Gender Studies Lawsuit in London seeks MRAs for Fighting Fund Stall

A pro-equality MRA in London is bringing a damages claim against an elite university's Gender department, for discriminating against him, and men in general, during a taught degree.

The case already has the support of a lawyer and barrister, but requires funding.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join us, at an awareness-raising stall, which will be appearing on campuses around Central London.

Broadsheet newspapers have expressed an interest in covering the story, so we can expect the campaign to be high profile.

Interaction with the public will give MRA volunteers a great opportunity to perfect their debating and persuasion skills, across a full range of men's rights issues.

All interested in volunteering, should contact for more details.

This case is rock solid, so now is the time for up and coming MRAs to make their move.

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An approach for fair gender - A fair blog

See the blog here There are significant impacts due to the constraints brought by the existence of gender bias and stereotyping in all cultures and communities.

I found this blog space exposes a basic conceptual solution, but I hope I am clear about the bottom line, especially from these aspects which I perceive regarding the men's rights movement MRA and feminism:

- Feminism is well-organized but has assumed an unshakable doctrinaire kind of fundamentalist mindset
- Alternatively, the men's rights movement converges with blaming feminism as the one and only obstacle that prevents equal rights to men.

This blog is purposeful as an expression in the perspective of fair (ie, reasonable) equal opportunities for men and women. But it is not limited to feminism, women's rights, or men's rights. Nonetheless its primary aim is to address men's issues, the masculinity crisis, and equality of men.

So it would be useful to all who are interested in gender issues.

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Another Example of the Idiocy of Feminist Doctrine

Discussion here. Turns out that a significant number of married couples working two jobs could do better economically if one of them quit and stayed at home. If you figure in all the related costs, such as commuting, work clothes, child care, lunches, etc., it makes sense for many two wage earner couples to switch to one wage earner couples.

This illogical situation is largely due to the propaganda of the women's movement, which has told women that they must get out there and get a job.


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"Third wave feminism" and girls behaving badly

Video here. Caption:

"CNN's Carol Costello explores what could be the "third wave" of feminism, and why that's troubling."

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Pregnant stabbing suspect faces judge

Story here. Excerpt:

'PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - A Massachusetts woman who's seven months pregnant faced a judge Thursday on charges she stabbed three other people in Providence after an argument.

The stabbing happened at the Manton Heights Housing Project on Wednesday. Nicole Bruton, whose pregnancy is considered high-risk, is charged with three counts of felony assault for the incident.

"This defendant produced a knife from under her shirt, and which time she stabbed and slashed these three individuals," said prosecutors.
Her attorney said in court Thursday that Bruton, a mother of three, has been the emergency-room coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston for two years.
The judge set bail at $15,000 cash or surety. Bruton's fiancé said he plans to post bail.'

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Woman jailed after blow-gun shooting spree

Story here.

'A 41-year-old woman was jailed after police say she went on a blow gun spree. The Stevens Point Journal reported that police got a report at 9 p.m. Wednesday from a 25-year-old woman who said she was walking downtown when she felt something hit her chest. In the next half hour, three more people made similar reports. None were seriously injured.

One of the victims reported she saw the dart shot from a pipe sticking out the window of a black minivan. Police pulled the vehicle over at 9:30 p.m. and found a blow gun, a slingshot and a bucket of rocks inside.

Police arrested the van's driver, Paula Wolf, and said she eventually admitted to shooting the pedestrians. She allegedly told an officer that she "liked to hear people say ouch."

Wolf has been charged with recklessly endangering safety. She could not be reached for comment.'

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Unsung hero reporting continues: "workers", "crew-members", etc.-- never "men"

This is just one example of numerous stories about this accident that has claimed the lives of 11 men. Officially they are still missing but we know by this time if they were still alive they probably would have turned up.

If they had been women, this fact would have been pointed out every other sentence. That they are men is ignored. This is the kind of sexism, the presumption that men will sacrifice themselves for others' convenience, even, without too much in the way of specifically pointing out what they *as men* are doing, that contributes so insidiously to the devaluation of men's lives. Want more examples? I can't count the number. Google with just these keywords: oil rig missing and read. You'd think a "worker" or "crew member" were possibly third sexes of the human race.

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VAWA immigration fraud radio interviews reach 50,000 listeners

Press release forwarded by Abusegate Bob:

April 23, 2010
Domestic Abuse Laws Breed Immigration Fraud
Allegations of Violence Move Immigrants to Front of the Line

(Dallas) Accusing your husband of domestic abuse may be the quickest way to get a Green Card. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a breeding ground for immigration fraud. The domestic-abuse industry spawned by this disastrous legislation actually teaches women how to work the system—all at taxpayer expense.

David Brannon knows this nightmare first-hand. After his Russian-immigrant wife falsely accused him of abuse, he discovered how difficult it is to clear your name. Now he’s speaking out, along with Natasha Spivack, an international business owner who has witnessed immigration fraud first-hand. Most Americans have no idea what a racket the domestic-abuse system has become. These stories will open many eyes.

