Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-05-16 22:40
Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2010-05-16 02:57
Article here. Excerpt:
"Thirtysomethings could routinely conceive babies using IVF within a decade because it will have become better than sex as a means of reproduction, scientists have predicted.
According to a new report, advances in IVF technology mean it will be possible to produce embryos with a success rate of virtually 100% and cultivate them in computer-controlled storage facilities.
The advance will ease the pressure on couples who have delayed having children until their late thirties or forties, perhaps to pursue a career.
They may routinely opt for IVF rather than sex to reproduce, giving themselves a greater chance of conceiving through IVF than young adults in peak condition, who have only a one-in-four chance a month of conceiving naturally.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2010-05-16 02:53
Article here. Excerpt:
"The Ministry of Defence has launched a campaign warning female soldiers to carry condoms after an alarming number of pregnancies at bases in Afghanistan.
Adverts in the Army’s official magazine Soldier warn ‘on deployment, there’ll be 50 blokes to each woman’ and urge female squaddies, medics and administrative staff to use a condom or ‘face something you really don’t want to hear.’
Officially, a ‘no-touching’ rule bans military personnel from having sex in a war zone. But, according to senior officers, provided sexual relationships are between soldiers of a similar rank and do not impact on operations commanders often turn a blind eye.
A Freedom of Information response last year revealed that between January 2003 and February 2009, at least 102 British servicewomen posted to Iraq had been sent home after it was found they were to become mothers.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-05-15 20:19
Time gleefully reports here. The gender of watchdog group leaders will of course change the outcome of future possible ways that the financial system we have can get gamed by greedy people (er, sorry, that should read "greedy men"). But when that turns out to be false, next will be an insistence that financial institutions be led by women and that will fix the problem, since they have less testosterone. After that fails, the insistence will be traders and others making the deals be women now instead of men. We may see laws barring the number of men as a percentage that can be hired into such positions. Outlandish idea? A lot of things were considered outlandish until only recently.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sat, 2010-05-15 16:32
Article here. Excerpt:
"Women in executive positions are perceived as better leaders than men, according to a new study.
The prevailing stereotype that women in business are too sensitive or not as competent can stop them from advancing through the so-called 'glass ceiling'.
However, once a woman has shattered that barrier, these qualities actually work in her favour, according to a Duke University researcher.
The research, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, found top women executives were credited with responsibility for their own success. They were viewed as both more competent and more relationship-oriented than men.
This led them to be perceived as more effective leaders than their male counterparts.
Lead researcher, Professor Ashleigh Rosestte, said: 'In business environments, even if women are thought to be sufficiently competent, they are frequently thought to be not very nice.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-05-14 15:33
Story here. Excerpt:
'Nancy Salas was idolized and adored by family and friends as a successful student about to graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles. They didn't know she hadn't been enrolled since 2008.
Police say it was pressure from family and friends that prompted her disappearance and her claim that she'd been abducted at knifepoint.
"It's a tragic story," Glendale police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said. "She didn't know how to handle it and she fled."
She told police she'd been abducted by a man at knifepoint during her run and was taken to Merced by bus and train, he said.
Back home in her parents' tiny living room late Thursday, a tearful Salas spoke to her family, friends and about 40 people who helped search for her. KMEX-TV was the only news organization allowed inside.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-05-14 14:41
Story here. Good for them - don't wait on it. Go immediately for justice. Make teachers who think it's fine to abuse kids think twice. If they can't handle the job, they should quit. I do hope criminal charges will be brought against her as rapidly as civil ones are. The story:
'HOUSTON - The family of a 13-year-old whose beating by a Houston charter school teacher was caught on a classmate's cell phone video has filed a lawsuit against the teacher and the school.
Science teacher Sheri Lynn Davis was fired Monday night from Jamie's House Charter School. Her dismissal came after video of Reagins' beating became public.
The lawsuit was filed Thursday on behalf of Isaiah Reagins by his mother, Alesha Johnson.
His family says the boy suffered a black eye and other bruises. Johnson says she's taken her son out of the school.
Davis' attorney, Chip Lewis, says he and his client will have a Friday news conference.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2010-05-13 23:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'A girl of eight yesterday said she had lied about being raped by two ten-year-olds.
The youngster told the Old Bailey she had wanted to play with the boys because she thought it would be 'fun'.
She said she made up the rape claim because she was worried she wouldn't get any sweets if her mother found out she had been 'a bit naughty'.
The boys, now aged ten and 11, are believed to be the youngest ever in Britain to face trial for rape.'
