AAP retracts policy statement proposing changes to FGM law

From an IA email:

"Thanks to you and other intactivists, our message has been heard! Yesterday afternoon, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) officially retracted its recent policy statement, which proposed changes to the Federal law banning any form of FGM in the United States.

In the past few weeks, you've sent more than 14,000 letters demanding that the AAP retract its statement. Thanks to your hard work, America's baby girls remain safe from genital mutilation.

But the AAP's mission is to protect all children.

We've designed a powerful new ad to make sure the AAP gets the message that any form of genital cutting of children is wrong, regardless of gender."

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Abusegate: DV Dimwits Beware! “Adopt-a-Politician” Campaign to be Launched Next Week

From Abusegate Bob:

Is your elected official a DV Dimwit when it comes to voting for every loony domestic violence bill that comes along?

This coming week, Abusegate, Investigate! will launch a high-profile campaign: “Adopt-a-Politician, Help Clean up Washington.” The campaign will list about 20 Washington incumbent politicians – Senators and Representatives – who just don’t get it when it comes to VAWA reform. The objective is simple: Target them for defeat on November 2, 2010.

We will invite Abusegate supporters to “adopt” one or more of these politicians, and do everything in their power to secure their defeat.

Tired of the DV Dimwits in Washington DC? Ready to bring about true change? Then jump on the “Adopt-a-Politician” bandwagon!

Source: http://abusegate.mensnewsdaily.com/2010/05/27/dimwitted-lawmakers-beware-adopt-a-politician-campaign-to-be-launched-next-week/

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Canada: Falsely accused Quebec teacher struggles to cope

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Quebec elementary school gym teacher says he is struggling to rebuild his life after having been falsely accused of sexual touching.

A rumour began circulating at Henri Fournier's school in February 2008 involving 19 girls between the ages of eight and 13 who accused him of inappropriately touching girls, sometimes in front of other students.

Officials at Notre Dame de l'Assomption Elementary School in Chateauguay, south of Montreal, took the allegations seriously and suspended Fournier without pay.

He was eventually arrested on 34 charges of sexual touching and spent a week in custody. The case gained a great deal of media attention.

Situations like Fournier's have the effect of discouraging men from a career in teaching younger children, even while elementary schools are desperate for more men to act as role models, said McGill University education professor Jon Bradley, who is doing research on males in the education system.

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'Sack Tapping' -- A Schoolyard Game Turned Ugly

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gone are the days when bullies merely gave wedgies. The newest fad in schoolyard violence? A quick slap to the testicles.

In the game of "sack tapping" or "ball tapping," as it is called, a boy will try to slap or flick the groin of another boy to inflict discomfort or pain.

The "game" has gotten out of hand, however, according to Dr. Scott Wheeler, a pediatric urologist in Minnesota.

In recent years he's seen an increasing number of young boys coming in with serious damage to the testicles because of a "tap" that hit too hard.

"For some reason, [this game] is popular," Wheeler says. "It's not just bullies, it's kids doing it to their friends. It's rare that bullies target the testicles, they just beat up people."
In some cases, trauma sustained by sack tapping can be severe enough to rupture a testicle, an injury that can require surgery or even the amputation of the testicle, says Wheeler.

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Man, woman get up to 20 years in incest case

Story here. He is the stepfather, she the natural mother. She seeks to escape jail time by blaming the manipulative husband. Judge will have none of it. Excerpt:

'A married couple who both admitted guilt to parental incest were each sentenced today in Clark County District Court.

Judge James M. Bixler sentenced Frederick Vonseydewitz to eight to 20 years in prison and his wife, Mary Vonseydewitz, was sentenced to four to 20 years. They each had pleaded guilty to charges stemming from allegations of sexually abusing their children, a boy and a girl, when they were minors.

Crying, Mary Vonseydewitz told the judge she was sorry and said her husband had manipulated her. Her attorney asked for probation for her instead of time in prison, But Bixler had little sympathy for her.

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The Foundation for Male Studies seeks survey input

Via email:

Dear Male Studies Supporter,

We are contacting you because you were interested or may have participated in our April 7 symposium on Male Studies: A New Academic Discipline.

In order to help The Foundation for Male Studies with its grant requests and fund raising efforts, and to increase its support channels, we've created a brief yet important survey on the need for Male Studies.

Please take just a few minutes and provide us with your feedback by visiting:


Your participation will be greatly appreciated and beneficial to the Foundation for Male Studies and its endeavors to create programs at colleges and universities.


Joseph Notovitz
Director of Communications

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Hollywood.com writer skewers "Sex and the City" misandry

Article here. The writer (C. Robert Cargill) criticizes the misandry that he encounters and notices whenever a movie critic says anything negative about the Sex and the City movie franchise. Good for him. Comments for this article at his Web site are wide open! Excerpt:

'In the new film Sex and the City 2, heroine Carrie Bradshaw suffers a crippling blow to her ego as she discovers her brand new book – a book about married life and wedding vows – is utterly destroyed by a review in the New Yorker. Distraught, she turns to her three best friends and over drinks it is decided that the reviewer, a man, simply cannot stand the thought of a powerful, liberated woman. Problem solved. No, really. That’s the last we hear of that subplot. It is actually the first of three subplots (out of five total) that are resolved this way in the new film. Men are sexist pigs that are the root of all of our problems. Drink up ladies!

