How Your Son Could End Up on the Sex Offender List

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's say your son turns 18. He gets a job at the local carnival, running the ride where the kids lie face down and spin around till they shriek with delight (or puke). Before each ride he has to buckle the kids in so they don't fly out. But then -- tragedy strikes.

Oh, don't worry. Nobody goes flying. They're buckled just fine. But one girl does tell her mother, "He touched my bottom!"
The next day the police take him in for questioning. They ask him the same thing, this time with the videotape running. He gives them the same answer.

It is considered his confession. He is convicted of "Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child." He goes to jail for nine months. He is put on the Sex Offender Registry -- for life.

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Women increasingly susceptible to "men's diseases"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kay McCaw was under unbearable pressure. She was going through a divorce, selling her home and working 16 hours a day.

'I was coming home from work, crying with exhaustion and stress, then pulling myself together and getting onto the computer until two in the morning,' says the 45-year-old from Frimley, Surrey.

'My job as a PA for an international tobacco company involved dealing with people across different time zones all over the world and there was no respite from the e-mails and faxes.
While it's well-known that job stress is linked to heart problems in men, as the Mail reported last week, researchers have found it affects women, too.

A Danish study showed that women in high-pressure jobs are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease, with those under 50 at greatest risk.

Stress is thought to have a direct effect on the heart rate. It's also indirectly linked to heart disease.

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Abuse Arrest Policies Push Gender Bias: Report

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, May 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Biased domestic violence arrest policies are violating the civil rights of innocent Americans and allowing abusers to go free, according to a report released today. The report, "Predominant Aggressor Policies: Leaving the Abuser Unaccountable?" charges such policies violate 14th Amendment equal protection guarantees and worsen the cycle of violence.

The analysis is published by SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, and is available online: [.pdf file]

The report analyzes domestic violence policies in 23 states designed to guide law enforcement personnel in arrest decisions. The document calls on states with predominant aggressor laws to repeal such policies.

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F&F: 2 More Bills Pass California Senate Judiciary Committee

Blog article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers & Families has co-sponsored and/or been instrumental in introducing and working for the passage of five family court reform bills in the current California legislative session. Our bills address child custody reform, child support reform, protection from family court financial abuses, and others. Below is our progress:

1) SB 1188–Passed Senate Judiciary Committee by unanimous consent

2) SB 1355–Passed Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously

3) AB 2416–Passed Assembly by unanimous consent, passed Assembly Judiciary Committee by unanimous consent

4) SB 578–Passed Senate Judiciary Committee

5) SB 580–Passed Senate Judiciary Committee

These victories did not happen by accident. They are the result of months and years of planning and lobbying by Fathers & Families’ legislative representative Michael Robinson and assistant legislative representative Nicole Silverman.'

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Scientists to test ultrasound as a male contraceptive

Story here. University of North Carolina researchers are investigating using ultrasound as a safe, reliable, reversible birth control method for men. Excerpt:

'Scientists are beginning tests to see if ultrasound can be used as a reversible contraceptive for men.

Based on early work, University of North Carolina experts believe a blast of ultrasound to the testes can safely stop sperm production for six months.

With a grant of $100,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation they will push ahead with more clinical trials.

The researchers ultimately hope it could offer a new birth control option to couples throughout the world.

Lead researcher Dr James Tsuruta said: "We think this could provide men with up to six months of reliable, low-cost, non-hormonal contraception from a single round of treatment.'

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Book reviews: "The Emotionally Unavailable Man: A Blueprint for Healing" and "The Male Brain"

Reviews by J. Steven Svoboda:

"The Emotionally Unavailable Man: A Blueprint for Healing"

The Emotionally Unavailable Man: A Blueprint for Healing. By Patti Henry. Highland City, Florida: Rainbow Books, Incorporated. 2004. 177 pp. (men's book) + 83 pp. (women's book) $16.95. Also available from same publisher as set of 9 unabridged CD's for $24.95.

Psychotherapist Patti Henry has finally written her first book, and it turns out to be good enough and different enough to justify being reviewed here despite its appearance in 2004. (Henry only sent me the review copy recently and I was previously unaware of this book.) "As a psychotherapist in private practice…" she writes, "men keep coming to my office, one after another, hurting, wounded… but mostly unhappy…. They feel like they are trapped, dying somehow. They feel like little boys in grown up bodies." As we read the book, we come to realize that virtually all men are in some ways emotionally unavailable.

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Golf and fishing are equal-opportunity employers for liars

This is not really even an MRA point-up; more along the lines of humor. Everyone it seems is susceptible to lying/cheating at two things: golf and fishing-- yet even women. Bad that it happened, good she got caught before she threw the game too much, lesson learned (if she's smart). Excerpt:

'We've brought you plenty of stories of noble, honest golf efforts in recent months, including last week's tale of a college golfer who deliberately shanked a shot to allow his competitor to win, so it's only fair we tell you a story that didn't turn out quite so well.

Annie Brophy, a senior golfer at Notre Dame playing in Saturday's NCAA Central Regional, busted out of the gate at the difficult Otter Creek Golf Course in Indiana with an astonishing 30 on the front nine, including five birdies and an eagle.

