts that “more women than men are expected to occupy professions such as doctors, lawyers, and college professors as they represent approximately 58 percent of young adults, age 25 to 29, who hold an advanced degree.”
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-04-26 00:21
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2010-04-25 19:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'A recent report from the Center on Education Policy shows that boys across the nation lag behind girls when it comes to their reading skills. Over the years, that gap spreads, and many education researchers believe it's in direct corrolation to the declining numbers of boys enrolling in college.
So why aren't boys reading? And how do you inspire them to pick up a book?
That was the focus of this morning's conversation on Midmorning, which I had the pleasure of hosting (Kerri Miller had the day off). Teen lit author John Coy joined me in studio, while Professor John Chec, of the University of Florida, joined us by phone. Chec teaches children's literature, and has also served as the president of the Children's Literature Association. Coy has written several books aimed at young boys, including "Eyes on the Goal," "Crackback" and "Box Out."
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Submitted by mens_issues on Sat, 2010-04-24 18:42 has an article about a 20/20 episode regarding a false rape accusation that ruined a man's life. This is regarding the 2005 case where Biurny Peguero falsely accused William McCaffrey of rape. Some of the comments below the story are from or about men who have also faced false accusations. Appalling.
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Submitted by tom of covent garden on Sat, 2010-04-24 14:41
A pro-equality MRA in London is bringing a damages claim against an elite university's Gender department, for discriminating against him, and men in general, during a taught degree.
The case already has the support of a lawyer and barrister, but requires funding.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join us, at an awareness-raising stall, which will be appearing on campuses around Central London.
Broadsheet newspapers have expressed an interest in covering the story, so we can expect the campaign to be high profile.
Interaction with the public will give MRA volunteers a great opportunity to perfect their debating and persuasion skills, across a full range of men's rights issues.
All interested in volunteering, should contact for more details.
This case is rock solid, so now is the time for up and coming MRAs to make their move.
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Submitted by radus on Sat, 2010-04-24 09:28
See the blog here There are significant impacts due to the constraints brought by the existence of gender bias and stereotyping in all cultures and communities.
I found this blog space exposes a basic conceptual solution, but I hope I am clear about the bottom line, especially from these aspects which I perceive regarding the men's rights movement MRA and feminism:
- Feminism is well-organized but has assumed an unshakable doctrinaire kind of fundamentalist mindset
- Alternatively, the men's rights movement converges with blaming feminism as the one and only obstacle that prevents equal rights to men.
This blog is purposeful as an expression in the perspective of fair (ie, reasonable) equal opportunities for men and women. But it is not limited to feminism, women's rights, or men's rights. Nonetheless its primary aim is to address men's issues, the masculinity crisis, and equality of men.
So it would be useful to all who are interested in gender issues.
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Submitted by redwoodwriter on Sat, 2010-04-24 05:16
Discussion here. Turns out that a significant number of married couples working two jobs could do better economically if one of them quit and stayed at home. If you figure in all the related costs, such as commuting, work clothes, child care, lunches, etc., it makes sense for many two wage earner couples to switch to one wage earner couples.
This illogical situation is largely due to the propaganda of the women's movement, which has told women that they must get out there and get a job.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-04-23 18:32
Video here. Caption:
"CNN's Carol Costello explores what could be the "third wave" of feminism, and why that's troubling."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-04-23 18:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - A Massachusetts woman who's seven months pregnant faced a judge Thursday on charges she stabbed three other people in Providence after an argument.
The stabbing happened at the Manton Heights Housing Project on Wednesday. Nicole Bruton, whose pregnancy is considered high-risk, is charged with three counts of felony assault for the incident.
"This defendant produced a knife from under her shirt, and which time she stabbed and slashed these three individuals," said prosecutors.
Her attorney said in court Thursday that Bruton, a mother of three, has been the emergency-room coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston for two years.
The judge set bail at $15,000 cash or surety. Bruton's fiancé said he plans to post bail.'
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