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UK: Two young boys convicted of raping an 8-year-old girl

Recently there was a story posted about two 10-year-old boys accused of raping an 8-year-old girl. She later recanted, admitting that she lied to avoid missing out on sweets. Readers were outraged that the judge told her she'd "done nothing wrong." End of story?


The Crown continued with the prosecution as if nothing had happened and on Monday...the innocent 10-year-old boys were CONVICTED of attempted rape!

I thought this flagrant injustice against young boys would galvanize the MRM much like the Emmett Till murder galvanized the civil rights movement. To date the MR blogsphere has been strangely silent on this.

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UK: Mother must give up half of her house to the lover who left 17 years ago

Article here. Excerpt:

'A homeowner was yesterday ordered to give her ex-lover half the value of her £245,000 house, 17 years after they split and despite him never making a mortgage payment on it.

Patricia Jones, 55, was told that despite the time lapse her former boyfriend was entitled to 50 per cent of the three-bedroom home. The Court of Appeal branded the case ‘a cautionary tale’ for unmarried couples who buy property together without making formal legal agreements.

Had the couple been married and split up, their assets would have been divided in a divorce settlement overseen by the courts. Three senior judges heard that Miss Jones paid the deposit on the house when she bought it with her then-boyfriend, ice cream salesman Leonard Kernott, in 1985.

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Hunt for woman who married 11 U.S. servicemen... then stole all their money and went on the run

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police are hunting for an American woman who is accused of marrying 11 servicemen and then swindling them out of their savings.

Bobbi Ann Finley is believed to have been stalking, conning and stealing from American soldiers for nearly 20 years.

Now, with warrants already out for her arrest in Washington, Nebraska and Texas, the army has hired a special investigator to track her down.

Her methods are cold-blooded and simple: She allegedly trawls U.S. military bases for lonely men who are due to be deployed overseas.

Then she tells them that she is the daughter of a Marine Corp general who is owed a large inheritance - but she can only claim it if she is married.

After they are married and the groom departs for deployment, the spending spree begins.

Finley allegedly cleans out their homes, maxes out their credit cards, and writes bad cheques before skipping town.'

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UK: Pregnant teenager sets up boyfriend then watches him get tortured and murdered

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former football star was tortured and murdered after his pregnant girlfriend set him up to be attacked by two thugs so she could watch the savage beating for pleasure.

Chelsea Platt, 18, despised Martin Hyde, 22, and enjoyed seeing him bullied and humiliated.

When Mr Hyde got caught up in a petty row over £15, sadistic Platt lured her lover into the clutches of two thugs who ambushed him as he followed her down the street.

Platt later watched unfazed as Mr Hyde was viciously assaulted at her own flat during a two hour beating during which his killers shouted: 'I want a spade so we can watch him dig his own grave and put him in it.'

The victim - who played trials for Stockport County - was eventually frogmarched to a country park where he was battered to death, stabbed in the back and neck with what was believed to be a chisel and thrown into a river.'

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Germany: Man wants to serve time in women's jail to care for his daughter

Article here. Excerpt:

'A GERMAN man facing jail is pleading with justice authorities to sentence him to a female prison so he can care for his eight-week-old daughter behind bars.

Jan Wagner, 34, has been sentenced to a year inside for repeatedly driving a car without a licence.

But the Leipzig car mechanic is terrified of his daughter being put into care while he does his time - hence the request to be the only man in an all-female facility.'

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Jurors in tears as they clear student of rape - then discover another man falsely accused by same 'victim' had killed himself

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman drove a man to suicide by crying rape and forced a second innocent man to consider taking his life after falsely accusing him of a similar sex attack.

Despite being exposed in court as a serial liar, legal restrictions mean the 21-year-old woman can never be identified.

A jury took only 45 minutes to clear medical student Olumide Fadayomi, 27, of rape.

But several jurors at Sheffield Crown Court broke down in tears when the judge revealed the 'victim' had a history of crying rape.

Judge Patrick Robertshaw launched a stinging attack on the Crown Prosecution Service for making Mr Fadayomi stand trial.'

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Abusegate: Making History: Come to Washington DC June 24-25

From Abusegate Bob:

Folks, we’re really excited about our upcoming lobby-fest. Please help us spread the word, and come to DC if you can.


On June 24-25, we’re going to make history. Those days, pro-family advocates with meet with key staffers in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives to talk about reforming the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). And for the first time ever, we will be presenting specific legal language that we want included in the VAWA re-authorization.

The event will include an pre-event teleconference on June 16 and a gala dinner celebration on June 24. Free lodging is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline for pre-registration is Friday, June 11. Email your name, organization, and cell phone number to: rohara-at-saveservices.org.

June 24-25, we’re going to make history. Will you be there?

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Defendant's Gender Affects Length of Sentence

Story here. Excerpt:

'In her study of simulated short criminal cases, Angela S. Ahola shows that gender and appearance affect our judgments of personality, occupation, morals, and reliability and create a frame of reference for our behavior. Among other things, it was shown that judges and lay assessors both assessed and judged accused individuals of the same gender as themselves more severely than the opposite gender. On the other hand, prosecutors, lawyers, police officers, and law students, regardless of their own gender, evaluated male defendants more harshly than women defendants. What's more, among female members of this category, that is, those without a convicting role in the legal process, differences were seen in their evaluations depending on the looks of the accused.

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