Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-05-04 17:49
From Abusegate Bob:
The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing on VAWA on May 5 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time-- the day before our big lobbying event May 6-7. Rest assured, the timing of the Senate hearing is no coincidence.
For the first time, the Committee has invited a mainstream, reputable researcher to testify, Dr. Richard Gelles of the University of Pennsylvania. It will be very interesting to see what Gelles has to say, since a few years ago he published an article ridiculing ideologically-driven DV researchers: The politics of research: The use, abuse, and misuse of social science data—The cases of intimate partner violence. Family Court Review, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2007.
I would invite everyone to watch the hearing live on the Judiciary Committee website
Below is the witness list. This may be a break-through event for us.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-05-04 17:46
Release here. Excerpt:
Jim Crow Justice under Partner Abuse Laws, Report Finds
WASHINGTON, May 3 / U.S. Newswire / -- Each year an estimated two million Americans see their basic rights compromised or vitiated by heavy-handed domestic violence policies. This number rivals, and in some ways surpasses the legal abuses of the infamous Jim Crow era, according to a report released today.
The analysis, “Assaulting our Rights: How Domestic Violence Laws Curtail our Fundamental Freedoms” is published by SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments. The report is available online:
Constitutional law experts have long expressed doubts about “get-tough” domestic violence policies. According to Cheryl Hanna of the Vermont Law School, “evidentiary standards for proving abuse have been so relaxed that any man who stands accused is considered guilty.”
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-05-04 16:14
Video report here. Basically, she planned her own fake abduction, was in fact the one who suggested it to her boyfriend, and wouldn't consider a divorce due to her 'spiritual beliefs'. In short, she had no excuse at all. Yet there are no immediate plans to charge her with something like perpetuating a public fraud, etc. Again, the female discount is at play. There is actually the suggestion that SHE might divorce HIM and seek custody of their daughter!
And yet her husband stays with her. I wonder what if anything have other people said to this guy about such things as self-respect and boundaries. This is an example of how badly messed up the minds are of some men due to the brainwashing that nymphotropism inflicts. It is reinforced at every turn, including (most especially) in religious institutions and belief systems. There are actually people who will in all sincerity look at something like this and say yes, he is doing the right thing by staying with her and "trying to make it work." Just how many times does one need to be betrayed before he (or she) gets it?
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2010-05-03 22:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'The problem is that women will form the majority of UK medics after 2017, thanks to a ten-fold rise in their numbers entering training. Most of them will be in their childbearing years.
In order to continue working, they will need proper support while starting families, as well as careers where they can happily combine work with raising children. But an array of official reports reveals how the NHS is sorely failing to meet this need.
The result is a time-bomb for patient care, with the health service facing significant shortages in crucial hospital specialties as young women doctors head instead to the few areas of the health service where they can mix work and family.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-05-03 14:55
From Abusegate Bob:
Today SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments) is releasing a new Special Report, "Assaulting our Rights: How Domestic Violence Laws Curtail our Fundamental Freedoms." The report can be seen here:
The report's conclusion? The Violence Against Women Act has violated the fundamental rights of more innocent Americans, in more ways, and for a longer period of time, than probably any other law passed in the history of the United States!
Sen. Leahy is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and will play a lead role in the upcoming reauthorization of VAWA.
Call Sen. Leahy's office now at 202-224-4242. Tell him this simple but important message: "VAWA is the new Jim Crow. Fix the Violence Against Women Act now!"
As always, be polite and respectful.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2010-05-03 10:30
With reference to, I obtained an email sent by the Women's Shelter in Uppsala, which read (translated into English):
"Subject: Successful protests
Earlier today we sent you an urgent request that you should protest against the movie "The Right To Be A Father"
Thanks to the protests, the movie never was displayed on the Festival and it was later removed from their website. We thank Amnesty for still fighting for justice!
Kind Regards,
The Womens Shelter in Uppsala"
1. Amnesty does not stand for human rights
2. The Womens Shelters does not stand for equality
Watch the movie stopped by The Womens Shelter in Uppsala (English subs)
Please spread the word about what happend in Sweden!
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2010-05-02 19:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'Now I have read the book, and feel everyone should read it. I don't know of a clearer or more balanced examination of this issue. Whitmire is passionate about the need to help boys, but he respectfully presents other points of view, including those of pro-girl optimists like me. In fact, one of the book's most impressive features is its exposure of the harm done by pro-girl vs. pro-boy politics. The reluctance of either side to let the other experiment with new ways of teaching has been one of the greatest obstacles to moving all students up to their potential.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2010-05-02 19:33
Story here.
'Doctors in western Sweden are refusing to carry out the circumcision of boys, despite clearance by elected officials to carry out the procedure for non-medical reasons.
The Västra Götaland region is obliged to procure healthcare for at least 300 operations each year among Jewish and Muslim families, according to the Göteborgs-Posten (GP) local daily.
"Now we have to go out and find someone who is willing to perform the operations. The doctors' sector council (Sektorsrådet) have said no to these procedures. We respect the doctors' position," said Lars-Göran Moberg, head of the region's healthcare committee to GP.
