"Panel sees male dominance behind banking crisis"

Article here. Of course, if things go wrong it is because of men. If things go right it is because of women. More hypocritical feminist doctrine. Excerpt:

'There is a view that the banking crisis that sent Western economies tumbling two years ago may not have happened at all, or would have been less severe, if there had been more women at the top in the banking sector — the argument being that women are more cautious and risk averse and, therefore, more likely than men to challenge the sort of practices that caused the crisis.

Until now, this theory had been pushed mostly by women campaigners while men tended to snigger. But now even men seem to agree. A male-dominated parliamentary committee (13 men and one woman — an ironic comment on Westminster's own attitude to gender diversity) has blamed a macho culture and “potentially dangerous group think” for the collapse of several leading British banks arguing that boards need more women to prevent reckless decision-making.

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Russia: Violent crimes by women increase

Story here. Excerpt:

'Moscow: Crimes committed by women, particularly theft and crimes of passion, have risen sharply in Russia, reflecting an alarming trend, a top law official has said.

About 49,000 women convicts are at present imprisoned in 46 female prisons in the country.

"I would like to point out an alarming trend: female crime has been steadily on the rise," Russia's Deputy Prosecutor General Yevgeny Zabarchuk said Tuesday.

According to statistics, the most "popular" crimes committed by women in Russia are theft, drug trafficking and crimes of passion.'

So much for the myth that female criminals are less violent as compared to men.

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Japan: "Lonely Deaths" claim much larger numbers of men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the 1990s, Taichi Yoshida, the owner of a small moving company in Osaka, Japan, began noticing that many of his jobs involved people who had just died. Families of the deceased were either too squeamish to pack up for their dead relatives, or there wasn't any family to call on. So Yoshida started a new business cleaning out the homes of the dead. Then he started noticing something else: thick, dark stains shaped like a human body, the residue of liquids excreted by a decomposing corpse.

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"Miners", not "men"

By now many of you know about this story. Note that the men killed and trapped in the mine are miners, not men. Oh, they are both, yes. But in this article, they get referred to as miners, or a man speaking who is a miner gets referred to as such, 12 times in the article. "Man" or "men" is used only once, when the trapped miners (or men) are referred to on page 2. And as for the dead mine-explosion victims, well, they are referred to only as miners.

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"Has your man got a one-track mind? Just proves he’s normal"

Article here. Excerpt:

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"A starter wife is for life"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s not often that my heart misses a beat at the six o’clock news, but the other day when the newsreader announced “a victory in the Court of Appeal for first wives” I almost dropped my gin. I am a supporter of the First Wives’ Club — remember the sublime film with Sarah Jessica Parker as an undernourished marriage wrecker and Goldie Hawn facially immobile with Botox? — and we seldom have much to cheer about. But the case of Philippa Vaughan was one to reckon with.

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US: The Draft (should it come) as discrimination against men

Essay here. Despite the incorect prediction regarding 2004, the substance of the essay is still relevant.

'To secure the continuing existence of the United States democracy against intractable religious fanaticism, whose goal is nothing less than a Muslim theocracy for all of planet Earth, it is inevitable that military conscription will again be implemented during the months following the 2004 Presidential Election. The nature of this struggle renders irrelevant the person or party who wins the election.

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UK: "A divorce deal that shames women"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Philippa Vaughan persuaded the judge to award her the extra lump sum of £215,000

The High Court's award of a £215,000 divorce payout to the former wife of a leading barrister - 25 years after the couple split - is a terrible blow to those who rightly believe that women are equal to men.

Philippa Vaughan, 66, has no children, lives in a four-bedroom £1million house in fashionable Hammersmith, West London, and inherited £770,000 from her parents.

But she still convinced the judge to award her the extra lump sum. He said it was 'plainly wrong' to think she could adjust to life after her exhusband's maintenance payments were cancelled last year.

In this case, the absurdity of Mrs Vaughan's divorce claim is exposed by the fact that as a working woman (with a job as an expert in Islamic and Indian art), she was able to earn her own living.

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Colorado mom charged in terror case 'overwhelmed and distraught'

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A Colorado woman who was indicted on terrorism charges Friday is "overwhelmed and distraught and very much in tears with concern for her son," her lawyer said Saturday.

Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Her lawyer, Jeremy Ibrahim, said he met with her for the first time on Saturday.

Ibrahim said that he has not yet been able to see Paulin-Ramirez's 6-year-old son, who was placed in the custody of child services after his mother's arrest.
According to the U.S. Justice Department, LaRose and five co-conspirators recruited men on the Internet "to wage violent jihad in south Asia and Europe." The indictment lists Paulin-Ramirez separately from those five co-conspirators.'

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Abusegate DV Spring Cleaning: Early registration available for May 6-7 conference

From Abusegate Bob: Register now, get the early-bird registration rate (free – what a deal!)

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Stop the "Kill the Gays" Bill in Uganda

From an AdvocatesForYouth.org emailing. Is there any doubt who will be the primary victims of this legislation? I challenge anyone to show at any time in history where a state has outawed homosexuality (or such acts) that it has *not* been men who have borne the brunt of the enforcement actions. Email content here. Excerpt:

"A bill being considered in Uganda's parliament right now would make homosexuality a crime punishable by death.

If passed, this measure will promote an unprecedented climate of discrimination and violence against Uganda's LGBT citizens. Among other things, the "Kill the Gays" bill would:

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Man put on sex offender list for 'sexting'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two years ago, following a fight with his 16-year-old girlfriend, Phillip Alpert, then 18, did something really stupid.

"It was 3:28 in the morning, I think it was, and I got up and I went to my computer, and I sent a couple of pictures that she had sent to me to her contact list," Alpert told ABC News. "And I went back to sleep."

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American University Erupts Over Date Rape Column

Report here. Excerpt:

'Let's get this straight: any woman who heads to an EI [fraternity] party as an anonymous onlooker, drinks five cups of the jungle juice, and walks back to a boy's room with him is indicating that she wants sex, OK?" columnist Alex Knepper, 20, wrote in the Eagle, the school paper.

"To cry 'date rape' after you sober up the next morning and regret the incident is the equivalent of pulling a gun to someone's head and then later claiming that you didn't ever actually intend to pull the trigger," he said.

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"The No Nonsense Man" radio show goes live April 1, 2010 9 PM EST

Mark Rudov's new radio show starts tonight. Details:

Broadcast via CBS Radio
Canadians and Other Countries outside the US can listen at:

Program Schedule: 04.01.2010:

9-10PM EST: Second Chances
Why we give each other second chances
Read: “The Vanity of Second Chances”

10-11PM EST: Toxic Women
How men can recognize and avoid them
Guest: Susan Shapiro Barash, Author
"Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women"
"Stuck in Complicated Friendships"

E-Mail: Marc-at-TheNoNonsenseMan.com
Website: http://TheNoNonsenseMan.com/
Radio: http://MarcRudovRadio.com/
Pilot Show: Thursday, April 1, 2010
Time: 6-8PM PT | 8-10PM CT | 9-11PM ET

Why a pilot on April Fools’ Day?
Answer: Only fools pay for sex

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UK: Tears of teenage girl charged over fatal stabbing of boy, 15, at Victoria station

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teenage girl wept today as she appeared in court accused of murdering a promising 15-year-old footballer at one of Britain's busiest railway stations.

Sofyen Belamouadden was stabbed to death in a rush hour attack at Victoria Station in London last Thursday.

Victoria Bukky Osoteku, 18, became the 13th teenager to be charged over the murder and today appeared at Croydon Magistrates Court in south London.

As the petite student was led into the dock by two security guards, she already had tears streaming down her face.'

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