Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2010-06-09 17:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'The House of Representatives has passed what I like to think of as Larry’s Law. The official title of this legislation is “Fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering,” but nothing did more to empower its advocates than the controversy over a speech by Lawrence H. Summers when he was president of Harvard.
This proposed law, if passed by the Senate, would require the White House science adviser to oversee regular “workshops to enhance gender equity.” At the workshops, to be attended by researchers who receive federal money and by the heads of science and engineering departments at universities, participants would be given before-and-after “attitudinal surveys” and would take part in “interactive discussions or other activities that increase the awareness of the existence of gender bias.”
I’m all in favor of women fulfilling their potential in science, but I feel compelled, at the risk of being shipped off to one of these workshops, to ask a couple of questions:
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2010-06-09 15:08
Article here. Excerpt:
"In a startling development, a Long Island mother has been found in contempt during a custody fight with her ex-husband.
It's a decision that could have her spending summer weekends in the slammer.
Ted Rubin and Lauren Lippe were divorced seven years ago, and over the years Rubin said his ex-wife has been vengefully programming his children to hate him.
It's a case of parental alienation that isn't being taken lightly. Now Lippe is going to jail. "
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2010-06-08 20:25
Story here. Excerpt:
'A conference about domestic violence against men and a candle-light vigil to honour slain London police officer David Lucio will be held Saturday.
Monday marks the third anniversary of Lucio’s death. The retired London police superintendent was shot by acting police inspector Kelly Johnson, with whom Lucio had broken off a relationship.
The conference will focus on “the rarely talked about reality of domestic violence against men,” according to a news release.
Lucio’s father, Doug Lucio, will speak at the conference about his views about his son’s treatment by London police after his death.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2010-06-08 20:22
Article here. Excerpt:
'Today, there still seems to be a held belief that girls suffer discrimination in schools, even to the point that teachers and school administrators, when shown empirical evidence, will not believe that it is boys who have suffered and are suffering.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, slightly more girls than boys actually enroll in high-level math and science courses, girls outnumber boys in student government and honor societies, on school newspapers and in debating clubs.
Girls read more, test higher in music and art, study abroad more and are more actively engaged in school.
Guess where boys are ahead. Yes, in sports, but the gap is closing rapidly.
Girls also go on to college more than boys, and one silly prediction was made that at the present rate of change, the last boy to receive a bachelor’s degree will be in 2062.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2010-06-08 20:16
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2010-06-08 16:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'A nearly 25-year study concluded that children raised in lesbian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.
Funding for the research came from several lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy groups, such as the Gill Foundation and the Lesbian Health Fund from the Gay Lesbian Medical Association.
Dr. Nanette Gartrell, the author of the study, wrote that the "funding sources played no role in the design or conduct of the study."
Wright questioned the objectivity of Gartrell's research, saying the author can "cherry pick people who are involved and the info they release."
"In essence, this study claims to purport that children do better when raised by lesbians," she said.
Studies have shown that children thrive having both a mother and a father, Wright said.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-06-08 00:45
From Abusegate Bob:
This press release went out to about 20,000 media outlets today:
WASHINGTON / June 9, 2010 – Twenty national lawmakers, known for their advocacy of policies that promote false allegations and serve to break-up families, have been targeted for electoral defeat in November.
The 20 lawmakers are supporters of discriminatory laws such as the International Violence Against Women Act that are known to violate fundamental civil rights and escalate partner tensions. The 20 Democratic and Republican lawmakers are listed at the end of this press release.
“Domestic violence laws that promote ‘false allegations’ of domestic violence contribute to the destruction of families. Such laws remove the right of many children to know one of their parents, and often their grandparents,” explains Sheryle Hutter of Colorado. “Thanks to such laws, my son hasn’t seen his daughter for 10 years, and I have not seen my grandchild for more than 3 years.”
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-06-08 00:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'TAMPA — Joanne Lighter was hired at the Spring of Tampa Bay to position Florida's largest domestic violence shelter for the future. Tampa's beloved charity had churned through executives and interim executives for nearly 10 years. It needed new phones and computers, but also stability and a long-range plan.
Two years later, Lighter has left a trail of broken relationships and hurt feelings through Tampa's philanthropic community.
Donors have pulled support and fundraisers have been scrapped. The Spring's mission is "in peril," as the chairman of the board wrote to donors in April, and the shelter could soon have to turn victims away.
Lighter says she is doing the job the board gave her, and that change is hard.