Paediatric surgeon John Westfelt can see no possibility for doctors within the public healthcare system to perform the operations.
"We have de-prioritised several other measures to help sick children, such as surgery on tight foreskins for medical reasons. And obviously we can not carry out these operations without sacrificing something else."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-05-02 17:25
From Abusegate Bob:
The first two weeks of May are featuring an unprecedented period of grass-roots activism centered around reforming the multi-billion dollar domestic violence industry.
The national campaign includes the release of Special Reports, press releases, radio interviews, op-ed columns, lobbying on Capitol Hill, advocacy telethons, and more!
Do your part to reform the Violence Against Women Act, and keep up with all the action at Abusegate:
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-05-01 16:08
Story here. If a man would have gotten the same punishment withy the same facts, then great. Would he have? I dunno. I do know this: it is nice to see the sexual abuse of boys by women now finally getting some serious attention from at least one court. Excerpt:
'While obviously deeply moved with her plea and confessing dismay at why no plea bargain was ever offered to the Twin falls woman, Memeo had no choice but to sentence the 34 year old Taylor to the only sentence allowed by the legislature-- Life in prison with the earliest possible parole after ten years.
Taylor was convicted of lewdness with a minor under 14 in November after a week-long trial.
According to Kirkpatrick the woman had been offered no plea bargain and that the jury had not been informed that the life sentence would be imposed on Taylor should she be found guilty.
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Submitted by fondueguy on Sat, 2010-05-01 06:15
This article summarizes the global mortality rates of men and women aged 15 to 59 years from 1970 to 2010. The study published April 30th, 2010 in the Lancet is the first of its kind to comprehensively collect data from censuses, surveys on household deaths, vital registration data, and sibling survival histories. Previous studies have largely relied on child mortality numbers to estimate adult mortality rates. Excerpt:
'Women overall have seen their health improve more then men have. In the 40 years between 1970 and 2010, adult mortality fell by 34 percent and 19 percent in men globally. The gap between adult male and female mortality widened by 27 percent in that period.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2010-05-01 01:45
Starting Now: The Masculinity Conspiracy
A free online book
What if the biggest conspiracy in human history had gone completely unnoticed? What if that conspiracy was responsible for some of the biggest problems the world faces today? Wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want to do something about it? Well guess what: You can.
The Masculinity Conspiracy is a free online book about masculinity. It argues that nearly every assumption about masculinity in contemporary society is wrong. The result is nothing short of exposing a worldwide conspiracy that has been preventing humanity from reaching its fullest potential.
About the Author
Dr Joseph Gelfer is a masculinities researcher in the School of Political and Social Inquiry at Monash University, Australia. He is author of Numen, Old Men: Contemporary Masculine Spiritualities and the Problem of Patriarchy and editor of Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality. His anthology, 2012: Decoding the Countercultural Apocalypse will be published later this year.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2010-05-01 00:56
Article here. Yes, society can continue to make family court a black hole of discrimination and human rights abuses where information about discrimination doesn't get our, but discrimination in education and labor will only get increasingly hard to ignore. They try to skirt over it a little in this article, but how much longer will this be effective depends on people like us. Excerpt:
'Middle-skills jobs have lost share in the employment pool in the last three decades, a trend of labor-market "polarization" reinforced by the recession, according to a report released Friday.
"Perhaps most alarmingly, males as a group have adapted comparatively poorly to the changing labor market," Autor wrote. "For males without a four-year college degree, wages have stagnated or fallen over three decades. And as these males have moved out of middle-skill blue-collar jobs, they have generally moved downward in the occupational skill and earnings distribution."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-04-30 16:49
Story here. Excerpt:
'CAMBRIDGE, Ohio -- It's being dubbed "The Case Of The Sexy Substitute."
"The teacher came in, in a sweat suit to start off the day at school, and then proceeded to strip down into a bikini with a lace cover-up over it," said Sally Dyer, recounting what her 11-year-old son described. "She kissed some other boys on the cheek, and she showed off her tan lines."
After three hours of this, word got out, and Superintendent Dennis Dettra says he rushed to the school and confronted the substitute, asking her if she did those things.
"She kind of nodded and said yeah," recalled Dettra. "Just very pecular, the way she answered it. I told her those were highly inappropriate actions for a school setting."
She also speculated that if it had been a male teacher with female students, there would have been an immediate arrest, not just an investigation.
"I believe he would already be in jail," Dyer said. "I think there would have been no questions asked.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-04-30 16:40
Article here. Notice how the concern is giving women privacy. Excerpt:
'The U.S. Navy formally announced on Thursday that it will for the first time recruit women into its submarine force.
It has been 20 years since the Navy first allowed women to serve on its surface warfare ships. But submarines remained off-limits for several reasons.
The main reason had to do with cramped quarters on the subs, where there is little privacy. Now the chief of the Navy's task force on women in submarines, Rear Admiral Barry Bruner, says larger, more modern subs have changed that.
"The reason it's available to women is that we can give them privacy," said Admiral Bruner. "So we're finally where we can do it. And I'm pleased that the submarine force is headed down this path."'
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