Cost-Saving Measure: Fire the Men, Promote the Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'There appears to be a new, novel way to cut IT personnel costs: Get rid of the men and keep the women, because you know you can get away with paying them less.

According to Computerworld’s “Salary Survey 2010,” the perennial gender wage gap has remained firmly in place in the past year. For example, female application development managers made 7 percent less than their male counterparts, and female CIOs made a staggering 16 percent less.

It seems hardly coincidental that a study by recruiting firm Sheila Greco Associates, cited in the Computerworld report, found that the percentage of female CIOs and executive vice presidents of technology rose to 16.4 percent in 2009, compared to 12 percent in 2007. When women are clearly equally capable and you can pay them 16 percent less, why wouldn’t you pad the upper echelons with as many women as availability will allow?

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Intact America: Petition Delivery Imminent, more signatures needed

From an IA email:

Next week, we will be delivering our petition urging the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) NOT to recommend routine circumcision for all baby boys.

Despite tremendous support from our intactivists, we're still just 1,616 signatures away from our 25,000-signature goal.

If you haven't already signed the petition, please click here to take action today!

There are only a few days left - will you help us reach our April 26 goal by sharing the campaign on Facebook or tweeting about it on Twitter? We need your help!

The more signatures we can deliver, the more likely the CDC will be to listen to our message.

That's why we need YOUR help to spread the word about the importance of protecting our baby boys from unnecessary risk and harm. Will you help us by doing the following?

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Laptop spycam case update: 56,000 images

Follow-up story here. 56,000 images. So they took that many images in an effort to "recover" 80 supposedly missing laptops? We have one name involved with this sleaze-fest: Carol Cafiero. I want to see some more names associated with those responsible for this invasion of the students' privacy and rights. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA – A suburban school district secretly captured at least 56,000 webcam photographs and screen shots from laptops issued to high school students, its lawyer acknowledged Monday.

"It's clear there were students who were likely captured in their homes," said lawyer Henry Hockeimer, who represents the Lower Merion School District.
The Philadelphia Inquirer first reported Monday on the large number of images recovered from school servers by forensic computer experts, who were hired after student Blake Robbins filed suit over the tracking practice.

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UK: New research reveals a third of boys struggle to find books that interest them

Article here. Excerpt:

"A new study by the National Literacy Trust* of 17,089 pupils aged from eight to 16 has revealed that almost one-third (32.3%) of boys agree with the statement ‘I can’t find anything to read that interests me’.

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Sperm and the Single Girl

Article here. Excerpt:

"Successful 30-something women are turning to the Web to shop for top-notch sperm donors — vetting personality traits, listening to voice samples, and even enduring wait lists

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Australian men reclaim child support through DNA tests after law change

Story here.

'Nearly 50 men have won back child support payments totalling A$434,378 (£262,249), with one man recovering A$70,000.

In January, 2007, changes made to the Child Support (Assessment) Act allowed any parent to seek a DNA test to determine the paternity of his or her child.

Support groups hailed the development, saying too many men had been duped by former partners into supporting children who were not theirs.

"I think it's a good thing that children are able to know the biological father rather than their pretend father," said Sue Price, director of the Men's Rights Agency. "I think it's essential that they should be able to have the money repaid to them.

"Why should they have to pay for another man's child?"

But Kathleen Swinbourne, president of the Sole Parents Union, said the new laws were damaging children at the centre of such DNA disputes: "What does this say to children about being wanted, being loved, being parented?"

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“Men’s Rights” Movement Doesn’t Belong On Top

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rutgers University Professor Lionel Tiger and some of his penis-wielding peers have been rallying to establish a “men’s studies” program at Rutgers University. Men have reached a point where “they’re experienced a considerable amount of dismay and uncertainty,” says Tiger to CNN. Men today feel “somewhat scorned, in principle by women.” Tiger’s work has been born from a fear that men are being feminized. Thus, men must explore what it means to be masculine; both on a social and biological level, and reclaim their territory.

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Our boys are falling behind in education

Article here. Excerpt:

'What's the next battle for an aging feminist?


Granted, the battle for women's rights and equality has not been completely won, but the new reality is that in the future, it will be males who are most endangered.

Currently, up to 60 percent of the students at an average co-educational college or university are female. The majority of bachelors' degrees are now awarded to females in every racial and ethnic group. By 2017, the ratio of female to male college graduates will be 1 1/2 to 1. One demographer calls that prediction "staggering and transformational."