Lighter's critics — including former Spring employees, volunteers and board members — say she is verbally abusive, has fired good people and is dragging down an important Tampa institution that provided emergency shelter for more than 2,000 domestic violence victims last year.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2010-06-07 18:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Getting teenage boys to engage in gender theory can require a soft approach. The vague title of the clubs—“Men of Strength”—dodges the activist implications of the D.C.-based organization that runs them: Men Can Stop Rape. At the beginning of each school year, MOST facilitators arrive on campus and lure in participants. “Last year, we were hanging out outside school, and some people were like, ‘we need some males over here to eat some free pizza,’” says Eugene, a 16-year-old junior at Foggy Bottom’s School Without Walls. At that first MOST meeting, Eugene and a dozen other guys were fed pizza and offered free movie tickets; over the next school year, they came back each Tuesday for the pizza, and gradually advancing conversations on gender. Now, “I kind of like to keep the MOST club secret from other dudes,” says Eugene. “We all have this strong connection with each other . . . But also, if you bring more people in, then there are fewer slices.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-06-06 18:58
The feminist assertion that men have more rights than women, especially in societies that are (supposedly) patriarchal, is false. The latest example of this can be found here. If men are so powerful, why is it that the fundamental right to belong as part of the most basic political body a modern state can have (ie, the right of citizenship), can be summarily discharged simply for having married "the wrong kind of woman" -- or indeed, for any other reason that happens to become fashionable to those in charge? Excerpt:
'CAIRO (AFP) – A Cairo court on Saturday upheld a ruling to strip Egyptian men married to Israeli women of their citizenship in a case that has highlighted national sentiment towards Israel.
Judge Mohammed al-Husseini, sitting on the Supreme Administrative Court, said the interior ministry must ask the cabinet to take the necessary steps to strip Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, of their citizenship.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-06-05 17:14
From Abusegate Bob:
Boxer's feminist clone was defeated in India today.
The Indian Version of Barbara Boxer (Former Women's Minister Renuka Choudhury) is defeated once again today. She passed and implemented the second domestic violence law in India in 2006.
As per latest reports she was denied nomination to India's upper house of Parliament. Just a few days back, she was a clear favorite even with a section of media backing her.
From an activist in India:
"Former minister for women and child development Renuka Chowdhury, whose name was being touted as a possible candidate, lost out in the race."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-06-05 17:12
From Abusegate Bob:
Yesterday we launched the “Adopt-a-Politician: Clean up Washington!” campaign, listing 20 Senators and Representatives we are targeting for defeat on November 2: Every one of these lawmakers has been unsympathetic to our repeated requests to reform the Violence Against Women Act.
And one politico is the undisputed champion in terms of her long-standing, unwavering, and dogmatic support for anti-family domestic violence laws: Senator Barbara Boxer of California. That makes Ms. Boxer the numero uno target for our Adopt-a-Politician campaign.'
[ Please see the full page at the link above for the rest of this article ]
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-06-05 17:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Plans to give anonymity to men accused of rape have been dramatically scaled back.
Two weeks ago, the coalition pledged to give men the same protection as their accusers, whose identities are never revealed.
But yesterday David Cameron indicated the accused would be named if prosecutors brought charges.
His comments, at Prime Minister's Questions, suggested any suspects released by police without charge would have their names permanently shielded from the public.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2010-06-05 03:01
The Masculinity Conspiracy is a free online book about masculinity. Chapter 2 (History) is now online:
This chapter examines how the theme of history is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Manliness by Harvey Mansfield, and Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution by Ken Wilber.
I show how these books promote a masculinity of fixed characteristics that is biologically determined and bound by history.
I then offer some different ways of thinking about masculinity and history in order to counter the conspiracy.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-06-04 19:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'I recently had a baby boy (my second) and of course the topic of circumcision came up. I educated myself on circumcision and how it is totally medically unnecessary to circumcise a healthy baby's penis and felt that doing so would pretty much amount to mutilating him for no other reason than because everybody else is doing it too. Unfortunately when I made up my mind about it, it was already too late. He was getting circumcised at that doctor's appointment.
My husband reported that our son seemed fine- that although we were told they wouldn't use pain relief he believes they did because he seems a-ok. That was until the first diaper change..and every diaper change after that for the next four days when my baby would shake and scream in pain...
I am now firmly on the side against circumcision and only wish I had actually looked deeper into this before my sons were circumcised. I honestly went along with the crowd on it and thought it was just one of things you do to your sons, get them circumcised.
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