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Melissa Huckaby finally confesses, pleads guilty to murder of girl

Finally after a year of lying about it, she comes clean and confesses to the crime - in exchange for having the rape and drugging charges dropped. Story here. Excerpt:

'STOCKTON, Calif. -- A California Sunday school teacher accused of kidnapping, raping and killing an 8-year-old playmate of her daughter, then stuffing the body in a suitcase, pleaded guilty Monday to murder.

Melissa Huckaby, 29, entered the guilty plea in San Joaquin County Superior Court to a charge of first-degree murder with a special circumstance of kidnapping.

As part of a deal with prosecutors, all other charges -- including two involving rape and lewd or lascivious conduct with a child under 14 -- were dropped, according to Assistant Court Executive Officer Sharon Morris.

The initial charges in the grand jury indictment last year would have made her eligible for the death penalty if convicted. Her trial had been set to begin in October.'

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"Partner Abuse": Peer-reviewed journal launched

A new peer-reviewed journal on DV has been announced here, which aims to be apolitical in its approach to the matter. One article published in its second issue entitled "Gender Symmetry or Asymmetry in Intimate Partner Victimization? Not an Either/Or Answer" can be downloaded from here (sorry about the pop-up ad, but it's on a free hosting site). People involved especially in DV issues, this new journal should be a great resource for you. Article excerpt:

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"90 feared dead after Siberian mine blast" - no mention of "men"

Story here. The "forbidden word" is of course not even mentioned in the article. Was there even one female miner in the blast? Excerpt:

'Rescuers were searching desperately for 58 people still missing in a Russian coal mine yesterday as the death toll from twin methane blasts rose to 32.

Hopes were fading of finding survivors more than 450 metres underground at the Raspadskaya pit in Siberia, Russia’s largest underground mine. Eighteen of the victims have been rescuers who died in the second explosion on Sunday after going in search of miners trapped by the first blast late on Saturday.

Twelve miners died and 71 were hurt in that explosion as 370 people worked underground at the mine in the Kemerovo region. Sergei Shoigu, the Emergency Situations Minister, said that the body of the 31st victim, a rescue worker, had been recovered as a large-scale search mission resumed.

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UK: Facebook hacker jailed after falsely accusing boyfriend of rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Zoe Williams was described as "really wicked" by the judge, who jailed her for four months.

A court heard she tried to set up her ex-boyfriend partner after accused him of raping her several times after the end of their five-year relationship in 2007.

After the false allegations, the man was arrested and held in custody for eight hours as he protested his innocence.

Williams, 23, of Chard, Somerset, later admitted concocting the message and prosecutor Caroline Bolt said the rape allegations were not proceeded with.

Williams, who has since married and has a baby, admitted attempting to pervert the course of justice at Taunton Crown Court.

She was caught when police seized her computer and proved she had written a message warning herself to drop the rape allegations.

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Obama nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Story here. My prediction of 4/22 was wrong. I didn't think he'd tap a person already in his administration for the position. She's currently the US solicitor-general, who is the top lawyer for civil cases the United States is involved in either as a plaintiff, respondent, or appellant. But, he did. One part of the prediction I did get right though was that the nominee would be female. No man would even be considered under the current "paradigm of thinking" that pervades Washington at the moment.

Ms. Kagan's Wikipedia entry is here. As I mentioned in my comments of 4/22, there is nothing in the entry regarding her views on repro. rights, but Obama did say he would nominate someone with a strong history of supporting them. She has never been a presiding judge in her career, so it's unlikely she can have developed an "official record" one way or another.

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On this Mother's Day, consider why it was originally conceived

Origins discussed here. Originally it seems it was meant as a way to unite mothers against war so their sons would not be killed (and what MRA wouldn't support that?), yet it fast morphed into what it is now: another commercialized holiday. In contrast, Father's Day remains just another typical day at the shop.

I can't include an excerpt from the MSNBC page since it's a Flash presentation, but the part of the Wikipedia entry on it referring to Julia Ward Howe is here. It says she was a feminist and indeed, maybe she was. I doubt she was quite the same type of feminist though as we see today (who cares nothing about what happens to men in war), given she was forming her new holiday around the idea of saving men from war. Excerpt:

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Not content to allow MGM, now the AAP wants to curb the prohibition on FGM, too

From an IA email:

We thought America's baby girls were safe from genital cutting, until now...

Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a new policy statement proposing changes to the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Act, a law that has prohibited any form of FGM in the United States since 1996.

But now the AAP wants to change the law to allow a "ritual nick" of girls' genitals, so families whose cultures accept FGM don't send their daughters overseas for the full genital cutting procedure.

At Intact America, we know that any form of genital cutting of babies is wrong – ethically, morally, and medically.

We can't afford to allow our leaders to destroy the progress we've made in outlawing genital mutilation for our baby girls. We must act quickly – send a message demanding that the AAP revoke its policy statement IMMEDIATELY.

For years, we've been focused on male circumcision because we believed the horror of female genital mutilation had been outlawed forever in the United States.

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UK scientist discusses general measured IQ differences between the sexes

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is my contention - based on a lifetime of academic research - that there is an explanation and I advance it all too aware of the howls of feminist outrage I am about to unleash. So, here goes: one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women. Nor do the shocks to the noisy advocates of equal opportunities stop there, I'm afraid.
For instance, at the near-genius level (an IQ of 145), brilliant men outnumber brilliant women by 8 to one. That's statistics, not sexism.

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