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2010-05-13 15:10
Story here. Excerpt:
"A schoolteacher has been fired after she brutally attacked a 13-year-old pupil in front of a classroom full of students, according to US reports.
Shocking video footage appears to show Sheri Davis dragging, kicking and slapping sixth grader Isaiah Johnson after squaring up to him as he cowered in a corner.
The alleged beating is thought to have lasted almost a minute and was filmed on a mobile phone by another pupils before being posted on YouTube.
Officials at Jamie's House Charter School, a centre for children with disciplinary issues in Houston, Texas, are reportedly 'horrified'.
The 40-year-old teacher has been sacked and bosses have apologised to the youngster and his furious mother, Alesha Johnson.
Police have been called in to investigate amid public outcry, which came after the video was obtained by Ms Johnson and aired on Houston's Fox News channel.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2010-05-12 17:34
Story here. Excerpt:
'The venue he chose was one he knew well from his university days – a platform at Waseda subway station. Not long before, he had had a dreadful misadventure. At JR Shinjuku Station, he’d been jumped by two male university students whose female companion – all three had been drinking – accused him of groping her. They beat him and dragged him to a police station, where police interrogated him throughout the night.
Harada’s mother, so suddenly bereft of her only son, continues to seek eye witnesses at Shinjuku Station.
For nearly an hour after the police released him early on the 11th,” says Naomi Harada, 53, “my son wandered around central Tokyo. He is extremely nearsighted and wasn’t wearing his contact lenses, so he wouldn’t have been able to see much. He was studying English, and generally carried an IC recorder about with him. It was switched on. My son’s voice is on it, muttering something through tears. I can’t make out what he’s saying.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-05-12 16:51
In this case, the teacher was female. Read the story. See how quickly such things spin out of control. And after half a million bucks to legal defense and two years under suspicion and scrutiny, finally she is found not guilty at trial, but of course will be suspect for life - just like any man in that position. Whether a man would have been exonerated under the same circumstances however is highly doubtful. Excerpt:
'Now that a jury has said “not guilty,” now that she is finally free of allegations of child abuse that have hung over her for two years, a former kindergarten teacher from Georgia can reveal that one of the three children who testified against her was her own daughter.
“My own daughter,” Tonya Craft confirmed to TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Wednesday in New York.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-05-12 16:20
From an IA newsletter:
'In late April, I spoke via conference call with Dr. Peter Kilmarx, Chief of HIV/AIDS Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control, and several other officials from the CDC, to urge them to refrain from recommending routine circumcision for baby boys. I told them Intact America had a petition from thousands of you who felt the same way.
On May 6th, we followed up by sending 25,278 signatures to the CDC to drive home the message.
I want to thank you and the tens of thousands of intactivists who added your names to this petition calling for the protection of our baby boys.
It's not over between us and the CDC. We'll be in touch to let you know its response to our petition.'
IA's website is
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-05-12 16:05
Story here. First off, those not knowing what cerebral palsy is should read about it here, with an emphasis on reading about its symptoms. A person with a bad case of this is indeed subject to spastic and uncontrolled movements. If they result in embarrassing situations, then they do. People who have any understanding of this will know it and act accordingly.
But since the person in this case with the condition is male and the person inconvenienced and/or embarrassed (nay, *offended*) by the symptoms thereof is female, he is facing criminal charges for exhibiting symptoms of a nervous system condition over which he has no control.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-05-12 15:49
Via Marc A.:
Canadian Senator Ann Cools was the first black women in the Canadian Parliament and did lots of work for battered women and gender equality. But, like Erin Pizzy, Patricia Overberg and many others, she eventually saw the myths, lies and distortions being propagated by the movement she was part of. Since then, she has spoken out for battered men for years. Here she is a few years ago talking to Toronto Police Services about how the domestic violence shelter movement is spreading myths, how in reality men and women initiate the violence at equal rates, and about gender-selective prosecution. Years ago, NCFM awarded Senator Cools its annual Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Men's issues.
Ed. note: Another YT channel highlighting men's issues holds this same video.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-05-12 14:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Let's say your son turns 18. He gets a job at the local carnival, running the ride where the kids lie face down and spin around till they shriek with delight (or puke). Before each ride he has to buckle the kids in so they don't fly out. But then -- tragedy strikes.
Oh, don't worry. Nobody goes flying. They're buckled just fine. But one girl does tell her mother, "He touched my bottom!"
The next day the police take him in for questioning. They ask him the same thing, this time with the videotape running. He gives them the same answer.
It is considered his confession. He is convicted of "Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child." He goes to jail for nine months. He is put on the Sex Offender Registry -- for life.
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