Feminists have lobbied for a societal transformation where the rights and talents of women are fully recognized. But is this the kind of transformation we want? A "role reversal," where women will reign supreme in all fields but the sciences?

Is it healthy that even those men who do stay in college seek fewer student leadership positions and perform worse academically than women do? Won't these factors, combined with the lower graduation rate, promote a "marriage gap?"

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Student paper columnist: Men’s center not a bad idea

Article here. Excerpt:

'I recently was in a class when a discussion broke out about the men’s center and how it was going to be voted on in this past week’s election due to it being included in the platform of one of the candidates.
In the beginning of this conversation, I will admit that I was convinced that this would be a place where men would sit and talk about how women are pulling the rape card or plotting how they would get out of whatever situation they were in.
If these gentle spirits that help me with my movement and my cause need the same help I do, I would never, ever, turn my back on them based solely on their sex.

This is not to say that every man who may use this center is a part of the feminist movement, but they hopefully are more compassionate to women’s causes if they are experiencing the same type of gender violence that women are.

In the case of the men’s center, I feel it is the first step towards fixing a broken system and bringing light to men’s gender violence issues as well.

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Canada: 'Men don high heels for a cause'

Story here. Excerpt:

'SUDBURY, Ont. — More than 100 men donned red high-heeled shoes in downtown Sudbury, Ont., Sunday.

The inaugural “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” event aimed to raise awareness about violence against women.

Pumped dignitaries from around the community joined in, including the mayor, chief of police and local MP.

Police Chief Frank Elsner says domestic issue is an important issue.

Money raised is going toward a YWCA women’s program.

The event also marks the beginning of National Victim Awareness Week.

“Look at all the men who’ve come out and put on their heels,” said Mayor John Rodriguez, who gained a couple of centimetres from his own pair of pumps.'

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Feminist jurisprudence hurts men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'For feminism, spring is an aphrodisiac for histrionics and unadulterated stupidity. The University of New Hampshire’s Womyn’s Club spent all of last week fighting the local fire department over the right to burn smutty magazines wherever the “womyn” pleased. Last month Sen. Harry Reid uttered perhaps the stupidest remark by a feminist in history: “Women don’t commit domestic violence.”

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More on the Philadelphia Webcam Spy Case

Video here. Original report on MANN here. Thousands of pictures and possibly videos as well appear to have been taken. Caption: "Web cams in school-issued laptops allegedly photographed students at home."

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Girls and boys in movies: Punching boys is OK, not so girls

Saw How to Train Your Dragon recently and can say it was a great movie in many ways. A cute, heart-tugging tale, with some father-son stuff in there, too. My favorite character was the main dragon character, "Toothless".

But like any MRA, I can't just turn it off. One recurring image was that of the heroine-girl (Astride) often punching the hero-boy (Hiccup) in the arm and chest to show her disapproval of what he does or says. This is on top of the repeated depictions of the other boy characters as being incompetent and acceptance-dependent on Astride, who also knocks them around some. And some of us wonder how is it girls come to the conclusion that it's OK for them to hit boys but not the other way around. Answer: We are teaching them this.

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High school administrator and others allegedly spied on students via school-issued laptops

Story here. (Related report here). No, a woman would never do that. Not in a million years. Excerpt:

'The system that Lower Merion school officials used to track lost and stolen laptops wound up secretly capturing thousands of images, including photographs of students in their homes, Web sites they visited, and excerpts of their online chats, says a new motion filed in a suit against the district.

More than once, the motion asserts, the camera on Robbins' school-issued laptop took photos of Robbins as he slept in his bed. Each time, it fired the images off to network servers at the school district.

Back at district offices, the Robbins motion says, employees with access to the images marveled at the tracking software. It was like a window into "a little LMSD soap opera," a staffer is quoted as saying in an e-mail to Carol Cafiero, the administrator running the program.

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Barbara Kay: Male Studies — a proposed curriculum

Barbara Kay gives a fairly decent account on the need for Male Studies here. There isn't much time to leave comments, so have at it! Excerpt:

'The 93rd anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge, considered one of Canada’s defining moments as a young nation, was commemorated at the National War Memorial last Friday.
But of course, it was not “young people” who “braved gunfire,” it was young men.

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