For more information visit

To interview Natasha Spivack or David Brannon, contact Geralyn Berry:

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Latest "Runaway Mom" likely to be uncharged

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an unusual case of a successful manhunt going south, Ohio runaway mom Tiffany Tehan is likely to go uncharged for causing a nationwide hunt. Tehan was located by law enforcement officials, including the FBI, in a Miami motel with the man she actually ran away with. Even more interesting, Tehan’s husband David Tehan told reporters he forgives her and wants her back.

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Former Olympic Athlete Disappears with American Son in Brazil

Story here. Excerpt:

'This week was supposed to have held a joyous reunion more than three years in the making.

But for a Houston father who has been fighting to get his American-born son back on U.S. soil, there has been only more heartache. One day after a Brazilian court ruled that his son be returned to the U.S., Kelvin Birotte's wife disappeared with 4-year-old Kelvin Birotte Jr., setting off an international manhunt.
Birotte, a 43-year-old chef, has devoted the last three and a half years to bringing his son home after his wife, Olympic volleyball medalist Hilma Aparicida Caldeira, took the then-infant for a visit to her native Brazil and never returned.

On Monday, Birotte got the call he'd been waiting for telling him that the Brazilian court in Belo Horizonte had sided with him and ordered 4-year-old Kelvin Birotte Jr. be returned to the United States immediately.

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Christina Hoff Sommers: The Equal Pay Day Reality Check

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is more at stake here than having to endure another feminist victim-fest on April 20. Groups like NOW, the AAUW, CAP, and the National Women’s Law Center have produced volumes of tendentious research that is taken seriously by journalists and by Congress. The Senate is now holding hearings on the misleadingly named Paycheck Fairness Act. The bill, which has already sailed through the House with bipartisan support, reads as if it were written by AAUW and NOW members during a particularly bitter “Un-happiness Hour.”

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Girl, 12, turns her life around after removal from mother

Story here. Excerpt:

'SHE had been an obese, ungainly child whose personal hygiene was "deplorable". But less than a year after living with her father and his new wife, the 12-year-old was almost unrecognisable, having shed 17 kilograms and discovered a newfound confidence.

The dramatic turnaround came after the girl was removed from her mother, who allegedly worked as a prostitute and had exposed her to inappropriate sexual issues.

In granting sole parental responsibility to the father, Family Court judge Sally Brown said the improvement in the girl's life was "such compelling evidence of the detriment to a child of inadequate parenting and the benefit … of more than adequate parenting".

"The outcome of the child's move to the father's care has been dramatic, and dramatically to the child's benefit," Justice Brown said. "She is very fortunate to have the support of a loving father and a remarkably able and loving stepmother. In their care, she is thriving."

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Men seek to North Carolina paternity law

Story here.

'Raleigh, N.C. — Five men who say they're victims of paternity fraud met with some state lawmakers on Thursday.

The men say they have DNA tests proving they're not the biological fathers of children, yet they must still pay child support due to state law, which allows fathers two months after acknowledging paternity to dispute it and one year to prove fraud.

“Anyone in my position that’s got caught in the system, you’re at the mercy of the courts. They’re going to dictate how to live your life,” said Victor McAllister, who says he is the victim of paternity fraud.

“The question is how to remedy that. First to stop any future child support requirements on that person who is not the father; second to do so in a way that doesn't disrupt totally the life of the child,” said Rep. Rick Glazier, D-Cumberland County.

A bill to extend the time period to prove fraud passed in the House last year, but stalled in the Senate.'

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Australia: Parent tests to save Coast dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'THERE are times I feel a bit sorry for blokes.

Not many mind you, but on the odd occasion I have to admit blokes get a raw deal.

For one, they can never be as smart as women, something that has to be embarrassing.

And another, they seem to be handicapped when it comes to admitting they're wrong, or need help, like asking for directions, for example.

These flaws aside, you have to feel sorry for men.

Imagine what it is like to think you are a father, only to find out you are not.

When a woman falls pregnant, she knows it's hers but for men, it's not so easy.

The fact is, men cannot be sure the baby is theirs.

When it comes to cheating on your partner, it's a matter of equal opportunity adultery.

Men are told they're about to be a dad, how can they be sure? Because a woman said so? Our word is enough?

It seems so.

Women have all the power.'

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Lawsuit against Columbia U's women’s studies department dismissed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Though Roy Den Hollander, MBA ’97, thinks Columbia’s support of gender studies discriminates against men’s rights, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the University has not harmed men with its actions.

Hollander, a controversial men’s rights activist who first filed a lawsuit against Columbia in August 2008, has claimed that Columbia’s support of a women’s studies department was a First Amendment violation, on the grounds that, legally and constitutionally, feminism counts as a religion.

He has also charged that the discriminatory nature of a women’s studies program is in violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. His argument is that Columbia cannot use public funds for the Institute for Research on Women and Gender unless it supports an equivalent men’s studies program.

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